Japanese | 宝 |
Simplified | 宝 |
Traditional | 寶 |
Han character
寶 (Kangxi radical 40, 宀+17, 20 strokes, cangjie input 十一山金 (JMUC), four-corner 30806, composition ⿱𡩧貝)
Related characters
- 宝 (Japanese shinjitai and simplified Chinese)
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 293, character 12
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 7376
- Dae Jaweon: page 579, character 32
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 2, page 958, character 3
- Unihan data for U+5BF6
trad. | 寶 | |
simp. | 宝 | |
alternative forms |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 寶 | |
Shang | Western Zhou |
Oracle bone script | Bronze inscriptions |
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Characters in the same phonetic series (缶) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Oracle bone script: Ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : 宀 (“house”) + 𤣩 (“jade”) + 貝 (“cowry”) – treasures in a house.
The phonetic component 缶 (OC *puʔ) was added to the character in bronze inscriptions.
From Proto-Sino-Tibetan *pəw (“price”); cognate with Burmese အဖိုး (a.hpui:, “price”) (Schuessler, 2007; STEDT). Peiros and Starostin (1996) also compares it to Tibetan སྤུས (spus, “goods”). Sagart (1999) relates it to 富 (OC *pɯɡs, “rich”). Schuessler (2007) proposes that it could be the same word as 保 (OC *puːʔ, “to take care of; to consider something precious”).
- treasure; riches; valuables; precious thing
- 天地之大德曰生,聖人之大寶曰位。 [Pre-Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: I Ching, 11th – 8th century BCE
- Tiāndì zhī dàdé yuē shēng, shèngrén zhī dàbǎo yuē wèi. [Pinyin]
- The great attribute of heaven and earth is the giving and maintaining life. What is most precious for the sage is to get the [highest] place - [in which he can be the human representative of heaven and earth].
天地之大德曰生,圣人之大宝曰位。 [Pre-Classical Chinese, simp.]- 宋人或得玉,獻諸子罕,子罕弗受。獻玉者曰:「以示玉人,玉人以為寶也,故敢獻之。」
- From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE
- Sòng rén huò dé yù, xiàn zhū Zǐhǎn, Zǐhǎn fú shòu. Xiàn yù zhě yuē: “Yǐ shì yùrén, yùrén yǐwèi bǎo yě, gù gǎn xiàn zhī.”
Zǐhǎn yuē: “Wǒ yǐ bù tān wèi bǎo, ěr yǐ yù wèi bǎo, ruò yǐ yǔ wǒ, jiē sàng bǎo yě.” [Pinyin] - Someone in Song had obtained a jade, which he presented to Zihan. Zihan would not accept it. The one presenting the jade said, "I have shown it to the jade workers, and they believe that it is a treasure. Therefore I presume to present it to you."
Zihan said, "I consider not being greedy as a treasure; you consider the jade a treasure. If you give it to me, both of us will lose our treasures."
子罕曰:「我以不貪為寶,爾以玉為寶,若以與我,皆喪寶也。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
子罕曰:「我以不贪为宝,尔以玉为宝,若以与我,皆丧宝也。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- to treasure; to cherish
- to collect (treasures)
- treasured; cherished
- precious; valuable
- (historical) jade token
- term of respect, for things related to the emperor, to Buddhism, to Taoism, or to other people
- (term of endearment) darling; baby; dear
- (gambling) a kind of gambling device
- a surname: Bao
- (Sichuanese) foolish; silly; stupid
Dialectal synonyms of 傻 (“foolish”) [map]
- 七寶/七宝 (qībǎo)
- 三寶/三宝 (sānbǎo)
- 佛天三寶/佛天三宝
- 傳家之寶/传家之宝
- 傳家寶/传家宝 (chuánjiābǎo)
- 元寶/元宝 (yuánbǎo)
- 元寶楓/元宝枫
- 兔寶寶/兔宝宝
- 八寶/八宝 (bābǎo)
- 八寶粥/八宝粥 (bābǎozhōu)
- 八寶菜/八宝菜 (bābǎocài)
- 八寶飯/八宝饭 (bābǎofàn)
- 冥寶/冥宝
- 品花寶鑑/品花宝鉴
- 嘉寶/嘉宝 (Jiābǎo)
- 國寶/国宝 (guóbǎo)
- 國寶級/国宝级
- 壓寶/压宝
- 多寶塔/多宝塔
- 多寶槅/多宝槅
- 大寶/大宝 (dàbǎo)
- 大雄寶殿/大雄宝殿 (dàxióng bǎo diàn)
- 天寶/天宝 (Tiānbǎo)
- 天寶之亂/天宝之乱
- 太寶湖/太宝湖 (Tàibǎohú)
- 奇珍異寶/奇珍异宝
- 好來寶/好来宝
- 好力寶/好力宝
- 如獲珍寶/如获珍宝
- 如獲至寶/如获至宝 (rúhuòzhìbǎo)
- 子罕辭寶/子罕辞宝
- 家中寶/家中宝
- 寶中之寶/宝中之宝
- 寶位/宝位
- 寶倌/宝倌
- 寶兒赤/宝儿赤
- 寶典/宝典 (bǎodiǎn)
- 寶函/宝函
- 寶刀/宝刀 (bǎodāo)
- 寶刀不老/宝刀不老 (bǎodāobùlǎo)
- 寶刀未老/宝刀未老 (bǎodāowèilǎo)
- 寶刹
- 寶剎/宝刹 (bǎochà)
- 寶劍/宝剑 (bǎojiàn)
- 寶匳/宝奁
- 寶卷/宝卷 (bǎojuàn)
- 寶地/宝地 (bǎodì)
- 寶坊/宝坊
- 寶塔/宝塔 (bǎotǎ)
- 寶塔河/宝塔河 (Bǎotǎhé)
- 寶塔糖/宝塔糖
- 寶塔線/宝塔线
- 寶塔菜/宝塔菜
- 寶塔詩/宝塔诗 (bǎotǎshī)
- 寶天曼/宝天曼 (Bǎotiānmàn)
- 寶婺/宝婺
- 寶子/宝子
- 寶字/宝字
- 寶寶/宝宝
- 寶寶盤/宝宝盘
- 寶寶裝/宝宝装
- 寶局/宝局
- 寶山/宝山 (bǎoshān)
- 寶山空回/宝山空回 (bǎoshānkōnghuí)
- 寶島/宝岛 (Bǎodǎo)
- 寶帶/宝带 (bǎodài)
- 寶帶橋/宝带桥
- 寶幢/宝幢
- 寶座/宝座 (bǎozuò)
- 寶庫/宝库 (bǎokù)
- 寶惜/宝惜
- 寶愛/宝爱 (bǎo'ài)
- 寶慶/宝庆
- 寶應/宝应
- 寶成鐵路/宝成铁路
- 寶扇/宝扇
- 寶方/宝方
- 寶星/宝星
- 寶曆/宝历
- 寶書/宝书
- 寶月/宝月
- 寶月寺/宝月寺 (Bǎoyuèsì)
- 寶殿/宝殿 (bǎodiàn)
- 寶氣/宝气
- 寶泉局/宝泉局
- 寶湖/宝湖 (Bǎohú)
- 寶源局/宝源局
- 寶物/宝物 (bǎowù)
- 寶特瓶/宝特瓶 (bǎotèpíng)
- 寶玉/宝玉 (bǎoyù)
- 寶玩/宝玩 (bǎowán)
- 寶珠/宝珠 (bǎozhū)
- 寶珠市餅/宝珠市饼
- 寶珠茶/宝珠茶
- 寶璐/宝璐
- 寶瓶/宝瓶 (bǎopíng)
- 寶瓶座/宝瓶座 (Bǎopíngzuò)
- 寶生佛/宝生佛 (Bǎoshēng fó)
- 寶相/宝相
- 寶相莊嚴/宝相庄严
- 寶眷/宝眷 (bǎojuàn)
- 寶石/宝石 (bǎoshí)
- 寶石婚/宝石婚
- 寶祚/宝祚
- 寶筏/宝筏
- 寶籙/宝箓
- 寶緘/宝缄
- 寶肆/宝肆
- 寶舟/宝舟
- 寶船/宝船 (bǎochuán)
- 寶莊/宝庄
- 寶蓋/宝盖 (bǎogài)
- 寶蓋兒/宝盖儿
- 寶蓋山/宝盖山
- 寶蓮燈/宝莲灯
- 寶藍/宝蓝 (bǎolán)
- 寶藏/宝藏
- 寶藍色/宝蓝色
- 寶號/宝号 (bǎohào)
- 寶裡寶氣/宝里宝气
- 寶誌/宝志
- 寶豐/宝丰 (Bǎofēng)
- 寶貝/宝贝 (bǎobèi)
- 寶貝疙瘩/宝贝疙瘩
- 寶貨/宝货 (bǎohuò)
- 寶貨難售/宝货难售
- 寶貴/宝贵 (bǎoguì)
- 寶軒燈/宝轩灯
- 寶輪/宝轮
- 寶轎/宝轿
- 寶重/宝重 (bǎozhòng)
- 寶釵/宝钗
- 寶釵樓/宝钗楼
- 寶鈔/宝钞 (bǎochāo)
- 寶鈿/宝钿
- 寶鑑/宝鉴
- 寶鑰/宝钥
- 寶鑷/宝镊
- 寶雞/宝鸡 (Bǎojī)
- 寶章/宝章
- 寶馬/宝马 (bǎomǎ)
- 寶馬香車/宝马香车 (bǎomǎ xiāngchē)
- 寶魔/宝魔
- 寶鴨/宝鸭
- 寶麗來/宝丽来 (bǎolìlái)
- 寶鼎/宝鼎
- 寶鼎勛章/宝鼎勋章
- 尚方寶劍/尚方宝剑 (shàngfāng bǎojiàn)
- 展寶/展宝
- 希世之寶/希世之宝
- 御寶/御宝 (yùbǎo)
- 心肝寶貝/心肝宝贝 (xīngān bǎobèi)
- 懷寶夜行/怀宝夜行
- 懷寶迷邦/怀宝迷邦
- 押寶/押宝
- 抱寶懷珍/抱宝怀珍
- 招財進寶/招财进宝 (zhāocáijìnbǎo)
- 撚寶/撚宝
- 數來寶/数来宝
- 文房四寶/文房四宝 (wénfángsìbǎo)
- 枕中鴻寶/枕中鸿宝
- 東北三寶/东北三宝
- 東寶/东宝 (Dōngbǎo)
- 梁皇寶懺/梁皇宝忏
- 毛寶放龜/毛宝放龟
- 法寶/法宝 (fǎbǎo)
- 活寶/活宝 (huóbǎo)
- 活寶貝/活宝贝
- 無價之寶/无价之宝 (wújiàzhībǎo)
- 無價寶/无价宝
- 爨寶子碑/爨宝子碑
- 牛黃狗寶/牛黄狗宝
- 物華天寶/物华天宝
- 狗寶/狗宝
- 獄貨非寶/狱货非宝
- 獻寶/献宝
- 王寶釧/王宝钏
- 珍寶/珍宝 (zhēnbǎo)
- 珠光寶氣/珠光宝气 (zhūguāngbǎoqì)
- 珠寶/珠宝 (zhūbǎo)
- 現世寶/现世宝
- 瑋寶/玮宝
- 瑰寶/瑰宝 (guībǎo)
- 甜八寶/甜八宝
- 異寶奇珍/异宝奇珍
- 登大寶/登大宝
- 白寶/白宝
- 百寶嵌/百宝嵌
- 百寶盒/百宝盒
- 百寶箱/百宝箱 (bǎibǎoxiāng)
- 祕寶/秘宝
- 萬寶/万宝 (Wànbǎo)
- 萬寶囊/万宝囊
- 稀世珍寶/稀世珍宝 (xīshìzhēnbǎo)
- 穴寶蓋兒/穴宝盖儿
- 糕元寶/糕元宝
- 紅寶石/红宝石 (hóngbǎoshí)
- 紅寶石婚/红宝石婚
- 綠寶石/绿宝石 (lǜbǎoshí)
- 綠寶石婚/绿宝石婚
- 老來寶/老来宝
- 耍寶/耍宝 (shuǎbǎo)
- 耍活寶/耍活宝
- 聚寶尊王/聚宝尊王
- 聚寶盆/聚宝盆 (jùbǎopén)
- 臨潼鬥寶/临潼斗宝
- 至寶/至宝 (zhìbǎo)
- 薛寶釵/薛宝钗
- 藍寶石/蓝宝石 (lánbǎoshí)
- 蠶寶寶/蚕宝宝 (cánbǎobǎo)
- 衣褐懷寶/衣褐怀宝
- 被褐懷寶/被褐怀宝
- 財寶/财宝 (cáibǎo)
- 賈寶玉/贾宝玉
- 通寶/通宝 (tōngbǎo)
- 通靈寶玉/通灵宝玉
- 重寶/重宝
- 金寶/金宝 (jīnbǎo)
- 鎮家之寶/镇家之宝
- 開元通寶/开元通宝
- 阿寶/阿宝
- 隨身寶/随身宝
- 靈霄寶殿/灵霄宝殿 (Língxiāobǎodiàn)
- 風月寶鑑/风月宝鉴
- 香車寶馬/香车宝马 (xiāngchē bǎomǎ)
- 魚籃寶卷/鱼篮宝卷
- 墨寶/墨宝 (mòbǎo)
- “寶”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
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