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Lore:Aurbic Eye

< Lore: Appendices: Symbols
Aurbic Eye on a Mages Guild sign (Redguard)

The Aurbic Eye is a mystical symbol in the shape of eye, often surrounded by elegant lines and sometimes various scripts. It is named for the Aurbis and symbolizes a connection to the magicka essence of Nirn, and those who wear it emphasize their own anima essence.[1][2] The symbol is used in the signs of many mage shops and guilds,[3] most notably the Mages Guild and the College of Winterhold.[4] It often shares the same shape as the Ritual constellation.

The College refers to it as the Eye of Shalidor or Eye of Magnus (sharing a name with the artifact), a symbol born from the legacy of Shalidor that looks upon the College with a burning gaze. Those who join the College have Shalidor's magic imprinted on their bodies invisibly, and as they pass trials marks of the Eye gradually begin to appear on them.[5][6][7] According to Taleon Mythmaker the College of Winterhold's eye symbolized leadership over both mundane and arcane mysteries.[8]

It is worn on circlets and hoods as a "third" eye,[UOL 1] and those who pass the final test during the trials find Shalidor's eye marked across their brow.[9] In the Altmeri lesson of the divine body, the phrase "The Eye of Magnus is always upon us, in the spells and enchantments that devout Mages conjure." is recited by religious preachers.[10][11]


Aurbic EyeEdit

Eye of Magnus/ShalidorEdit



  1. ^ The Aurbic Eye head marking
  2. ^ Aurbical Symbols body marking
  3. ^ Mages Guild services in Arena
  4. ^ Mages Guild rank symbols in Oblivion
  5. ^ Eye of Shalidor Body Markings body marking
  6. ^ Sindnar's Tower Notes — Sindnar
  7. ^ Anora's Journal — Anora
  8. ^ Dawn's Eye Crown's description in ESO
  9. ^ Eye of Shalidor Face Markings head marking
  10. ^ Dialogue of the Mirnor of Auri-El
  11. ^ Dialogue of the Uurkar of Auri-El

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.