


Affixation of tidur + -kan.


  • IPA(key): /tiˈdʊr.kan/
  • Hyphenation: ti‧dur‧kan
  • Rhymes: -kan, -an, -n


tidurkan (active menidurkan, passive ditidurkan, perfective passive tertidurkan)

  1. (transitive) to put to sleep
    1. to cause (someone) to sleep
      Wanita itu menidurkan bayinya dengan membuainya.
      The woman put the baby to sleep by cradling him.
    2. to help (someone) to bed; put to bed
    3. (informal, uncommon) to kill an animal painlessly, often with an injection; to euthanize
      Synonym: bius
  2. (transitive, figurative, rare) to demolish (to destroy (buildings, etc.), especially in a planned or intentional fashion)
    Synonyms: robohkan, rebahkan

Further reading

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