Questions tagged [pre-schooler]

Age specific questions from about 3 years to about 5 years. Younger: toddler. Older: primary-schooler.

This age specific tag covers questions about kids after you start working on school skills with them, but before they start school, so say from about 3 years of age to about 5 years.

As with any age specific tag, the edges are fuzzy between this and the previous and following tags: and .

A rule of thumb: when they start to develop social skills appropriate for school then you're ready to move up to pre-schooler, until they actually start school that is.

759 questions
9 answers

If my 4-year-old asks me "why", what kind of "why" does he mean?

My 4-year-old asks me questions like "Why is water transparent?" What kind of "why" does he mean?: What sense does it make for water to be transparent? How is it achieved that water is transparent? The first question would be more philosophycal…
Mathias F
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7 answers

My husband (her father) jokes/plays in ways my daughter doesn't always find funny, he says he should be able to do it if he wants

My daughter is 5. Sometimes my husband (her father) will try to 'play' with her by pretending to be a lion, going roar and pawing at her in a playful manner. Sometimes she's okay with this and has fun, and other times it makes her very upset. He…
9 answers

Should children be encouraged to get themselves or their clothes dirty?

I'm not a parent myself, but I frequently look after two siblings of close relatives. While the girl (3 years) does not have a problem with wiping hands in pants or getting in any other way ridiculously dirty, the boy (5 years) would rush to the…
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4 answers

Is it appropriate to force an almost-5yo child to do things (at school) when they don't want to cooperate?

My daughter is turning 5 in a few months. She's just started a new preschool class (same school as last year, just an age older). The teacher has reported that she refuses to get up from the mat when asked to do her activities, and she doesn't want…
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7 answers

What are some strategies for helping children cope with divorce?

I have two young children and I'm going though a divorce. My daughter is 5, and my Son is 2. I'm worried because my son and daughters behaviors has gone down hill. I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help them get though this.
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7 answers

Is it a good idea to ask the pre-schooler to donate the old toys if she wants new ones? If not, then how to encourage her to donate willingly?

Our house has some toys with which the child (3.5 years old) does not play. Some of them are broken, some aren't. Is it a good idea if I make a deal with the toddler that she can get the new toys only if she donates the old ones to the poor…
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2 answers

Dads and nurseries

I'm the father of a three year old son who attends a workplace nursery in the UK. I'm together with his mum and admit can be a lazy so-and-so (in life in general, I make efforts not to be) but certainly don't consider anything beneath me, or "for…
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1 answer

Raising children in corrupted country

I live in an under-military-coup-too-much-corrupted-country. There is a big gap between values and reality. For example, policeman or military soldier should be a model for kids; They -normally- love him or -at least- feel safe while he is around.…
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4 answers

PC mouse and lefty

Personally I would prefer that my lefty son would use PC mouse with his right hand. Is it worth a try or let him use his main left hand and prepare for infinitely changing of mouse button assignments?
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3 answers

How can I help three year old understand I can't actively play with him for a few days?

Earlier today, I pulled a muscle in my back badly enough that I need to lie down to let it relax, and also don't plan on picking up heavy objects (like a small child) for a few days. His other parent understands and is able and willing to pitch in,…
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3 answers

I have custody of grandson, he won’t let me out of his sight

I have had custody of my grandson since he was 15 months old. He loves his daddy, my son. My son works a lot and recently had a new baby. For a while now, he will not let me out of his sight. If I go to bathroom, there he is. If I get up and walk…
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2 answers

How can you work on the listening skills of a pre-schooler

I have a 4-year-old who is in his second year of preschool and listens well while at school. However, when he is at home he does not listen at all to either parent. He will quite frequently do the opposite of whatever is asked. Otherwise, he will…
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2 answers

People keep on lavishing praises on the physical beauty & attire of the pre-schooler. How do I counter the negative side effects?

The 3.5 year old child is beautiful. She has got some used beautiful dresses from one of my cousin's older child which she loves to wear in the house. My parents and the child's father constantly keep on praising her hair, her dress, her looks…
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3 answers

Would switching to a Waldorf kindergarten be worth the potential stress to our active pre-schooler?

We've just moved to Germany from London. Our 4 years old son, who loved going to the kindergarten in London, seems to have a lot of trouble settling in to the German kindergarten. Language is not an issue, and he is fluent in German. We've just…
Mr. L
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2 answers

Should we put siblings in the same kindergarten group?

I've got one child in kindergarten and another one that will begin there next year. The way it works is that the youngest ones have a group for themselves, with ages from 2½ to around 3½. From 3½ until school age, they're all in mixed groups, what…
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun
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