

Alternative forms


Contraction of praehibeō, from prae- (before) + habeō (I have).



praebeō (present infinitive praebēre, perfect active praebuī, supine praebitum); second conjugation

  1. to proffer, offer
    Synonyms: offerō, expōnō, obiciō, polliceor, afferō, porrigō, prōpōnō, sufferō, prōferō, dōnō, largior, moveō
  2. to provide, grant, furnish, supply, service
    Synonyms: exōrnō, adōrnō, ōrnō, suppleō, apparō, īnstruō, parō, accingō, suggerō, comparō, afferō
    • 8 CE, Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.10–14:
      Nūllus adhūc mundō praebēbat lūmina Tītān,
      nec nova crēscendō reparābat cornua Phoebē,
      nec circumfūsō pendēbat in āere tellūs
      ponderibus lībrāta suīs, nec bracchia longō
      margine terrārum porrēxerat Amphītrītē; []
      No Titan [Sun] as yet provided light to the world, nor did Phoebe [the Moon] repair new horns in waxing, nor did the Earth hang in the surrounding air, balanced by its own weights, nor had Amphitrite [the sea] stretched her arms down the far borders of the lands; []
  3. to show, display
    Synonyms: ostendō, ostentō, prōdō, indicō, prōpōnō, expōnō, prōferō, prōtrahō, acclārō, profiteor, vulgō, gerō, praestō, coarguō, fateor
  4. (reflexive) to show oneself (to be)


   Conjugation of praebeō (second conjugation)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present praebeō praebēs praebet praebēmus praebētis praebent
imperfect praebēbam praebēbās praebēbat praebēbāmus praebēbātis praebēbant
future praebēbō praebēbis praebēbit praebēbimus praebēbitis praebēbunt
perfect praebuī praebuistī praebuit praebuimus praebuistis praebuērunt,
pluperfect praebueram praebuerās praebuerat praebuerāmus praebuerātis praebuerant
future perfect praebuerō praebueris praebuerit praebuerimus praebueritis praebuerint
passive present praebeor praebēris,
praebētur praebēmur praebēminī praebentur
imperfect praebēbar praebēbāris,
praebēbātur praebēbāmur praebēbāminī praebēbantur
future praebēbor praebēberis,
praebēbitur praebēbimur praebēbiminī praebēbuntur
perfect praebitus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect praebitus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect praebitus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present praebeam praebeās praebeat praebeāmus praebeātis praebeant
imperfect praebērem praebērēs praebēret praebērēmus praebērētis praebērent
perfect praebuerim praebuerīs praebuerit praebuerīmus praebuerītis praebuerint
pluperfect praebuissem praebuissēs praebuisset praebuissēmus praebuissētis praebuissent
passive present praebear praebeāris,
praebeātur praebeāmur praebeāminī praebeantur
imperfect praebērer praebērēris,
praebērētur praebērēmur praebērēminī praebērentur
perfect praebitus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect praebitus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present praebē praebēte
future praebētō praebētō praebētōte praebentō
passive present praebēre praebēminī
future praebētor praebētor praebentor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives praebēre praebuisse praebitūrum esse praebērī,
praebitum esse praebitum īrī
participles praebēns praebitūrus praebitus praebendus
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
praebendī praebendō praebendum praebendō praebitum praebitū

1The present passive infinitive in -ier is a rare poetic form which is attested.

Derived terms


  • Old Spanish: prebir
  • Spanish: prebir, prehibir


  • praebeo”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • praebeo”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • praebeo in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to listen to a person: aures praebere alicui
    • to give a man the opportunity of doing a thing: occasionem alicui dare, praebere alicuius rei or ad aliquid faciendum
    • to comfort: solacium praebere
    • to be serviceable: utilitatem afferre, praebere
    • to afford matter for elaboration, embellishment: materiem ad ornatum praebere
    • be brave: fortem te praebe
    • to give the impression of...; have the outward aspect of..: speciem alicuius rei praebere
    • to behave with moderation: moderatum se praebere
    • to give audience to some one: sui potestatem facere, praebere alicui
    • to judge some one equitably: aequum iudicem se alicui praebere
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