
See also: töllö



Back-formation from tollottaa.


  • IPA(key): /ˈtolːo/, [ˈt̪o̞lːo̞]
  • Rhymes: -olːo
  • Syllabification(key): tol‧lo


tollo (comparative tollompi, superlative tolloin) (informal)

  1. moronic, dumb, goofy, foolish
    Synonyms: see Thesaurus:tyhmä



  1. (informal) moron, dumbass, goof, fool
  2. A piece of paper wrinkled and squeezed into a ball, as for throwing away.
    Synonym: paperitollo


Inflection of tollo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
nominative tollo tollot
genitive tollon tollojen
partitive tolloa tolloja
illative tolloon tolloihin
singular plural
nominative tollo tollot
accusative nom. tollo tollot
gen. tollon
genitive tollon tollojen
partitive tolloa tolloja
inessive tollossa tolloissa
elative tollosta tolloista
illative tolloon tolloihin
adessive tollolla tolloilla
ablative tollolta tolloilta
allative tollolle tolloille
essive tollona tolloina
translative tolloksi tolloiksi
abessive tollotta tolloitta
instructive tolloin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of tollo (Kotus type 1/valo, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative tolloni tolloni
accusative nom. tolloni tolloni
gen. tolloni
genitive tolloni tollojeni
partitive tolloani tollojani
inessive tollossani tolloissani
elative tollostani tolloistani
illative tollooni tolloihini
adessive tollollani tolloillani
ablative tolloltani tolloiltani
allative tollolleni tolloilleni
essive tollonani tolloinani
translative tollokseni tolloikseni
abessive tollottani tolloittani
comitative tolloineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative tollosi tollosi
accusative nom. tollosi tollosi
gen. tollosi
genitive tollosi tollojesi
partitive tolloasi tollojasi
inessive tollossasi tolloissasi
elative tollostasi tolloistasi
illative tolloosi tolloihisi
adessive tollollasi tolloillasi
ablative tolloltasi tolloiltasi
allative tollollesi tolloillesi
essive tollonasi tolloinasi
translative tolloksesi tolloiksesi
abessive tollottasi tolloittasi
comitative tolloinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative tollomme tollomme
accusative nom. tollomme tollomme
gen. tollomme
genitive tollomme tollojemme
partitive tolloamme tollojamme
inessive tollossamme tolloissamme
elative tollostamme tolloistamme
illative tolloomme tolloihimme
adessive tollollamme tolloillamme
ablative tolloltamme tolloiltamme
allative tollollemme tolloillemme
essive tollonamme tolloinamme
translative tolloksemme tolloiksemme
abessive tollottamme tolloittamme
comitative tolloinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative tollonne tollonne
accusative nom. tollonne tollonne
gen. tollonne
genitive tollonne tollojenne
partitive tolloanne tollojanne
inessive tollossanne tolloissanne
elative tollostanne tolloistanne
illative tolloonne tolloihinne
adessive tollollanne tolloillanne
ablative tolloltanne tolloiltanne
allative tollollenne tolloillenne
essive tollonanne tolloinanne
translative tolloksenne tolloiksenne
abessive tollottanne tolloittanne
comitative tolloinenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative tollonsa tollonsa
accusative nom. tollonsa tollonsa
gen. tollonsa
genitive tollonsa tollojensa
partitive tolloaan
inessive tollossaan
elative tollostaan
illative tolloonsa tolloihinsa
adessive tollollaan
ablative tolloltaan
allative tollolleen
essive tollonaan
translative tollokseen
abessive tollottaan
comitative tolloineen


Derived terms


Further reading




  1. first-person singular present indicative of toller



From Proto-Italic *tolnō, from Proto-Indo-European *tl̥néh₂ti ~ *tl̥nh₂énti, from the root *telh₂- (to bear, carry).

Cognate with Latin tolerō (to bear, endure), tulī (I bore), lātus (borne), tellūs (earth that bears). The perfect and supine stems of tollo were prefixed with sub (beneath) to distinguish them from the original forms tetulī and lātum, which had become suppletively attached to the conjugation of ferō (to bear).

Farther cognate with Ancient Greek τλάντος (tlántos, bearing, suffering), τολμέω (tolméō, to carry, bear), τελαμών (telamṓn, broad strap for bearing something), Ἄτλας (Átlas, the ‘Bearer’ of Heaven), Lithuanian tiltas (bridge), Sanskrit तुला (tulā, balance), तुलयति (tulayati, lifts up, weighs), Old English þolian (to endure) (English thole), Old Armenian թողում (tʻołum, I allow).



tollō (present infinitive tollere, perfect active sustulī, supine sublātum); third conjugation

  1. to raise, lift up, elevate
    Synonyms: levō, ēlevō, allevō, ērigō, excellō, ēvehō, scandō, efferō, sublīmō, surgō, ēdō
    Antonyms: dēiciō, abiciō
    • Vergil. Aeneid
      Clāmōrēs simul horrendōs ad sīdera tollit.
      At the same time he raised horrible cries to the stars.
  2. to remove, take away, steal, rob
    Synonyms: āmoveō, auferō, diripiō, rapiō, fraudō, corripiō, adimō, eripiō, rēmoveō, āvertō, dēmō, exhauriō, praedor, eximō, legō, agō, extorqueō
    Agnus Deī, quī tollis peccāta mundī, miserēre nōbīs.
    Lamb of God, you who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
    • 70 BCE, Cicero, In Verrem i.17.45:
      Noctū clam sustulit signa pulcherrima atque antīquissima.
      He took away secretly by night the very beautiful and very ancient statues.
  3. to destroy
    Synonyms: ruīnō, occīdō, dēvāstō, ēvāstō, vāstō, perdō, dēstruō, dīruō, aboleō, exscindō, accīdō, populor, interimō, absūmō, impellō, sepeliō, perimō, trucīdō
    Antonyms: ēmendō, reficiō, reparō, corrigō, medeor
  4. to kill
    Synonyms: ēnecō, occīdō, interimō, cōnficiō, caedō, obtruncō, necō, percutiō, interficiō, trucīdō, perimō, sōpiō, peragō, dēiciō, iugulō, absūmō, cōnsūmō
  5. to cancel, annul, eliminate, abolish
    Synonyms: abrogō, aboleō
  6. (of time) to consume, spend, pass
    Synonyms: dēgō, terō, cōnsūmō, trānsmittō, eximō, trādūcō, agō
  7. to erect, build, construct
    Synonyms: fundō, condō, figō
  8. to spread, disseminate
    Synonyms: effundō, fundō


   Conjugation of tollō (third conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present tollō tollis tollit tollimus tollitis tollunt
imperfect tollēbam tollēbās tollēbat tollēbāmus tollēbātis tollēbant
future tollam tollēs tollet tollēmus tollētis tollent
perfect sustulī sustulistī sustulit sustulimus sustulistis sustulērunt,
pluperfect sustuleram sustulerās sustulerat sustulerāmus sustulerātis sustulerant
future perfect sustulerō sustuleris sustulerit sustulerimus sustuleritis sustulerint
passive present tollor tolleris,
tollitur tollimur tolliminī tolluntur
imperfect tollēbar tollēbāris,
tollēbātur tollēbāmur tollēbāminī tollēbantur
future tollar tollēris,
tollētur tollēmur tollēminī tollentur
perfect sublātus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect sublātus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect sublātus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present tollam tollās tollat tollāmus tollātis tollant
imperfect tollerem tollerēs tolleret tollerēmus tollerētis tollerent
perfect sustulerim sustulerīs sustulerit sustulerīmus sustulerītis sustulerint
pluperfect sustulissem sustulissēs sustulisset sustulissēmus sustulissētis sustulissent
passive present tollar tollāris,
tollātur tollāmur tollāminī tollantur
imperfect tollerer tollerēris,
tollerētur tollerēmur tollerēminī tollerentur
perfect sublātus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect sublātus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present tolle tollite
future tollitō tollitō tollitōte tolluntō
passive present tollere tolliminī
future tollitor tollitor tolluntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives tollere sustulisse sublātūrum esse tollī sublātum esse sublātum īrī
participles tollēns sublātūrus sublātus tollendus,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
tollendī tollendō tollendum tollendō sublātum sublātū

Derived terms



  • tollo in Enrico Olivetti, editor (2003-2024), Dizionario Latino, Olivetti Media Communication
  • tollo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • tollo”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • tollo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to raise the eyes to heaven; to look up to the sky: oculos tollere, attollere ad caelum
    • to raise one's hands in astonishment: manus tollere
    • to accept as one's own child; to make oneself responsible for its nurture and education: tollere or suscipere liberos
    • to begin to laugh: risum edere, tollere
    • to burst into a roar of laughter: cachinnum tollere, edere
    • to remove a person: e or de medio tollere
    • to extol, laud to the skies: laudibus aliquem (aliquid) in caelum ferre, efferre, tollere
    • to banish an error, do away with a false impression: errorem tollere
    • to relieve a person of his doubts: dubitationem alicui tollere
    • to put an end to, settle a dispute: controversiam sedare, dirimere, componere, tollere
    • to raise a shout, a cry: clamorem tollere (Liv. 3. 28)
    • time assuages the most violent grief: vel maximos luctus vetustate tollit diuturnitas (Fam. 5. 16. 5)
    • to deprive a person of hope: spem alicui adimere, tollere, auferre, eripere
    • to eradicate vice: vitia exstirpare et funditus tollere
    • to annihilate all religious feeling: omnem religionem tollere, delere
    • to absolutely annihilate superstition: superstitionem funditus tollere
    • to abolish a law: legem tollere (Leg. 2. 12. 31)
    • to pass the whole day in discussion: dicendi mora diem extrahere, eximere, tollere
    • to crucify: in crucem agere, tollere aliquem
    • to begin the march, break up the camp: signa ferre, tollere
    • to weigh anchor, sail: ancoram (ancoras) tollere
    • to weigh anchor: ancoras tollere
  • tollo in Ramminger, Johann (2016 July 16 (last accessed)) Neulateinische Wortliste: Ein Wörterbuch des Lateinischen von Petrarca bis 1700, pre-publication website, 2005-2016



  • IPA(key): (most of Spain and Latin America) /ˈtoʝo/ [ˈt̪o.ʝo]
  • IPA(key): (rural northern Spain, Andes Mountains) /ˈtoʎo/ [ˈt̪o.ʎo]
  • IPA(key): (Buenos Aires and environs) /ˈtoʃo/ [ˈt̪o.ʃo]
  • IPA(key): (elsewhere in Argentina and Uruguay) /ˈtoʒo/ [ˈt̪o.ʒo]

  • (most of Spain and Latin America) Rhymes: -oʝo
  • (rural northern Spain, Andes Mountains) Rhymes: -oʎo
  • (Buenos Aires and environs) Rhymes: -oʃo
  • (elsewhere in Argentina and Uruguay) Rhymes: -oʒo

  • Syllabification: to‧llo


tollo m (plural tollos)

  1. This term needs a translation to English. Please help out and add a translation, then remove the text {{rfdef}}.
Derived terms

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.



  1. first-person singular present indicative of toller

Further reading

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