Inherited from Late Latin circāre, from Latin circa, circus. Compare Occitan cercar and French chercher.
cercar (first-person singular present cerco, first-person singular preterite cerquí, past participle cercat); root stress: (Central) /ɛ/; (Valencian) /e/; (Balearic) /ə/
infinitive | cercar | ||||||
gerund | cercant | ||||||
past participle | masculine | feminine | |||||
singular | cercat | cercada | |||||
plural | cercats | cercades | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | jo | tu | ell/ella vostè |
nosaltres nós |
vosaltres vós |
ells/elles vostès | |
present | cerco | cerques | cerca | cerquem | cerqueu | cerquen | |
imperfect | cercava | cercaves | cercava | cercàvem | cercàveu | cercaven | |
future | cercaré | cercaràs | cercarà | cercarem | cercareu | cercaran | |
preterite | cerquí | cercares | cercà | cercàrem | cercàreu | cercaren | |
conditional | cercaria | cercaries | cercaria | cercaríem | cercaríeu | cercarien | |
subjunctive | jo | tu | ell/ella vostè |
nosaltres nós |
vosaltres vós |
ells/elles vostès | |
present | cerqui | cerquis | cerqui | cerquem | cerqueu | cerquin | |
imperfect | cerqués | cerquessis | cerqués | cerquéssim | cerquéssiu | cerquessin | |
imperative | — | tu | vostè | nosaltres | vosaltres vós |
vostès | |
affirmative | — | cerca | cerqui | cerquem | cerqueu | cerquin | |
negative (no) | — | no cerquis | no cerqui | no cerquem | no cerqueu | no cerquin |
Derived terms
Further reading
- “cercar” in Diccionari de la llengua catalana, segona edició, Institut d’Estudis Catalans.
- “cercar”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2024
- “cercar” in Diccionari normatiu valencià, Acadèmia Valenciana de la Llengua.
- “cercar” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.
Inherited from Old Galician-Portuguese cercar (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria), from Late Latin circāre, from Latin circa, circus. Compare Portuguese cercar.
- IPA(key): /θeɾˈkaɾ/, (western) /seɾˈkaɾ/
cercar (first-person singular present cerco, first-person singular preterite cerquei, past participle cercado)
- to encircle
- 1409, J. L. Pensado Tomé, editor, Rufus, Jordanus: Tratado de Albeitaria, Santiago de Compostela: Centro Ramón Piñeiro, page 135:
- Para esto ual reer o lugar jnchado et çercallo de semesugas para liurar ende o sange que y ha para seyr fora
- For this is valid to scrape the swollen place and then to encircle it with leeches, so freeing the blood that is there, letting it go out
- to fence, to wall
- to surround; to besiege
- 1370, R. Lorenzo, editor, Crónica troiana, A Coruña: Fundación Barrié, page 284:
- por njhũa cousa nonnos leixes partir de Troya, desque a cercaren, ata que non seja tomada et ata que toda sua gent non seja destroýda per gran crueza
- Under no circumstance should you release them from Troia, from the very moment that they surround it, not until it is seized and all of its people is destroyed with great cruelty
1Less recommended.
Derived terms
- cercado
- Cercado
- “cercar” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006–2022.
- “cerc” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006–2018.
- “cercar” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006–2013.
- “cercar”, in Dicionario da Real Academia Galega (in Galician), A Coruña: Royal Galician Academy, since 2012
- “cercar” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG.
- “cercar” in Dicionário Estraviz de galego (2014).
- “cercar” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord.): Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega.
From Old Occitan cercar, from Late Latin circāre, present active infinitive of circō, from Latin circa, circus.
- IPA(key): /seɾˈka/
Audio (file)

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | cercar | aver cercat | |||||
gerund | cercant | use gerund of aver + past participle | |||||
past participle | cercat | — | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | cerqui | cercas | cerca | cercam | cercatz | cercan | |
imperfect | cercavi | cercavas | cercava | cercàvem | cercàvetz | cercavan | |
preterite | cerquèri | cerquères | cerquèt | cerquèrem | cerquèretz | cerquèron | |
future | cercarai | cercaràs | cercarà | cercarem | cercaretz | cercaràn | |
conditional | cercariái | cercariás | cercariá | cercariam | cercariatz | cercarián | |
conditional 2nd form1 | cerquèra | cerquèras | cerquèra | cerqueram | cerqueratz | cerquèran | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | use the present tense of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
past anterior | use the preterite tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
future perfect | use the future tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | use the conditional tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | cerque | cerques | cerque | cerquem | cerquetz | cerquen | |
imperfect | cerquèssi | cerquèsses | cerquèsse | cerquèssem | cerquèssetz | cerquèsson | |
compound tenses |
past | use the present subjunctive of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect subjunctive of aver + past participle | ||||||
imperative | — | tu | — | nosautres | vosautres | — | |
cerca | cerquem | cercatz | 1Now chiefly obsolete, still in use in some Limousin and Vivaro-Alpin dialects | ||||

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | cercar | aver cercat | |||||
gerund | cercant | use gerund of aver + past participle | |||||
past participle | cercat | — | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | cerque | cerques | cerca | cercam | cercatz | cercon | |
imperfect | cercave | cercaves | cercava | cercaviam | cercaviatz | cercavon | |
preterite | cerquere | cerqueres | cerquet | cerquem | cerquetz | cerqueron | |
future | cercarai | cercaràs | cercará | cercarem | cercaretz | cercarán | |
conditional | cercariá | cercariás | cercariá | cercariam | cercariatz | cercarián | |
conditional 2nd form1 | cerquèra | cerquèras | cerquèra | cerqueram | cerqueratz | cerquèran | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | use the present tense of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
past anterior | use the preterite tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
future perfect | use the future tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | use the conditional tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | cerque | cerques | cerque | cercassiam | cercassiatz | cercon | |
imperfect | cerquesse | cerquesses | cerquesse | cerquessiam | cerquessiatz | cerquesson | |
compound tenses |
past | use the present subjunctive of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect subjunctive of aver + past participle | ||||||
imperative | — | tu | — | nosautres | vosautres | — | |
cerca | cercassiam | cercatz | 1Now chiefly obsolete, still in use in some Limousin and Vivaro-Alpin dialects | ||||

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | cercar | aver cercat | |||||
gerund | cercant | use gerund of aver + past participle | |||||
past participle | cercat | — | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | cerqui | cercas | cerca | cercam | cercatz | cercan | |
imperfect | cercavi | cercavas | cercava | cercàvam | cercàvatz | cercavan | |
preterite | cerquèi | cerquès | cerquè | cerquèm | cerquètz | cerquèn | |
future | cercarèi | cercaràs | cercarà | cercaram | cercaratz | cercaràn | |
conditional | cercarí | cercarés | cercaré | cercarem | cercaretz | cercarén | |
conditional 2nd form1 | cerquèra | cerquèras | cerquèra | cerqueram | cerqueratz | cerquèran | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | use the present tense of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
past anterior | use the preterite tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
future perfect | use the future tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | use the conditional tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | cerqui | cerques | cerque | cerquem | cerquetz | cerquen | |
imperfect | cerquèssi | cerquèsses | cerquèsse | cerquèssem | cerquèssetz | cerquèssen | |
compound tenses |
past | use the present subjunctive of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect subjunctive of aver + past participle | ||||||
imperative | — | tu | — | nosautres | vosautres | — | |
cerca | cerquem | cercatz | 1Now chiefly obsolete, still in use in some Limousin and Vivaro-Alpin dialects | ||||

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | cercar | aver cercat | |||||
gerund | cercant | use gerund of aver + past participle | |||||
past participle | cercat | — | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | cerque | cercas | cerca | cercam | cercatz | cercan | |
imperfect | cercava | cercavas | cercava | cercàvam | cercàvatz | cercavan | |
preterite | cerquei | cerqueras | cerquet | cerquèram | cerquèratz | cerqueran | |
future | cercarai | cercaràs | cercará | cercarem | cercaretz | cercarán | |
conditional | cercariá | cercariàs | cercariá | cercariam | cercariatz | cercarián | |
conditional 2nd form1 | cerquèra | cerquèras | cerquèra | cerqueram | cerqueratz | cerquèran | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | use the present tense of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
past anterior | use the preterite tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
future perfect | use the future tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | use the conditional tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | cerque | cerques | cerque | cerquem | cerquetz | cerquen | |
imperfect | cerquèsse | cerquèsses | cerquèsse | cerquèssem | cerquèssetz | cerquèssen | |
compound tenses |
past | use the present subjunctive of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect subjunctive of aver + past participle | ||||||
imperative | — | tu | — | nosautres | vosautres | — | |
cerca | cerquem | cercatz | 1Now chiefly obsolete, still in use in some Limousin and Vivaro-Alpin dialects | ||||

simple | compound | ||||||
infinitive | cercar | aver cercat | |||||
gerund | cercant | use gerund of aver + past participle | |||||
past participle | cercat | — | |||||
person | singular | plural | |||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||
indicative | ieu | tu | el | nosautres | vosautres | eles | |
present | cerque | cerques | cerca | cercam | cercatz | cercan | |
imperfect | cercavi | cercavas | cercava | cercàvem | cercàvetz | cercavan | |
preterite | cerquère | cerquères | cerquèt | cerqueriam | cerqueriatz | cerquèron | |
future | cercarai | cercaràs | cercarà | cercarem | cercaretz | cercaràn | |
conditional | cercariáu | cercariás | cercariá | cercariam | cercariatz | cercarián | |
conditional 2nd form1 | cerquèra | cerquèras | cerquèra | cerqueram | cerqueratz | cerquèran | |
compound tenses |
present perfect | use the present tense of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
past anterior | use the preterite tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
future perfect | use the future tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
conditional perfect | use the conditional tense of aver + past participle | ||||||
subjunctive | que ieu | que tu | que el | que nosautres | que vosautres | que eles | |
present | cerque | cerques | cerque | cerquem | cerquetz | cercan | |
imperfect | cerquèsse | cerquèsses | cerquèsse | cerquessiam | cerquessiatz | cerquèsson | |
compound tenses |
past | use the present subjunctive of aver + past participle | |||||
pluperfect | use the imperfect subjunctive of aver + past participle | ||||||
imperative | — | tu | — | nosautres | vosautres | — | |
cerca | cerquem | cercatz | 1Now chiefly obsolete, still in use in some Limousin and Vivaro-Alpin dialects | ||||
Related terms
Old Galician-Portuguese
Inherited from Late Latin circāre.
- IPA(key): /t͡seɾ.ˈkaɾ/
- Rhymes: -aɾ
infinitive | simple | cercar | |||||||
compound | infinitive of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
gerund | simple | cercando | |||||||
compound | gerund of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
past participle | singular | plural | |||||||
masculine | cercado | cercada | |||||||
feminine | cercados | cercadas | |||||||
present participle | cercante | cercantes | |||||||
person | singular | plural | |||||||
first | second | third | first | second | third | ||||
indicative mood | eu | tu | el~ele ela vossa mercee |
nos nos outros nos outras |
vos vos outros vos outras |
eles elas | |||
simple tenses |
present | cerco | cercas | cerca | cercamos | cercades | cercam3, cercan4 | ||
imperfect | cercava | cercavas | cercava | cercavamos | cercavades | cercavam3, cercavan4 | |||
preterite | cerquei | cercaste3, cercasche4 | cercou | cercamos | cercastes | cercarom3, cercaron4 | |||
pluperfect | cercara | cercaras | cercara | cercaramos | cercarades | cercaram3, cercaran4 | |||
future | cercarei | cercarás | cercará | cercaremos | cercaredes | cercarám3, cercarán4 | |||
conditional | cercaría | cercarías | cercaría | cercariamos | cercariades | cercaríam3, cercarían4 | |||
compound tenses |
present perfect | present of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | |||||||
present imperfect | imperfect of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
past anterior | preterite of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
pluperfect | simple pluperfect of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
future perfect | future of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
conditional perfect | conditional of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
subjunctive mood | eu | tu | el~ele ela vossa mercee |
nos nos outros nos outras |
vos vos outros vos outras |
eles elas | |||
simple tenses |
present | cerque | cerques | cerque | cerquemos | cerquedes | cerquem3, cerquen4 | ||
preterite | cercasse | cercasses | cercasse | cercássemos | cercássedes | cercassem3, cercassen4 | |||
future | cercar | cercares | cercar | cercarmos | cercardes | cercarem3, cercaren4 | |||
compound tenses |
present perfect | present subjunctive of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | |||||||
pluperfect | preterite subjunctive of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
future perfect | future subjunctive of haver1 or tẽer2 + past participle | ||||||||
imperative mood | — | tu | vossa mercee | nos nos outros nos outras |
vos vos outros vos outras |
— | |||
affirmative | — | cerca | cerque | cerquemos | cercade | — | |||
negative | — | non cerques | non cerque | non cerquemos | non cerquedes | — | |||
personal infinitive | eu | tu | el~ele ela vossa mercee |
nos nos outros nos outras |
vos vos outros vos outras |
eles elas | |||
cercar | cercares | cercar | cercarmos | cercardes | cerquarem3, cerquaren4 | ||||
1 Its alternative form aver can be used as well. 2 Teer and ter were used too, though all 3 were less common than forms of "haver". 3 Less common in Galicia 4 Less common in Portugal |
Further reading
Inherited from Old Galician-Portuguese cercar, from Late Latin circāre, from Latin circa, circus. Compare Galician cercar.
- (Brazil) IPA(key): /seʁˈka(ʁ)/ [sehˈka(h)]
- (São Paulo) IPA(key): /seɾˈka(ɾ)/
- (Rio de Janeiro) IPA(key): /seʁˈka(ʁ)/ [seχˈka(χ)]
- (Southern Brazil) IPA(key): /seɻˈka(ɻ)/
- (Portugal) IPA(key): /sɨɾˈkaɾ/
- (Southern Portugal) IPA(key): /sɨɾˈka.ɾi/
- Hyphenation: cer‧car
cercar (first-person singular present cerco, first-person singular preterite cerquei, past participle cercado)
1Brazilian Portuguese.
2European Portuguese.
Derived terms
Related terms
- Guinea-Bissau Creole: serka
Further reading
- “cercar” in iDicionário Aulete.
- “cercar” in Dicionário inFormal.
- “cercar” in Dicionário Aberto based on Novo Diccionário da Língua Portuguesa de Cândido de Figueiredo, 1913
- “cercar” in Dicionário infopédia da Língua Portuguesa. Porto: Porto Editora, 2003–2024.
- “cercar” in Michaelis Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa.
- “cercar” in Dicionário Priberam da Língua Portuguesa.
Inherited from Old Spanish cercar, from Late Latin circāre, from Latin circa, circus. Cognate with English search.
- IPA(key): (Spain) /θeɾˈkaɾ/ [θeɾˈkaɾ]
- IPA(key): (Latin America) /seɾˈkaɾ/ [seɾˈkaɾ]
- Rhymes: -aɾ
- Syllabification: cer‧car
cercar (first-person singular present cerco, first-person singular preterite cerqué, past participle cercado)
infinitive | cercar | ||||||
gerund | cercando | ||||||
past participle | masculine | feminine | |||||
singular | cercado | cercada | |||||
plural | cercados | cercadas | |||||
singular | plural | ||||||
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | ||
indicative | yo | tú vos |
él/ella/ello usted |
nosotros nosotras |
vosotros vosotras |
ellos/ellas ustedes | |
present | cerco | cercastú cercásvos |
cerca | cercamos | cercáis | cercan | |
imperfect | cercaba | cercabas | cercaba | cercábamos | cercabais | cercaban | |
preterite | cerqué | cercaste | cercó | cercamos | cercasteis | cercaron | |
future | cercaré | cercarás | cercará | cercaremos | cercaréis | cercarán | |
conditional | cercaría | cercarías | cercaría | cercaríamos | cercaríais | cercarían | |
subjunctive | yo | tú vos |
él/ella/ello usted |
nosotros nosotras |
vosotros vosotras |
ellos/ellas ustedes | |
present | cerque | cerquestú cerquésvos2 |
cerque | cerquemos | cerquéis | cerquen | |
imperfect (ra) |
cercara | cercaras | cercara | cercáramos | cercarais | cercaran | |
imperfect (se) |
cercase | cercases | cercase | cercásemos | cercaseis | cercasen | |
future1 | cercare | cercares | cercare | cercáremos | cercareis | cercaren | |
imperative | — | tú vos |
usted | nosotros nosotras |
vosotros vosotras |
ustedes | |
affirmative | cercatú cercávos |
cerque | cerquemos | cercad | cerquen | ||
negative | no cerques | no cerque | no cerquemos | no cerquéis | no cerquen |
These forms are generated automatically and may not actually be used. Pronoun usage varies by region.
singular | plural | ||||||
1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | 1st person | 2nd person | 3rd person | ||
with infinitive cercar | |||||||
dative | cercarme | cercarte | cercarle, cercarse | cercarnos | cercaros | cercarles, cercarse | |
accusative | cercarme | cercarte | cercarlo, cercarla, cercarse | cercarnos | cercaros | cercarlos, cercarlas, cercarse | |
with gerund cercando | |||||||
dative | cercándome | cercándote | cercándole, cercándose | cercándonos | cercándoos | cercándoles, cercándose | |
accusative | cercándome | cercándote | cercándolo, cercándola, cercándose | cercándonos | cercándoos | cercándolos, cercándolas, cercándose | |
with informal second-person singular tú imperative cerca | |||||||
dative | cércame | cércate | cércale | cércanos | not used | cércales | |
accusative | cércame | cércate | cércalo, cércala | cércanos | not used | cércalos, cércalas | |
with informal second-person singular vos imperative cercá | |||||||
dative | cercame | cercate | cercale | cercanos | not used | cercales | |
accusative | cercame | cercate | cercalo, cercala | cercanos | not used | cercalos, cercalas | |
with formal second-person singular imperative cerque | |||||||
dative | cérqueme | not used | cérquele, cérquese | cérquenos | not used | cérqueles | |
accusative | cérqueme | not used | cérquelo, cérquela, cérquese | cérquenos | not used | cérquelos, cérquelas | |
with first-person plural imperative cerquemos | |||||||
dative | not used | cerquémoste | cerquémosle | cerquémonos | cerquémoos | cerquémosles | |
accusative | not used | cerquémoste | cerquémoslo, cerquémosla | cerquémonos | cerquémoos | cerquémoslos, cerquémoslas | |
with informal second-person plural imperative cercad | |||||||
dative | cercadme | not used | cercadle | cercadnos | cercaos | cercadles | |
accusative | cercadme | not used | cercadlo, cercadla | cercadnos | cercaos | cercadlos, cercadlas | |
with formal second-person plural imperative cerquen | |||||||
dative | cérquenme | not used | cérquenle | cérquennos | not used | cérquenles, cérquense | |
accusative | cérquenme | not used | cérquenlo, cérquenla | cérquennos | not used | cérquenlos, cérquenlas, cérquense |
Derived terms
Further reading
- “cercar”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014