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1500 questions
7 answers
How to handle value mis-alignment between parents and kids?
I'm (kinda) asking this question for my parents and family.
My parents and I share very different values. For example, I think we should replace our old washing machine with a new, energy-efficient one, but my parents think the extra energy consumed…

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3 answers
When do I tell my child that her dad is not her biological father
My daughter is 11 years old and my husband adopted her when she was three. He has been in her life since she was 14 months old so he is the only father that she knows. I don't think that she has put two and two together about her name being…

Jessica Frazier Stanford
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2 answers
My 3 year old daughter has stopped speaking to me when her mother is around. How can I improve my relationship with her?
I have two kids - a nearly 7 year old boy and a just turned 3 year old girl.
For the past 12 months, my 3 year old daughter essentially refuses to speak to me unless it suits her:
When she comes into our bedroom in the morning, she will cuddle her…

Mark Henderson
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4 answers
How should we cope with 12 month old waking in the night?
We are trying to get our 12 month olds sleep routine improved now that both of us will be returning to work.
We've been working on getting the settling routine sorted out each night, and haven't quite yet got to him falling asleep on his own, but he…

Dan Kelly
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2 answers
How to get my child to play alone?
Our 3 year old daughter doesn't want to play alone. Every hour of the day she wants someone to interact with her. It doesn't have to be games, she also likes to help in the kitchen and other activities.
She doesn't fear to be alone, e.g. she goes to…

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2 answers
At what age is it safe to have toys in a baby's crib?
I've heard many times that you shouldn't put toys (or pillows or blankets) in a baby's crib while they sleeps, to reduce the risk of accidental suffocation. But I don't remember ever hearing when it stops being dangerous.
When is it okay to have…

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5 answers
Are fidgets an effective tool for helping ADHD children focus?
Fidgets are small toys or gadgets that can be twiddled, poked, and/or clicked. The idea was explained to me as giving fingers something to do that doesn't take much brain power, allowing an ADHD child to concentrate better by channeling their…

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2 answers
My 3-year-old is not speaking but pointing
My son is 3 years and 3 months old. He does not talk at all. He had an assessment when he was 2.5 years old, but the doctor would not want diagnose ASD as he is still young. He has been going for occupational therapy and speech therapy since then…

A Father
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4 answers
6yo son doesn't want to return to mother after scheduled contact
Me and my wife have separated and are going through a divorce, we have two boys, 6 and 2, currently I only get to see the eldest. He stays with me from Friday evening until Sunday evening. I usually pick him up at 18:00, I live about 90 mins to 2…

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1 answer
Are glass baby food jars safe to reuse?
I've been feeding my daughter store-bought baby food in glass jars, but I plan on starting to make her food myself. Is it safe to wash and re-use the jars I already have?

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4 answers
Is it ok if a newborn sleeps on his side?
Everyone says that newborns should sleep on their backs, but when I swaddle my newborn and lay him down in the bassinet, he immediately rolls to one side or the other. Is that ok (I guess from a SIDS risk perspective) or is it just as bad as letting…

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1 answer
3-year-old wants to 'do it herself' when it's already done
My daughter (three and a half years old) has developed a strange behavior recently and I think she's passing it on to her younger brother (almost two). At odd times throughout the day, she decides she wants to 'do things herself'. The problem is…

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4 answers
How do I tell my nine year old that his dad isn't his dad and that his biological father died before he was born?
My son's biological father passed away when I was three months pregnant. My now husband stepped into the picture when my son was eight months old. My son has always known my husband as his dad but I feel beyond guilty for lying to him. My son is…

Stephanie Lewis
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5 answers
Should we change a wet diaper and risk triggering a night tantrum or leave our son be?
Our 2-year old son is going through a rough period - we have cut his breastfeeding to once daily (before bed) and his sleep pattern is changing and is therefore unpredictable. Lately, he will often wake during the night and as we refuse to let him…

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3 answers
Are employers required to accomodate pumping mothers?
It seems like I will be recalled to work after being laid off in the spring. I am a media specialist at an elementary school. The schedule I would be assigned has classes back to back all day other than a 25 minute lunch most days. The way the…

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