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1500 questions
12 answers
What are some strategies for raising a bilingual child?
We are planning on raising our child bi-lingual. The plan is for my husband to only speak English to her and I would only speak Tagalog (a dialect of the Philippines). I have asked my parents to also only speak to her in Tagalog since she will get…

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16 answers
How to convince a 4-year old child that professional cyclists are not littering during a race?
We were watching a Cycling Tour on TV yesterday and my 4.5-year old son saw that after having drinks or chocolates those cyclists were throwing the empty bottles/wrappers on the roadside.
I absolutely know that this is not littering and it's a…

Hanky Panky
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15 answers
Being told I'm father to a son I don't want
I'm 21 and recently my ex girlfriend has contacted me to say she's had a child and she thinks he is mine. But it gets more complex because the boy is in care because she is not a fit mother (and I can vouch for this), he is also possibly being put…

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21 answers
My 16 year old daughter got a speeding ticket
About 3 weeks ago, my 16-year-old daughter got a speeding ticket for doing 46mph (74 km/h) in a 20mph (33 km/h) zone. (No, it's not a typo.)
She was coming home after school with no place to be after. She was pulled over within minutes of our…
20 answers
Is having a sibling better for a child?
We have several friends who have two or more children, while myself and my wife only have one. Often when we visit them, it seems that the conversation always turns to, "When are you having your second?", and when we suggest that we only want one,…

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10 answers
My 2.5 years old daughter asks to learn to read
My daughter is a big fan of books. She can spend one hour in a row looking at her books, and often asks my wife and me to read her a story.
We are a french family.
For 2 weeks, she's been looking at words written in the books and mimics the act to…

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18 answers
Lying to my daughter about her mother's death
My 10-year-old daughter's mother died last week. She was a masochist and suffered from depression and childhood issues. She, from what I understand, hung herself in her closet from a belt. I'm not sure if she intended to kill herself or if she was…

I wrestled a bear once.
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11 answers
Four year old started calling me by my first name. Is this problematic?
My four year old daughter recently started calling me by my first name. She's only doing this to me, not her mother.
I found this to be a little strange and don't want to encourage it for practical reasons (e.g. if she throws a tantrum while putting…

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11 answers
Impact on kids NOT having TV?
My question is, could it be bad, in some way, for a child to not have cable/satellite television?
My husband and I are thinking about children soon. We haven't had cable hooked up in 6 or 7 years and don't really intend to get it. We do have a TV…
16 answers
Is bribing children with cash incentives a good idea?
I pay my 5.5-year-old $1 if she sleeps in her own bed and take $1 in rent when she sleeps in our bed.
I've also taken to offering her $1 to pick up her 2.5-year-old brother's Lego messes.
Good or bad? When should I stop?

Cade Roux
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17 answers
How should I handle a little boy who likes girls' toys?
I have a 5-year-old boy who likes to play with girl stuff. He doesn't like to dress up or anything like that, he just loves to dress up the Barbies, and he will even help me with my clothes by telling me which ones he thinks are ugly and so forth.…

Mariana G.
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15 answers
How to answer my 5 year old why I can tell her what she has to do, and why she can't tell me what to do
In the morning there are lots of things to be done before heading off to preschool. I'm acting like a policeman every morning to get those things done and to push my child to go out. Every day I have to remind her: You have to do this and this and…

Marian Paździoch
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5 answers
Is it bad being a "bad influence" for my younger cousin?
First some background information:
I am a young woman in my early 20s, I lived alone since I was 18 relatively far away from home.
I graduated top of my class and I am studying and working in IT. (side note: I am not financially dependent on my…

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20 answers
Should a parent delete a teen's social media account if it was handled badly?
My 15 year old daughter has created accounts with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr and Wattpad, all without my knowledge, six months ago or more. After discovering her using a laptop in bed at 4am, and probing into the browser history, I found the…

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21 answers
How to talk to a teen daughter about her weight
My daughter is 16 and is gaining weight. My wife and I are on board with what needs to be done - and there's a lot to do.
But as to talking to her about her weight, we are at a loss. She's an ultra liberal feminist, so any discussion about her…