- An expression of astonishment.
- Goddard, Ives (2005) “The Indigenous Languages of the Southeast”, in Anthropological Linguistics, volume 47, number 1, →JSTOR, retrieved September 20, 2019, pages 1, 39:
- They were prominent speakers of Mobilian Jargon, to the extent that this was sometimes referred to as Bayogoula. In their own language the Bayogoula expressed astonishment by the word ⟨Affero⟩ (La Rochefoucault de Surgeres in Margry 1876-86, 4:260; Swanton 1911:276), which does not appear to be Muskogean or Natchesan.
Alternative forms
- (Classical) IPA(key): /ˈaf.fe.roː/, [ˈäfːɛroː]
- (modern Italianate Ecclesiastical) IPA(key): /ˈ, [ˈäfːero]
afferō (present infinitive afferre, perfect active attulī, supine allātum); third conjugation, irregular
- to carry forth; to bring forth; conduct
- to bring, bear, convey or carry information, report, announce, inform, publish, present, relate
- to offer, provide, deliver, give
- to bring something on someone; cause, effect, impart, give, occasion; bring to or upon
- to bring forwards, produce, allege, assert, adduce
- to bring forth as a product, yield, bear, produce
- to contribute, offer, or bring something to as an addition, to be of use to, to assist or be useful in
- (with manus) to lay hands on, attack, assail, do violence to (with dative); rob, plunder; nullify
Related terms
- “affero”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- affero in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
- affero in Enrico Olivetti, editor (2003-2024), Dizionario Latino, Olivetti Media Communication
- Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
- to lay violent hands on a person: manus inicere, inferre, afferre alicui
- to lay hands on oneself: manus, vim sibi afferre
- to finish, complete, fulfil, accomplish a thing: finem imponere, afferre, constituere alicui rei
- to quote as a reason; give as excuse: causam afferre
- to determine the issue of; to turn the scale: momentum afferre ad aliquid
- to contribute much towards...; to affect considerably; to be instrumental in..: multum afferre ad aliquid
- his crowning happiness is produced by a thing; the culminating point of his felicity is..: aliquid felicitatis cumulum affert
- to compass, devise a man's overthrow, ruin: perniciem (exitium) alicui afferre, moliri, parare
- to deliver, rescue a person: salutem alicui afferre
- to be serviceable: utilitatem afferre, praebere
- to considerably (in no way) further the common good: multum (nihil) ad communem utilitatem afferre
- to do harm to, injure any one: damnum inferre, afferre alicui
- vague rumours reach us: dubii rumores afferuntur ad nos
- to confer distinction on a person; to redound to his credit: laudem afferre
- a doubt arises in my mind: dubitatio mihi affertur, inicitur
- to retard, delay a thing: moram alicui rei afferre, inferre, facere
- to quote an example: exemplum afferre
- to cite parallel cases: similitudines afferre
- to bring forward a proof: argumentum afferre
- to quote an argument in favour of immortality: argumentum immortalitatis afferre (not pro)
- to bring forward a proof of the immortality of the soul: argumentum afferre, quo animos immortales esse demonstratur
- to bring forward an argument (based on common-sense): rationem afferre (Verr. 3. 85. 195)
- to quote a passage of Plato: locum Platonis afferre, proferre (not citare)
- to weary, bore the reader: languorem, molestiam legentium animis afferre
- to give pleasure to some one: afferre alicui laetitiam
- to add the crowning point to a person's joy: cumulum gaudii alicui afferre (vid. sect. V. 6) (Fam. 16. 21. 1)
- to cause a person pain: dolorem alicui facere, afferre, commovere
- something harasses me, makes me anxious: aliquid me sollicitat, me sollicitum habet, mihi sollicitudini est, mihi sollicitudinem affert
- some one's death has plunged me in grief: mors alicuius luctum mihi attulit
- to inspire any one with hope: spem alicui facere, afferre, inicere
- to make a thing credible: fidem facere, afferre alicui rei (opp. demere, de-, abrogare fidem)
- to kill with violence: vim et manus afferre alicui (Catil. 1. 8. 21)
- to inspire some one with religious scruples: religionem alicui afferre, inicere, incutere
- to inflict a defeat on the enemy: cladem hostibus afferre, inferre
- to use this example: ut hoc utar or afferam
- to lay violent hands on a person: manus inicere, inferre, afferre alicui
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