Traditional | 閒 |
Simplified | 闲 |
Japanese | 閑 |
Korean | 閑 |
Han character
閒 (Kangxi radical 169, 門+4, 12 strokes, cangjie input 日弓月 (ANB), four-corner 77227, composition ⿵門月)
Derived characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 1332, character 3
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 41248
- Dae Jaweon: page 1838, character 1
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 7, page 4289, character 6
- Unihan data for U+9592
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 閒 | ||
Western Zhou | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | Liushutong (compiled in Ming) |
Bronze inscriptions | Small seal script | Transcribed ancient scripts |
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Ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : 門 (“door”) + 月 (“moon”) – moonlight peeking through a door – interstice; space (original character of 間).
Etymology 1
trad. | 閒/閑* | |
simp. | 闲* | |
nonstandard simp. | 𫔮 |
Karlgren (1957) and Baxter (1992) connect this word with 間 (OC *kreːn, “interstice time”).
Alternatively, Pulleyblank (1973) suggests that it is cognate with 暇 (OC *ɡraːs, “to be at leisure”).
Schuessler (2007) considers this unrelated to 間 (OC *kreːn, *kreːns), and instead proposes that this is borrowed from Tai languages, akin to Thai คร้าน (kráan, “lazy; indolent”). 懶 (OC *raːnʔ, “lazy”) may be a colloquial reflex of the same word (ibid.).
- not busy; idle
- 噇飽恰閒。 [Eastern Min, trad.]
- Chòng bā kák-èng. / [t͡sʰouŋ⁵³ pa³³ kʰaʔ²⁴⁻²¹ ɛiŋ⁵³] [Bàng-uâ-cê / IPA]
- Have nothing else to do. / Don't you have nothing else to do? / Mind your own concerns/business.
噇饱恰闲。 [Eastern Min, simp.]
- vacant; unoccupied; unused
- leisurely and carefree
- trivial; unimportant
- unrelated to one's proper business; extraneous; belonging to others
- relaxed; peaceful; tranquil; calm
- leisure; spare time; free time
- (gambling) player (instead of banker)
- a surname
- (Hakka) Alternative form of 還/还 (“very”)
- (antonym(s) of “not busy”): 忙 (máng)
- 不得閒/不得闲
- 不管閒事/不管闲事
- 不識閒/不识闲 (bùshíxián)
- 不顧閒野/不顾闲野
- 乞閒/乞闲 (qǐxián)
- 休閒/休闲 (xiūxián)
- 休閒活動/休闲活动
- 住閒/住闲
- 偷閒/偷闲 (tōuxián)
- 優閒/优闲 (yōuxián)
- 包攬閒事/包揽闲事
- 匹如閒/匹如闲
- 吃閒話/吃闲话
- 多管閒事/多管闲事 (duōguǎnxiánshì)
- 好管閒事/好管闲事 (hào guǎn xiánshì)
- 安閒/安闲 (ānxián)
- 小閒/小闲
- 少管閒事/少管闲事 (shǎoguǎnxiánshì)
- 幽閒/幽闲
- 得閒/得闲 (déxián)
- 心閒/心闲
- 忙裡偷閒/忙里偷闲 (mánglǐtōuxián)
- 悠閒/悠闲 (yōuxián)
- 悠閒自在/悠闲自在
- 打閒/打闲
- 扯閒白/扯闲白
- 投閒置散/投闲置散 (tóuxiánzhìsǎn)
- 抽閒/抽闲 (chōuxián)
- 攬閒事/揽闲事
- 有閒/有闲
- 村閒/村闲
- 氣定神閒/气定神闲 (qìdìngshénxián)
- 消閒/消闲 (xiāoxián)
- 清閒/清闲 (qīngxián)
- 淘閒氣/淘闲气
- 游手好閒/游手好闲 (yóushǒuhàoxián)
- 渾閒/浑闲
- 猶閒/犹闲
- 白閒著/白闲著
- 空閒/空闲 (kòngxián)
- 等閒/等闲 (děngxián)
- 等閒之輩/等闲之辈 (děngxiánzhībèi)
- 等閒人物/等闲人物
- 等閒視之/等闲视之
- 管閒事/管闲事 (guǎnxiánshì)
- 罷閒/罢闲
- 說閒話/说闲话
- 說閒話兒/说闲话儿
- 譬如閒/譬如闲
- 買閒錢/买闲钱
- 賦閒/赋闲 (fùxián)
- 輕閒/轻闲
- 農閒/农闲 (nóngxián)
- 遊手好閒/游手好闲 (yóushǒuhàoxián)
- 野草閒花/野草闲花
- 野鶴閒雲/野鹤闲云
- 閒事/闲事 (xiánshì)
- 閒人/闲人 (xiánrén)
- 閒住/闲住 (xiánzhù)
- 閒來無事/闲来无事
- 閒可/闲可
- 閒地/闲地
- 閒坐/闲坐
- 閒官/闲官
- 閒家/闲家 (xiánjiā)
- 閒宴/闲宴
- 閒居/闲居 (xiánjū)
- 閒工夫/闲工夫 (xiángōngfu)
- 閒心/闲心
- 閒情/闲情
- 閒情逸致/闲情逸致 (xiánqíngyìzhì)
- 閒情逸趣/闲情逸趣
- 閒愁/闲愁
- 閒房/闲房
- 閒打牙兒/闲打牙儿
- 閒扯/闲扯 (xiánchě)
- 閒扯淡/闲扯淡
- 閒敘/闲叙
- 閒散/闲散 (xiánsǎn)
- 閒晃/闲晃 (xiánhuàng)
- 閒時/闲时 (xiánshí)
- 閒暇/闲暇 (xiánxiá)
- 閒書/闲书
- 閒月/闲月
- 閒步/闲步
- 閒民/闲民
- 閒氣/闲气
- 閒漢/闲汉 (xiánhàn)
- 閒燕/闲燕
- 閒理會/闲理会
- 閒田/闲田 (xiántián)
- 閒盤兒/闲盘儿
- 閒磕牙/闲磕牙
- 閒空/闲空 (xiánkòng)
- 閒篇兒/闲篇儿 (xiánpiānr)
- 閒置/闲置 (xiánzhì)
- 閒聊/闲聊 (xiánliáo)
- 閒聒七/闲聒七
- 閒職/闲职 (xiánzhí)
- 閒花野草/闲花野草
- 閒茶浪酒/闲茶浪酒
- 閒蕩/闲荡 (xiándàng)
- 閒言/闲言
- 閒言亂語/闲言乱语
- 閒言碎語/闲言碎语
- 閒言長語/闲言长语
- 閒言閒事/闲言闲事
- 閒言閒語/闲言闲语
- 閒話/闲话 (xiánhuà)
- 閒話家常/闲话家常
- 閒語/闲语
- 閒談/闲谈 (xiántán)
- 閒逛/闲逛 (xiánguàng)
- 閒逸/闲逸
- 閒遊/闲游
- 閒適/闲适 (xiánshì)
- 閒錢/闲钱 (xiánqián)
- 閒雜人等/闲杂人等
- 閒雲孤鶴/闲云孤鹤
- 閒雲野鶴/闲云野鹤
- 閒章/闲章
- 雍容閒雅
- 餘閒/余闲 (yúxián)
Etymology 2
For pronunciation and definitions of 閒 – see 間 (“among; between; etc.”). (This character is a variant form of 間). |
- “閒”, in 漢語多功能字庫 (Multi-function Chinese Character Database), 香港中文大學 (the Chinese University of Hong Kong), 2014–
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