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Han character
華 (Kangxi radical 140, 艸+8 in traditional Chinese, 艸+7 in mainland China and Japanese, 12 strokes in Chinese in traditional Chinese, 10 strokes in mainland China and Japanese, 11 strokes in Korean, cangjie input 廿一廿十 (TMTJ), four-corner 44504, composition ⿱艹⿻丅⿱艹二)
Derived characters
Related characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 1039, character 14
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 31119
- Dae Jaweon: page 1497, character 12
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 5, page 3213, character 1
- Unihan data for U+83EF
- Unihan data for U+FAB4
trad. | 華 | |
simp. | 华 | |
alternative forms | 𠌶 𦻏 蕐 䔢 𦾓 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 華 | ||
Western Zhou | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | Liushutong (compiled in Ming) |
Bronze inscriptions | Small seal script | Transcribed ancient scripts |
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Pictogram (象形) ; this was the original form of 花 (OC *hʷraː, “flower”). In the bronze inscription form, the top part of the glyph resembles flowers of a plant, and the bottom part (于) resembles its stalk and leaves. Also phono-semantic (形聲/形声) , with 于 (OC *ɢʷa) functioning as the phonetic part. In the seal script, 艸 (“grass; plant”) was added as a semantic component.
華 (𦻏) and 𠌶 were initially the same character, but they were erroneously split in Shuowen into two entries.
Pronunciation 1
- brilliance; magnificence
- (good) times; years; period
- young; youthful
- literary grace; talent for literature
- prestige; status; fame
- colourful; brilliant (especially of carvings and decorations)
- magnificent; gorgeous; resplendent
- delicious; tasty
- essence; quintessence
- (honorific) your; your honourable
- (exalted) Short for 華夏/华夏 (Huáxià): land of illustrious clothing and grand ritual—China; Chinese culture
- Short for 漢語/汉语 (Hànyǔ, “Chinese language”).
- luxuriant; flourishing; prosperous
- noble; influential; eminent
- grey (of hair)
- flashy; extravagant; showy; ostentatious; florid
- face powder
- 鉛華/铅华 ― qiānhuá ― lead face powder
- (historical, obsolete) cover of a carriage
- (obsolete) fruit (of a cucurbit plant)
- Alternative form of 譁/哗 (“noisy”)
- (China):
- 中 (abbreviation)
- 中原 (Zhōngyuán)
- 中國/中国 (Zhōngguó)
- 中華/中华 (Zhōnghuá)
- 九州 (Jiǔzhōu)
- 唐山 (Tángshān)
- 域中 (yùzhōng) (literary, figurative)
- 天下 (tiānxià) (lofty)
- 天朝 (Tiāncháo) (historical or Internet slang)
- 支那 (Zhīnà) (obsolete, now usually derogatory or offensive)
- 桃花石 (Táohuāshí) (obsolete)
- 猜拿 (cāiná) (transliteration of English China)
- 神州 (Shénzhōu) (literary)
- 種花家/种花家 (Zhònghuājiā) (slang, humorous)
- 脂那 (Zhīnà) (obsolete)
- 至那 (Zhìnà) (obsolete)
- 華/华 (abbreviation)
- 華夏/华夏 (Huáxià)
- 諸夏/诸夏 (Zhūxià)
- 諸華/诸华 (Zhūhuá)
- 赤縣/赤县 (Chìxiàn) (literary)
- 赤縣神州/赤县神州 (Chìxiàn Shénzhōu) (literary)
- 震旦 (Zhèndàn) (archaic)
- 三華聚頂/三华聚顶
- 中華/中华 (Zhōnghuá)
- 中華人民共和國/中华人民共和国 (Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó)
- 中華商場/中华商场
- 中華大學/中华大学
- 中華山/中华山 (Zhōnghuáshān)
- 中華新韻/中华新韵
- 中華民國/中华民国 (Zhōnghuá Mínguó)
- 中華民族/中华民族 (Zhōnghuá mínzú)
- 中華路/中华路 (Zhōnghuálù)
- 九華山/九华山 (Jiǔhuá Shān)
- 九華帳/九华帐 (jiǔhuázhàng)
- 二八年華/二八年华
- 五胡亂華/五胡乱华 (Wǔhúluànhuá)
- 五華/五华 (Wǔhuá)
- 京華/京华 (jīnghuá)
- 光華/光华 (guānghuá)
- 光華射目/光华射目
- 內華達/内华达 (Nèihuádá)
- 公西華/公西华
- 凝華/凝华 (nínghuá)
- 務實去華/务实去华
- 南華大學/南华大学
- 南華經/南华经 (Nánhuájīng)
- 含英咀華/含英咀华 (hányīngjǔhuá)
- 咀英嚼華/咀英嚼华
- 嘉年華會/嘉年华会
- 國華/国华 (guóhuá)
- 地望高華/地望高华
- 夢華/梦华
- 天地精華/天地精华
- 奢華/奢华 (shēhuá)
- 容華/容华
- 富貴榮華/富贵荣华
- 年華/年华 (niánhuá)
- 悃愊無華/悃愊无华
- 悔讀南華/悔读南华
- 愛德華島/爱德华岛 (Àidéhuá Dǎo)
- 愛德華湖/爱德华湖
- 愛荷華州/爱荷华州
- 才華/才华 (cáihuá)
- 捃華/捃华
- 捐華務實/捐华务实
- 摭華捐實/摭华捐实
- 新華/新华 (Xīnhuá)
- 新華社/新华社 (Xīnhuáshè)
- 日精月華/日精月华
- 日華/日华
- 昇華/升华 (shēnghuá)
- 昭華/昭华
- 月華/月华 (yuèhuá)
- 朱華/朱华
- 朱輪華轂/朱轮华毂
- 東華大學/东华大学
- 東華門/东华门
- 榮華/荣华 (rónghuá)
- 榮華富貴/荣华富贵 (rónghuáfùguì)
- 樸實無華/朴实无华 (pǔshíwúhuá)
- 樸素無華/朴素无华
- 樸質無華/朴质无华
- 步月華/步月华
- 歲華/岁华
- 水木清華/水木清华
- 洗淨鉛華/洗净铅华
- 浮華/浮华 (fúhuá)
- 浮華世界/浮华世界
- 清華/清华 (Qīnghuá)
- 清華園/清华园 (Qīnghuáyuán)
- 清華大學/清华大学
- 渥太華/渥太华 (Wòtàihuá)
- 溫哥華/温哥华 (Wēngēhuá)
- 物華/物华 (wùhuá)
- 物華天寶/物华天宝
- 玉華/玉华 (yùhuá)
- 瑤華浦/瑶华浦
- 瑤華音/瑶华音
- 白華/白华 (báihuá)
- 白華之怨/白华之怨
- 碧華/碧华 (bìhuá)
- 萬華/万华 (Wànhuá)
- 穠華/秾华
- 精華/精华 (jīnghuá)
- 紛華/纷华
- 繁華/繁华 (fánhuá)
- 繁華世界/繁华世界
- 翠華/翠华 (cuìhuá)
- 耶和華/耶和华 (yēhéhuá)
- 興華/兴华 (Xīnghuá)
- 芬華/芬华
- 芳華/芳华 (fānghuá)
- 苕之華/苕之华
- 英華/英华
- 苕華玉/苕华玉
- 荳蔻年華/豆蔻年华 (dòukòuniánhuá)
- 華中/华中 (huázhōng)
- 華人/华人 (Huárén)
- 華倫泰節/华伦泰节
- 華僑/华侨 (huáqiáo)
- 華僑條款/华侨条款
- 華光/华光
- 華北/华北 (Huáběi)
- 華北平原/华北平原 (Huáběi Píngyuán)
- 華南/华南 (Huánán)
- 華嚴五祖/华严五祖
- 華嚴宗/华严宗
- 華嚴經/华严经
- 華埠/华埠 (huábù)
- 華夏/华夏 (Huáxià)
- 華宗/华宗
- 華容/华容 (Huáróng)
- 華屋/华屋
- 華屋丘墟/华屋丘墟
- 華屋山丘/华屋山丘
- 華工/华工 (huágōng)
- 華年/华年 (huánián)
- 華府/华府 (Huáfǔ)
- 華彩/华彩 (huácǎi)
- 華志/华志
- 華文/华文 (Huáwén)
- 華族/华族 (huázú)
- 華東/华东 (Huádōng)
- 華格納/华格纳 (Huágénà)
- 華梵大學/华梵大学
- 華氏/华氏 (Huáshì)
- 華氏溫度計/华氏温度计
- 華氏溫標/华氏温标
- 華沙/华沙 (Huáshā)
- 華沙公約/华沙公约
- 華清宮/华清宫
- 華燈/华灯 (huádēng)
- 華燈初上/华灯初上
- 華爾滋/华尔滋
- 華爾茲/华尔兹 (huá'ěrzī)
- 華爾街/华尔街 (Huá'ěrjiē)
- 華甸/华甸
- 華界/华界
- 華盛頓/华盛顿 (Huáshèngdùn)
- 華視/华视 (Huáshì)
- 華簪/华簪
- 華絲葛/华丝葛
- 華美/华美
- 華翰/华翰
- 華而不實/华而不实 (huá'érbùshí)
- 華胥/华胥 (Huáxū)
- 華胄/华胄 (huázhòu)
- 華胥世/华胥世
- 華胥之夢/华胥之梦
- 華胥調/华胥调
- 華腴/华腴
- 華膴/华𰮇
- 華興會/华兴会
- 菁華/菁华 (jīnghuá)
- 華萊士/华莱士 (Huáláishì)
- 華蓋/华盖 (huágài)
- 華表/华表 (huábiǎo)
- 華表鶴歸/华表鹤归
- 華裔/华裔 (huáyì)
- 華西/华西
- 華語/华语 (Huáyǔ)
- 華誕/华诞 (huádàn)
- 華豔/华艳
- 華貴/华贵 (huáguì)
- 華辭/华辞 (huácí)
- 華農東/华农东 (Huánóngdōng)
- 華農西/华农西 (Huánóngxī)
- 華里 (huálǐ)
- 華鎣/华蓥 (Huáyíng)
- 華陽國志/华阳国志
- 華靡/华靡 (huámǐ)
- 華頂峰/华顶峰
- 華髮/华发 (huáfà)
- 華鬘/华鬘
- 華鬢/华鬓
- 華麗/华丽 (huálì)
- 虛華/虚华 (xūhuá)
- 裳裳者華/裳裳者华
- 詞華/词华 (cíhuá)
- 詞華典贍/词华典赡
- 豆蔻年華/豆蔻年华 (dòukòuniánhuá)
- 豐華/丰华
- 豪華/豪华 (háohuá)
- 豪華車/豪华车
- 踵事增華/踵事增华
- 辱承華翰/辱承华翰
- 逸景華庭/逸景华庭 (Yìjǐnghuátíng)
- 遙遙華胄/遥遥华胄
- 郭華情罪/郭华情罪
- 重華/重华
- 重華宮/重华宫
- 金色年華/金色年华
- 金華/金华 (Jīnhuá)
- 金華殿語/金华殿语
- 鉛華/铅华
- 錦瑟華年/锦瑟华年
- 雍容華貴/雍容华贵
- 雲華/云华
- 露華/露华 (lùhuá)
- 章華/章华
- 韶華/韶华 (sháohuá)
- 韶華如駛/韶华如驶
- 風華/风华 (fēnghuá)
- 風華正茂/风华正茂 (fēnghuázhèngmào)
- 風華絕代/风华绝代
- 黛綠年華/黛绿年华
- 黜華/黜华
- 龍華山/龙华山 (Lónghuáshān)
- 龍華會/龙华会
Pronunciation 2
- Alternative form of 花 (huā, “flower; blossom”)
- 皇皇者華,于彼原隰。 [Pre-Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Classic of Poetry, c. 11th – 7th centuries BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Huánghuáng zhě huá, yú bǐ yuán xí. [Pinyin]
- Brilliant are the flowers,
On those level heights and the low grounds.
皇皇者华,于彼原隰。 [Pre-Classical Chinese, simp.]
- to flower; to blossom
- 昔我往矣,黍稷方華。 [Pre-Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Classic of Poetry, c. 11th – 7th centuries BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Xī wǒ wǎng yǐ, shǔjì fāng huā. [Pinyin]
- When we were marching at first,
The millets were in flower.
昔我往矣,黍稷方华。 [Pre-Classical Chinese, simp.]- 桐始華,田鼠化為鴽,虹始見,萍始生。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Book of Rites, c. 4th – 2nd century BCE
- Tóng shǐ huā, tiánshǔ huàwéi rú, hóng shǐ xiàn, píng shǐ shēng. [Pinyin]
- The Elaeococca begins to flower. Moles are transformed into quails. Rainbows begin to appear. Duckweed begins to grow.
桐始华,田鼠化为𫛪,虹始见,萍始生。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (traditional Chinese medicine) flower pulse; weak pulse
- to be dim-sighted; to be dazzled
- to dissect; to cut up
Pronunciation 3
- “華”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
Shinjitai | 華 | |
Kyūjitai [1][2][3] |
華󠄂 華+ 󠄂 ?(Hanyo-Denshi) (Moji_Joho) |
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華󠄃 華+ 󠄃 ?(Hanyo-Denshi) (Moji_Joho) |
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The displayed kanji may be different from the image due to your environment. See here for details. |
From Middle Chinese 華 (MC xwae); compare Mandarin 華/华 (huā):
- Go-on: け (ke, Jōyō †)←け (ke, historical)←くゑ (kwe, ancient)
- Kan-on: か (ka, Jōyō)←くわ (kwa, historical)
From Middle Chinese 華 (MC hwae); compare Mandarin 華/华 (huá):
From Middle Chinese 華 (MC hwaeH); compare Mandarin 華/华 (huà):
From native Japanese roots:
- 華夷 (Kai)
- 華僑 (Kakyō)
- 華語 (Kago)
- 華甲 (kakō)
- 華字 (kaji)
- 華奢 (kasha), 華奢 (kyasha)
- 華燭 (kashoku, “bright light”)
- 華人 (Kajin)
- 華族 (kazoku)
- 華道 (kadō)
- 華美 (kabi)
- 華府 (Kafu)
- 華麗 (karei)
- 華盛頓 (Washinton)
- 優曇華 (udonge) : udumbara
- 栄華 (eiga)
- 豪華 (gōka)
- 香華 (kōge)
- 国華 (kokka)
- 散華 (sange) : (Buddhism) rite of scattering flowers
- 精華 (seika)
- 中華 (Chūka)
- 日華 (nikka)
- 繁華 (hanka)
- 浮華 (fuka)
- 法華 (Hokke), 法華 (Hoke)
- 万華鏡 (mangekyō)
- 由華 (Yuka) : a female given name
- 蓮華 (renge)
Etymology 1
Kanji in this term |
華 |
か Grade: S |
kan’on |
/kua/ → /kʷa/ → /ka/
From Middle Chinese 華 (MC hwae).
- 華を去り実に就く (ka o sari jitsu ni tsuku)
Etymology 2
Kanji in this term |
華 |
はな Grade: S |
kun’yomi |
/pana/ → /fana/ → /hana/
From Old Japanese, from Proto-Japonic *pana.
For pronunciation and definitions of 華 – see the following entry. | ||
| ||
(This term, 華, is an alternative spelling of the above term.) |
Derived terms
- 火事と喧嘩は江戸の華 (kaji to kenka wa Edo no hana)
- 枯木華開く (koboku hana hiraku)
- “華”, in 漢字ぺディア (Kanjipedia) (in Japanese), 日本漢字能力検定協会, 2015–2024
- Haga, Gōtarō (1914) 漢和大辞書 [The Great Kanji-Japanese Dictionary] (in Japanese), Fourth edition, Tōkyō: Kōbunsha, , page 1826 (paper), page 965 (digital)
- Shōundō Henshūjo, editor (1927), 新漢和辞典 [The New Kanji-Japanese Dictionary] (in Japanese), Ōsaka: Shōundō, , page 1033 (paper), page 529 (digital)
- Matsumura, Akira, editor (2006), 大辞林 [Daijirin] (in Japanese), Third edition, Tōkyō: Sanseidō, →ISBN
(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. Particularly: “Middle Korean readings, if any”)
- (SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [ɸwa̠]
- Phonetic hangul: [화]
Han character
華: Hán Việt readings: hoa (
華: Nôm readings: hoa[1][2][3][4]
- chữ Hán form of Hoa (“Hoa people”).
- 華夏 (hoa hạ)
- Nguyễn (2014).
- Nguyễn et al. (2009).
- Trần (2004).
- Taberd & Pigneau de Béhaine (1838).