See also: 心
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Stroke order (Japan) | |||
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Han character
必 (Kangxi radical 61, 心+1, 5 strokes, cangjie input 心竹 (PH), four-corner 33000, composition ⿻心丿)
Derived characters
- Kangxi Dictionary: page 375, character 2
- Dai Kanwa Jiten: character 10299
- Dae Jaweon: page 701, character 4
- Hanyu Da Zidian (first edition): volume 4, page 2267, character 2
- Unihan data for U+5FC5
simp. and trad. |
必 |
Glyph origin
Historical forms of the character 必 | ||
Western Zhou | Shuowen Jiezi (compiled in Han) | Liushutong (compiled in Ming) |
Bronze inscriptions | Small seal script | Transcribed ancient scripts |
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Characters in the same phonetic series (必) (Zhengzhang, 2003)
Old Chinese | |
泌 | *mpriɡs, *priɡ, *bliɡ |
秘 | *mpriɡs |
毖 | *priɡs |
閟 | *priɡs |
柲 | *priɡs, *bliːɡ, *priɡ, *bliɡ |
鉍 | *priɡs, *priɡ |
邲 | *priɡs, *bliɡ, *briɡ |
覕 | *pliŋs, *mbliːɡ |
咇 | *bliːɡ, *priɡ, *bliɡ |
苾 | *bliːɡ, *bliɡ |
馝 | *bliːɡ, *bliɡ |
飶 | *bliːɡ, *bliɡ |
鴓 | *mbliːɡ |
鮅 | *pliɡ, *bliɡ |
必 | *pliɡ |
珌 | *pliɡ |
佖 | *bliɡ, *briɡ |
駜 | *bliɡ, *briɡ |
怭 | *bliɡ |
妼 | *bliɡ |
宓 | *mriɡ, *mliɡ |
樒 | *mriɡ |
密 | *mriɡ |
蔤 | *mriɡ |
滵 | *mriɡ |
蜜 | *mliɡ |
謐 | *mliɡ |
榓 | *mliɡ |
淧 | *mliɡ |
瑟 | *smriɡ, *smriɡ |
璱 | *sriɡ |
飋 | *sriɡ |
虙 | *blɯɡ |
Likely a pictogram (象形) – weapon handle made of bamboo strips; the original character for 柲 (OC *priɡs, *bliːɡ, *priɡ, *bliɡ). The character was phonetically borrowed for the senses of "certainly" and "must".
Unrelated to 心, as bronze script makes clear, but in current form very similar.
Unclear (Schuessler, 2007).
- surely; most certainly; always; invariably
- 小大之獄,雖不能察,必以情。 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE
- Xiǎodà zhī yù, suī bù néng chá, bì yǐ qíng. [Pinyin]
- As for legal trials petty or serious, even if I could not judge with perfect justice, I always decide according to the facts.
小大之狱,虽不能察,必以情。 [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- must; have to; shall
- 王曰:「雖然,必告不穀。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: Commentary of Zuo, c. 4th century BCE
- Wáng yuē: “Suīrán, bì gào bùgǔ.” [Pinyin]
- "Nevertheless, you have to tell me," said the king.
王曰:「虽然,必告不谷。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]- 耶和華神對蛇說,你既作了這事,就必受咒詛,比一切的牲畜野獸更甚。你必用肚子行走,終身吃土。 [MSC, trad.]
- Yēhéhuá shén duì shé shuō, nǐ jì zuò le zhè shì, jiù bì shòu zhòuzǔ, bǐ yīqiè de shēngchù yěshòu gèng shèn. Nǐ bì yòng dùzi xíngzǒu, zhōngshēn chī tǔ. [Pinyin]
- And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed [must receive a curse] above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go [you must use your belly to go], and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life.
耶和华神对蛇说,你既作了这事,就必受咒诅,比一切的牲畜野兽更甚。你必用肚子行走,终身吃土。 [MSC, simp.]
- (literary) conjunction indicating the condition of a concession or exception, especially a hypothetical or implied one
- 子曰:「君子無所爭,必也射乎!揖讓而升,下而飲,其爭也君子。」 [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Zǐyuē: “Jūnzǐ wú suǒ zhēng, bì yě shè hū! Yīràng ér shēng, xià ér yìn, qí zhēng yě jūnzǐ.” [Pinyin]
- The Master said, "The student of virtue has no contentions. If it be said he cannot avoid them, shall this be in archery? But he bows complaisantly to his competitors; thus he ascends the hall, descends, and exacts the forfeit of drinking. In his contention, he is still the Junzi."
子曰:「君子无所争,必也射乎!揖让而升,下而饮,其争也君子。」 [Classical Chinese, simp.]- 必不得已而去,於斯三者何先? [Classical Chinese, trad.]
- From: The Analects of Confucius, c. 475 – 221 BCE, translated based on James Legge's version
- Bì bùdéyǐ ér qù, yú sī sānzhě hé xiān? [Pinyin]
- If it cannot be helped, and one of these must be dispensed with, which of the three should be foregone first?
必不得已而去,于斯三者何先? [Classical Chinese, simp.]
- (Southern Min) (of skin) to chap
- (Hakka, Southern Min) to crack
- 不必 (bùbì)
- 事在必行
- 事必躬親/事必躬亲 (shìbìgōngqīn)
- 令出必行
- 何必 (hébì)
- 信賞必罰/信赏必罚
- 分秒必爭/分秒必争 (fēnmiǎobìzhēng)
- 剝極必復/剥极必复
- 務必/务必 (wùbì)
- 勢在必行/势在必行 (shìzàibìxíng)
- 勢必/势必 (shìbì)
- 勢所必然/势所必然
- 否極必泰/否极必泰
- 哀兵必勝/哀兵必胜 (āibīngbìshèng)
- 多行不義必自斃/多行不义必自毙 (duō xíng bùyì bì zìbì)
- 大可不必 (dàkěbùbì)
- 安必思危
- 必不得已
- 必修 (bìxiū)
- 必修科
- 必備/必备 (bìbèi)
- 必剝/必剥
- 必定 (bìdìng)
- 必律律
- 必得
- 必必剝剝/必必剥剥
- 必然 (bìrán)
- 必爭之地/必争之地 (bìzhēngzhīdì)
- 必經之路/必经之路 (bìjīngzhīlù)
- 必若
- 必要 (bìyào)
- 必要條件/必要条件 (bìyào tiáojiàn)
- 必需 (bìxū)
- 必需品 (bìxūpǐn)
- 必須/必须 (bìxū)
- 志在必得 (zhìzàibìdé)
- 忘戰必危/忘战必危
- 想必 (xiǎngbì)
- 操刀必割
- 日中必彗
- 早名必折
- 是必 (shìbì)
- 有其父必有其子 (yǒu qí fù bì yǒu qí zǐ)
- 有求必應/有求必应 (yǒuqiúbìyìng)
- 末大必折
- 未必 (wèibì)
- 未必盡然/未必尽然
- 每戰必勝/每战必胜
- 物極必反/物极必反 (wùjíbìfǎn)
- 理所必然
- 甘泉必竭
- 盈則必虧/盈则必亏
- 盛必慮衰/盛必虑衰
- 盛極必衰/盛极必衰
- 盛筵必散
- 直木必伐
- 睚眥必報/睚眦必报 (yázìbìbào)
- 知過必改/知过必改
- 積善之家,必有餘慶/积善之家,必有余庆 (jīshàn zhī jiā, bì yǒu yúqìng)
- 若必
- 蘇必略湖/苏必略湖 (Sūbìlüè Hú)
- 言出必行 (yánchūbìxíng)
- 言多必失 (yánduōbìshī)
- 言必有中 (yánbìyǒuzhòng)
- 言必有據/言必有据
- 諒必/谅必
- 遊必有方/游必有方
- 過盛必衰/过盛必衰
- 錙銖必較/锱铢必较 (zīzhūbìjiào)
- 阿必尚
- 飛必沖天/飞必冲天
- 驕兵必敗/骄兵必败 (jiāobīngbìbài)
- 驕者必敗/骄者必败
- 必ず (kanarazu, “necessarily, certainly”)
- 必ずしも (kanarazushimo, “not always”)
- 必携 (hikkei, “handbook, manual”)
- 必死 (hisshi, “frantic, desperate”)
- 必需 (hitsushu, “necessary”)
- 必需品 (hitsushuhin, “necessities”)
- 必殺 (hissatsu, “definite kill”)
- 必修 (hisshū, “required (subject)”)
- 必勝 (hisshō, “certain victory”)
- 必須 (hissu, “indispensable, required”)
- 必須条件 (hissu shōken, “essential condition”)
- 必然 (hitsuzen, “inevitable, necessary”)
- 必然的 (hitsuzenteki, “inevitable, necessary”)
- 必着 (hitchaku, “must arrive”)
- 必読 (hitsutoku, “should be read by all”)
- 必要 (hitsuyō, “necessity, need”)
- 必要性 (hitsuyōsei, “necessity”)
- 必読書 (hitsudokusho, “required reading”)
- 不必要 (fuhitsuyō, “unnecessary”)
- 必死になって (hisshi ni natte, “desperately”)
- 必見 (hikken, “a must-see”)
From Middle Chinese 必 (MC pjit).
Historical readings |
- (SK Standard/Seoul) IPA(key): [pʰiɭ]
- Phonetic hangul: [필]
Wikisource 必 (eumhun 반드시 필 (bandeusi pil))
- Hanja form? of 필 (“surely; certainly; without fail”).
- 필요 (必要, piryo)
- 필수 (必須, pilsu)
- 필승 (必勝, pilseung)
- 필연 (必然, piryeon)
- 필수 (必修, pilsu)
- 기필 (期必, gipil)
- 필시 (必是, pilsi)
- 필사 (必死, pilsa)
- 필패 (必敗, pilpae)
- 필독 (必讀, pildok)
- 필지 (必至, pilji)
- 불필 (不必, bulpil)
- 필살 (必殺, pilsal)
- 필연 (必然, piryeon)
- 필득 (必得, pildeuk)
- 필용 (必用, piryong)
- 필위 (必爲, pirwi)
- 필정 (必定, piljeong)
- 필중 (必中, piljung)
- 필지 (必知, pilji)
- 필착 (必着, pilchak)
- 필멸 (必滅, pilmyeol)
- 필벌 (必罰, pilbeol)
- 하필 (何必, hapil)
- 필멸 (必滅, pilmyeol)
- 생필품 (生必品, saengpilpum)
- 미가필 (未可必, migapil)
- 필요악 (必要惡, piryoak)
- 불필요 (不必要, bulpiryo)
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