Stroke order | |||
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Han character
買 (Kangxi radical 154, 貝+5, 12 strokes, cangjie input 田中月山金 (WLBUC), four-corner 60806, composition ⿱罒貝)
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 1206, character 21
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 36708
- Dae Jaweon: page 1669, character 9
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 6, page 3633, character 7
- Unihan data for U+8CB7
trad. | 買 | |
simp. | 买 | |
nonstandard simp. | 𧹒 | |
alternative forms | 𧵽 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 買 | |
Shang | Spring and Autumn |
Bronze inscriptions | Bronze inscriptions |
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Ideogrammic compound (會意/会意) : 网 (“net”) + 貝 (“money cowrie”).
Baxter and Sagart (2014) consider it to be a phono-semantic compound (形聲/形声) : abbreviated phonetic 羅 (*rˤaj) + semantic 貝 (“money cowrie”).
Possibly from Proto-Sino-Tibetan *g/m/s-laj ~ *r/s-lej ~ *b-rej (“to buy; to barter”); compare Proto-Karen *breᴬ (“to buy”), Proto-Bodo-Garo *prai¹ (“to buy”), Tibetan རྗེ (rje, “to exchange; to barter”) (Schuessler, 2007; Sagart, 1999, 2011). Benedict (1967, 1972) considers this allofam to be a result of borrowing from Austro-Tai *(m)baḷi several times into Sino-Tibetan languages.
Alternatively, Haudricourt and Strecker (1991) consider 買 and 賣 to be borrowed from Hmong-Mien, which may have a family of verbs related to possession: *mɛjX (“to buy”, corresponding to 買), *mɛjH (“to buy”, corresponding to 賣), *ʔ-mɛj (“to grasp”), *n-mɛj (“to have”) (Ratliff, 2010). However, Sagart (1995) argues that the direction of borrowing is more likely to be from Chinese to Hmong-Mien because Hmong-Mien does not seem to have a suffix that would give rise to the tone in the word for “to buy”. In addition to these two ways of relating the Chinese word to Hmong-Mien, Ratliff (2010) proposes common inheritance as a third option and maintains that more evidence is needed to determine which of the three explanations are correct.
The surname only appears among Taiwanese aboriginals and Hui people in Mainland China. The surname is from the Siraya name Takalomay in Taiwan or possibly from the name 買買提/买买提 (Mǎimǎití, “Mehmet”) for Hui people.
- 做買賣/做买卖 (zuò mǎimài)
- 千萬買鄰/千万买邻 (qiānwànmǎilín)
- 千金買笑/千金买笑
- 千金買骨/千金买骨
- 博士買驢/博士买驴 (bóshìmǎilǘ)
- 和買/和买
- 問天買卦/问天买卦
- 回買/回买
- 均買均賣/均买均卖
- 大買家/大买家
- 好買賣/好买卖
- 季雅買鄰/季雅买邻
- 小本買賣/小本买卖
- 小買賣/小买卖
- 投機買賣/投机买卖
- 招兵買馬/招兵买马 (zhāobīngmǎimǎ)
- 拉買賣/拉买卖
- 招軍買馬/招军买马
- 採買/采买 (cǎimǎi)
- 撲買/扑买
- 支遁買山/支遁买山
- 收買/收买 (shōumǎi)
- 朱買臣/朱买臣
- 炒買/炒买
- 照價收買/照价收买
- 牙買加/牙买加 (Yámǎijiā)
- 現買現賣/现买现卖
- 私房買賣/私房买卖
- 科買/科买
- 置買/置买
- 苦買賣/苦买卖
- 英買里 (Yīngmǎilǐ)
- 要買/要买 (yāomǎi)
- 買上告下/买上告下
- 買主/买主 (mǎizhǔ)
- 買人事/买人事
- 買休/买休
- 買休賣休/买休卖休
- 買俏金/买俏金
- 買價/买价
- 買價兒/买价儿
- 買卦/买卦
- 買取/买取
- 買名/买名
- 買告/买告
- 買命錢/买命钱
- 買單/买单 (mǎidān)
- 買嘴/买嘴
- 買囑/买嘱
- 買好/买好
- 買好兒/买好儿
- 買妻恥樵/买妻耻樵
- 買官/买官 (mǎiguān)
- 買定/买定
- 買官鬻爵/买官鬻爵
- 買客/买客
- 買家/买家 (mǎijiā)
- 買山/买山
- 買市/买市
- 買帳/买帐 (mǎizhàng)
- 買得/买得
- 買快/买快
- 買手/买手 (mǎishǒu)
- 買撲/买扑
- 買放/买放
- 買斷/买断 (mǎiduàn)
- 買方/买方 (mǎifāng)
- 買春/买春 (mǎichūn)
- 買書/买书
- 買服/买服
- 買服錢/买服钱
- 買樂/买乐
- 買櫝還珠/买椟还珠 (mǎidúhuánzhū)
- 買水/买水 (mǎishuǐ)
- 買求/买求
- 買爵/买爵
- 買牛賣劍/买牛卖剑
- 買物栽贓/买物栽赃
- 買物歷/买物历
- 買票/买票 (mǎipiào)
- 買空倉/买空仓 (mǎikōngcāng)
- 買空賣空/买空卖空
- 買笑/买笑
- 買笑追歡/买笑追欢
- 買臉/买脸
- 買臣覆水/买臣覆水
- 買臣負薪/买臣负薪
- 買舟/买舟
- 買船/买船
- 買菜/买菜 (mǎicài)
- 買菜求益/买菜求益
- 買虛/买虚
- 買賬/买账 (mǎizhàng)
- 買賦/买赋
- 買賣/买卖 (mǎimài)
- 買賣三兒/买卖三儿
- 買賣人/买卖人 (mǎimàirén)
- 買賣人口/买卖人口
- 買賣場/买卖场
- 買賣婚姻/买卖婚姻
- 買賣業/买卖业
- 買賣經/买卖经
- 買路錢/买路钱
- 買轉/买转
- 買辦/买办 (mǎibàn)
- 買通/买通 (mǎitōng)
- 買進/买进 (mǎijìn)
- 買進對沖/买进对冲
- 買鄰/买邻
- 買醉/买醉 (mǎizuì)
- 買閒錢/买闲钱
- 買關節/买关节
- 買陳貨/买陈货
- 買青苗/买青苗
- 買面子/买面子
- 買頭/买头
- 買馬招軍/买马招军
- 買骨/买骨
- 賣刀買牛/卖刀买牛
- 賣刀買犢/卖刀买犊
- 賣劍買牛/卖剑买牛
- 賣空買空/卖空买空
- 賣買/卖买 (màimǎi)
- 賤買貴賣/贱买贵卖
- 購買/购买 (gòumǎi)
- 購買力/购买力 (gòumǎilì)
- 迎歡買俏/迎欢买俏
- 追歡買笑/追欢买笑
- 過路買賣/过路买卖
- 邀買人心/邀买人心 (yāomǎirénxīn)
- 鄭人買履/郑人买履 (zhèngrénmǎilǚ)
- 鋪買/铺买
- 難買難賣/难买难卖
- 馬店買豬/马店买猪
- → Proto-Hmong-Mien: *mɛjX (“to buy”)
Further reading
- “Entry #9063”, in 臺灣閩南語常用詞辭典 [Dictionary of Frequently-Used Taiwan Minnan] (overall work in Mandarin and Hokkien), Ministry of Education, R.O.C., 2023.