Questions tagged [teen]

Age specific questions from about 13 years to about 19 years. Younger: pre-teen. Older: adult-child.

This age-specific tag covers questions about kids after they turn into teens, but before they reach adulthood -- from 13 years to 19 years of age.

Related tags: and .

375 questions
12 answers

Teenagers Ogling my Daughter. What to do?

As summer has arrived, my teenage daughter begins to wear shorts of reasonable length. What should I do when teenage boys around her age ogles at her? Should I ask them to stop or let them be? I must admit I did ogle at other girls when I was their…
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21 answers

Have I lost my daughter?

She's currently sixteen and I feel like I have lost her. When she was younger she used to be a sweet, caring and understanding girl, but then she entered middle school and everything changed. She didn't like anymore physical contact (she is…
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12 answers

Just found out my 13 year old girl is Bi and dating a 17 year old girl in an "open" relationship. Huh? Now what?

A little background- my daughter has never had a boyfriend/girlfriend or relationship and is in 8th grade. She has always been young for her age and had a tough time identifying with other girls and kids at her school (we had issues of bullying-…
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17 answers

Why does my 16-year-old hate me?

My 16-year-old son says the most awful things to me. I feel he is deliberately trying to upset/provoke me constantly. For example, last night at the dinner table he said, "I am not going to try to get into a good college because if I got into a good…
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9 answers

I seem to have good talks with my 16 yr old son about his life but then he is texting his friend trashing me?

I caught my son smoking pot a few times and it was a daily deal. He had a real nice big room upstairs in our home that was private so I moved him downstairs closer to my bedroom. I have been monitoring his social media, phone calls and texts and…
Desperate Dad
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2 answers

As a parent, how should I react to someone asking me for permission for Prom?

Following up on my question Should I expect a boy to ask me for permission for prom, I've decided to ask, considering how my daughter hints that he'll ask her within the next week, if he asks me for permission, how should I react? I mean, apart…
8 answers

Son's girlfriend does not say "hello" when she comes to our house. Is this disrespectful?

My 17 year old son has been dating his girlfriend for a few months now, they were also friends for about a year or so prior. My issue is that she comes over to our house at least 3 days a week, but never says "hello" to myself or my husband. They…
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3 answers

Why does my son of 12 yo only talk and behave nonsense in front of me?

Since he was 8 years old, my son has liked to talk and behave nonsensically in front of me. He likes to act cute, or like a baby mimicking a cute voice, and pretending to be like a baby only to me. To others, he acts his age. When I talk to him…
jane wong
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1 answer

Losing Daughter

My daughter is being manipulated by her boyfriend. He would like her to quit school; he is very jealous. I'm really not sure exactly how best to handle the situation. She recently turned 18 so there's not much that I can do about it. He is a few…
5 answers

Daughters friend invading

My daughter is in 7th grade. We left a private school for homeschooling for 2 years. This year I put her back in public. She started this new adventure with an old friend. They were very close from 1st grade to 4th when they fell out a little.…
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1 answer

My step granddaughter orders expensive meals, but won't eat them

My 14 year old stepgranddaughter orders the most expensive item on restaurant menu and then won't eat it. She always has an excuse... my stomach hurts, my head hurts, etc. won't ever put her cell phone down. I buy her gifts for birthdays,…
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1 answer

My mom has taken over my daughter

I moved near to my parents five years ago. My daughter was 10 years old at the time, and she stayed with them. But she is almost 15 now and I want her back. My mom has been ill and I don't know long she will live. At first I thought it would be…
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2 answers

Our 19 year old son sleeps all day

My 19 year old step son lives at home, his father doesn't charge him rent or expect him to do much around the house. He doesn't go to college although all of his friends do and he could if he applied but he hasn't taken the initiative, he works…
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0 answers

Worried about really overweight teen girl

Beautiful girl 75 to 100 pounds over weight She is getting terrible deep stretch marks that she thinks no one notices It makes everyone extremely angry if anyone says anything. Please send advice. She never goes out with friends or anything. …
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1 answer

Should we indulge this unusual request from our daughter?

I recently watched a movie with my husband and daughter entitled Cherish. It's about a woman who's been sentenced to house arrest for a crime she didn't commit. She has to wear an ankle monitor as a condition of her house arrest, which leaves her in…