Stroke order | |||
![]() |
Traditional | 齊 |
Shinjitai | 斉 |
Simplified | 齐 |
Han character
齊 (Kangxi radical 210, 齊+0, 14 strokes, cangjie input 卜難 (YX), four-corner 00223, composition ⿳亠⿲刀丫⿸⿱丿𠄌㇏⿲丿二丨)
- Kangxi radical #210, ⿑.
Derived characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 1531, character 6
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 48560
- Dae Jaweon: page 2068, character 11
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 7, page 4783, character 1
- Unihan data for U+9F4A
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 齊 |
Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) |
Small seal script |
![]() |
Characters in the same phonetic series (齊) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Old Chinese | |
儕 | *zriːl |
麡 | *zriːl, *ʔsliːl, *zliːl |
齋 | *ʔsriːl |
穧 | *ʔsleds, *ʔsliːls, *zliːls |
擠 | *ʔsliːl, *ʔsliːls |
躋 | *ʔsliːl, *ʔsliːls |
齏 | *ʔsliːl |
齎 | *ʔsliːl, *ʔslil |
櫅 | *ʔsliːl |
齌 | *ʔsliːl, *sʰliːl, *zliːls |
隮 | *ʔsliːl, *ʔsliːls |
賷 | *ʔsliːl |
虀 | *ʔsliːl |
濟 | *ʔsliːlʔ, *ʔsliːls |
癠 | *ʔsliːlʔ, *zliːl, *zliːlʔ, *zliːls |
霽 | *ʔsliːls |
齊 | *zliːl, *zliːls |
臍 | *zliːl |
蠐 | *zliːl, *zlil |
懠 | *zliːl, *zliːls |
薺 | *zliːlʔ, *zlil |
鱭 | *zliːlʔ |
嚌 | *zliːls |
劑 | *zliːls, *ʔslel |
齍 | *ʔslil |
Ideogram (指事) : a field of grain, hence of uniform height.
Etymology 1
trad. | 齊 | |
simp. | 齐 | |
alternative forms |
Either related to Mizo čelʔᴸ (“equal, to endure”) or, more phonologically likely, Tibetan ཚིར (tshir, “queue, order, succession”) as Tibetan /tsʰir/'s final /-r/ can explain the Middle Chinese retroflex initial of 儕 (OC *zriːl), which is derived from 齊 (OC *zliːl).
Pronunciation 1
- even; uniform; of equal length
- same; identical
- 齊天大聖/齐天大圣 ― Qítiān Dàshèng ― Great Sage, Equal to Heaven (An epithet for Sun Wukong, the main character in the classic novel Journey to the West.)
- 「見賢思齊焉,見不賢而內自省也。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- “jiànxiánsīqí yān, jiàn bù xián ér nèi zì xǐng yě.” [Pinyin]
- "When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them; when we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves."
「见贤思齐焉,见不贤而内自省也。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- complete
- together; simultaneously
- to be the same height as; to be level with
- along a line
- (~國) Qi, an ancient Chinese duchy, and later kingdom, during the Zhou dynasty
- Southern Qi (479–502), the second of the Southern dynasties in China
- Northern Qi (550–577), one of the Northern dynasties in China
- 齊朝有一士大夫,嘗謂吾曰:「我有一兒,年已十七,頗曉書疏,教其鮮卑語及彈琵琶,稍欲通解,以此伏事公卿,無不寵愛,亦要事也。」 [Literary Chinese, trad.]
- From: Yan Zhitui, The Family Instructions of Master Yan, 6th century CE
- Qí cháo yǒu yī shìdàfū, cháng wèi wú yuē: “Wǒ yǒu yī ér, nián yǐ shíqī, pō xiǎo shūshū, jiào qí xiānbēiyǔ jí tán pípá, shāo yù tōngjiě, yǐ cǐ fúshì gōngqīng, wú bù chǒng'ài, yì yàoshì yě.” [Pinyin]
- There is a scholar-official in the Qi Dynasty, who once said to me, "I have a son who is seventeen years of age and is well versed in writing official reports. I taught him the Xianbei language and how to play the pipa, and when he became somewhat capable in those, he began serving the officials and was loved by all. These are important things."
齐朝有一士大夫,尝谓吾曰:「我有一儿,年已十七,颇晓书疏,教其鲜卑语及弹琵琶,稍欲通解,以此伏事公卿,无不宠爱,亦要事也。」 [Literary Chinese, simp.]
- (~日) (telegraphy) the eighth day of a month
- a surname
- 一齊/一齐 (yīqí)
- 一齊天下/一齐天下
- 不整不齊/不整不齐
- 不整齊花/不整齐花
- 不齊全/不齐全
- 並駕齊驅/并驾齐驱 (bìngjiàqíqū)
- 伯夷叔齊/伯夷叔齐
- 保不齊/保不齐 (bǎobuqí)
- 修身齊家/修身齐家
- 出齊/出齐 (chūqí)
- 到齊/到齐 (dàoqí)
- 北齊/北齐 (Běiqí)
- 北齊書/北齐书
- 南齊/南齐 (Nánqí)
- 南齊書/南齐书
- 參差不齊/参差不齐 (cēncībùqí)
- 取齊/取齐
- 地醜德齊/地丑德齐
- 大齊/大齐
- 夫婦齊眉/夫妇齐眉
- 天年不齊/天年不齐
- 夷齊/夷齐
- 導德齊禮/导德齐礼
- 尖齊圓健/尖齐圆健
- 岑樓齊末/岑楼齐末
- 弧帨齊輝/弧帨齐辉
- 徇齊/徇齐
- 截齊/截齐
- 戮力齊心/戮力齐心
- 找齊/找齐
- 整整齊齊/整整齐齐
- 整齊/整齐 (zhěngqí)
- 整齊劃一/整齐划一 (zhěngqíhuàyī)
- 整齊花/整齐花
- 斗重山齊
- 方駕齊驅/方驾齐驱
- 會齊/会齐 (huìqí)
- 權鈞力齊/权钧力齐
- 歸齊/归齐
- 比量齊觀/比量齐观
- 洪福齊天/洪福齐天
- 湊齊/凑齐 (còuqí)
- 火齊珠/火齐珠 (huǒjìzhū)
- 烏魯木齊/乌鲁木齐 (Wūlǔmùqí)
- 田齊/田齐
- 白髮齊眉/白发齐眉
- 百家齊鳴/百家齐鸣
- 百花齊放/百花齐放 (bǎihuāqífàng)
- 看齊/看齐 (kànqí)
- 福壽天齊/福寿天齐
- 福壽齊天/福寿齐天
- 福與天齊/福与天齐
- 福齊南山/福齐南山
- 萬馬齊瘖/万马齐瘖
- 積甲山齊/积甲山齐
- 等量齊觀/等量齐观
- 續齊諧記/续齐谐记
- 聚齊/聚齐 (jùqí)
- 肩膀不齊/肩膀不齐
- 舉案齊眉/举案齐眉 (jǔ'ànqíméi)
- 良莠不齊/良莠不齐 (liángyǒubùqí)
- 蘭桂齊芳/兰桂齐芳
- 衣冠齊楚/衣冠齐楚
- 見德思齊/见德思齐
- 見賢思齊/见贤思齐 (jiànxiánsīqí)
- 都齊/都齐
- 鄒纓齊紫/邹缨齐紫
- 酒介齊眉/酒介齐眉
- 金鼓齊鳴/金鼓齐鸣 (jīngǔ qí míng)
- 開齊合撮/开齐合撮
- 雙管齊下/双管齐下 (shuāngguǎnqíxià)
- 齊一/齐一
- 齊人/齐人 (qírén)
- 齊人之福/齐人之福
- 齊人攫金/齐人攫金
- 齊備/齐备 (qíbèi)
- 齊傅楚咻/齐傅楚咻
- 齊全/齐全 (qíquán)
- 齊口/齐口
- 齊名/齐名 (qímíng)
- 齊名並價/齐名并价
- 齊后破環/齐后破环
- 齊唱/齐唱 (qíchàng)
- 齊國/齐国 (Qíguó)
- 齊墩果/齐墩果 (qídūnguǒ)
- 齊大非偶/齐大非偶 (qídàfēi'ǒu)
- 齊大非耦/齐大非耦
- 齊天大聖/齐天大圣 (Qítiān Dàshèng)
- 齊天洪福/齐天洪福
- 齊奏/齐奏 (qízòu)
- 齊女/齐女
- 齊姜/齐姜
- 齊威王/齐威王
- 齊宣王/齐宣王 (Qí Xuān Wáng)
- 齊家/齐家 (qíjiā)
- 齊家治國/齐家治国
- 齊巧/齐巧
- 齊年/齐年 (qínián)
- 齊心/齐心 (qíxīn)
- 齊心一力/齐心一力
- 齊心併力/齐心并力
- 齊心協力/齐心协力 (qíxīnxiélì)
- 齊心合力/齐心合力 (qíxīnhélì)
- 齊心同力/齐心同力
- 齊心戮力/齐心戮力 (qíxīnlùlì)
- 齊截/齐截 (qíjie)
- 齊打夥兒/齐打伙儿
- 齊攢/齐攒
- 齊整/齐整 (qízhěng)
- 齊整如一/齐整如一
- 齊明/齐明
- 齊東野語/齐东野语 (qídōngyěyǔ)
- 齊桓公/齐桓公
- 齊梁世界
- 齊梁體/齐梁体
- 齊楚/齐楚
- 齊步/齐步
- 齊民/齐民 (qímín)
- 齊民要術/齐民要术
- 齊煙九點/齐烟九点
- 齊物論/齐物论
- 齊王捨牛/齐王舍牛
- 齊盟/齐盟
- 齊眉/齐眉
- 齊眉棍/齐眉棍
- 齊眉舉案/齐眉举案
- 齊紈魯縞/齐纨鲁缟
- 齊給/齐给
- 齊聚一堂/齐聚一堂
- 齊聲/齐声 (qíshēng)
- 齊腰/齐腰 (qíyāo)
- 齊臻臻/齐臻臻
- 齊詩/齐诗
- 齊論/齐论
- 齊諾/齐诺
- 齊諧/齐谐
- 齊足並馳/齐足并驰
- 齊足並驅/齐足并驱
- 齊集/齐集 (qíjí)
- 齊頭/齐头 (qítóu)
- 齊頭並進/齐头并进 (qítóubìngjìn)
- 齊驅/齐驱
- 齊驅並駕/齐驱并驾
- 齊驅並驟/齐驱并骤
- 齊魯/齐鲁 (Qílǔ)
- 齊齊哈爾/齐齐哈尔 (Qíqíhā'ěr)
- 齊齊整整/齐齐整整 (qíqízhěngzhěng)
- 齊齒/齐齿
- 齊齒呼/齐齿呼 (qíchǐhū)
- 齒如齊貝/齿如齐贝
Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation 3
Pronunciation 4
- 齊盛/齐盛
- 齊衰/齐衰
Pronunciation 5
- 思齊/思齐
- 齊宿/齐宿
- 齊心滌慮/齐心涤虑
- 齊肅/齐肃
- 齊莊/齐庄
Pronunciation 6
- “齊”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
- Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants (教育部異體字字典), A04794
- “Entry #10973”, in 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典 [Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan] (overall work in Mandarin and Hokkien), Ministry of Education, R.O.C., 2023.
斉 | |
齊 |
(“Jinmeiyō” kanji used for names, kyūjitai kanji, shinjitai form 斉)
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
- Go-on: ざい (zai); し (shi)
- Kan-on: せい (sei); し (shi)
- Kan’yō-on: さい (sai)
- Kun: そろう (sorou, 齊う)←そろふ (sorofu, 齊ふ, historical); そろえる (soroeru, 齊える)←そろへる (soroferu, 齊へる, historical); ととのう (totonou, 齊う)←ととのふ (totonofu, 齊ふ, historical); ととのえる (totonoeru, 齊える)←ととのへる (totonoferu, 齊へる, historical); ひとしい (hitoshii, 齊しい)
- Nanori: きよ (kiyo); ただ (tada); ただし (tadashi); とき (toki); とし (toshi); なお (nao)←なほ (nafo, historical); なり (nari); ひさし (hisashi); まさ (masa); むね (mune); よし (yoshi)
齊 (eum 제 (je))
- This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text
Han character
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