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1500 questions
22 answers
Son was sent home from sleepover for behavior
I need some help with turning a very disappointing event into a learning opportunity. Last night my 9-year-old son was to spend the night with my neighbor's son, and the neighbor's girlfriend's kids. During the course of the evening my doorbell…

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15 answers
How can I prevent my 8-year-old from spending time with his bad friend?
Backstory: My 8 yr old son is a bright, gentle, etc, kid who attends public school. My wife and I have no TV, we disallow violent games (simulated killing is not allowed), we don't have video games, we teaching proper custodianship of the earth,…

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10 answers
Limit access to screens (phone, computer) to my kids, whereas I benefitted from "no limit" during my own childhood
Years after years, we have more and more evidence that too much access to screens (phones, computers) for kids is not good for them. This is even a societal problem, more and more raised by pediatrician and health authorities; we've read countless…

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10 answers
My wife wants a homosexual child
We are planning to have our first child in about a year. My wife is very much into raising them genderless (or "post-gender" style) while my take on it is that we should raise them in a non-stereotypical manner, keeping an open mind for all there…
12 answers
Should you let a toddler win?
We've started playing some simple games with my 2-year-old son, including a simple age-appropriate matching game.
He enjoys playing, but seems (to me, at least) more focused on playing over winning. I think that's perfect.
However, I noticed last…
13 answers
Seventeen year old daughter wants to take an international trip to meet someone she met online
So, my wife and I are emotionally drained. Our daughter is 17. We live in Ontario Canada. She met a girl online that is 16 and she wanted to fly to California over Christmas holidays to see her. Now my daughter says she is not gay, just bi or…

Dave Farrington
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12 answers
Wife agrees with parenting, but is intentionally less strict
The situation is this: My wife and I are married and happy together, with one single child, who is still pretty young (5).
It is a little boy, but the question would work regardless of gender.
We both usually agree on parenting topics, for example…

Kaito Kid
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20 answers
Why would you lie to your children about Santa?
Christmas is an awesome event for children with lots of presents, but I've been thinking: Aren't the negative things it brings (telling them the truth eventually) worse than the good things? You can still give them presents at this given date…

Micha Sprengers
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18 answers
How to respond to 17 year old daughter going out with a 25 year old man?
I have just found out that my 17 year old daughter is going out with a local 25 year old. I feel the age gap is way too big at her age. We're in the UK, so it's perfectly legal.
He does seem a very sensible person. He owns his own successful…
11 answers
Why don't children know why they do things?
I have a 7 year old son. He routinely disobeys instructions, I am not some strict task master that is always asking him to do stuff but I need him to listen to the things I ask him for his benefit as much as my own.
Whenever I ask him why he did…

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19 answers
Should I allow or forbid my son to visit the education of a religion that I do not share?
I'm an Agnostic. When the topic comes to religion, I try to explain to my seven-year-old son what religious persons believe and why I don't share that belief. Until recently, he shared my scepticism.
Where we live (Germany), pupils in elementary…
6 answers
Grandparents want our three year old daughter to throw tantrums like her cousin did
When my nephew was a toddler/pre-schooler, he had major separation anxiety issues and tantrums. Specifically, whenever his grandparents or we (his aunt and uncle) visited him, he'd never let us leave in peace. He'd cry, follow us out of the house,…

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13 answers
How to teach children Santa is not real, while respecting other kids beliefs?
So I personally dislike the idea of Santa. Although the Siberian Santa Claws and Turkish Saint Nicholas origins are very cool, I find then contemporary concept of Santa is the antithesis of 'Christmas Spirit'; Santa now seems to represent…

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14 answers
What do I do about my mom setting her expectations too high?
I recently turned 13, I'm in 8th grade, and my life is going pretty well. I'm getting straight A's in school, along with possibly getting a paper published in a legitimate mathematics journal. I also have a pretty active social life, but not the…

Nico A
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17 answers
At what age should I tell my daughter that her real mother is dead?
Long story short: my first wife passed away while giving birth to my daughter. Two years later, I've remarried, but I am concerned over when should I tell my daughter the truth about her mother.
My daughter is now 3 years old, and she's calling my…

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