There have been numerous exclamations throughout the history of The Elder Scrolls. These phrases give insight to the culture, beliefs, and the execution of vulgarity among the people of Tamriel and beyond.
- "By Auriel"
- "By Auri-el"
- "By Auri-el’s hand"
- "By Auriel’s grace"
- "By Syrabane's sacred ring"
- "By the Firmament"
- "By the Fixed Center"
- "By Xarxes"
- "By the Highest One"
- "By the White Crystal"
- "By the Wood of Elborn"
- "By the Blue Divide"
- "By the Otherworld"
- "By the First Spirit"
- "Auri-el's breath"
- "Blade of Cassimoran"
- "Lorkhan's doom!"
- "Nebarra"
- "Stars above"
- "Three-and-five venerations"
- "Thrice-damn"
- "Y'ffre's bones!"
- "Faerielight"
- "First Spirit of Tamriel"
- "Blade of Cassimoran"
- "Crystals of Sumurset"
- "Auri-el strike me blind"[1]
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "Only a fool trusts a sea snake"[2]
- "By bark and birth"
- "By bark and bite"
- "By the Egg"
- "By the Gods"
- "By the Throne of Aphicles"
- "By the Blades of Fate"
- "By the Lonely One"
- "By the Swamp Spirit"
- "By the Mother-goddess"
- "As mud is my mother"
- "Hist guide me"
- "Host of Stormhold"
- "Xuth!"
- "Mire of Murkwood"
- "Bogfire"
- "Kaoc"[5]
- "My doubt-spine quivers"[5]
- "My knowing-tree is barren"[5]
- "My tail sinks"[6] (an expression of disappointment)
Exhortations and BlessingsEdit
- "Lay the facts onto the stones"[7]
- "I was hatched ready"[7]
- "Bristle your war-spines"[6] (get excited for battle)
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "Swamp Devil"
- "You hilarious deek-beeko"[7]
- "Mammal-licker"[8]
- "Limp-fin"[8]
- "Flat-toothed"[6] (a demeaning reference to those without the sharp teeth of the Naga)
- "Tail-lifting savage"[6]
Colorful MetaphorsEdit
- "The mud of justice flows in your direction." (when witnessing a crime)
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "The river has brought us here for a reason"[3]
- "Taking a life closes more doors than it opens"[5]
- "Fools and maniacs both bleed red"[9]
- "By the Green"
- "By Y'ffre"
- "By the Elden Grove"
- "By the Timber Spirits"
- "By the Lore of Wood"
- "By Mistria's Curse"
- "By Caliron's Heart"
- "By the Root"
- "By the Fire"
- "Thrice-blasted son of a dreck-sifting, root-munching, bread-baking sot! May your ears be stuffed with whirlifly larvae, your bow-hand bitten by a rabid stoat"[10]
- "Baan Dar's toes!"
- "Bug shells!"
- "Spirits of the Wood"
- "Faeries of the Grove"
- "Fire of Eldenroot"
- "Rabbit dung!"
- "Yffre's bones!"[11]
Colorful MetaphorsEdit
- "The boggy end of the swamp"[12] (describing a situation involving difficulty, complexity, and uncertainty)
- "By Sheor's beard"
- "By Starfall's Waters"
- "By the Crypt"
- "By My Lady"
- "By the Mists"
- "By the Wolf"
- "By the Dark Lord"
- "By the ArchDruid"
- "By Pelagius"
- "By the Dragon"
- "Bless My Lord"
- "Death Be Damned"
- "Spirits of High Rock"
- "Madness"
- "Damn the Dragon"
- "Dibella's legs"[13]
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "Draighing"[14]
- "By the Avenger"
- "Oh fathomless Prince"[15]
- "By Almalexia"
- "By Almsivi"
- "By dawn and dusk"
- "By the fires of Red Mountain"
- "By the Three"
- "By Vivec" (sometimes “B’vek”)
- "By the Black Isle"
- "By the Dark Ones"
- "By the Fires of Dagoth-Ur"
- "By the Mad Queen"
- "By the Black Maw"
- "By the Night"
- "By the Soulless One"
- "By Malacath's toenails"
- "By Malacath's hairy knuckles"
- "By the Green"[16]
- "To Red Mountain with you"
- "Dagon's eyeballs"
- "Fetch"
- "F’lah"
- "Dark Goddess Protect Us"
- "Soul of the Black Knight"
- "Fireblood"
Exhortations and BlessingsEdit
- "Three protect you"[17] (a blessing and hope for protection from harm)
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "N'wah"
- "S’wit"
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "My basket is already full"[18] (an Ashlander expression reflecting that someone already has a lot of problems they're dealing with, and can't spare the time for new problems)
- "You harvest from the seeds you plant"[19] (which means you get what your labors deserve, in both a positive sense of reward and negative sense of punishment)
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "Ignominious corpse-herder"[20]
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "The farmer doesn't thank the cow when it voids itself on the field, but it still makes the crops grow taller."[20]
- "By the Rat-god"
- "By the Sands of Elsweyr"
- "By the Blessed Water"
- "By the Hand of Ibrahad"
- "By the Dry Heart"
- "By the Water of Life"
- "Whore of Alizahad"
- "Dust of Orcrest"
- "Desert Sun"
- "Devil of the Sands"
- "Kes kridesi"[21] (an exclamation of incredulity; something unthinkable)
- "Kra"[22] (a mild curse)
- "Ziss"[21] (a mild curse)
- "Hahl Fajh'na"[22] (a strong curse)
- "Kss"[22] (a sound of exasperation)
- "Var, var"[22] (expressing a sense of being humble or demure)
- "F'ah"[22] (a term of exasperation or distaste)
- "Moon's mercy"[22] (invoking the sacred link of the Khajiit with the moons)
- "Moon Mother be praised"[22]
- "Jode's light"[23] (an exclamation of alarm)
Colorful MetaphorsEdit
- "Sand between my ears"[22] (a description of feeling dazed)
Exhortations and BlessingsEdit
- "Z'en's blessings"[24]
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "Dung-guzzling Worm Cultists"[24]
- "Lousy mushroom-nibblers"[24]
- "Miserable toad-lickers"[24]
- "Moss-gargling cultists"[24]
- "Torchbug-gobblers"[24]
- "By Thorig's Beard"
- "By Olfor's Hammer"
- "By Shor's shiny arse"
- "By the White Wolf"
- "By the Frozen Wastes"
- "By the Hoarfather"
- "By the Cliffs of Solitude"
- "By the Northern Sea"
- "By the Beard of Thorig"
- "By the Whale"[25] (technically from old Atmoran totem worship)
- "Born under a bad star"[26]
- "Mother of the Ice"
- "Frostfire"
- "Shor's Blood"
- "Shor's Bones"
- "Troll's Blood"
- "Herma-Mora's wagging tongue"[27]
- "Orkey's gullet"[26]
- "Arkay's beard"[27]
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "Skeeving horkers"[27]
- "Milk drinker"[26]
- "Steely-eyed blighter"[26]
- "Western beard-pullers"[28] (referring to Nords from the western end of Skyrim)
Colorful MetaphorsEdit
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "If you avoid all of life's abrasions, you'll never be polished enough to shine"[29]
- "By all the snot in Malacath's right nostril"
- "By the Bloody Curse"
- "By the bloody fangs of Mauloch"
- "By the First Forge"
- "By the stench of Mauloch's gaping maw"
- "By Yashnag's axe"
- "By the Twelve Holds"[30]
- "Malacath's nethers"
- "Malacath’s rage"
- "Malacath’s teat"
- "Malacath’s tusk"
- "Malacath’s wrath"
- "Mauloch's fang"
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "Son of a troll"
Colorful MetaphorsEdit
- "That's when the troll dung hit the horker."[31]
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "Conquerors name the wars"[32]
- "The past is a wolf. The clever hunter keeps his eye fixed on it, while the foolish hunter looks away and is devoured."[33]
- "A chief who does not listen to his wives is not chief for long."[33]
- "The battle is won in the stomach first."[33]
- "The Orc who shirks his duty and the Orc who becomes bitter doing it drink the same poison."[33]
- "What Orc strength alone cannot achieve, Orc steel can."[33]
- "An inexperienced warrior in the finest armor still trips over his leg-guards."[33]
- "An Orc who complains about his chief, but does not challenge him, is still complaining a year later."[33]
- "Gods take me"[36]
- "Where in Namira's hide have you been?"[37]
- "Hircine's hind"[38]
- "Namira's blood"[35]
- "Blood and briar"[39][40]
Exhortations and BlessingsEdit
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "Anyone can be a king in the Reach. No one can be a king of the Reach."[42]
- "You've got to listen to the spirits."[43]
- "By the Dragon's Teeth"
- "By My Father's Name"
- "By Rourken"
- "By the Great Hammer"
- "By the Dwarf-King"
- "By the Guardian's Blood"
- "By the First Wyrm"
- "By the Blade"
- "By Divad"
- "By Katrica"
- "By The Maiden"
- "By Frandar"
- "By The Sun"
- "By the thousand scales of Satakal"[44]
- "By my father's blade"[45]
- "Dragon's Teeth"
- "Cursed Darvak"
- "Beard of the Dwarf-King"
- "Spirit Sword"
- "Stendarr Preserve Us"
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "By Mora's eyes"[47] (sometimes "many eyes")
- "Apocrypha take you"[47]
- "Twitching tentacles"[47] (expressing alarm)
Colorful AdjectivesEdit
- "I have no Aurbisal idea"[47] (flatly denying any knowledge of an event, a subject, etc.)
Colorful MetaphorsEdit
- "Stubborn as the abyssal sea."[47]
- "Like a ray of sunlight from Magnus himself."[48]
Exhortations and BlessingsEdit
- "Faster than you can say 'eye of Magnus' three times fast"[12]
Colorful MetaphorsEdit
- "He cuts through guild politics like a spellforged blade"[12]
Maxims and ProverbsEdit
- "Seeing and understanding are two different things."[48]
- "Not everything you need to know is on the page."[48]
- ^ Captain Erronfaire's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Kinlady Helenaere's judgment about the Maormer, spoken during their invasion of Sunhold during the events of Sunhold Sundered
- ^ a b Sees-All-Colors's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Nuxul's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d Xukas's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d Jaxsik-Orrn's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Otumi-Ra's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Meer-Ta's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Tsojei, as related by Jaxsik-Orrn's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Genboril's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Menninia's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c Votary Nahlia's dialogue in ESO
- ^ High King Emeric's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Isobel Veloise's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Ogle's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Cindieth's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Drelyth Hleran's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Wise Woman Asani's dialogue in ESO
- ^ The Lost Prophecy — Gilvas Barelo
- ^ a b Abnur Tharn's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Cantor Krin'ze's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f g h Zerith-var's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Khamira's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e f Acolyte Morag's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Thane Hraldi's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d Thane Svyne's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d Lyris Titanborn's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Rigurt the Brash's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Gjalder's wisdom, passed down through his daughter, Lyris Titanborn, as told in ESO
- ^ Mahgrok's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Ghorn's dialogue in ESO: Orsinium
- ^ Great Spirits of the Reach: Volume 1 — Vashu gra-Morga, Chief Daedrotheologist at the University of Gwylim
- ^ a b c d e f g Sayings of the Wise
- ^ Chief Kynaer's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ a b c Arana's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Drisoal's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Chief-of-Chiefs Cannear's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Vateshran Barth's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Letter to Mairrna — Fascune
- ^ Reachman Shaman, Frenzied Witchman, and Forsaken Champion's dialogues in Legends
- ^ Letter from Sister Glynolde
- ^ Lady Belain's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Averio Brassac's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Taqiyat the Thrifty's dialogue in ESO
- ^ Paldeen's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b Sai Sahan's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c d e Azandar's dialogue in ESO
- ^ a b c The Crow's dialogue in ESO