See also: 监
Japanese | 監 |
Simplified | 监 |
Traditional | 監 |
Alternative forms
- 𰯲 (when used at the top of a character)
Note the difference in the upper right component between simplified Chinese, where it is ⿱𠂉丶 (resembles half of 𥫗), and traditional Chinese and Japanese, where it is ⿱𠂉一.
Han character
監 (Kangxi radical 108, 皿+9 in Chinese, 皿+10 in Japanese, 14 strokes in Chinese, 15 strokes in Japanese, cangjie input 尸戈月廿 (SIBT) or 尸一月廿 (SMBT), four-corner 78107, composition ⿱⿰臣⿱𠂉丶皿)
Derived characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 796, character 2
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 23032
- Dae Jaweon: page 1210, character 18
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 4, page 2566, character 3
- Unihan data for U+76E3
trad. | 監 | |
simp. | 监 | |
alternative forms | 𧗄 譼/䛓 𧨭 𧩾 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 監 | |||
Shang | Western Zhou | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | Liushutong (compiled in Ming) |
Oracle bone script | Bronze inscriptions | Small seal script | Transcribed ancient scripts |
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Characters in the same phonetic series (監) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Old Chinese | |
藍 | *ɡ·raːm |
襤 | *ɡ·raːm |
籃 | *ɡ·raːm |
懢 | *ɡ·raːm, *ɡ·raːms |
儖 | *ɡ·raːm |
蘫 | *ɡ·raːm, *qʰlaːms |
攬 | *ɡ·raːmʔ |
欖 | *ɡ·raːmʔ |
覽 | *ɡ·raːmʔ |
爁 | *ɡ·raːmʔ, *ɡ·raːms, *ɡ·rams |
擥 | *ɡ·raːmʔ |
灠 | *ɡ·raːmʔ |
濫 | *ɡ·raːms, *ɡraːmʔ |
嚂 | *ɡ·raːms, *kʰlaːms, *qʰlaːmʔ |
纜 | *ɡ·raːms |
監 | *kraːm, *kraːms |
礛 | *kraːm |
鑑 | *kraːm, *kraːms, *kraːms |
艦 | *ɡraːmʔ |
檻 | *ɡraːmʔ, *ɡraːms |
壏 | *ɡraːmʔ |
轞 | *ɡraːmʔ |
鹽 | *ɡ·lam, *ɡ·lams |
Ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : 臥 + 血. Note the migration of the dot from 血 → 皿 to a third stroke of 人 → ⿱𠂉丶/⿱𠂉一.
Alternatively, pictogram (象形) depicting a person with an emphasized eye looking into a container (Ji Xusheng, 2004).
Pronunciation 1
- to supervise; to oversee
- (historical) proctor; supervisor
- to control; to take charge; to direct
- (historical, of crown prince or senior statesman) to act for the monarch
- (historical) dukes or princes under an emperor
- † to imprison; to incarcerate
- prison; jail
- † to command; to lead
- (Cantonese) to force (somebody to do something)
Dialectal synonyms of 監獄 (“jail; prison”) [map]
- 三監/三监
- 中央監控系統/中央监控系统
- 主監/主监
- 例監/例监
- 光照監視裝置/光照监视装置
- 入監/入监 (rùjiān)
- 內監/内监
- 出監/出监
- 國子監/国子监 (Guózǐjiàn)
- 坐監/坐监
- 外役監獄/外役监狱
- 大樓監控系統/大楼监控系统
- 天監/天监
- 女監/女监 (nǚjiān)
- 學監/学监
- 寄監/寄监
- 巴士底監獄/巴士底监狱
- 投監/投监
- 探監/探监 (tànjiān)
- 收監/收监 (shōujiān)
- 斃監免議/毙监免议
- 斬監候/斩监候
- 海監/海监
- 狂吟老監/狂吟老监
- 獨居監禁/独居监禁
- 球監/球监
- 理監事/理监事
- 環保與環境監控系統/环保与环境监控系统
- 發監/发监
- 監主自盜/监主自盗
- 監事/监事 (jiānshì)
- 監修/监修
- 監印/监印
- 監司/监司
- 監國/监国 (jiānguó)
- 監場/监场
- 監守/监守 (jiānshǒu)
- 監守自盜/监守自盗 (jiānshǒuzìdào)
- 監察/监察 (jiānchá)
- 監察人/监察人
- 監察委員/监察委员
- 監察御史/监察御史
- 監察權/监察权
- 監察院/监察院 (Jiāncháyuàn)
- 監察院審計部/监察院审计部
- 監寺/监寺
- 監工/监工 (jiāngōng)
- 監市履狶/监市履狶
- 監廚/监厨
- 監所/监所
- 監押/监押 (jiānyā)
- 監控/监控 (jiānkòng)
- 監斬/监斩
- 監斬官/监斩官
- 監測/监测 (jiāncè)
- 監牢/监牢 (jiānláo)
- 監犯/监犯 (jiānfàn)
- 監獄/监狱 (jiānyù)
- 監督/监督 (jiāndū)
- 監票/监票 (jiānpiào)
- 監視/监视 (jiānshì)
- 監視器/监视器 (jiānshìqì)
- 監禁/监禁 (jiānjìn)
- 監管/监管 (jiānguǎn)
- 監繫/监系
- 監考/监考 (jiānkǎo)
- 監聽/监听
- 監臨/监临
- 監臨自盜/监临自盗
- 監製/监制 (jiānzhì)
- 監覷/监觑
- 監解/监解
- 監試/监试
- 監誓/监誓 (jiānshì)
- 監護/监护 (jiānhù)
- 監護人/监护人 (jiānhùrén)
- 監軍/监军
- 監造/监造
- 監運/监运
- 監鋪/监铺
- 監門/监门
- 監門之養/监门之养
- 監齋使者/监斋使者
- 監齋爺/监斋爷
- 總監/总监 (zǒngjiān)
- 舍監/舍监
- 董監事/董监事
- 行政監督/行政监督
- 行監坐守/行监坐守
- 跟監/跟监
- 遠端監控系統/远端监控系统
Pronunciation 2
- † Alternative form of 鑒/鉴 (jiàn, “mirror”)
- † to reflect; to see; to view
- 子曰:「周監於二代,郁郁乎文哉!吾從周。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Zǐyuē: “Zhōu jiàn yú èrdài, yùyùhū wénzāi! Wú cóng Zhōu.” [Pinyin]
- The Master said, "Zhou had the advantage of viewing the two past dynasties. How complete and elegant are its regulations! I follow Zhou."
子曰:「周监于二代,郁郁乎文哉!吾从周。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- † to use for reference; to draw lessons from
- (historical) supervisor; overseer
- (historical) imperial office
- (historical) eunuch
- “監”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
- IPA(key): [kã̠ɴ]
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