- IPA(key): /ret͡ʃaˈmaɾ/ [re.t͡ʃaˈmaɾ]
- Rhymes: -aɾ
- Hyphenation: re‧cha‧mar
rechamar (first-person singular present rechamo, first-person singular preterite rechamei, past participle rechamado)
- (intransitive) to draw attention (specially referred to clothes and attire)
- Esas roupas rechamarán moito na igrexa ― That clothes will draw a lot of attention at the church
1Less recommended.
Derived terms
- rechamandeiro
- rechamante
- “rechamar” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
- “rechamar”, in Dicionario da Real Academia Galega (in Galician), A Coruña: Royal Galician Academy, since 2012
- “rechamar” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
- “rechamar” in Dicionário Estraviz de galego (2014).
- “rechamar” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.
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