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Han character
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貫 (Kangxi radical 154, 貝+4, 11 strokes, cangjie input 田十月山金 (WJBUC), four-corner 77806, composition ⿱毌貝)
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 1205, character 17
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 36681
- Dae Jaweon: page 1668, character 1
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 6, page 3628, character 15
- Unihan data for U+8CAB
- Unihan data for U+2F9D4
trad. | 貫 | |
simp. | 贯 |
Glyph origin
Characters in the same phonetic series (毌) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Phono-semantic compound (形聲/形声, OC *koːn, *koːns) : phonetic 毌 (OC *koːn, *koːns) + semantic 貝 – 毌 may also represent string of coins.
Pronunciation 1
- a string of one thousand coins
- 楊志道:「祖上留下寶刀,要賣三千貫。」 [Written Vernacular Chinese, trad.]
- From: Shi Nai'an, Water Margin, circa 14th century CE
- Yáng Zhì dào: “Zǔshàngliúxià bǎodāo, yào mài sānqiān guàn.” [Pinyin]
- Yang Zhi said: "This is a precious sword left by my ancestors; I will sell it for three thousand strings of cash."
杨志道:「祖上留下宝刀,要卖三千贯。」 [Written Vernacular Chinese, simp.]
- to go through; to pierce
- 自始合,而矢貫余手及肘,余折以御,左輪朱殷,豈敢言病? [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE, translation from Zuozhuan: Commentary on the "Spring and Autumn Annals" (2017), by Stephen Durrant, Wai-yee Li and David Schaberg
- Zì shǐ hé, ér shǐ guàn yú shǒu jí zhǒu, yú zhé yǐ yù, zuǒlún zhūyān, qǐ gǎn yán bìng? [Pinyin]
- From the moment the troops clashed, arrows pierced my arm and elbow. I broke them off so as to drive the chariot. The left wheel has turned dark red with blood. Did I dare to speak of my wounds?
自始合,而矢贯余手及肘,余折以御,左轮朱殷,岂敢言病? [Classical Chinese, simp.]- 子曰:「參乎!吾道一以貫之。」曾子曰:「唯。」子出。門人問曰:「何謂也?」曾子曰:「夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE
- Zǐyuē: “Shēn hū! Wúdào yī yǐ guàn zhī.” Zēngzǐ yuē: “Wéi.” Zǐ chū. Ménrén wèn yuē: “Héwèi yě?” Zēngzǐ yuē: “Fūzǐ zhī dào, zhōngshù éryǐ yǐ.” [Pinyin]
- The Master said, “Shen, a single thread runs through my doctrine.” Master Zeng said, “Yes.” The Master went out, and the other disciples asked, “What did he mean?” Master Zeng said, “The Master’s doctrine is nothing other than loyalty and empathy.”
子曰:「参乎!吾道一以贯之。」曾子曰:「唯。」子出。门人问曰:「何谓也?」曾子曰:「夫子之道,忠恕而已矣。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- one's native place
- 他岳丈名喚封肅,本貫大如州人氏。 [Written Vernacular Chinese, trad.]
- From: Cao Xueqin, Dream of the Red Chamber, mid-18th century CE
- Tā yuèzhàng míng huàn Fēng Sù, běnguàn Dàrúzhōu rénshì. [Pinyin]
- His father-in-law was a man named Feng Su, whose native place was Daruzhou.
他岳丈名唤封肃,本贯大如州人氏。 [Written Vernacular Chinese, simp.]
- 一仍舊貫/一仍旧贯 (yīréng-jiùguàn)
- 一以貫之/一以贯之 (yīyǐguànzhī)
- 一貫/一贯 (yīguàn)
- 一貫作業/一贯作业
- 一貫原理/一贯原理
- 一貫道/一贯道 (yīguàndào)
- 全神貫注 (quánshénguànzhù)
- 博貫/博贯
- 同條共貫/同条共贯
- 名貫/名贯
- 如雷貫耳/如雷贯耳 (rúléiguàněr)
- 學貫天人/学贯天人
- 家貲萬貫/家赀万贯
- 徙貫/徙贯
- 心貫白日/心贯白日
- 忠心貫日/忠心贯日
- 忠貫白日/忠贯白日
- 惡稔貫盈/恶稔贯盈
- 惡貫滿盈/恶贯满盈 (èguànmǎnyíng)
- 惡貫禍盈/恶贯祸盈
- 才貫二酉/才贯二酉
- 本貫/本贯
- 條貫/条贯
- 業貫盈/业贯盈
- 橫貫/横贯 (héngguàn)
- 橫貫公路/横贯公路
- 氣貫長虹/气贯长虹
- 洞貫/洞贯
- 流貫/流贯
- 淹貫/淹贯
- 清貫/清贯
- 滿貫/满贯 (mǎnguàn)
- 白虹貫日/白虹贯日
- 盈貫/盈贯
- 祖貫/祖贯
- 萬貫/万贯 (wànguàn)
- 萬貫家私/万贯家私
- 萬貫家財/万贯家财 (wànguànjiācái)
- 穿楊貫蝨/穿杨贯虱
- 籍貫/籍贯 (jíguàn)
- 籠貫箱張/笼贯箱张
- 粟紅貫朽/粟红贯朽
- 粟陳貫朽/粟陈贯朽
- 精誠貫日/精诚贯日
- 精貫白日/精贯白日
- 紅腐貫朽/红腐贯朽
- 縱橫交貫/纵横交贯
- 縱貫/纵贯 (zòngguàn)
- 縱貫線/纵贯线
- 罪惡貫盈/罪恶贯盈 (zuì'è guànyíng)
- 羈貫/羁贯
- 聯貫/联贯 (liánguàn)
- 脈絡貫通/脉络贯通
- 腰纏萬貫/腰缠万贯
- 舊貫/旧贯
- 融會貫通/融会贯通 (rónghuìguàntōng)
- 豁然貫通/豁然贯通
- 豐城貫斗/丰城贯斗
- 貫串/贯串 (guànchuàn)
- 貫伯/贯伯
- 貫匈國/贯匈国
- 貫寨/贯寨
- 貫弓/贯弓
- 貫徹/贯彻 (guànchè)
- 貫徹始終/贯彻始终 (guànchèshǐzhōng)
- 貫手著棼/贯手著棼
- 貫日/贯日
- 貫日月/贯日月
- 貫朽/贯朽
- 貫朽粟紅/贯朽粟红
- 貫朽粟腐/贯朽粟腐
- 貫朽粟陳/贯朽粟陈
- 貫氣/贯气
- 貫注 (guànzhù)
- 貫珠/贯珠
- 貫盈/贯盈 (guànyíng)
- 貫穿/贯穿 (guànchuān)
- 貫穿今古/贯穿今古
- 貫穿馳騁/贯穿驰骋
- 貫索/贯索
- 貫耳/贯耳
- 貫蝨/贯虱
- 貫蝨之技/贯虱之技
- 貫行/贯行
- 貫覽/贯览
- 貫通/贯通 (guàntōng)
- 貫革/贯革
- 貫頤奮戟/贯颐奋戟
- 貫魚/贯鱼
- 貫魚之次/贯鱼之次
- 貫魚承寵/贯鱼承宠
- 轟雷貫耳/轰雷贯耳
- 連貫/连贯 (liánguàn)
- 鄉貫/乡贯 (xiāngguàn)
- 首尾一貫/首尾一贯
- 首尾貫通/首尾贯通
- 魚貫/鱼贯 (yúguàn)
- 魚貫而入/鱼贯而入
- 魚貫而出/鱼贯而出
- 魚貫而行/鱼贯而行
- 魚貫而進/鱼贯而进
- (Min Nan) “Entry #7914”, in 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典 [Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan] (overall work in Mandarin and Hokkien), Ministry of Education, R.O.C., 2023.
Pronunciation 2
- Alternative form of 慣/惯 (guàn, “to be accustomed to; to be used to”)
- 譬如田獵,射御貫,則能獲禽,若未嘗登車射御,則敗績厭覆是懼,何暇思獲? [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE
- Pìrú tiánliè, shè yù guàn, zé néng huò qín, ruò wèi cháng dēng chē shè yù, zé bài jì yàn fù shì jù, hé xiá sī huò? [Pinyin]
- Take an example for hunting: if a man is accustomed to shooting and driving, he will then be able to capture birds and animals. But if he has never climbed a carriage to shoot and drive, then the fear of being defeated in his purpose and of being crushed by his overturning carriage will overpower him. How can he spare any time or attention to think of capturing anything?
譬如田猎,射御贯,则能获禽,若未尝登车射御,则败绩厌覆是惧,何暇思获? [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- 習貫/习贯
- 講貫/讲贯
- 貫戰/贯战
- 貫瀆/贯渎
- 貫熟/贯熟
- 貫知/贯知
- 貫習/贯习
- 貫酣/贯酣
Pronunciation 3
- 貫弓/贯弓
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