


From Middle High German heln, from Old High German helan, from Proto-West Germanic *helan, from Proto-Germanic *helaną.


  • IPA(key): /heːlən/, /heːln̩/
  • (file)


hehlen (weak, third-person singular present hehlt, past tense hehlte, past participle gehehlt, auxiliary haben)

  1. (archaic, transitive) to hide, to conceal, to hele
  2. (transitive, accusative or + mit) to transactionally buy or otherwise obtain goods for oneself or somebody else or effectuate or aid the turnover of a good which before has been obtained by criminal offence against the assets of someone.
    Der Verurteilte hatte jahrelang mit Autoradios gehehlt.
    The convict had been trading in stolen car radios for years.


Derived terms

Further reading

  • hehlen” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
  • hehlen” in Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon
  • hehlen” in Duden online
  • hehlen” in OpenThesaurus.de
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