


From Latin praestāre, present active infinitive of praestō.


prestar (first-person singular indicative present presto, past participle prestáu)

  1. to be pleasing, to be liked, to be good
    La película prestóme muncho.I really liked the film.




Inherited from Old Catalan prestar, from Latin praestāre.



prestar (first-person singular present presto, first-person singular preterite prestí, past participle prestat); root stress: (Central, Valencian, Balearic) /e/

  1. (transitive, takes a reflexive pronoun) to loan; to lend


Derived terms




From Old Galician-Portuguese prestar (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), from Latin praestāre, present active infinitive of praestō (I provide).


  • IPA(key): /pɾesˈtaɾ/


prestar (first-person singular present presto, first-person singular preterite prestei, past participle prestado)

  1. (transitive) to loan, to lend
    • 1362, María del Carmen Sánchez Carrera (ed.), El Bajo Miño en el siglo XV. El espacio y los hombres. A Coruña: Fundación Barrié de la Maza, page 359:
      que non posades vender nen sopenorar nen aforar nen alear nen prestar por tenpo ne por tenpos a dita casa
      you should not sell, or pawn, or contract, or cede, or lend for a time, or at times, the aforementioned house
    Synonyms: deixar, emprestar
  2. (transitive) to render, provide, offer (a service, help etc.)
  3. (transitive) to pay (attention, respect etc.)
  4. (intransitive) to be useful, suitable, or enjoyable
    • 1409, José Luis Pensado Tomé, editor, Tratado de Albeitaria, page 107:
      soe prestar ao Cauallo que ten a cabeça fria pazer a miude eruas peqenas et tenras porque en mergendo a cabeça et tirando as eruas con os dentes, deçen da cabeça a moor parte dos homores porllos nares para fora
      it is usually useful, for the horse that have its head cold, to graze frequently tender and young grasses, because as it lowers its head and plucks the grasses with its teeth most of the fluids flow out through the nostrils
  5. (takes a reflexive pronoun) to be suitable, or enjoyable; to feel good
    Como che me presta o caldo con este frío!I really enjoy the hot soup with this cold weather!
    Non me dás un pouco? Pois que che preste!You won't give me a bit? Then, enjoy yourself!
    • 1370, R. Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 461:
      Et deulle tã grã ferida cõ hũa lança que tragía que a loriga nõ lle prestou nada, et passou a lança perlo uẽtre del, et logo as tripas lle caerõ sóbrelo arçón da sela
      And he hit him such a blow with a spear he brought that the breastplate didn't benefit him at all, and the spear passed through his belly, and immediately his intestines fell over the saddlebow
    • 1707, Salvador Francisco Roel, Entremés ao real e feliz parto da nosa raíña:
      Albino: Deyjame probar si quera
      vnha gota a min tamen.
      Marta: Pois tendela vara e besta
      quen bos quita que bebàs?
      Albino: Ay Iasus como me presta.
      Albino: "Let me taste al least
      a drop for myself"
      Marta: "You have rod and horse,
      who's forbidding you of drinking?"
      Albino: "Oh, Jesus, it feels good!"



  • (to be enjoyable): avecer, avegar
  • (to be useful): aproveitar

Derived terms





  1. indefinite nominative plural of prestur



  • IPA(key): /presˈtar/



  1. to lend




prestar (short or poetical form of prestare)

  1. (transitive) to lend, (pronominal) to borrow


  • Oxford-Paravia Concise - Dizionario Inglese-Italiano e Italiano-Inglese. Edited by Maria Cristina Bareggi. Torino: Paravia, 2003 (in collaboration with Oxford University Press). ISBN 8839551107. Online version here

Norwegian Nynorsk


prestar m

  1. indefinite plural of prest

Old Norse



  1. indefinite nominative plural of prestr

Old Spanish


From Latin praestāre, present active infinitive of praestō.



  1. to lend
    • between 1140 and 1207, anonymous, Poem of the Cid 118:
      E p̃ſtalde de auer lo q̃ ſea guiſado
      And lend him (prestad+le) wealth to the extent it's reasonable
  2. to be useful, of distinction
    omne de prestardistinguished man
    • 1293, anonymous, Gran conquista de ultramar 148v, (ms. 1187 BNM, ed. by Louis Cooper et al. (1995)):
      Ca en la villa non auie yente de prestar
      ...because in the village there were no people of distinction
  3. to give, donate (for example, money)



From Old Galician-Portuguese prestar, from Latin praestāre.


  • (Brazil) IPA(key): /pɾesˈta(ʁ)/ [pɾesˈta(h)]
    • (São Paulo) IPA(key): /pɾesˈta(ɾ)/
    • (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): /pɾeʃˈta(ʁ)/ [pɾeʃˈta(χ)]
    • (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /pɾesˈta(ɻ)/
  • (Portugal) IPA(key): /pɾɨʃˈtaɾ/
    • (Southern Portugal) IPA(key): /pɾɨʃˈta.ɾi/


prestar (first-person singular present presto, first-person singular preterite prestei, past participle prestado)

  1. (intransitive, or transitive with para) to be useful; to be suitable; to be good
    Este dicionário não presta.This dictionary isn't useful.
    Este dicionário não presta para nada.This dictionary isn't useful for anything.
  2. (transitive) to render, to provide, to offer (a service, help etc.)
    Ninguém me prestou ajuda.Nobody offered me help.
  3. (transitive) to pay (attention, respect etc.)
    Acorda e presta mais atenção!Wake up and pay more attention!
  4. (takes a reflexive pronoun, transitive with a) to be suitable
    A sala presta-se perfeitamente a este fim.The room is perfectly suitable for this purpose.


Derived terms



From pre- + stȁr.


  • IPA(key): /prɛstár/


prestȁr (comparative [please provide], superlative)

  1. too old


The diacritics used in this section of the entry are non-tonal. If you are a native tonal speaker, please help by adding the tonal marks.
masculine feminine neuter
nom. sing. prestàr prestára prestáro
masculine feminine neuter
nominative prestàr ind
prestári def
prestára prestáro
genitive prestárega prestáre prestárega
dative prestáremu prestári prestáremu
accusative nominativeinan or
prestáro prestáro
locative prestárem prestári prestárem
instrumental prestárim prestáro prestárim
masculine feminine neuter
nominative prestára prestári prestári
genitive prestárih prestárih prestárih
dative prestárima prestárima prestárima
accusative prestára prestári prestári
locative prestárih prestárih prestárih
instrumental prestárima prestárima prestárima
masculine feminine neuter
nominative prestári prestáre prestára
genitive prestárih prestárih prestárih
dative prestárim prestárim prestárim
accusative prestáre prestáre prestára
locative prestárih prestárih prestárih
instrumental prestárimi prestárimi prestárimi

Further reading

  • prestar”, in Slovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU, portal Fran



Inherited from Old Spanish prestar, from Latin praestāre.

Coromines and Pascual mention an old attestation of Latin praestō meaning "to lend" in a legal document of 438, the Interpretationes Theodosianae, where commodō is switched for praestō. This meaning is also attested in the Reichenau Glosses. They also mention that the meaning "to borrow", generally considered non-standard, is already attested in the 16th-century work El patrañuelo.


  • IPA(key): /pɾesˈtaɾ/ [pɾesˈt̪aɾ]
  • Rhymes: -aɾ
  • Syllabification: pres‧tar


prestar (first-person singular present presto, first-person singular preterite presté, past participle prestado)

  1. (transitive) to lend
    Prestame tu bicicleta.
    Lend me your bicycle.
  2. (transitive) to give, pay (e.g., attention)
    ¡Prestad atención, por favor!
    Pay attention, please!
  3. (reflexive, transitive) to have a natural inclination, a natural tendency
    El alcohol se presta al abuso.
    Alcohol tends to be abused.
  4. (transitive) to take
    Los ministros prestan el juramento.
    The ministers take the oath.
  5. (transitive, nonstandard) to borrow
    Synonyms: pedir prestado, tomar prestado
    ¿Le prestaste la laptop?
    Did you borrow the laptop from her?


Derived terms

Further reading

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