Questions tagged [toddler]

Age specific questions from about 1 year to about 3 years. Younger: infant. Older: pre-schooler.

This age specific tag covers questions about kids after they start toddling around on two feet, but before you start working on school skills with them, so say from about 1 year of age to about 3 years.

As with any age specific tag, the edges are fuzzy between this and the previous and following tags: and .

A rule of thumb: if they are seriously mobile, it's time to move into this tag from , and when they start to develop social skills appropriate for school then you're ready to move up to .

1399 questions
7 answers

How do I prevent my grandchildren from throwing a big fit when I leave them after playing with them for a few hours?

My 2-year-old granddaughter and 3-year-old grandson always throw a big fit when I leave them after playing with them for 1-2 hours and it breaks my heart :( I do tell them that "I will be back", and when they see me the next day or later that day, I…
Nana Gina
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4 answers

How not to lose patience with toddler

I am wondering how not to be harsh with a toddler. With all the love I have for my boy, I do lose patience and get angry with him once in a while! Any ideas on how to deal with such a situation.
Chaitanya MSV
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4 answers

How to handle a defiant 2-year old when he takes something he shouldn't?

My very strong-willed 2 yr 10 mo. old son is curious about everything in his environment, which crops up as a problem now and then if something delicate, expensive, or dangerous comes into it. Eye glasses, cell phones, computer electronics,…
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8 answers

How to teach bike riding with a balance bike

We got our son a balance bike (small wooden pedal-less bike) for his third birthday. These seem to be the modern way of teaching bike riding. At the moment he sometimes will 'walk' the bike for few feet, but generally show no interest in using the…
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1 answer

Getting a 2-year-old to stop deliberately vomiting

My two-year-old has discovered a new trick. A few days ago he realized that if he sticks his finger down his throat, he can make himself vomit. For some reason this is fascinating to him and now he wants to do it all the time. For one thing, it…
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10 answers

Should a parent tell their child that father christmas is not real?

Christmas time is looming and I am currently having a debate with a co-worker on the topic in the question title. She believes that you should tell your child from a very early age that there are a number of different things that people believe…
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5 answers

How to handle a 2 year old's preconceived ideas about the "gender" of toys

I have a 2 year old grandson that I take care for half a week and his dad the other half. My grandson recently told me he didn't want to play with any "girly" toys. This happened over a pair of feminine pajamas for a build a bear. My feelings are…
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7 answers

How do you wash a toddler's hands in a public restroom?

I find it quite hard to wash my toddler's hands in a public restroom which may have a very wet counter and otherwise be a bit dirty. It's hard to operate soap dispensers which require two hands to use. Also, he loves grabbing at the faucet and…
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5 answers

Stopping a toddler playing with his belly button

Our toddler has recently, since moving into T-shirts rather than romper suits, discovered his belly button. He now spends quite a lot of time with his hands up his shirt, or when settling for bed, with his hands in his sleeping bag playing with…
Dan Kelly
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6 answers

Ideas for dealing with a 16 month old toddler who likes to climb things?

My wife and I are frazzled with a little boy who has not only mastered the walk and the run, he has now started into climbing every available vertical surface. We thought we had the house baby-proof, at least the living room. Other than standing…
Warren P
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3 answers

How do we make our toddler less afraid of robots?

I'm sure the headline made you curious? :-) But I'm serious, and I am not referring to toys but actual household machines. We have a Roomba floor vacuum cleaner and a lawn mower. My 20-month son is afraid of these machines, even when they're parked…
Torben Gundtofte-Bruun
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2 answers

How to make 2 years old toddler stop throwing things at others?

We have a 2 year old son. He is our first kid. Recently he started throwing things at others kids which hurts them. I have done the following things to stop that behavior but they didn’t work: Take him into the bedroom and told him it is not good…
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9 answers

At what age should I explain to my kids that we don't believe in God?

I've been wondering about this. Me and my partner (I'm gay) are thinking of adopting soon.
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1 answer

Handling a screaming toddler who isn't having a tantrum

I have a 27mo (2 y, 3m) toddler who is all around pretty well behaved. We have a timeout area in our guest bedroom that we use for her when she has a tantrum. (It's a camping cot with nothing in it in a very boring room in the house). We have used…
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2 answers

Are there any games or activities to help a child increase their spatial awareness?

My son is quite often totally oblivious to what's around him. For example: jumping up and down under a table all of a sudden spinning around with his arms out and smacking the people walking next to or behind him stopping in the middle of a…
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