


From Old Galician-Portuguese sumir~somir, from Latin sūmere.


  • IPA(key): [suˈmiɾ]


sumir (first-person singular present sumo, third-person singular present some, first-person singular preterite sumín, past participle sumido)
sumir (first-person singular present sumo, third-person singular present some, first-person singular preterite sumim or sumi, past participle sumido, reintegrationist norm)

  1. to cave in; to sink
    Synonym: afundir
  2. to consume; to decrease
    Synonyms: gastar, minguar
    • c. 1840, Ramón Varela Vahamonde, Conversa entre os arrieiros:
      Por eso non queren suba
      Na sisa nin na taberna
      E, en tanto que os demais paguen,
      Eles recachan a perna.
      E como serán sumidos
      En bebedelas, o aumento,
      Dan a sisa pol-os tragos
      E miran outros pr’o vento.
      That's why they don't want an increase
      in the surcharge nor in the tavern
      and, as long as the others pay,
      they uncover the leg [they sunbathe].
      And since they are gonna be consumed
      in binges, the augment,
      they give the surcharge for the gulps
      and others look into the wind.
  3. to submerge
    Synonym: mergullar
  4. (figuratively) to cause to fall, to trip up
  5. (figuratively) to fall into (a state of being)





Old Norse sumr.


sumir m pl (feminine plural sumar, neuter plural sum)

  1. some

Old Norse



  1. masculine nominative plural of sumr



From Old Galician-Portuguese sumir~somir, from Latin sūmere.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /suˈmi(ʁ)/ [suˈmi(h)]
    • (São Paulo) IPA(key): /suˈmi(ɾ)/
    • (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): /suˈmi(ʁ)/ [suˈmi(χ)]
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /suˈmi(ɻ)/
  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /suˈmiɾ/
    • (Southern Portugal) IPA(key): /suˈmi.ɾi/

  • Hyphenation: su‧mir


sumir (first-person singular present sumo, third-person singular present some, first-person singular preterite sumi, past participle sumido)

  1. (intransitive) to vanish, to disappear
    Synonyms: desaparecer, evaporar
    O rapaz sumiu!The boy vanished!
  2. to submerge, to sink
    Synonyms: afundar, submergir
  3. to be wasted or consumed
    O dinheiro some.Money is wasted away
  4. to hide [+ com (object)]
    Synonym: esconder
    Vou sumir com seus cigarros!I'm going to hide your cigarettes!




Inherited from Old Spanish somir, from Latin sūmere.


  • IPA(key): /suˈmiɾ/ [suˈmiɾ]
  • Rhymes: -iɾ
  • Syllabification: su‧mir


sumir (first-person singular present sumo, first-person singular preterite sumí, past participle sumido)

  1. to submerge
    Synonym: sumergir
  2. (reflexive, figurative) to be devoured (by); to wallow in; to get tied up (in)
    Synonym: enredar
    • 1864, Eugenio de Ochoa (translator), José Garnier, Elementos de economía política:
      la sociedad volvería a sumirse en la barbarie
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1922, Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, La tierra de todos:
      Se sumió otra vez el joven en su monótona labor de dibujante lineal; pero á los pocos instantes sus ojos volvieron á levantarse del papel.
      Once again the young man wallowed in his tedious work as a line drawer, but a short while later he looked back up from the paper.


Further reading

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