Questions tagged [sleep]

How and when children sleep. For questions on how to get them to sleep, see the [bedtime] tag.

507 questions
7 answers

2 year old still does not (and has never) slept through the night

In his now 26 months of life, he has probably slept all the way through the night 15, maybe 20 times. They seemed to be an irregularity, never happened two nights in a row. He is a easy as pie to put to bed. We eat dinner, then brush teeth, read…
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How can I prevent my 2 year old from covering her face with a blanket when she sleeps?

For the past couple of months, our two year old has been covering her face (her whole head, actually) with a blanket whenever she sleeps. At night we usually go in after she has fallen asleep and pull it down to her neck. During her naps we don't…
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Why do children become active when tired?

I'm sure everyone's aware of the scenario: the kid is exhausted, but instead of laying down and going to sleep, she won't sit still, won't stop asking questions, won't stop thinking of things to do instead. What's going on inside the child's…
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What can be causing night wakings, similar to sleep walking?

My 13 month old baby wakes up once or twice every night...sits up or stands up in her crib and cries out. What could be causing this? She can't be having nightmares every night. My wife has not weened her from night feedings, so some of the wakings…
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Does overtiredness exist?

I found it difficult to locate any peer reviewed articles that attempted to define this concept, but Whittingham and Douglas (2014) state on p4 that [B]abies are thought to easily become overtired if parents miss early tired cues, and an overtired…
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Why would a child choose to sleep on the floor?

My five year-old daughter has been sleeping on the floor lately. We've asked her why, but this is one of those situations where she's not very self-aware, and you have to probe to get to the bottom of it. Yesterday she used the string from her…
Karl Bielefeldt
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3 answers

Both parents are exhausted from 6.5 month old child waking up every hour at night

Our 6.5 month old used to sleep well; put up/put down. She'd fall asleep on her own at around 8pm only to wake up once for feeding. She would then wake up around 5:30am to then be held to sleep till 7:00am (the last part I don't know why). 2 weeks…
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Sleeping routines and mother-father differences

The tl;dr version: The father can get a toddler to sleep easily, but the mother struggles. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, what strategies were used to overcome it? Scenario: We have an 18 month old son who nurses twice per day. He's…
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3 answers

Guided Meditation for Children

My second grader has been having trouble sleeping due to her anxiety. I have been doing guided meditation/relaxation with her at night but this is not my forte and am looking for suggestions, such as trying music or other forms of assistance. How…
morah hochman
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10 month old won't nap

My daughter is just now 10 months old and fights naps as much as possible. We try to follow a schedule of 2-3-4 as much as possible, and she's exhausted, but just will not sleep. She stands in her crib, cries inscesently, falls over and hits her…
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2 answers

5.5 Month old turns onto her stomach during sleep, should I turn her onto her back again?

During periods of light sleep, transitioning to deep sleep, she'll turn to the side, then onto her stomach, and sleep face down. To avoid SID, I turn her back, but then she turns again onto stomach. This can go on for 10+ times per night. Should I…
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4 answers

How do children manage to sleep in noisy environments?

Children seem to be able to sleep in noisy environments, even when carried around. Is this generally true and what are the reasons? How does the ability to sleep with sound around differ with age and other circumstances?
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What to do about night owl kids?

Possible Duplicate: Nightowl at 5 years old. Any way of dealing with it? Our 3 and 5 year-olds won't sleep before 10 pm and won't wake up before about 9 am. They share the same bedroom. How can we shift their sleep time?
1 answer

5 year old boy is loud when others are sleeping

My sister lives with us because she's chronically ill and she often can't sleep at night because of her illness. She's often too weak in the mornings to do much when he runs around in her sleeping area turning on every light and the television as…
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How long should you use white noise to help baby sleep?

We've been using white noice to help with sleep since our baby was born and after 15 months I'm concerned that it could cause hearing damage or something else.
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