Window manager

Not to be confused with display manager.


The window manager Article description::manages the creation, manipulation, and destruction of on-screen windows. Each system with an X server installed should have a window manager.


Windows managers can be dynamic, stacking, or tiling in their behavior.

  • Stacking window managers behave analogously to pieces of paper on a physical desktop, they can be stacked on top of one another, with the one at the top of the stack being the one with which the user sees and interacts.
  • Tiling window managers represent windows as tiles, or split views, with windows displayed next to one another, but with none of the windows overlapping.
  • Dynamic window managers are window managers that can dynamically switch between the previous two paradigms.

Available software

Here are some window manager packages available in Gentoo:

Name Package Homepage Description
aewmx11-wm/aewm404 (bug #708484)A minimalistic, dynamic X11 window manager.
aewm++x11-wm/aewm++ dynamic window manager with more modern features than aewm but with the same look and feel.
amiwmx11-wm/amiwm stacking window manager that resembles the Amiga Workbench user interface.
awesomex11-wm/awesome a highly configurable, next generation, dynamic window manager for X.
blackboxx11-wm/blackbox open-source stacking window manager written in C++ and licensed under the MIT License
bspwmx11-wm/bspwm lightweight, tiling, minimalist window manager that is written in C and represents its windows as leaves on a binary tree.
CTWMx11-wm/ctwm lightweight, stacking window manager.
cwmx11-wm/cwm lightweight, stacking window manager originally developed for OpenBSD.
dwmx11-wm/dwm a dynamic window manager for X11.
echinusx11-wm/echinus lightweight tiling and floating window manager forked from dwm.
Enlightenmentx11-wm/enlightenment an eye-candy, compositing and stacking window manager that is released under the permissive BSD License.
evilwmx11-wm/evilwm lightweight, stacking window manager.
fluxboxx11-wm/fluxbox an open-source stacking window manager for X11 that was originally forked from Blackbox.
FVWMx11-wm/fvwm a stacking window manager for X11.
goomwwmx11-wm/goomwwm out of my way, Window Manager!
herbstluftwmx11-wm/herbstluftwm a manual tiling window manager for X11 using Xlib and Glib
JWMx11-wm/jwm extremely lightweight window manager for the X window system.
i3x11-wm/i3 a minimalist tiling window manager, completely written from scratch.
IceWMx11-wm/icewm a free and open-source, lightweight, stacking window manager for X11.
KWinkde-plasma/kwin's compositing window manager.
larswmx11-wm/larswm tiling window manager for X11, based on 9wm.
lwmx11-wm/lwm lightweight, stacking window manager.
Marcox11-wm/marco's window manager, forked from Metacity, the window manager of GNOME 2.
matwm2x11-wm/matwm2 EWMH compatible window manager with titlebars and frames.
Muffinx11-wm/muffin's compositing window manager.
Muscax11-wm/musca simple dynamic window manager, with features nicked from ratpoison and dwm.
Mutterx11-wm/mutter's compositing window manager.
Notionx11-wm/notion tiling, tabbed window manager for X11.
Openboxx11-wm/openbox a highly configurable, next generation, stacking window manager for X11 with extensive standards support.
oroborusx11-wm/oroborus small and fast window manager.
pagex11-wm/page mouse-friendly tiling window manager.
PekWMx11-wm/pekwm lightweight, dynamic window manager originally forked from aewm++.
Qtilex11-wm/qtile an open-source, tiling window manager that is written in and extended with the Python programming language
ratpoisonx11-wm/ratpoison a tiling window manager modeled after screen.
Sawfishx11-wm/sawfish an extensible window manager using a Lisp-based scripting language.
Sith WMx11-wm/sithwm minimalist window manager for X11.
spectrwmx11-wm/spectrwm small dynamic tiling window manager for X11.
StumpWMx11-wm/stumpwm tiling window manager written entirely in Common Lisp.
Subtlex11-wm/subtle simple tiling window manager.
twmx11-wm/twm simple stacking window manager started written in C.
WindowLabx11-wm/windowlab small and simple window manager of novel design.
Window Makerx11-wm/windowmaker fast and light GNUstep window manager.
wm2x11-wm/wm2 a minimalist window manager for X11
Xfwmxfce-base/xfwm4's compositing window manager.
xmonadx11-wm/xmonad a fast and lightweight tiling window manager for X11

feh and imv can be used for setting the desktop background for tiling window managers like i3. See a full and current list of window managers by issuing (requires app-portage/eix):

user $eix --category x11-wm

See also

  • Desktop environment — An article listing desktop environments available in Gentoo Linux.
  • Display manager — An article listing display managers available in Gentoo Linux.

External resources

This article is issued from Gentoo. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.