


From sbrigarsi + -la.


  • IPA(key): /zbriˈɡ
  • Rhymes: -arsela
  • Hyphenation: sbri‧gàr‧se‧la


sbrigàrsela (pronominal, first-person singular present me la sbrìgo, first-person singular past historic me la sbrigài, past participle sbrigàto)

  1. to free oneself from an assignment, commitment, etc.; to hurry in finishing a task; to finish up
    spero di poter sbrigarmela in fretta
    I hope to be able to finish this up in a hurry
  2. to get out of a difficult situation
    hai voluto fare di testa tua e ora te la sbrighi tu
    you wanted to do this your own way, so now you get out of it by yourself


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