See also: 呑
Han character
吞 (Kangxi radical 30, 口+4, 7 strokes, cangjie input 一大口 (MKR), four-corner 20603, composition ⿱天口)
Derived characters
- 𣵞
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 177, character 18
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 3329
- Dae Jaweon: page 395, character 2
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 1, page 585, character 4
- Unihan data for U+541E
simp. and trad. |
吞 | |
alternative forms | 呑 |
Glyph origin
Etymology 1
Attested somewhat late (in Warring States period's texts).
Starostin reconstructs 吞 (OC *tʰən) derives it from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *dʱɨ̄n/ŋ (“to swallow, to drink”), whence also Tibetan འཐུང ('thung, “to drink”) & Lepcha ᰋᰩᰵ (thóng, “to drink”), which STEDT derives from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *m/s-tuŋ (“to drink, to suckle”); however, STEDT does not derive 吞 from or compare it to *m/s-tuŋ.
Schuessler (2007) compares it to several Kam-Tai words: Thai กลืน (glʉʉn), Ahom 𑜀𑜢𑜤𑜃 (k(l)en), Saek [script needed] (tlɯɯnA1), Proto-Kam-Sui *ʔdun, etc.
- to swallow (to cause food, drink, etc. to pass from the mouth into the stomach)
- 囫圇吞棗/囫囵吞枣 ― húlúntūnzǎo ― Literally, “to swallow a jujube whole” > figuratively, "to accept without thinking; to read without understanding"
- 子胥出走,邊候得之。子胥曰:「上索我者,以我有美珠也。今我已亡之矣。我且曰子取吞之。」候因釋之。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Han Feizi, circa 2nd century BCE
- Zǐxū chūzǒu, biānhòu dé zhī. Zǐxū yuē: “Shàng suǒ wǒ zhě, yǐ wǒ yǒu měizhū yě. Jīn wǒ yǐ wáng zhī yǐ. Wǒ qiě yuē zǐ qǔ tūn zhī.” Hòu yīn shì zhī. [Pinyin]
- When Tzŭ-hsü was making his escape, a frontier patrol caught him. Tzŭ-hsü said: "The authorities want me because they think I have a beautiful pearl. Now I have already lost it. But I will say that you have seized and swallowed it." Thereupon the patrol released him.
子胥出走,边候得之。子胥曰:「上索我者,以我有美珠也。今我已亡之矣。我且曰子取吞之。」候因释之。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]- 一蛇吞象,厥大何如? [Classical Chinese, trad. and simp.]
- From: The Verses of Chu, 4th century BCE – 2nd century CE
- Yī shé tūn xiàng, jué dà hérú? [Pinyin]
- The snake that can swallow elephants — How big must it be?
- 吞舟之魚,碭而失水,則蟻能苦之。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Zhuangzi, circa 3rd – 2nd centuries BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Tūnzhōu zhī yú, dàng ér shīshuǐ, zé yǐ néng kǔ zhī. [Pinyin]
- If a fish that can swallow a boat be left dry by the flowing away of the water, then (even) the ants can trouble it.
吞舟之鱼,砀而失水,则蚁能苦之。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- to annex (territory, a country, etc.)
- 今秦者,虎狼之國也,兼有吞周之意;…… [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Zhanguo Ce, circa 5th – 3rd centuries BCE
- Jīn Qín zhě, hǔláng zhī guó yě, jiān yǒu tūn Zhōu zhī yì;...... [Pinyin]
- Now Qin, a state of tigers and wolves, is united around the idea of swallowing / annexing Zhou; [...]
今秦者,虎狼之国也,兼有吞周之意;…… [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (to swallow): 吞吃 (tūnchī)
- (to annex):
- 併吞/并吞 (bìngtūn)
- 依吞布拉克 (Yītūnbùlākè)
- 侵吞 (qīntūn)
- 半吐半吞
- 半吞半吐
- 吞佔/吞占
- 吞併/吞并 (tūnbìng)
- 吞刀刮腸/吞刀刮肠
- 吞刀吐火
- 吞剝/吞剥 (tūnbō)
- 吞劍/吞剑
- 吞吐 (tūntǔ)
- 吞吃 (tūnchī)
- 吞吐其辭/吞吐其辞
- 吞吐含蓄
- 吞吐量 (tūntǔliàng)
- 吞吞吐吐 (tūntūntǔtǔ)
- 吞噬 (tūnshì)
- 吞噬細胞/吞噬细胞 (tūnshì xìbāo)
- 吞嚥/吞咽 (tūnyàn)
- 吞恨
- 吞服
- 吞氣/吞气
- 吞沒/吞没 (tūnmò)
- 吞滅/吞灭
- 吞炭
- 吞炭漆身
- 吞煙/吞烟
- 吞牛
- 吞聲/吞声 (tūnshēng)
- 吞聲屏氣/吞声屏气
- 吞聲忍氣/吞声忍气
- 吞聲忍讓/吞声忍让
- 吞聲飲氣/吞声饮气
- 吞聲飲泣/吞声饮泣
- 吞舌
- 吞舟
- 吞舟之魚/吞舟之鱼
- 吞花臥酒/吞花卧酒
- 吞蝕/吞蚀
- 吞金
- 吞雲吐霧/吞云吐雾 (tūnyúntǔwù)
- 吞食 (tūnshí)
- 嚥苦吞甘/咽苦吞甘
- 囫圇吞棗/囫囵吞枣 (húlúntūnzǎo)
- 壯氣吞牛/壮气吞牛
- 天狗吞月
- 巴蛇吞象
- 布立吞族
- 并吞 (bìngtūn)
- 忍氣吞聲/忍气吞声 (rěnqìtūnshēng)
- 急吞
- 慢吞吞 (màntūntūn)
- 慢慢吞吞
- 打一個吞/打一个吞
- 服氣吞露/服气吞露
- 杜口吞聲/杜口吞声
- 氣吞山河/气吞山河
- 氣吞牛斗
- 氣忍聲吞/气忍声吞
- 活剝生吞/活剥生吞
- 溫吞吞/温吞吞
- 漆身吞炭
- 狼吞虎咽 (lángtūnhǔyàn)
- 狼吞虎噬
- 狼吞虎嚥/狼吞虎咽 (lángtūnhǔyàn)
- 獨吞/独吞 (dútūn)
- 生吞活剝/生吞活剥 (shēngtūnhuóbō)
- 私吞 (sītūn)
- 網漏吞舟/网漏吞舟
- 聲吞氣忍/声吞气忍
- 臥雪吞氈/卧雪吞毡
- 茹泣吞悲
- 虎咽狼吞
- 虎踞鯨吞/虎踞鲸吞
- 蛇吞象
- 蠶食鯨吞/蚕食鲸吞 (cánshíjīngtūn)
- 輕吞慢吐/轻吞慢吐
- 鉗口吞舌/钳口吞舌
- 雲吞/云吞 (yúntūn)
- 飲恨吞聲/饮恨吞声
- 飲氣吞聲/饮气吞声
- 飲泣吞聲/饮泣吞声
- 餓虎吞羊/饿虎吞羊
- 鯨吞/鲸吞 (jīngtūn)
- 鯨吞虎噬/鲸吞虎噬
- 鶻崙吞棗/鹘仑吞枣
- 齧蘗吞針/啮蘗吞针
- 齧雪吞氈/啮雪吞毡
(“Jinmeiyō” kanji used for names)
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
吞 • (tan) (hangeul 탄, revised tan, McCune–Reischauer t'an)
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
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