
See also: Appendix:Variations of "us"



Learned borrowing from Latin -us.


-us m

  1. (taxonomy) Used to form taxonomic names.

Derived terms

Translingual terms suffixed with -us



The Esperanto suffixes -as, -is, -os, and -us are related and appear to have been inspired by previous language projects:

This play of vowels is not an original idea of Zamenhof's: -as, -is, -os are found for the three tenses of the infinitive in Faiguet's system of 1765; -a, -i, -o without a consonant are used like Z's -as, -is, -os by Rudelle (1858); Courtonne in 1885 had -am, -im, -om in the same values, and the similarity with Esperanto is here even more perfect than in the other projects, as -um corresponds to Z's -us.An International Language (1928)

In addition, the u of -us is likely to be related to -u.


  • (file)



  1. Ending of the conditional in verbs.



A merger of Proto-Finnic *-us (in the first sense) and Proto-Finnic *-uc (in the second sense). Cognate with Finnish -us.


-us (genitive -use, partitive -ust)

  1. Derives nouns from verbs.
    armastama "to love" → armastus "love"
    võistlema "to compete" → võistlus "competition"
    joonistama "to draw" → joonistus "a drawing"
  2. Derives nouns from adjectives.
    aus "honest" → ausus "honesty"
    pikk "long" → pikkus "length"


Declension of -us (ÕS type 11/harjutus, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative -us -used
accusative nom.
gen. -use
genitive -uste
partitive -ust -usi
illative -usse
inessive -uses -ustes
elative -usest -ustest
allative -usele -ustele
adessive -usel -ustel
ablative -uselt -ustelt
translative -useks -usteks
terminative -useni -usteni
essive -usena -ustena
abessive -useta -usteta
comitative -usega -ustega
Declension of -us (ÕS type 9/katus, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative -us -used
accusative nom.
gen. -use
genitive -uste
partitive -ust -useid
illative -usesse -ustesse
inessive -uses -ustes
elative -usest -ustest
allative -usele -ustele
adessive -usel -ustel
ablative -uselt -ustelt
translative -useks -usteks
terminative -useni -usteni
essive -usena -ustena
abessive -useta -usteta
comitative -usega -ustega

Derived terms

Estonian terms suffixed with -us


Etymology 1

From Proto-Finnic *-us, generalized from -s-derivatives of u-stem verbs (e.g. ihastuaihastus, menestyämenestys). Compare -os.


-us (front vowel harmony variant -ys, linguistic notation -Us)

  1. Forms nouns from verbs, describing an action or event.
    kuvata (to describe) + -uskuvaus (description)
    pakata (to pack) + -uspakkaus (package)
    ylentää (to promote) + -usylennys (promotion)
    hälyttää (to alarm) + -ushälytys (alarm)
Usage notes
  • With -ahtaa (momentane) verbs, the final -ht- may disappear entirely (through *-AhdUs > *-AhUs (regular loss in e.g. eastern dialects) > *-AUs). This has led to -AUs (-aus/-äys) becoming its own pseudo-suffix. Often both variants, one with -AhdUs and one with -AUs, exist in parallel.
Inflection of -us (Kotus type 39/vastaus, no gradation)
nominative -us -ukset
genitive -uksen -usten
partitive -usta -uksia
illative -ukseen -uksiin
singular plural
nominative -us -ukset
accusative nom. -us -ukset
gen. -uksen
genitive -uksen -usten
partitive -usta -uksia
inessive -uksessa -uksissa
elative -uksesta -uksista
illative -ukseen -uksiin
adessive -uksella -uksilla
ablative -ukselta -uksilta
allative -ukselle -uksille
essive -uksena -uksina
translative -ukseksi -uksiksi
abessive -uksetta -uksitta
instructive -uksin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of -us (Kotus type 39/vastaus, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -ukseni -ukseni
accusative nom. -ukseni -ukseni
gen. -ukseni
genitive -ukseni -usteni
partitive -ustani -uksiani
inessive -uksessani -uksissani
elative -uksestani -uksistani
illative -ukseeni -uksiini
adessive -uksellani -uksillani
ablative -ukseltani -uksiltani
allative -ukselleni -uksilleni
essive -uksenani -uksinani
translative -uksekseni -uksikseni
abessive -uksettani -uksittani
comitative -uksineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksesi -uksesi
accusative nom. -uksesi -uksesi
gen. -uksesi
genitive -uksesi -ustesi
partitive -ustasi -uksiasi
inessive -uksessasi -uksissasi
elative -uksestasi -uksistasi
illative -ukseesi -uksiisi
adessive -uksellasi -uksillasi
ablative -ukseltasi -uksiltasi
allative -uksellesi -uksillesi
essive -uksenasi -uksinasi
translative -ukseksesi -uksiksesi
abessive -uksettasi -uksittasi
comitative -uksinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksemme -uksemme
accusative nom. -uksemme -uksemme
gen. -uksemme
genitive -uksemme -ustemme
partitive -ustamme -uksiamme
inessive -uksessamme -uksissamme
elative -uksestamme -uksistamme
illative -ukseemme -uksiimme
adessive -uksellamme -uksillamme
ablative -ukseltamme -uksiltamme
allative -uksellemme -uksillemme
essive -uksenamme -uksinamme
translative -ukseksemme -uksiksemme
abessive -uksettamme -uksittamme
comitative -uksinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksenne -uksenne
accusative nom. -uksenne -uksenne
gen. -uksenne
genitive -uksenne -ustenne
partitive -ustanne -uksianne
inessive -uksessanne -uksissanne
elative -uksestanne -uksistanne
illative -ukseenne -uksiinne
adessive -uksellanne -uksillanne
ablative -ukseltanne -uksiltanne
allative -uksellenne -uksillenne
essive -uksenanne -uksinanne
translative -ukseksenne -uksiksenne
abessive -uksettanne -uksittanne
comitative -uksinenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksensa -uksensa
accusative nom. -uksensa -uksensa
gen. -uksensa
genitive -uksensa -ustensa
partitive -ustaan
inessive -uksessaan
elative -uksestaan
illative -ukseensa -uksiinsa
adessive -uksellaan
ablative -ukseltaan
allative -ukselleen
essive -uksenaan
translative -uksekseen
abessive -uksettaan
comitative -uksineen
Alternative forms
  • -tus (used with the verb types rohkaista (66) and valita (69))
  • -mus (used with the verb types sallia (61), and in some cases, sanoa (52) and muistaa (53))
Derived terms
Finnish terms suffixed with -us (action or event)

Etymology 2

From Proto-Finnic *-us. Probably generalized from -s-derivatives of u-stem nominals (e.g. etu-edus, palvelupalvelus), or through the loss of a plain u-derivative from the standard language (e.g. keski- → dial. kesku-keskus), and thus identical to etymology 1. In some cases potentially by confusion with -uus, -us (etymology 3). Alternatively from Proto-Uralic *-wikse.


-us (front vowel harmony variant -ys, linguistic notation -Us)

  1. Forms nouns, indicating resemblance or association.
    kanta (base) + -uskannus (spur)
    sormi (finger) + -ussormus (ring)
    vasta- (counter-) + -usvastus (resistance, opposition)
    kehä (circle, ring) + -uskehys (frame)
    syli (bosom, lap) + -ussylys (armful)
    typerä (stupid) + -ustyperys (fool)
Inflection of -us (Kotus type 39/vastaus, no gradation)
nominative -us -ukset
genitive -uksen -usten
partitive -usta -uksia
illative -ukseen -uksiin
singular plural
nominative -us -ukset
accusative nom. -us -ukset
gen. -uksen
genitive -uksen -usten
partitive -usta -uksia
inessive -uksessa -uksissa
elative -uksesta -uksista
illative -ukseen -uksiin
adessive -uksella -uksilla
ablative -ukselta -uksilta
allative -ukselle -uksille
essive -uksena -uksina
translative -ukseksi -uksiksi
abessive -uksetta -uksitta
instructive -uksin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of -us (Kotus type 39/vastaus, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -ukseni -ukseni
accusative nom. -ukseni -ukseni
gen. -ukseni
genitive -ukseni -usteni
partitive -ustani -uksiani
inessive -uksessani -uksissani
elative -uksestani -uksistani
illative -ukseeni -uksiini
adessive -uksellani -uksillani
ablative -ukseltani -uksiltani
allative -ukselleni -uksilleni
essive -uksenani -uksinani
translative -uksekseni -uksikseni
abessive -uksettani -uksittani
comitative -uksineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksesi -uksesi
accusative nom. -uksesi -uksesi
gen. -uksesi
genitive -uksesi -ustesi
partitive -ustasi -uksiasi
inessive -uksessasi -uksissasi
elative -uksestasi -uksistasi
illative -ukseesi -uksiisi
adessive -uksellasi -uksillasi
ablative -ukseltasi -uksiltasi
allative -uksellesi -uksillesi
essive -uksenasi -uksinasi
translative -ukseksesi -uksiksesi
abessive -uksettasi -uksittasi
comitative -uksinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksemme -uksemme
accusative nom. -uksemme -uksemme
gen. -uksemme
genitive -uksemme -ustemme
partitive -ustamme -uksiamme
inessive -uksessamme -uksissamme
elative -uksestamme -uksistamme
illative -ukseemme -uksiimme
adessive -uksellamme -uksillamme
ablative -ukseltamme -uksiltamme
allative -uksellemme -uksillemme
essive -uksenamme -uksinamme
translative -ukseksemme -uksiksemme
abessive -uksettamme -uksittamme
comitative -uksinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksenne -uksenne
accusative nom. -uksenne -uksenne
gen. -uksenne
genitive -uksenne -ustenne
partitive -ustanne -uksianne
inessive -uksessanne -uksissanne
elative -uksestanne -uksistanne
illative -ukseenne -uksiinne
adessive -uksellanne -uksillanne
ablative -ukseltanne -uksiltanne
allative -uksellenne -uksillenne
essive -uksenanne -uksinanne
translative -ukseksenne -uksiksenne
abessive -uksettanne -uksittanne
comitative -uksinenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative -uksensa -uksensa
accusative nom. -uksensa -uksensa
gen. -uksensa
genitive -uksensa -ustensa
partitive -ustaan
inessive -uksessaan
elative -uksestaan
illative -ukseensa -uksiinsa
adessive -uksellaan
ablative -ukseltaan
allative -ukselleen
essive -uksenaan
translative -uksekseen
abessive -uksettaan
comitative -uksineen
Derived terms
Finnish terms suffixed with -us (association)

Etymology 3

See the etymology of -uus.


-us (front vowel harmony variant -ys, linguistic notation -Us)

  1. Short form of the suffix -uus, used where the stem of the root adjective ends in a vowel.
Inflection of -us (Kotus type 40*F/kalleus, t-d gradation)
nominative -us -udet
genitive -uden -uksien
partitive -utta -uksia
illative -uteen -uksiin
singular plural
nominative -us -udet
accusative nom. -us -udet
gen. -uden
genitive -uden -uksien
partitive -utta -uksia
inessive -udessa -uksissa
elative -udesta -uksista
illative -uteen -uksiin
adessive -udella -uksilla
ablative -udelta -uksilta
allative -udelle -uksille
essive -utena -uksina
translative -udeksi -uksiksi
abessive -udetta -uksitta
instructive -uksin
comitative See the possessive forms below.
Possessive forms of -us (Kotus type 40*F/kalleus, t-d gradation)
first-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -uteni -uteni
accusative nom. -uteni -uteni
gen. -uteni
genitive -uteni -uksieni
partitive -uttani -uksiani
inessive -udessani -uksissani
elative -udestani -uksistani
illative -uteeni -uksiini
adessive -udellani -uksillani
ablative -udeltani -uksiltani
allative -udelleni -uksilleni
essive -utenani -uksinani
translative -udekseni -uksikseni
abessive -udettani -uksittani
comitative -uksineni
second-person singular possessor
singular plural
nominative -utesi -utesi
accusative nom. -utesi -utesi
gen. -utesi
genitive -utesi -uksiesi
partitive -uttasi -uksiasi
inessive -udessasi -uksissasi
elative -udestasi -uksistasi
illative -uteesi -uksiisi
adessive -udellasi -uksillasi
ablative -udeltasi -uksiltasi
allative -udellesi -uksillesi
essive -utenasi -uksinasi
translative -udeksesi -uksiksesi
abessive -udettasi -uksittasi
comitative -uksinesi
first-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -utemme -utemme
accusative nom. -utemme -utemme
gen. -utemme
genitive -utemme -uksiemme
partitive -uttamme -uksiamme
inessive -udessamme -uksissamme
elative -udestamme -uksistamme
illative -uteemme -uksiimme
adessive -udellamme -uksillamme
ablative -udeltamme -uksiltamme
allative -udellemme -uksillemme
essive -utenamme -uksinamme
translative -udeksemme -uksiksemme
abessive -udettamme -uksittamme
comitative -uksinemme
second-person plural possessor
singular plural
nominative -utenne -utenne
accusative nom. -utenne -utenne
gen. -utenne
genitive -utenne -uksienne
partitive -uttanne -uksianne
inessive -udessanne -uksissanne
elative -udestanne -uksistanne
illative -uteenne -uksiinne
adessive -udellanne -uksillanne
ablative -udeltanne -uksiltanne
allative -udellenne -uksillenne
essive -utenanne -uksinanne
translative -udeksenne -uksiksenne
abessive -udettanne -uksittanne
comitative -uksinenne
third-person possessor
singular plural
nominative -utensa -utensa
accusative nom. -utensa -utensa
gen. -utensa
genitive -utensa -uksiensa
partitive -uttaan
inessive -udessaan
elative -udestaan
illative -uteensa -uksiinsa
adessive -udellaan
ablative -udeltaan
allative -udelleen
essive -utenaan
translative -udekseen
abessive -udettaan
comitative -uksineen
Derived terms
Finnish terms suffixed with -us (quality)




From -u (diminutive suffix) + -s (diminutive suffix).[1]


  • IPA(key): [uʃ]



  1. (diminutive suffix) Added to a proper noun or other nouns to create a diminutive noun.
    Teréz (Theresa)Terus (Tess)
    apa (father)apus (dad)
    cica (cat)cicus (kitty)
    kutya (dog)kutyus (pooch, puppy)
  2. A distinguishable foreign word ending in nouns. It cannot be considered as an independent Hungarian suffix.
    agronómus (agronomist)

Usage notes

  • (diminutive suffix): It creates diminutive or affectionate forms, most of the time of people’s given names, but also of common nouns, usually from ones ending in -a. Other examples: Anna → Annus, Magda → Magdus, Gyula → Gyulus. The -ka diminutive suffix can also be appended after -us to further increase the degree of endearment: apuska, cicuska, kutyuska, Annuska, Magduska.

Derived terms

Hungarian diminutive nouns suffixed with -us
Hungarian nouns suffixed with -us (Latinate)
Hungarian proper noun clippings suffixed with -us

See also

  • -is
  • Appendix:Hungarian suffixes


  1. -us in Zaicz, Gábor (ed.). Etimológiai szótár: Magyar szavak és toldalékok eredete (‘Dictionary of Etymology: The origin of Hungarian words and affixes’). Budapest: Tinta Könyvkiadó, 2006, →ISBN.  (See also its 2nd edition.)


Etymology 1

From Proto-Finnic *-us. Cognates include Finnish -us.



-us (front vowel variant -ys)

  1. Forms nouns denoting resemblance.
    pääl (above) + -uspäälys (surface)
Declension of -us (type 2/petos, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative -us -ukset
genitive -uksen -uksiin
partitive -usta, -ust -uksia
illative -uksee -uksii
inessive -uksees -uksiis
elative -uksest -uksist
allative -ukselle -uksille
adessive -ukseel -uksiil
ablative -ukselt -uksilt
translative -ukseks -uksiks
essive -uksenna, -ukseen -uksinna, -uksiin
exessive1) -uksent -uksint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.
Derived terms
Ingrian terms suffixed with -us

Etymology 2

See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.



-us (front vowel variant -ys)

  1. Alternative form of -uus
Declension of -us (type 2/oikehus, no gradation)
singular plural
nominative -us -uet
genitive -uen -uksin
partitive -utta -uksia
illative -uee -uksii
inessive -uees -uksiis
elative -uest -uksist
allative -uelle -uksille
adessive -ueel -uksiil
ablative -uelt -uksilt
translative -ueks -uksiks
essive -uenna, -ueen -uksinna, -uksiin
exessive1) -uent -uksint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.
Derived terms
Ingrian terms suffixed with -uus


  • V. I. Junus (1936) Iƶoran Keelen Grammatikka, Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 57


Etymology 1

From Old Latin -os, from Proto-Italic *-os, from Proto-Indo-European *-os (adjectival ending). Cognate with Ancient Greek -ος (-os), Proto-Germanic *-az, Icelandic -ur, Sanskrit -अः (-aḥ), Proto-Slavic *.




  1. suffix of nouns in the second declension.
    1. (chiefly) nominative singular of -us
    2. (not productive) nominative/accusative/vocative singular of -us for second-declension neuter nouns.
      vīrus (a poisonous or acrid secretion); vulgus (common people); pelagus (sea)
  2. suffix of adjectives in the first/second declension.
    1. (chiefly) nominative singular of -us
  3. (New Latin) suffix used to Latinize names ending in consonants.
Second-declension noun forms

Second-declension noun, with locative.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative -us
Genitive -ōrum
Dative -īs
Accusative -um -ōs
Ablative -īs
Vocative -e
Locative -īs

Second-declension noun (neuter, nominative/accusative/vocative plural in -a).

Case Singular Plural
Nominative -us -a
Genitive -ōrum
Dative -īs
Accusative -us -a
Ablative -īs
Vocative -us -a

Note: The plural exists for New Latin vīrus.

Adjective forms

First/second-declension adjective, with locative.

Number Singular Plural
Case / Gender Masculine Feminine Neuter Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative -us -a -um -ae -a
Genitive -ae -ōrum -ārum -ōrum
Dative -īs
Accusative -um -am -um -ōs -ās -a
Ablative -īs
Vocative -e -a -um -ae -a
Locative -ae -īs
Derived terms
Latin terms suffixed with -us

Etymology 2

Generally from Proto-Indo-European *-os (suffix forming neuter s-stem nouns from verbs), as in genus n from *ǵénh₁os n (race). Not a productive derivational suffix in Latin. The plural and oblique case forms have -r- as the result of the sound change of rhotacism. Additionally, in many words, the oblique stem has the vowel -ĕ- (as in generis), which is generally taken to be the phonetically regular development of the Proto-Indo-European forms. Some words, such as as decus, decoris, instead have -ŏ- in the oblique stem; this is the result of analogical introduction of the rounded vowel from the nominative/accusative singular form.




  1. ending of some neuter nouns in the third declension.
    1. nominative/accusative/vocative singular of -us
Third-declension noun forms

Third-declension noun (neuter, imparisyllabic non-i-stem).

Case Singular Plural
Nominative -us -ora
Genitive -oris -orum
Dative -orī -oribus
Accusative -us -ora
Ablative -ore -oribus
Vocative -us -ora

Third-declension noun (neuter, imparisyllabic non-i-stem).

Case Singular Plural
Nominative -us -era
Genitive -eris -erum
Dative -erī -eribus
Accusative -us -era
Ablative -ere -eribus
Vocative -us -era

From the noun tempus, the locative forms temperī and temporī were used adverbially, as well as the ablative tempore.

  • Romanian: -uri (from the plural -ora, with the final vowel replaced due to analogy with feminine plural forms)[1][2]

Etymology 3

Not a single suffix, but an ending of various miscellaneous origins. In most words, from Old Latin -us, from Proto-Italic *-us, from Proto-Indo-European *-us as the final part of Proto-Indo-European *-tus (suffix deriving action nouns from verb roots).




  1. nominative/vocative singular of -us for nouns in the fourth declension.
Fourth-declension noun forms

Fourth-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative -us -ūs
Genitive -ūs -uum
Dative -uī -ibus
Accusative -um -ūs
Ablative -ibus
Vocative -us -ūs

Fourth-declension noun (dative/ablative plural in -ubus).

Case Singular Plural
Nominative -us -ūs
Genitive -ūs -uum
Dative -uī -ubus
Accusative -um -ūs
Ablative -ubus
Vocative -us -ūs



  1. nominative/vocative plural of -us for fourth-declension nouns.
  2. genitive singular of -us for fourth-declension nouns.
  3. accusative plural of -us for fourth-declension nouns.

See also


  1. Nicolae, Andreea and Scontras, Gregory, 2015. "The Progression of Gender from Latin to Romanian," page 87
  2. Maiden, Martin. January 2016. "Ambiguity in Romanian word-structure. The structure of plurals in ...uri" Revue Roumaine de Linguistique 61(1):3-12


Etymology 1

Ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *-ós (adjectival ending). Pairs such as lañkas (bend) : lankùs (flexible) find parallels in Sanskrit रुधिर (rúdhira-, blood) : रुधिर (rudhirá-, red), Ancient Greek δόλιχος (dólikhos, a long run) : δολιχός (dolikhós, long) and suggest that oxytone stress was used to mark adjectives in Proto-Indo-European. In Proto-Balto-Slavic, the raising of *o to *u must have been conditioned by stress, with the ending *-os giving Lithuanian -ùs under stress and -as otherwise.[1]


  • IPA(key): /ʊs/


-ùs m stress pattern 4

  1. Adjectival suffix, applied to verbal and nominal roots to denote a disposal or tendency towards something
    ardýti (take apart)ardùs (crumbly)
    kalbėti (talk)kalbùs (talkative)
Derived terms
Lithuanian terms suffixed with -us
  • -usis

Etymology 2

From Proto-Balto-Slavic *-us, reflecting Proto-Indo-European u-stems.

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): /ʊs/


-us, -ùs m

  1. Masculine nominal singular ending for u-stem nouns and adjectives.
    alùs (beer) (< Proto-Indo-European *h₂elu-)
    sūnùs (son) (< Proto-Indo-European *suHnús)



Etymology 3

From an older *-uos (compare the pronominal ending -uosius). From Proto-Balto-Slavic *-ons; compare Latvian -us, Old Prussian -ans, Proto-Slavic *-y. From Proto-Indo-European *-ons (accusative plural ending), also reflected in Ancient Greek -ους (-ous), Latin -ōs, Sanskrit -आन् (-ān) and Gothic -𐌰𐌽𐍃 (-ans).

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): /ʊs/


-us, -ùs

  1. Used to form accusative plurals of masculine a- and u-stem nouns.
  2. Used to form accusative plurals of masculine a-stem adjectives.
Derived terms
  • -uosius

Etymology 4

From Proto-Indo-European *-wōs. Cognate with Proto-Slavic *-vъ. See also -usi.

Alternative forms


  • IPA(key): /ʊs/



  1. Used to form the past adverbial (padalyvis) participle
    bū́ti (to be)bùvo (was)bùvus (having been)
    slė̃pti (hide)past frequentative slė̃pdavo (hid)slė̃pdavus (having hidden)
  • -ęs


  1. Eugen Hill. (2013) 'Historical phonology in service of subgrouping. Two laws of final syllables in the common prehistory of baltic and slavonic'. Baltistica, volume 48, number 2, p. 161-204



From Proto-Finnic *-us. Cognates include Finnish -us and Estonian -us.


  • IPA(key): /-us/


-us (front vowel variant -ys)

  1. Used to form action nouns from verbs; -ion

Derived terms

Livvi terms suffixed with -us

Middle English



  1. Alternative form of -ous

Middle Welsh


From Proto-Brythonic *-ʉs, from Latin -ōsus.[1] Cognate with Cornish -us.



  1. -ous, full of, prone to; used to form adjectives from nouns

Derived terms

Middle Welsh terms suffixed with -us



  1. J. Morris Jones, A Welsh Grammar, Historical and Comparative (Oxford 1913), § 153 i 13.

Northern Sami


From Proto-Samic *-ōksë.



  1. Forms nouns from verbs, indicating something that is to have the verb's action performed on it.
    vuošˈšat (to cook) + -usvuoššus (something to be cooked)
    muitalit (to tell) + -usmuitalus (something to be told; story)
  2. Forms nouns from verbs, indicating something that results from having the verb's action performed.
    juohkit (to divide) + -usjuogus (division, section)

Usage notes

  • This suffix triggers the weak grade on a preceding stressed syllable in the nominative singular and essive, and the strong grade in the other forms.

When attached to even-syllable stems, there is diphthong simplification in all forms except the nominative singular and essive.


For even-syllable stems:

Odd, no gradation
Nominative -us
Genitive -usa
Singular Plural
Nominative -us -usat
Accusative -usa -usiid
Genitive -usa -usiid
Illative -usii -usiidda
Locative -usis -usiin
Comitative -usiin -usiiguin
Essive -usin
Possessive forms
Singular Dual Plural
1st person -usan -useamẹ -useamẹt
2nd person -usat -useattẹ -useattẹt
3rd person -usis -useaskkạ -useasẹt

For odd-syllable stems:

Even a-stem, ss-s gradation
Nominative -us
Genitive -usa
Singular Plural
Nominative -us -usat
Accusative -usa -usaid
Genitive -usa -usaid
Illative -ussii -usaide
Locative -usas -usain
Comitative -usain -usaiguin
Essive -ussan
Possessive forms
Singular Dual Plural
1st person -ussan -ussame -ussamet
2nd person -ussat -ussade -ussadet
3rd person -ussas -ussaska -ussaset

Derived terms

Northern Sami terms suffixed with -us

Old French

Alternative forms


From Latin -ōsus.



  1. -ous, used for forming adjectives

Derived terms

Old French terms suffixed with -us


Old Irish

Etymology 1

From Proto-Celtic *-es-tus.


  • IPA(key): /us/



  1. Alternative form of -as

Etymology 2

(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


-us (suffixed pronoun)

  1. her (object pronoun), it (in reference to a feminine noun)
  2. them
Derived terms
Old Irish terms suffixed with -us
See also



(This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium.)


  • IPA(key): /us/
  • Rhymes: -us
  • Syllabification: us



  1. derogatory suffix
    sługa + -ussługus
  2. demonym suffix
    Kraków + -uskrakus

Derived terms

Polish terms suffixed with -us

Further reading

  • -us in Polish dictionaries at PWN



From Middle Welsh -us, from Proto-Brythonic *-ʉs, from Latin -ōsus.[1] Cognate with Cornish -us, Breton -us and English -ous.




  1. adjectival suffix often indicating a characteristic, propensity or abundance
    blas (taste) + -usblasus (tasty)
    gwybod (to know) + -usgwybodus (knowledgeable)
    anffawd (misfortune) + -usanffodus (unfortunate)
  2. (chemistry) -ous, Used in chemical nomenclature to name chemical compounds in which a specified chemical element has a lower oxidation number than in the equivalent compound whose name ends in the suffix -ig. For example asid nitrus (nitrous acid, HNO2) has fewer oxygen atoms per molecule than asid nitrig (nitric acid, HNO3).

Derived terms

Welsh terms suffixed with -us


  1. Morris Jones, John (1913) A Welsh Grammar, Historical and Comparative, Oxford: Clarendon Press, § 153 i 13

Further reading

  • R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “-us”, in Geiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies
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