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Academy of ChorrolEdit

The Academy of Chorrol was an Imperial academic institution based in Chorrol, active at some point before the Three Banners War in the Second Era. Little is known of the academy, except that one of its scholars, Juno Procillus, interviewed Reachfolk Shaman Uraccanach of the Druadach Mountains and transcribed his words, publishing a text devoted to the Reachfolk understanding of the Daedric Prince Hircine named Aspects of Lord Hircine and one describing the clothing and weaponry associated with his Daedric servants, the Huntsmen.

Actors GuildEdit

The Guild of Playwrites, Actors, and Dramatists, commonly referred to as the Actors Guild is an officially sanctioned guild that operated in the Third Empire. Authors and writers come to the Actors Guild to organize performances of their works, such as the case with Baloth-Kul and his creation, the Legend of Krately House.

Afterdark SocietyEdit

The Afterdark Society is a mysterious eerie faction of Tamriel widely rumored about in Tamriel during the Imperial Simulacrum, 3E 389 to 3E 399, comprised of "nonhuman heathen" who are said to gather at night in front of temples of various cities. They are referred to as a religious organization, insomuch as the Dark Brotherhood is a "religious organization."

Agra CrunEdit

The Agra Crun (which translates to Blood Shield in the common tongue) are a religious order of Orcs responsible for guarding the Sacred Words of Malacath. The name is based on an old Agra Crun legend of Bagrar the Troll-Slayer and her shield, Agra Crun. Members are recruited at a very young age and trained to serve the will of Malacath, and it is from Malacath that they receive their orders. The group operates in secret, but for the few that know of them, they are seen as a beacon of Light. Those of the order are not meant to recover the Sacred Words themselves; an outsider is required to undergo the trails in order to recover the Sacred Words. Throughout the ages, the Order has had to move the Sacred Words and protect them from anyone who attempts to destroy the words.


The Ahemmusa Tribe is one of the four distinct tribes of the Ashlanders of Vvardenfell, in the province of Morrowind. The Ahemmusa are some of the most peaceful tribes in Vvardenfell and other parts of Morrowind, but they also like to be isolated and kept to themselves. They are hunters, herders, and mostly fishermen that live off the fat of the land. Because they are proficient fishers, they can be found in their own settlement, the Ahemmusa Camp, which is normally found in coastal areas. Their clothing reflects this as well, when it consists of seashells, scales, and netting. The rare Ashen Fern is used by the Ahemmusa Tribe to mask their scent when hunting.

Akatosh ChantryEdit

The Akatosh Chantry (also called the Chantry of Akatosh) is the temple dedicated to Akatosh the Great Dragon, God of Time and Chief Deity of the Divines. They are generally the place of worship for Akatosh. The priests of Akatosh always call their temples chantries, supposedly because they do a lot of singing there. The Chantry believes Akatosh is the most constant of gods, for his sphere is time itself. Donations to the Chantry result in a blessing from Akatosh, and the priests and priestess have a variety of other skills and services available for members. One has to be judged worthy by the Chantry before being sheltered under the Great Wings of Akatosh, however. The Order of the Hour is their militant arm, and the Benevolence of Mara is considered one of their allies. The Akatosh Chantry is enemies with the House of Dibella.

Aldmeri DominionEdit

The Aldmeri Dominion refers to any of at least three separate empires established by the Altmer on the continent of Tamriel over the course of its history. The term "Aldmeri" is literally translated as "Home of the Elves". While the justifications have differed, each incarnation of the Dominion has sought the same objective: to reassert Elven dominance over Tamriel. </noinclude>

Alessian OrderEdit

The Alessian Order was a hugely influential religious sect in the First Era which preached strict monotheism and worship of the One. The Order arose in the coastal jungle of what is now Colovia, where a prophet named Marukh, who had spoken to the "Enlightened One" Saint Alessia, began to question the validity of elven rule. These sentiments led to increasingly abstract and unknowable depictions of a one true God, though they tolerated the worship of polytheistic pantheons as well. The divine aspects worshipped by the various humans and Aldmeri became many of the saints and spirits of the evolving Alessian canon. In some places, they replaced the existing belief system with something more mutable, as in eastern Cyrodiil, where the traditional Nordic version of the Eight Divines was purportedly replaced by a "baroque" veneration of ancestor spirits and god-animals. They first gained footing in the lower classes of the Nibenese, and in 1E 361, the inexplicably charismatic Order became the far-reaching and powerful theocracy of the Alessian Empire, enforcing their doctrines throughout it, and their influence on Tamriel has been immense ever since. At its peak, the influence of the arch-prelate of the Order was nearly equal to that of the Emperor himself. Eventually, however, the Order collapsed as a result of the War of Righteousness in 1E 2321.

The Order was very austere and severe, and life under their rule is remembered for its cruelty and lack of entertainment. Heartlanders of Cyrodiil remember their rule as a dark age. A sect of the Order, the Marukhati Selective, is said to have caused a Dragon Break spanning one thousand and eight years by attempting to exorcise elements of elven Auri-El from Imperial Akatosh. It's worth noting that one school of thought dismisses the whole idea of the "Middle Dawn" as scholarly error, and asserts that the Alessian Order only lasted about one hundred and fifty years.


The Aliaria family is a noble Altmer lineage hailing from the province of Summerset, known for producing a long line of warriors and mages. The Aliaria family’s kinhouse was situated in the isle of Auridon, though its precise location remains unknown.

All Flags NavyEdit

The All Flags Navy (sometimes called the All Flags Fleet or the Lost Fleet) was Tamriel's instrument of vengeance against the Sload of Thras, who were held responsible for releasing the Thrassian Plague in 1E 2200 which claimed more than half the continent's population. The All Flags Navy was formed under Baron-Admiral Bendu Olo, the Colovian King of Anvil, to deal justice upon them in a conflict that would become known as the Thrassian War. The Navy was composed of ships manned by Redguard, Breton, Colovian, Argonian, Altmer, Dunmer, Khajiit, Orc and Nord sailors. According to some sources the fleet was composed of ships from all of the nations and provinces of Tamriel. One obscure account mentions Maormer, Dreugh, and even Dragons being involved in the invasion.

It was the largest allied naval force in Tamrielic history. After several victories at sea the Navy assaulted Thras, slaughtered all the Sload they could find, and used unknown magic to sink their kingdom into the sea (though Thras would rise again later).

Alma RulaEdit

The Alma Rula is a position within the Tribunal Temple.

Little is known of exact details of the role of the Alma Rula, but they have some kind of influence on temple doctrine, and have authority alongside the Archcanons.

All four Ordinator Orders obey the commands of the Alma Rula who resides in the city of Almalexia.


The An-Xileel are a political party in Black Marsh formed sometime during the Oblivion Crisis, consisting primarily, if not entirely, of Argonians. They supported Black Marsh's independence from the Empire and were said to spread anti-Imperial propaganda, capturing prisoners of war. Many Argonians firmly held the belief that the An-Xileel were the sole reason that Mehrunes Dagon failed to conquer Black Marsh during the Oblivion Crisis.

According to the Imperial perspective, the An-Xileel "were entirely nativistic in their views, interested only in purging the former colonial influences" and returning Black Marsh to the way it was prior to Duskfall, or at least how they imagined it had been in before it was ruled by foreign powers. They refer to Argonians who have been living under Imperial ways as "Lukiul", or "Assimilated". The few non-Argonians that work for them are poorly paid advisors. Many of those who have dealt with the An-Xileel view them as being uniformly rude and arrogant.

The exact structure of the An-Xileel is unknown, but they were known to have had an Archwarden by the name of Qajalil in 4E 48, and were led by The Organism, the ruling council based in Lilmoth.


The Ancients are the ancestors of the Altmer of Auridon, the second largest island in the Summerset Isles archipelago. They are responsible for the various limestone ruins that dot the island. The term is used by the natives to refer to both the early Aldmer and more recent Altmer ancestors.

The ruins of the Ancients are similar in style to the Ayleid ruins found on mainland Tamriel. However, Altmer architecture is cleaner and more direct, with less baroque ornamentation than that of the Ayleids. Aside from their shared ancestry, the reason for this similarity is due to Altmeri propensity for refinement over innovation, and a resistance to large-scale change. As well as Dawn Era Welkynd Stones, these ruins also contain Malondo and Culanda Stones, modern inventions of the Altmer which were not utilized by the Ayleids. The Ancients are also known to have harnessed the power of Meteoric Iron to create Aetherial Wells, magical relics similar to the Ayleid Wells found on the continent.

The ruins of Torinaan are named after High Lord Torinaan, an early Aldmer settler from Aldmeris, and are an apparent example of Aldmer ruins. Tanzelwil and Castle Rilis, on the other hand, serve as mausoleums for modern Altmer. Other ruins on the island include Ezduiin, the Buraniim sea-complex, Quendeluun, and the Eye of the Ancients.

The term "Ancients" is also sometimes used to refer to the Ayleids on mainland Tamriel.


The Anka-Ra (roughly translated as "former warrior" or "old warrior") were one of the most fearsome warrior bands of the Ra Gada, or "warrior wave", ancestors of the Redguards who invaded western Tamriel from their homeland of Yokuda in 1E 808. They conquered the region of Craglorn and their leader Tarish-Zi proclaimed himself emperor.

Due to the oaths they made in life, the Anka-Ra can rise from their tombs as a unique form of stone undead. The secret knowledge needed to bind them for eternity was granted to Tarish-Zi by Hermaeus Mora.


Anthotis is one of the vampire bloodlines of the Iliac Bay area.

Apostles of LightEdit

The Apostles of Light were an order of Heretics in the Shivering Isles. They were led by Ciirta, a woman who had witnessed Sheogorath's disappearance during the Greymarch. Because of her belief that Sheogorath had abandoned his people to die, she founded a separatist faction of those who had lost their loyalty to Sheogorath. They called themselves the "seekers of light", and, as a symbol of this, they used Illusion magic to emit light from their robes. Luminary Kaz was second-in-command of the order. The Apostles were based in the Howling Halls, where they planned to one day storm Sheogorath's palace and overthrow the Prince.


The Arano clan is an ancient family of Dunmer that lives in the province of Morrowind. They are one of the thirty revered families of Vvardenfell and active politicians in the province. For most of history, the Arano clan were affiliated with the former Great House Hlaalu, but by the Fourth Era, they were part of House Redoran and worked with the councilor of Raven Rock.


Arcanists are spellcasters who wield runic spellforms learned from a tome touched by the forces of Apocrypha, the Oblivion realm of Hermaeus Mora. This tome is both the source of knowledge from which the arcanist learns of the spells they wield and the vector through which these spells are cast. In other words, their power is derived from the book itself: knowledge alone is one thing, but arcanists are unique in that the tome they wield is integral to their spellcasting. All mages use runes of some kind, but the runework wielded by arcanists is extremely elaborate on top of producing unique feats of spellwork. Some Arcanists have been known to use their power to scry or manipulate the very threads of fate. Scruut, a Watchling fate auditor in the service of Hermaeus Mora, believed that influencing fate in this manner was a power not meant for mortals, and that it could potentially result in the undoing of the mortal that did so.


The Archeins are a tribe of Argonians that live in the province of Black Marsh. They are widely hated by their fellow Argonians because they are well-known kleptocrats, often embezzling money and power to themselves at the expense of their race. Some of these examples include selling other Argonians into slavery for the Dunmer or exploiting their land for foreign interest, such as the Empire. In the book, The Argonian Account written by Waughin Jarth, they are described as pompous and assimilated.

Architects GuildEdit

The Architects Guild (also called the Architectural Guild) is an officially sanctioned guild that has been active since at least the Second Era. As their name implies, they employ architects from across the Empire. One of the only known positions in the guild is the Chief Surveyor, who assists clients by checking if the land is suitable for construction, or by examining damage that the building acquired over time. Another role within the guild is recognized as the Master Architect, and one such individual held a profound interest in the study of Orcish architecture.


Arys family is an ancient Dunmeri lineage that lived in the province of Morrowind. They were affiliated with the Great House Telvanni.

They had ties to Tel Branora, and some family members were also known to inhabit the settlement.

Ascendant OrderEdit

The Ascendant Order was a pan-Tamrielic movement turned terrorist organization that attempted to assassinate the major players responsible for the Three Banners War.


The Ash'abah (roughly translated as unclean people) are an ancient and secretive tribe of Redguards who inhabit the northern wastes of Hammerfell, roaming the Alik'r Desert. They are shunned by Redguard society due to their "unclean" interactions with the risen dead, as they disregard religious taboos and destroy the undead, slaying with great skill what might be honored ancestors returned.

Against the widespread distrust of magic, the Ash'abah perform rituals of purification for mausoleums and other places where vengeful spirits might arise, including an annual ceremony at Tu'whacca's Throne meant to ensure the rest of the ranks of Redguard royalty. This activity is regarded as blasphemous, but tolerated due to the necessity of its performance. The Ash'abah considers the body to be sacred. If one ever becomes corrupted by necromancy, they strive to preserve the body while banishing the unholy essence. To achieve this, they have developed highly ritualistic methods of killing that involve uttering pleas of forgiveness and apology.


The Ashlanders (or the People of the Wastes) are Dunmeri nomads that traditionally hail from Morrowind's wilderness. They are commonly found everywhere in Morrowind, both in the mainland and on Vvardenfell. In the Merethic Era, Ashlanders and other Dunmer were very much alike and on equal footing, but since the days of the First Council and rise of the Great Houses, they have steadily been forced into the poorest and most hostile lands. They travel along with their herds, camping wherever is suitable. Additional resources gained by hunting the local wildlife are used to manufacture huts, armors, clothing and general household items. Ashlander culture is the remains of the ancestor-worshipping tribal culture which the House Dunmer left behind.

Assassins LeagueEdit

The Assassins League is a guild of killers for hire. It is a secret society of assassins, distinct from the Dark Brotherhood in that it operates more like a business than a cult. For its part, the League claims that the Brotherhood is merely a myth.

League Assassins are held to certain standards, such as making use of League weapons and equipment. Tainted blood is used in the crafting of these items. Joining requires the use of equipment tailored to League specifications, as set out by a member known only as the Gray Maybe in her writings. When an Assassin is assigned a target, the League use a particular saying: "Pass over them with the Hand of Death." This Hand of Death symbol is similar to the Black Hand of the Dark Brotherhood, and appears as a motif on League arms.

The Gray Maybe's writings could be found in the Gold Coast region of Cyrodiil during the Interregnum of the Second Era.

Astrologers GuildEdit

The Astrologers Guild is an officially sanctioned guild. As their name implies, they employ astrologers from across the Empire.

In 2E 321, the Akaviri Potentate Versidue-Shaie gave his approval for the Guild Act, which sanctioned businesses such as the Astrologers Guild. They were hence protected by the Empire of Cyrodiil, even into the Third Era, but would be required to pay them if they wanted to expand their influence. The Empire had subsequently strengthened since the Guild Act was passed.

Ateia FamilyEdit

The Ateia family is an old and famous Imperial clan of flutists that often contribute to the Bards College in Solitude, the western city of Skyrim. As stated before, they are known for their affinity with flutes and fifes. One of the earliest known members was the legendary flutesmith, Parteron Ateia, who made several well-revered flutes, which are mostly used, and even kept in secrecy by the Ateia family, though some are found all throughout Tamriel.

Aundae ClanEdit

The Aundae Clan is one of the three major vampire bloodlines found on the island of Vvardenfell in Morrowind. The clan consists only of Altmer vampires. The Mages of Aundae are blessed with dark powers of the mind; their path through the darkness relies on their mastery of magic. They were led by Dhaunayne Aundae from their headquarters in Ashmelech in the Sheogorad region. The clan also had a presence in the many ancestral tombs around the island. There are hints that the clan has some affiliation with House Dres, though House Dres denies it vehemently and no proof either way exists. They are native to Vvardenfell and are rarely ever encountered on the mainland.

Auridon PaladinsEdit

Auridon Paladins were an Altmeri militant order known for their elite warriors and mages. These paladins were known for their high-quality training, amazing willpower, fighting skills, and reliability. The main objective of the Auridon Paladins was to defend the isle of Auridon, the gateway in and out of the Summerset Isles from the threat of the ambitious outsiders and to stop the rebel factions of the native High Elves from disturbing the order and peace.

Ayleid RevivalistsEdit

Ayleid Revivalists are thought to be a secret society that seek to bring about a rebirth of Ayleid civilization and restore its dominion over Cyrodiil.

The Recollection were a cult dedicated to the Daedric Prince Ithelia which emerged out of Silvenar circa 2E 582. Led by King Nantharion Rayn, the Recollection was mostly made up of Bosmer who could claim partial Ayleid ancestry via the Ayleid Diaspora. Their ancestors once worshipped Ithelia prior to Hermaeus Mora's attempt to destroy all memory of her, and Ithelia and her Shardborn worked directly with Nantharion to reawaken ancient power within the various Ayleid ruins throughout West Weald. This process resulted in devastating wildburns in the Strid Vale region and the growth of a new jungle called Dawnwood. Nantharion led Bosmer out of Valenwood to settle this new forest, establishing the settlements of Vashabar and Hoperoot on the Cyrodilic side of the border. He ultimately hoped to use Ithelia's power to conquer West Weald and establish a new Ayleid kingdom, but he perished within the ruins of Miscarcand in service to the Prince, ending the threat posed by the Recollection.

The Third Era Altmer collector Umbacano was a noted revivalist. In 3E 433, he descended into the ruins of Nenalata in an attempt to restore the Last King of the Ayleids to life and raise an undead army to "begin the restoration" of their ancient glory. He was never to be seen again.