See also: 摺
Stroke order | |||
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Han character
折 (Kangxi radical 64, 手+4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 手竹一中 (QHML), four-corner 52021, composition ⿰扌斤)
Derived characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 422, character 4
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 11890
- Dae Jaweon: page 770, character 1
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 3, page 1838, character 7
- Unihan data for U+6298
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 折 | ||||
Shang | Western Zhou | Warring States | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | Liushutong (compiled in Ming) |
Oracle bone script | Bronze inscriptions | Chu slip and silk script | Small seal script | Transcribed ancient scripts |
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Characters in the same phonetic series (折) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Originally 㪿, an ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : ⿱屮屮 (“a tree 木 cut in half”) + 斤 (“axe”) – an axe cutting a tree in half.
In the current form, the left side has become 扌 (“hand”).
Etymology 1
simp. and trad. |
折 | |
alternative forms |
From Proto-Sino-Tibetan *tsjat (“to cut off; to sever; to break”).
Pronunciation 1
- to break off; to snap; to pluck off
- to bend; to twist
- to turn back; to change direction
- to lose; to suffer the loss of
- to die (young)
- to convert into; to amount to
- to admire; to be convinced
- to trade; to exchange
- to censure; to blame
- difficulty; obstacle
- (Cantonese) to discount
- (Cantonese) discount
- (Hokkien) having more benefits than harms; worthwhile; profitable; reasonably priced
- Classifier for discount.
- Classifier for folds.
- Classifier for theatrical scenes.
- (Chinese calligraphy) a change in direction of a stroke (such as in ㇕, ㇉, or ㇜)
- (Chinese opera) an act.
- (historical, Ming and Qing dynasties) short for 奏折, memorial to the emperor (folded in accordion form); imperial memorial.
- a surname: She
- (discount): 扣 (kòu)
- (having more benefits):
- 上算 (shàngsuàn)
- 優惠/优惠 (yōuhuì)
- 划算 (huásuàn)
- 化算 (faa3 syun3) (Cantonese)
- 合摟兒/合搂儿 (hélòur) (Beijing Mandarin)
- 合盤/合盘 (Xiamen Hokkien, Zhangzhou Hokkien)
- 合算 (hésuàn)
- 實惠/实惠 (shíhuì)
- 抵 (dai2) (Cantonese)
- 會值得/会值得 (Hokkien)
- 會行得/会行得 (Hokkien)
- 有盤/有盘 (Quanzhou Hokkien)
- 盤/盘 (Hokkien, Teochew)
- 盤頭/盘头 (Xiamen Hokkien)
- 經濟/经济 (jīngjì)
Coordinate terms
- 一折
- 一折一磨
- 一折八扣
- 一波三折 (yībōsānzhé)
- 七折八扣
- 三折肱
- 不折不扣 (bùzhébùkòu)
- 九折臂
- 乾折/干折
- 五折
- 五斗折腰
- 准折
- 剉折
- 千迴百折/千回百折
- 半折
- 厭難折衝/厌难折冲
- 反掌折枝
- 合折
- 周折 (zhōuzhé)
- 大氣折射/大气折射
- 大費周折/大费周折
- 夭折
- 宛轉周折/宛转周折
- 寧折不彎/宁折不弯
- 將功折罪/将功折罪
- 將功折過/将功折过
- 對折/对折 (duìzhé)
- 屈折 (qūzhé)
- 屈折語/屈折语 (qūzhéyǔ)
- 廷爭面折/廷争面折
- 弓折矢盡/弓折矢尽
- 弓折箭盡/弓折箭尽
- 張堪折轅/张堪折辕
- 心折
- 心折首肯
- 打折 (dǎzhé)
- 打折扣 (dǎ zhékòu)
- 折中 (zhézhōng)
- 折倒
- 折傷/折伤
- 折價/折价 (zhéjià)
- 折光 (zhéguāng)
- 折兌/折兑
- 折兵 (zhébīng)
- 折券
- 折剉
- 折半 (zhébàn)
- 折受
- 折合 (zhéhé)
- 折回 (zhéhuí)
- 折壁腳/折壁脚
- 折壽/折寿 (zhéshòu)
- 折子
- 折子戲/折子戏 (zhézixì)
- 折實/折实 (zhéshí)
- 折射 (zhéshè)
- 折射線/折射线
- 折射角 (zhéshèjiǎo)
- 折對/折对
- 折屐
- 折帳/折帐
- 折戟沉沙 (zhéjǐchénshā)
- 折扇 (zhéshàn)
- 折扣 (zhékòu)
- 折折
- 折抵
- 折挫
- 折損/折损
- 折斷/折断 (zhéduàn)
- 折服 (zhéfú)
- 折枝
- 折柬
- 折柳 (zhéliǔ)
- 折柳攀花
- 折桂 (zhéguì)
- 折桂攀蟾
- 投梭折齒/投梭折齿
- 折椅
- 折檯/折台
- 折殺/折杀
- 折獄/折狱
- 折當/折当
- 折疊/折叠 (zhédié)
- 折磨 (zhémó)
- 折福 (zhéfú)
- 折節/折节
- 折節下交/折节下交
- 折節下士/折节下士
- 折節向學/折节向学
- 折節待士/折节待士
- 折節禮士/折节礼士
- 折算 (zhésuàn)
- 折箭 (zhéjiàn)
- 折箭為誓/折箭为誓 (zhéjiànwéishì)
- 折簡/折简
- 折紙/折纸 (zhézhǐ)
- 折線/折线 (zhéxiàn)
- 折罰/折罚
- 折翼
- 折耗
- 折肱
- 折腰 (zhéyāo)
- 折腰五斗
- 折腰升斗
- 折腰步
- 折臂三公
- 折舊/折旧 (zhéjiù)
- 折色
- 折衝/折冲 (zhéchōng)
- 折衝厭難/折冲厌难
- 折衝樽俎/折冲樽俎 (zhéchōngzūnzǔ)
- 折衝禦侮/折冲御侮
- 折衷 (zhézhōng)
- 折衷家庭
- 折證/折证
- 折變/折变
- 折賣/折卖
- 折足覆餗/折足覆𫗧
- 折身
- 折辨
- 折辯/折辩
- 折辱
- 折返 (zhéfǎn)
- 折錢/折钱
- 折長補短/折长补短
- 折頭/折头 (zhétou)
- 扭頭折頸/扭头折颈
- 折鼎覆餗/折鼎覆𫗧
- 拈折
- 拌折
- 挫折 (cuòzhé)
- 掂折
- 掊斗折衡
- 採生折割/采生折割
- 揭折
- 損兵折將/损兵折将
- 損將折兵/损将折兵
- 損折/损折 (sǔnzhé)
- 損軍折將/损军折将
- 摧折
- 摧枯折腐
- 摧眉折腰
- 摧蘭折玉/摧兰折玉
- 撧折/𪮖折
- 撓折/挠折
- 攀折
- 攀花折柳
- 攀蟾折桂
- 敗兵折將/败兵折将 (bàibīngzhéjiàng)
- 敗軍折將/败军折将
- 早名必折
- 曲折 (qūzhé)
- 曲折縈紆/曲折萦纡 (qūzhéyíngyū)
- 曲折離奇/曲折离奇 (qūzhélíqí)
- 曲曲折折
- 月中折桂
- 月墜花折/月坠花折
- 木強則折/木强则折
- 末大必折
- 朱雲折檻/朱云折槛
- 東折西繞/东折西绕
- 棄弓折箭/弃弓折箭
- 棟折榱崩/栋折榱崩
- 橫折/横折 (héngzhé)
- 歷經波折/历经波折
- 波折 (bōzhé)
- 片言折獄/片言折狱
- 瓶墜簪折/瓶坠簪折
- 白搽白折
- 百折不回 (bǎizhébùhuí)
- 百折不挫
- 百折不撓/百折不挠 (bǎizhébùnáo)
- 盤旋曲折/盘旋曲折
- 短折
- 破折號/破折号 (pòzhéhào)
- 磨折
- 磬折
- 簪筆磬折/簪笔磬折
- 缾沉簪折/瓶沉簪折
- 群輕折軸/群轻折轴
- 臨江折軸/临江折轴
- 蘭摧玉折/兰摧玉折
- 蘭摧蕙折/兰摧蕙折
- 虧折/亏折
- 蟾宮折桂/蟾宫折桂 (chángōngzhéguì)
- 衝波逆折/冲波逆折
- 謝安折屐/谢安折屐
- 豎折/竖折 (shùzhé)
- 豎折彎鉤/竖折弯钩 (shùzhéwāngōu)
- 轉折/转折 (zhuǎnzhé)
- 轉折親/转折亲
- 轉折點/转折点 (zhuǎnzhédiǎn)
- 辨折
- 迂迴曲折/迂回曲折 (yūhuíqūzhé)
- 逆折
- 迴環轉折/回环转折
- 過折了/过折了
- 遠打週折/远打周折
- 陵折
- 雁行折翼
- 離奇曲折/离奇曲折
- 霸陵折柳
- 面折
- 面折廷爭/面折廷争
- 骨折 (gǔzhé)
- 鴛鴦折頸/鸳鸯折颈
- 鼎折足 (dǐngzhézú)
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation 3
Pronunciation 4
- Only used in 折折.
Etymology 2
For pronunciation and definitions of 折 – see 摺 (“to destroy; to fold; etc.”). (This character is the simplified form of 摺). |
Etymology 3
For pronunciation and definitions of 折 – see 翼 (“wing; wing; etc.”). (This character is a variant form of 翼). |
- “折”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
Kanji in this term |
折 |
おり Grade: 4 |
kun’yomi |
For pronunciation and definitions of 折 – see the following entry. | ||
| ||
(This term, 折, is an alternative spelling of the above term.) |
Derived terms
- 折々 (oriori)
Han character
折: Hán Việt readings: chiết (
折: Nôm readings: chết[1][2][3][4][5], giết[1][2][3][4][5], chẹt[2][3][4][5], chiết[1][2][5], chét[1][3], xít[1][4], chệch[3][4], chịt[3][4], nhét[3][4], nhít[3][4], siết[3][4], xiết[3][4], chích[1], chít[3], dít[3], gãy[3], gẩy[3], giẹp[3], quạt[3], trét[3]
- Nguyễn (2014).
- Nguyễn et al. (2009).
- Trần (2004).
- Hồ (1976).
- Taberd & Pigneau de Béhaine (1838).
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