The Dreamsleeve is an obscure and rarely mentioned concept or construct. Disparate functions have been ascribed to it, though they are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
Dreamsleeve "transmission" has been mentioned as a method of communication which has been used to contact those across vast distances.[1] The Dreamsleeve has been described as a conduit for sending special transmissions, used by magicians and Imperial clerks. To reach it, one must have at least part of their brain constantly meditating, as one aspect of the conduit is its ability to carry images of concepts not yet "real".[UOL 1] It is utilized as a rapid means of magical communication, related to telepathy and "Memospores".[UOL 2][UOL 3][UOL 4] In order to interpret the prophetic dream of a mortal, Tutor Riparius had to "sleevestroke" the mortal's "concept-organ".[2]
During the Imperial Simulacrum, Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon's forces invaded Nocturnal's realm of Shade Perilous on their way to taking the Battlespire.[3] As a result, Nocturnal Lieutenant Jaciel Morgen fell into a deep despair and drove her own spirit into the Dreamsleeve.[4] This left the Daedra physically present but mostly unresponsive, as if in a deep sleep. Only the self-sacrifice of her servant Deyanira Katrece was enough to awaken her.[3]
According to the teachings of Mankar Camoran, "mortals leave the dreaming-sleeve of birth the same, unmantled save for the symbiosis with our mothers". It is through the abandonment of the mother that mortals therefore enter the domain of Lord Dagon, the Prince of Destruction.[5]
- In The Elder Scrolls: Arena, the former apprentice to Jagar Tharn, Ria Silmane, communicates to the Eternal Champion through his dreams. Tharn eventually hijacks this connection, referring to it as a "dream bridge". He says that he will send his minions throughout time and space to the Eternal Champion via this connection, suggesting a connection between the dream bridge and the universe itself.[6]
- ^ Loremaster's Archive: Murkmire Q&A — Jee-Lar
- ^ Lord Fa-Nuit-Hen and Tutor Riparius Answer Your Questions 2 — Fa-Nuit-Hen and Tutor Riparius
- ^ a b Events of Battlespire
- ^ Deyanira Katrece's dialogue in Battlespire
- ^ Mythic Dawn Commentaries 1 — Mankar Camoran
- ^ Events of Arena
Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.
- ^ Made Up Word Round Up thread — The Imperial Library
- ^ Nu-Mantia Intercept — Nu-Hatta
- ^ Dominion Prism Textract
- ^ Special ZOS Lore Master Interview with Lawrence Schick