
awesome is a highly configurable, next generation, dynamic window manager for X. It is primarily targeted at power users, developers and any people dealing with every day computing tasks and who want to have fine-grained control on their graphical environment. It is extended using the Lua programming language.

Prerequisites[edit | edit source]

Services[edit | edit source]

Choose exactly one of:

  • elogind: Standalone logind package, extracted from the systemd project for use with OpenRC or other init systems.
  • systemd: Uses the session tracker part of systemd. Users of systemd do not need to take any other initiative here.
  • ConsoleKit: Framework for defining and tracking users, login sessions, and seats.
For Wayland support, a logind implementation is required, which means choosing either elogind or systemd, but currently awesome does not support wayland.[1] Since Consolekit2 is unmaintained for more than two years[2], the desktop profiles has switched to elogind by default.

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]

  • D-Bus: Enables use of the D-Bus message bus system.
  • polkit: Enables the polkit framework for controlling privileges for system-wide services.
  • udisks: Enables support for some storage related services.

X server[edit | edit source]

Follow the instructions on Xorg/Guide to set up the X environment.

Starting the X server[edit | edit source]

One of the following methods can be used to start X:

Installation[edit | edit source]

USE flags[edit | edit source]

USE flags for x11-wm/awesome A dynamic floating and tiling window manager

dbus Enable dbus support for anything that needs it (gpsd, gnomemeeting, etc)
doc Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
gnome Add GNOME support
test Enable dependencies and/or preparations necessary to run tests (usually controlled by FEATURES=test but can be toggled independently)

Emerge[edit | edit source]

Install x11-wm/awesome:

root #emerge --ask x11-wm/awesome

Configuration[edit | edit source]

Starting[edit | edit source]

To start awesome, refer to Starting the X server or use the command startx.

To use startx with elogind support, setup elogind and create the following file:

FILE ~/.xinitrc
if [[ -x /usr/bin/ck-launch-session ]]
    # use "ck-launch-session" executable for consolekit (deprecated)
exec ${CK_EXE} dbus-launch --sh-syntax --exit-with-session awesome

Configuration file[edit | edit source]

The default configuration file of awesome is located in ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua. If such a directory or file does not exist then it needs to be created. A default, out of the box, configuration is distributed with awesome and can be found at /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua. Copy that configuration file to the user's home directory.

First create the awesome/ directory:

user $mkdir -p ~/.config/awesome/

Next copy the rc.lua configuration file:

user $cp /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua

If x11-terms/xterm is not installed, either install it or change the default terminal emulator to the terminal emulator available on the system. Below, the default terminal emulator is set to konsole, part of kde-apps/konsole.

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
-- This is used later as the default terminal and editor to run.
terminal = "konsole"

After making changes it is useful to check the configuration file for errors:

user $awesome -k
✔ Configuration file syntax OK

Add wallpaper support through the media-gfx/feh package:

root #emerge --ask media-gfx/feh

For instance, to use awsetbg to set the wallpaper, edit ~/.config/awesome/theme/theme.lua:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/theme/theme.luaSetting a specific background using awsetbg
theme.wallpaper_cmd = { "awsetbg -f .config/awesome/themes/awesome-wallpaper.png" }

Or simply set the wallpaper property of the theme:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/theme/theme.luaSetting a specific background using the wallpaper property
theme.wallpaper = ".config/awesome/themes/awesome-wallpaper.png"

Tags[edit | edit source]

In awesome, tags are the name given to virtual desktops under which one or more applications are running. It is possible to assign custom symbols to these tags:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
-- {{{ Tags
tags = {}
for s = 1, screen.count() do
    tags[s] = awful.tag({ "➊", "➋", "➌", "➍" }, s, layouts[1])
-- }}}

Below is an example of a custom awesome menu:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua
-- {{{ Menu
myawesomemenu = {
   { "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
   { "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awesome.conffile },
   { "reload", awesome.restart },
   { "quit", awesome.quit },
   { "reboot", "reboot" },
   { "shutdown", "shutdown" }
appsmenu = {
   { "urxvt", "urxvt" },
   { "sakura", "sakura" },
   { "ncmpcpp", terminal .. " -e ncmpcpp" },
   { "luakit", "luakit" },
   { "uzbl", "uzbl-browser" },
   { "firefox", "firefox" },
   { "chromium", "chromium" },
   { "thunar", "thunar" },
   { "ranger", terminal .. " -e ranger" },
   { "gvim", "gvim" },
   { "leafpad", "leafpad" },
   { "htop", terminal .. " -e htop" },
   { "sysmonitor", "gnome-system-monitor" }
gamesmenu = {
   { "warsow", "warsow" },
   { "nexuiz", "nexuiz" },
   { "xonotic", "xonotic" },
   { "openarena", "openarena" },
   { "alienarena", "alienarena" },
   { "teeworlds", "teeworlds" },
   { "frozen-bubble", "frozen-bubble" },
   { "warzone2100", "warzone2100" },
   { "wesnoth", "wesnoth" },
   { "supertuxkart", "supertuxkart" },
   { "xmoto" , "xmoto" },
   { "flightgear", "flightgear" },
   { "snes9x" , "snes9x" }
mymainmenu ={ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu },
                                    { "apps", appsmenu },
				    { "games", gamesmenu },
                                    { "terminal", terminal },
				    { "web browser", browser },
				    { "text editor", geditor }
mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = image(beautiful.awesome_icon),
                                     menu = mymainmenu })
-- }}}

Date[edit | edit source]

Below is an example use of a custom date format. The format syntax used is %d.%m %H:%M. The second option, 60, is the update interval in seconds.

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.luaCreating a text-clock widget
-- {{{ Wibox
-- Create a text-clock widget
mytextclock = wibox.widget.textclock(" %d.%m %H:%M ", 60)
-- }}}
For more information about the format options run date --help

Volume control[edit | edit source]

media-sound/volumeicon can be used to handle volume keys automatically, and to show the volume level through a tray icon.

root #emerge --ask media-sound/volumeicon

Autostart volumeicon from within ~/.xinitrc:

FILE ~/.xinitrcLaunching volumeicon in the background when starting X
volumeicon &
exec [...]

Alternatively, a lightweight method is to add volume keys straight into the awesome configuration:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.luaVolume keys
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -q sset Master 2dB-") end)
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("amixer -q sset Master 2dB+") end)

MPD multimedia keys[edit | edit source]

Install media-sound/mpc to add multimedia key bindings for MPD:

root #emerge --ask media-sound/mpc

Next update the awesome configuration to assign the multimedia keys to the proper command:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.luaVolume key bindings
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioNext",function () awful.util.spawn( "mpc next" ) end),
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPrev",function () awful.util.spawn( "mpc prev" ) end),
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPlay",function () awful.util.spawn( "mpc play" ) end),
awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioStop",function () awful.util.spawn( "mpc pause" ) end),

Removing window gaps[edit | edit source]

Gaps between windows can be visible, most noticeably between terminal windows. These can be removed by inserting the size_hints_honor = false property in the awful.rules.rules table like this:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.luaSetting size_hints_honor property
awful.rules.rules = {
    { rule = { },
      properties = { size_hints_honor = false, -- Remove gaps
                     border_width = beautiful.border_width,
                     border_color = beautiful.border_normal,

Debugging the configuration with Xephyr[edit | edit source]

Xephyr is a useful tool for debugging new configuration files as it creates an instance of an X server within a client window.

user $Xephyr -ac -nolisten tcp -br -noreset -screen 800x600 :1

This will open an 800x600 window. To run awesome within it open a new terminal and run the following:

user $DISPLAY=:1.0 awesome

This will run awesome within a window.

Keyboard shortcuts[edit | edit source]

These are the most useful default shortcuts:

  • mod4+mouse1 = move client with mouse
  • mod4+mouse2 = resize client with mouse
  • mod4+enter = open terminal
  • mod4+r = run command
  • mod4+shift+c = kill
  • mod4+m = maximize
  • mod4+n = minimize
  • mod4+ctrl+n = restore minimized clients
  • mod4+f = full screen
  • mod4+tab = switch to previous client
  • mod4+ctrl+space = float
  • mod4+j = highlight left client
  • mod4+k = highlight right client
  • mod4+shift+j = move client right
  • mod4+shift+k = move client left
  • mod4+l = resize tiled client
  • mod4+h = resize tiled client
  • mod4+left / right = change tag
  • mod4+1-9 = change tag
  • mod4+shift+1-9 = send client to tag

Custom key bindings, like Alt+Tab, can be mapped to make the awesome experience even better. For instance, to use Alt+Tab to switch to the previous window:

FILE ~/.config/awesome/rc.luaAlt-TAB key binding
-- {{{ Key bindings
globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    -- alt + tab
    awful.key({ "Mod1", }, "Tab",
        function ()
            if client.focus then
-- }}}

External resources[edit | edit source]

This article is issued from Gentoo. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.