Traditional | 聽 |
Shinjitai | 聴 |
Simplified | 听 |
Han character
聽 (Kangxi radical 128, 耳+16, 22 strokes, cangjie input 尸土十田心 (SGJWP), four-corner 14131, composition ⿰⿹耳𡈼𢛳)
Related characters
- 聴 (Japanese shinjitai)
- 听 (Simplified Chinese)
Usage notes
- 耳王十四一心 is a phrase used to remember this character, based on the order of the strokes.
Further reading
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 970, character 24
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 29211
- Dae Jaweon: page 1422, character 9
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 4, page 2799, character 14
- Unihan data for U+807D
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 聽 | |||||
Shang | Western Zhou | Warring States | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | ||
Bronze inscriptions | Oracle bone script | Bronze inscriptions | Bronze inscriptions | Qin slip script | Small seal script |
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Characters in the same phonetic series (聖) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Phono-semantic compound (形聲/形声, OC *l̥ʰeːŋ, *l̥ʰeːŋs) : phonetic 𡈼 (OC *l̥ʰeːŋʔ) + semantic 耳 (“ear”) + semantic 㥁.
Originally ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : 耳 (“ear”) + 口 (“mouth(s)”) – to listen. Compare 聖.
Etymology 1
trad. | 聽 | |
simp. | 听* | |
alternative forms |
This is traditionally considered to have the same origin as 聖 (OC *hljeŋs, “to hear; wise; sage”) and 聲 (OC *qʰjeŋ, “sound”). Additionally, it may be also related to 聆 (OC *reːŋ, “to hear; to listen”) (Wang, 1982).
Outside connections unclear, although note Proto-Hlai *hliːŋ (“to hear (it said)”) from Pre-Hlai *(h)leːŋ (Norquest, 2007).
Pronunciation 1
- (to hear):
Dialectal synonyms of 聽 (“to hear; to listen”) [map]
- (to smell):
Dialectal synonyms of 聞 (“to smell”) [map]
- (to pick up the phone): 接 (jiē)
- 不中聽/不中听
- 不受聽/不受听
- 不聽使/不听使
- 不聽使喚/不听使唤
- 不聽手/不听手
- 不聽話/不听话
- 中聽/中听 (zhōngtīng)
- 乍聽/乍听
- 俛首聽命/俯首听命
- 借聽於聾/借听于聋
- 俯首聽命/俯首听命
- 偵聽/侦听
- 側聽/侧听
- 偏聽/偏听
- 偏聽偏信/偏听偏信
- 偷聽器/偷听器
- 傾聽/倾听 (qīngtīng)
- 內視反聽/内视反听
- 公聽並觀/公听并观
- 公聽會/公听会 (gōngtīnghuì)
- 兼聽/兼听
- 凝聽/凝听 (níngtīng)
- 助聽器/助听器 (zhùtīngqì)
- 動心駭聽/动心骇听
- 動聽/动听 (dòngtīng)
- 包打聽/包打听 (bāodǎtīng)
- 危言聳聽/危言耸听 (wēiyánsǒngtīng)
- 反聽內視/反听内视
- 唯命是聽/唯命是听 (wéimìngshìtīng)
- 垂聽/垂听 (chuítīng)
- 壁聽/壁听
- 外聽道/外听道
- 天聽/天听
- 天高聽卑/天高听卑
- 天高聽遠/天高听远
- 好聽/好听 (hǎotīng)
- 妄言妄聽/妄言妄听
- 姑妄聽之/姑妄听之
- 娓娓動聽/娓娓动听 (wěiwěidòngtīng)
- 察聽/察听
- 恭聽/恭听
- 惟命是聽/惟命是听 (wéimìngshìtīng)
- 打聽/打听 (dǎtīng)
- 打聽細底/打听细底
- 探聽/探听 (tàntīng)
- 揣骨聽聲/揣骨听声
- 收視反聽/收视反听
- 收聽/收听 (shōutīng)
- 旁聽/旁听 (pángtīng)
- 旁聽席/旁听席
- 有聽頭兒/有听头儿
- 洗耳恭聽/洗耳恭听 (xǐ'ěrgōngtīng)
- 洗耳拱聽/洗耳拱听
- 洗耳諦聽/洗耳谛听
- 流魚出聽/流鱼出听
- 混淆視聽/混淆视听
- 潛聽/潜听
- 牧豕聽經/牧豕听经
- 狗兔聽提/狗兔听提
- 監聽/监听
- 目聽/目听
- 視聽/视听 (shìtīng)
- 視聽中心/视听中心
- 視聽傳播/视听传播
- 視聽教育/视听教育
- 視聽生/视听生
- 竊聽/窃听 (qiètīng)
- 竊聽器/窃听器 (qiètīngqì)
- 細聽/细听 (xìtīng)
- 緝聽/缉听
- 耳視目聽/耳视目听
- 耳聽八方/耳听八方 (ěrtīngbāfāng)
- 聆聽/聆听 (língtīng)
- 聳人聽聞/耸人听闻 (sǒngréntīngwén)
- 聳聽/耸听
- 聲說聲聽/声说声听
- 聽事官/听事官
- 聽事的/听事的
- 聽人/听人 (tīngrén)
- 聽令/听令 (tīnglìng)
- 聽任/听任 (tīngrèn)
- 聽便/听便
- 聽信/听信 (tīngxìn)
- 聽候/听候 (tīnghòu)
- 聽候官身/听候官身
- 聽候發落/听候发落
- 聽力/听力 (tīnglì)
- 聽力障礙/听力障碍
- 聽友/听友 (tīngyǒu)
- 聽取/听取 (tīngqǔ)
- 聽受/听受
- 聽哈/听哈
- 聽喝/听喝
- 聽壁腳/听壁脚
- 聽審/听审 (tīngshěn)
- 聽寫/听写 (tīngxiě)
- 聽差/听差
- 聽從/听从 (tīngcóng)
- 聽得到/听得到
- 聽戲/听戏
- 聽手/听手
- 聽書/听书 (tīngshū)
- 聽氣兒/听气儿
- 聽沉/听沉
- 聽牆根/听墙根
- 聽用/听用
- 聽眾/听众 (tīngzhòng)
- 聽神經/听神经
- 聽窗/听窗
- 聽筒/听筒 (tīngtǒng)
- 聽籬察壁/听篱察壁
- 聽絕/听绝
- 聽老/听老
- 聽者/听者 (tīngzhě)
- 聽而不聞/听而不闻 (tīng'érbùwén)
- 聽聞/听闻 (tīngwén)
- 聽能/听能
- 聽裝/听装 (tīngzhuāng)
- 聽見/听见 (tīngjiàn)
- 聽覺/听觉 (tīngjué)
- 聽覺中樞/听觉中枢
- 聽訓/听训
- 聽診/听诊 (tīngzhěn)
- 聽診器/听诊器 (tīngzhěnqì)
- 聽話/听话 (tīnghuà)
- 聽說/听说 (tīngshuō)
- 聽說聽道/听说听道
- 聽課/听课 (tīngkè)
- 聽講/听讲 (tīngjiǎng)
- 聽證/听证 (tīngzhèng)
- 聽證制度/听证制度
- 聽證會/听证会 (tīngzhènghuì)
- 聽讒/听谗
- 聽讒惑亂/听谗惑乱
- 聽起來/听起来 (tīngqǐlai)
- 聽除/听除
- 聽障/听障 (tīngzhàng)
- 聽音哨/听音哨
- 聽頭/听头
- 聽頭兒/听头儿
- 聽風聽水/听风听水
- 聽香/听香
- 聽骨/听骨
- 聽鼓/听鼓
- 背聽/背听
- 言聽行從/言听行从
- 言聽計從/言听计从 (yántīngjìcóng)
- 言聽計用/言听计用
- 言聽計行/言听计行
- 諦聽/谛听 (dìtīng)
- 逖聽/逖听 (tìtīng)
- 過聽/过听
- 道聽塗說/道听涂说 (dàotīngtúshuō)
- 重聽/重听 (zhòngtīng)
- 鏡聽/镜听
- 閉目塞聽/闭目塞听 (bìmùsètīng)
- 閱聽人/阅听人
- 隔壁聽/隔壁听
- 隨身聽/随身听 (suíshēntīng)
- 隱聽/隐听
- 難聽/难听 (nántīng)
- 靜聽/静听 (jìngtīng)
- 面聽/面听
- 順天聽命/顺天听命
- 駭人聽聞/骇人听闻 (hàiréntīngwén)
- 駭聽/骇听
- 鴨子聽雷/鸭子听雷
Pronunciation 2
- † to handle (matters of state); to administer
- to adjudicate
- to allow
- 摘瓜法:在步道上,引手而取;勿聽浪人踏瓜蔓,及翻覆之。 [Literary Chinese, trad.]
- From: 544 CE, Jia Sixie, Qimin Yaoshu
- Zhāiguā fǎ: zài bùdào shàng, yǐn shǒu ér qǔ; wù tīng làngrén tà guāmàn, jí fānfù zhī. [Pinyin]
- How to pluck melons: on the footpath, reach out one's hands and take them; do not allow drifters to trample the melon-vines and toss and turn them [melons].
摘瓜法:在步道上,引手而取;勿听浪人踏瓜蔓,及翻覆之。 [Literary Chinese, simp.]
- (Cantonese) to wait a little
- (Cantonese) to wait for something inevitable to happen
Pronunciation 3
- (Cantonese) 叫 (giu3)
- “聽”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
Further reading
- “Entry #13260”, in 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典 [Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan] (overall work in Mandarin and Hokkien), Ministry of Education, R.O.C., 2023.
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