See also: 囙
Stroke order | |||
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Han character
因 (Kangxi radical 31, 囗+3, 6 strokes, cangjie input 田大 (WK), four-corner 60430, composition ⿴囗大)
Derived characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 217, character 2
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 4693
- Dae Jaweon: page 444, character 3
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 1, page 711, character 9
- Unihan data for U+56E0
simp. and trad. |
因 | |
alternative forms | 囙 𤇀 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 因 | |||
Shang | Western Zhou | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | Liushutong (compiled in Ming) |
Oracle bone script | Bronze inscriptions | Small seal script | Transcribed ancient scripts |
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Characters in the same phonetic series (因) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : 囗 (“sheet”) + 大 (“person”) – man on a mattress. Original form of 裀 (OC *qin, “mat; layered garment”) or 茵 (OC *qin, “mattress; cushion”).
Alternatively, possibly an ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) of a man wearing clothing.
- (literary) to follow (e.g. a tradition)
- (literary) to take advantage; to make use of a situation
- 孔父嘉為司馬,督為大宰,故因民之不堪命,先宣言曰「司馬則然。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE
- Kǒngfǔ Jiā wéi sīmǎ, Dū wéi tàizǎi, gù yīn mín zhī bùkān mìng, xiān xuānyán yuē “sīmǎ zé rán.” [Pinyin]
- (At the time) Kongfu Jia was the Marshal and Hua Du the Chancellor. Therefore the latter, making use of popular resentment (against frequent drafts), first spread the words that it was the Marshal that accented their suffering.
孔父嘉为司马,督为大宰,故因民之不堪命,先宣言曰「司马则然。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]- 於柯之會,桓公欲背曹沫之約,管仲因而信之。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Records of the Grand Historian, by Sima Qian, c. 91 BCE
- Yú Kē zhī huì, Huángōng yù bèi Cáo Mò zhī yuē, Guǎn Zhòng yīn ér xìn zhī. [Pinyin]
- At the Convention of Ke, Duke Huan wanted to renege on his oath with Cao Mo. Yet Guan Zhong, taking advantage of the situation, greatly amplified the Duke's reputation of trustworthiness.
于柯之会,桓公欲背曹沫之约,管仲因而信之。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (archaic) conveniently; in passing; expediently
- 今人有大功而擊之,不義也,不如因善遇之。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Records of the Grand Historian, by Sima Qian, c. 91 BCE
- Jīn rén yǒu dàgōng ér jīzhī, bùyì yě, bùrú yīn shàn yùzhī. [Pinyin]
- It is beneath ourselves to attack a person because of his merit. We had better, as a matter of convenience, treat him with goodwill.
今人有大功而击之,不义也,不如因善遇之。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (archaic) thus; in such way; therefore; accordingly
- (archaic) through; via
- 衛鞅聞是令下,西入秦,因景監求見孝公。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Records of the Grand Historian, by Sima Qian, c. 91 BCE
- Wèi Yāng wén shì lìng xià, xī rù Qín, yīn Jǐngjiān qiú jiàn Xiàogōng. [Pinyin]
- Yang of Wey, on hearing the decree's promulgation, left westward for Qin and sought the audience of Duke Xiao through the eunuch Jing.
卫鞅闻是令下,西入秦,因景监求见孝公。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (obsolete) to multiply
- 令兩出門步數相乘,因而四之,為實。開方除之,即得邑方。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: c. 2nd century BCE, Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art (《九章算術》)
- Lìng liǎng chūmén bùshù xiāngchéng, yīn ér sì zhī, wéi shí. Kāifāng chú zhī, jí dé yì fāng. [Pinyin]
- Multiply the two distances to the respective portals, and multiply that product by four to obtain the quadruple as the operand. Take the square root of the operand, and one finds the side-length of the square equiareal to the rectangular town.
令两出门步数相乘,因而四之,为实。开方除之,即得邑方。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- depending on; according to; based on; contingent upon
- 因人而異/因人而异 ― yīnrén'éryì ― to vary from one person to another
- 因地制宜 ― yīndìzhìyí ― to make plans according to local conditions
- 若因過去時,有未來現在:未來及現在,應在過去時。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: c. 409, Kumārajīva (鳩摩羅什 (Jiūmóluóshí)), translator. The Mūlamadhyamakakārikā by Nāgārjuna (《中論》). English text based on the translation by Stephen Batchellor.
- Ruò yīn guòqù shí, yǒu wèilái xiànzài: wèilái jí xiànzài, yīng zài guòqù shí. [Pinyin]
- If the present and the future were contingent on the past, then the present and the future would have existed in the past.
若因过去时,有未来现在:未来及现在,应在过去时。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (Cantonese) to estimate
- reason; cause
- because; since
- due to; because of
- 三世因果
- 三因佛性
- 不因
- 不因不由
- 不因人熱/不因人热
- 不因熱/不因热
- 不因親/不因亲
- 主因 (zhǔyīn)
- 事出有因 (shìchūyǒuyīn)
- 事因
- 人因工程
- 佛因
- 來因/来因
- 倒果為因/倒果为因 (dàoguǒwéiyīn)
- 元因
- 克雷因
- 內因/内因 (nèiyīn)
- 公因式 (gōngyīnshì)
- 公因數/公因数 (gōngyīnshù)
- 凝血因子 (níngxuè yīnzǐ)
- 分解因式
- 制動因子/制动因子
- 前因 (qiányīn)
- 前因後果/前因后果 (qiányīnhòuguǒ)
- 功率因數/功率因数
- 動因/动因
- 十二因緣/十二因缘
- 原因 (yuányīn)
- 原因論/原因论
- 可待因 (kědàiyīn)
- 咖啡因 (kāfēiyīn)
- 因之
- 因事制宜
- 因人
- 因人廢言/因人废言
- 因人成事
- 因人而異/因人而异 (yīnrén'éryì)
- 因何 (yīnhé)
- 因依 (yīnyī)
- 因公假私
- 因公殉職/因公殉职 (yīngōngxùnzhí)
- 因公行私
- 因利乘便 (yīnlìchéngbiàn)
- 因勢利導/因势利导 (yīnshìlìdǎo)
- 因噎廢食/因噎废食 (yīnyēfèishí)
- 因國/因国
- 因地
- 因地制宜 (yīndìzhìyí)
- 因子 (yīnzǐ)
- 因小失大 (yīnxiǎoshīdà)
- 因小見大/因小见大
- 因式 (yīnshì)
- 因式分解 (yīnshì fēnjiě)
- 因式定理 (yīnshì dìnglǐ)
- 因弗基普
- 因循 (yīnxún)
- 因循坐誤/因循坐误
- 因循守舊/因循守旧 (yīnxúnshǒujiù)
- 因循苟且 (yīnxúngǒuqiě)
- 因應/因应 (yīnyìng)
- 因應措施/因应措施
- 因數/因数 (yīnshù)
- 因數分解/因数分解 (yīnshù fēnjiě)
- 因敵取資/因敌取资
- 因明
- 因時制宜/因时制宜 (yīnshízhìyí)
- 因材施教 (yīncáishījiào)
- 因果 (yīnguǒ)
- 因果報應/因果报应 (yīnguǒ bàoyìng)
- 因果律 (yīnguǒlǜ)
- 因果關係/因果关系 (yīnguǒ guānxì)
- 因樹為屋/因树为屋
- 因此 (yīncǐ)
- 因此上
- 因為/因为
- 因特網/因特网 (Yīntèwǎng)
- 因由 (yīnyóu)
- 因相
- 因禍得福/因祸得福 (yīnhuòdéfú)
- 因禍為福/因祸为福
- 因素 (yīnsù)
- 因緣/因缘 (yīnyuán)
- 因緣巧合/因缘巧合
- 因緣際會/因缘际会
- 因習/因习
- 因而 (yīn'ér)
- 因襲/因袭 (yīnxí)
- 因話隨話/因话随话
- 因變數/因变数 (yīnbiànshù)
- 因陀羅/因陀罗 (Yīntuóluó)
- 因陋就簡/因陋就简
- 因難見巧/因难见巧
- 因革
- 因頭/因头
- 因風吹火/因风吹火
- 基因 (jīyīn)
- 基因治療/基因治疗 (jīyīn zhìliáo)
- 基因突變/基因突变 (jīyīn tūbiàn)
- 夙世因緣/夙世因缘
- 多因
- 天假因緣/天假因缘
- 宿因
- 後果前因/后果前因 (hòuguǒqiányīn)
- 惡因/恶因
- 成因 (chéngyīn)
- 投資誘因/投资诱因
- 推因
- 收因結果/收因结果
- 普魯卡因/普鲁卡因 (pǔlǔkǎyīn)
- 有因
- 未了因
- 本因坊
- 梅鶴因緣/梅鹤因缘
- 業因/业因
- 模因 (móyīn)
- 歸因/归因 (guīyīn)
- 死因 (sǐyīn)
- 海洛因 (hǎiluòyīn)
- 滅罪修因/灭罪修因
- 無因/无因 (wúyīn)
- 無因管理/无因管理
- 特殊因素
- 生物因子
- 用天因地
- 病因 (bìngyīn)
- 相因 (xiāngyīn)
- 禍因惡積/祸因恶积
- 種因/种因
- 等因奉此
- 結果收因/结果收因
- 緣因/缘因
- 罪因
- 肇因 (zhàoyīn)
- 萊因河/莱因河
- 蘭因絮果/兰因絮果
- 誘因/诱因 (yòuyīn)
- 變因/变因
- 質因數/质因数 (zhìyīnshù)
- 起因 (qǐyīn)
- 轉轉相因/转转相因
- 近因 (jìnyīn)
- 達因/达因 (dáyīn)
- 遠因/远因 (yuǎnyīn)
- 釋提桓因/释提桓因 (Shìtíhuányīn)
- 陳陳相因/陈陈相因 (chénchénxiāngyīn)
- 香火因緣/香火因缘
- Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants (教育部異體字字典), A00726
- “因”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
Derived terms
因 • (in)
Derived terms
- 因する (insuru)
- 因数 (insū)
Etymology 2
Kanji in this term |
因 |
ちな(み) Grade: 5 |
kun’yomi |
For pronunciation and definitions of 因 – see the following entry: ちなみ |
(The following entry is uncreated: ちなみ.)
Etymology 3
Kanji in this term |
因 |
よし Grade: 5 |
nanori |
For pronunciation and definitions of 因 – see the following entry. | ||
| ||
(This term, 因, is an alternative spelling of the above term.) |
Etymology 4
Kanji in this term |
因 |
よすが Grade: 5 |
nanori |
For pronunciation and definitions of 因 – see the following entry. | ||
| ||
(This term, 因, is an alternative spelling of the above term.) |
- Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
From Middle Chinese 因 (MC 'jin).
Historical Readings | ||
Dongguk Jeongun Reading | ||
Dongguk Jeongun, 1448 | ᅙᅵᆫ (Yale: qìn) | |
Middle Korean | ||
Text | Eumhun | |
Gloss (hun) | Reading | |
Sinjeung Yuhap, 1576 | 인ᄒᆞᆯ (Yale: in-hol) | 인 (Yale: in) |
- (SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [in]
- Phonetic hangul: [인]
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