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  1. first-person singular present indicative of dedurre


FWOTD – 26 September 2014


From dē- + dūcō (lead, pull).



dēdūcō (present infinitive dēdūcere, perfect active dēdūxī, supine dēductum); third conjugation, irregular short imperative

  1. to lead or bring out or away, divert; escort, accompany, conduct (out of one's house as a mark of respect or for protection)
    • c. 190 BCE – 185 BCE, Plautus, Amphitryon 215:
      respondent bello se et suos tutari posse proinde uti / propere de suis finibus exercitus deducerent
      They answered that they were able in warfare to protect themselves and theirs, and that at once they must lead the army with all haste out of their territories.
  2. to lead, fetch, bring or draw down; weigh down, outweigh
  3. to deduct, subtract, diminish, reduce
    • 44 BCE, Cicero, De Officiis 1.18.59:
      [] ut boni ratiocinatores officiorum esse possimus et addendo deducendoque videre quae reliqui summa fiat ex quo quantum cuique debeatur intellegas
      [] , in order to become good calculators of duty, able by adding and subtracting to strike a balance correctly and find out just how much is due to each individual.
  4. to stretch out, extend, draw out
    • c. 15 BCE, Vitruvius, De architectura 9.7.2:
      et deducto circino ab eo centro ad lineam planitiae ubi erit littera B circinatio circuli describatur quae dicitur meridiana
      and extending the compasses from that centre to the extremity B of the said line, let a circle be described; this is called the meridian.
  5. to lead forth or conduct a colony to a certain place; found (a colony)
    • 44 BCE – 43 BCE, Cicero, Philippicae 13.31:
      veteranorum colonias deductas lege senatus consulto sustulistis
      You, by a resolution of the senate, have removed the colonies of the veterans which had been settled by law.
  6. (law) to bring to trial; bring before a tribunal as a witness
    • 59 BCE, Cicero, Pro Flacco 6.9:
      sed sunt in illo numero multi boni docti pudentes qui ad hoc iudicium deducti non sunt
      but there are in that number many virtuous, learned, modest men, who have not been brought here to this trial.
  7. (law) to withhold
    • c. 160 CE, Gaius, Institutiones 2.33:
      non enim ipse ususfructus mancipatur sed cum in mancipanda proprietate deducatur
      For the usufruct itself is not mancipated, but in mancipating the property the usufruct is withheld.
  8. (military) to withdraw, remove, draw off, lead off (troops from one place to another); conduct or bring to a place
    • c. 48 BCE, Julius Caesar, Commentarii de Bello Civili 3.34:
      Caesar Antonii exercitu coniuncto deducta Orico legione, quam tuendae orae maritimae causa posuerat
      Caesar, having withdrawn his garrisons from the sea-coast, as we have related above, left three cohorts at Oricum to defend the town
  9. (nautical) to draw out a ship (from a port), launch
  10. (rare, nautical) to draw a ship into port
  11. (in weaving) to spin or draw out (the thread); weave
    • 8 CE, Ovid, Metamorphoses 4.36:
      e quibus una levi deducens pollice filum
      Then one of them speaks, spinning the thread lightly with her thumb
  12. (figuratively) to mislead, seduce, entice, win over, induce
  13. (figuratively, of a literary composition) to spin out, elaborate, prepare, describe, compose
    • 8 CE, Ovid, Metamorphoses 1.3–4:
      [] primaque ab origine mundi / ad mea perpetuum deducite tempora carmen /
      [] and spin out a continuous thread of words, from the world's first origins to my own time
  14. (figuratively, of the origin of words) to derive, discover, deduce
    • c. 77 CE – 79 CE, Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia 25.4.44:
      quartum genus panaces ab eodem Chirone repertum centaurion cognominatur sed et Pharnaceon in controversia inventionis a Pharnace rege deductum
      A fourth kind of panaceas, discovered also by Chiron, is denominated as "centaurion," but also "pharnacion," derived from King Pharnaces; it being a matter in dispute of faculty of invention.
  15. (figuratively, of physical evils) to cure, cleanse, remove
    • 20 BCE – 14 BCE, Horace, Epistles 1.2.48:
      / non domus et fundus non aeris acervus et auri / aegroto domini deduxit corpore febris / non animo curas
      Not house or grounds, not heaps of brass or gold will cure the frame of fever's heat and cold or cleanse the heart of care.
  16. (figuratively, borrowed from the idea of spinning) to make finer, thinner or weaker, attenuate


   Conjugation of dēdūcō (third conjugation, irregular short imperative)
indicative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present dēdūcō dēdūcis dēdūcit dēdūcimus dēdūcitis dēdūcunt
imperfect dēdūcēbam dēdūcēbās dēdūcēbat dēdūcēbāmus dēdūcēbātis dēdūcēbant
future dēdūcam dēdūcēs dēdūcet dēdūcēmus dēdūcētis dēdūcent
perfect dēdūxī dēdūxistī dēdūxit dēdūximus dēdūxistis dēdūxērunt,
pluperfect dēdūxeram dēdūxerās dēdūxerat dēdūxerāmus dēdūxerātis dēdūxerant
future perfect dēdūxerō dēdūxeris dēdūxerit dēdūxerimus dēdūxeritis dēdūxerint
passive present dēdūcor dēdūceris,
dēdūcitur dēdūcimur dēdūciminī dēdūcuntur
imperfect dēdūcēbar dēdūcēbāris,
dēdūcēbātur dēdūcēbāmur dēdūcēbāminī dēdūcēbantur
future dēdūcar dēdūcēris,
dēdūcētur dēdūcēmur dēdūcēminī dēdūcentur
perfect dēductus + present active indicative of sum
pluperfect dēductus + imperfect active indicative of sum
future perfect dēductus + future active indicative of sum
subjunctive singular plural
first second third first second third
active present dēdūcam dēdūcās dēdūcat dēdūcāmus dēdūcātis dēdūcant
imperfect dēdūcerem dēdūcerēs dēdūceret dēdūcerēmus dēdūcerētis dēdūcerent
perfect dēdūxerim dēdūxerīs dēdūxerit dēdūxerīmus dēdūxerītis dēdūxerint
pluperfect dēdūxissem dēdūxissēs dēdūxisset dēdūxissēmus dēdūxissētis dēdūxissent
passive present dēdūcar dēdūcāris,
dēdūcātur dēdūcāmur dēdūcāminī dēdūcantur
imperfect dēdūcerer dēdūcerēris,
dēdūcerētur dēdūcerēmur dēdūcerēminī dēdūcerentur
perfect dēductus + present active subjunctive of sum
pluperfect dēductus + imperfect active subjunctive of sum
imperative singular plural
first second third first second third
active present dēdūc,
future dēdūcitō dēdūcitō dēdūcitōte dēdūcuntō
passive present dēdūcere dēdūciminī
future dēdūcitor dēdūcitor dēdūcuntor
non-finite forms active passive
present perfect future present perfect future
infinitives dēdūcere dēdūxisse dēductūrum esse dēdūcī dēductum esse dēductum īrī
participles dēdūcēns dēductūrus dēductus dēdūcendus,
verbal nouns gerund supine
genitive dative accusative ablative accusative ablative
dēdūcendī dēdūcendō dēdūcendum dēdūcendō dēductum dēductū



Derived terms


  • Catalan: deduir
  • English: deduce, deduct
  • French: déduire
  • Italian: dedurre
  • Portuguese: deduzir
  • Romanian: deduce
  • Sicilian: didùciri
  • Spanish: deducir


  • deduco”, in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • deduco”, in Charlton T. Lewis (1891) An Elementary Latin Dictionary, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • deduco in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
  • Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894) Latin Phrase-Book, London: Macmillan and Co.
    • to make a man change his opinion: de sententia aliquem deducere, movere
    • to civilise men, a nation: homines, gentem a fera agrestique vita ad humanum cultum civilemque deducere (De Or. 1. 8. 33)
    • to undermine a person's loyalty: de fide deducere or a fide abducere aliquem
    • to escort a person from his house: deducere aliquem de domo
    • to subtract something from the capital: de capite deducere (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...) aliquid
    • to found a colony somewhere: coloniam deducere in aliquem locum (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...)
    • to take the troops to their winter-quarters: milites in hibernis collocare, in hiberna deducere
    • to launch a boat: navem deducere (vid. sect. XII. 1, note Notice too...)
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