Questions tagged [discipline]

How to enforce the rules you set, and consequences when those rules are broken. Use [behavior] for questions about why children act the way they do.

Discipline is how parents enforce the rules they set for children. It includes discussion of consequences when those rules are broken.

See the tag for questions about why children act the way they do.

606 questions
8 answers

Is punishment necessary?

I'm a young parent, and still have a lot to learn, but I have been wondering a lot about whether punishment needs to be a part of parenting. Maybe I'm being too optimistic here, but are there any cultures where child punishment is not widespread?…
Brandon Frohbieter
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6 answers

Is the 'naughty chair' an effective strategy to punish children?

I am a great skeptic in punishment in general as the most common methods seem to become irrelevant when the child grows up (confiscation of games, threats, verbal or corporal reprimands...). Since all these methods will no longer be present when the…
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7 answers

How do you discipline someone else's child?

We have friend who is living with us and he has a 5-year old boy. The child has been disrespectful and distructive. He tore a ceiling fan down, and has been breaking stuff and writing on the walls. Today, he didn't want to clean up a mess and he…
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16 answers

When is physical punishment appropriate?

In what instances do you feel that striking your child is the most appropriate course of action?
Brandon Frohbieter
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12 answers

How do I deal with a child that refuses to do a chore or task?

How do I deal with 7 year old kid who refuses to do a chore or task? He's not listening and ignores my request.
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8 answers

How do I put my child in time-out when we're in public?

What is the recommended thing to do when my kids are misbehaving in public? For instance, I have had situations where they are yelling and throwing stuff in a restaurant, or the other day they one was pulling the other one's hair and hitting him on…
Arturo Molina
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4 answers

How to answer someone who says, "What he needs is a good spanking!"

I was in a restaurant when my 2.5 year old decided to throw a major tantrum. I used time outs, so I scooped him up and carried him towards the door (he was crying and flailing). Much to my embarrassment, an older woman stopped me and said... What…
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7 answers

When is corporal punishment abuse, really?

My friend (who believes in corporal punishment delivered lovingly[1]) has cancelled two of her pediatrician appointments now because one or another of her (4) children have had bruises on their bottoms. I also know that some kids bruise more easily…
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1 answer

What are the impacts of public shaming?

What are the short-term and long-term consequences of public shaming as a discipline technique in terms of behavior, psychology, and/or the parent-child relationship? (One example.) Per some feedback, I'd like to clarify: I'm largely interested in…
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2 answers

What to do when an eight-year old says "sorry" in a not sorry voice

My daughter sometimes hurts me. When it's physical, it's pretty much almost always accidental. But sometimes when she's mad, she says mean things that are meant to hurt. If I say "Ow!" or "That hurt my feelings", she will automatically say…
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4 answers

Kids and Cell Phones? What limits should be set along with giving the first phone?

My nieces and nephew visited recently and I was floored that all three of the girls (including the eight year old) already have their own cell phones. What really bowled me over was when we sat down to eat and all three girls and their mother were…
balanced mama
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4 answers

How can I better recognize the point where I've talked too much when disciplining and it's becoming counterproductive?

I come from a long line of lecture-happy parents. This used to drive me nuts when I was a kid. I would get into trouble and then get an earful. My eyes would glaze over and I would basically just mentally vacate the premises. My own kids do it to me…
Ultimate Sauce
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1 answer

Child has been copying aggressive behavior...hitting adults. What should I do?

Recently on a visit to our friend's place, my daughter witnessed my friend's 9-year-old son smack/punch a male adult. (They were playing rough and the adult pushed a little too hard and the boy fell down. He was a little hurt and probably also…
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3 answers

Punishment for stealing?

I'm in a situation where I'm really not sure what the best course of action is. Today I promised my younger sister that I would give her $100 if she worked up to running 3 miles. As proud as I was that she ran the distance, I was a bit disheartened…
1 answer

Is long-term punishment effective for children under 5?

A child throws a ball inside the house hard enough to knock over some furniture. He knows he's not supposed to throw the ball inside, so there's a punishment. Is "taking the ball away for a week" an effective punishment for a child under 5,…
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