Jeremy Bernard Corbyn (born 26 May 1949) is a British independent politician who was formerly Leader of the Labour Party and Leader of the Opposition (September 2015–April 2020). He was first elected as the Member of Parliament (MP) for Islington North at the 1983 general election.
An inquiry by the Equality and Human Rights Commission into Antisemitism in the UK Labour Party in October 2020 found the Party, under Corbyn's leadership, was responsible for unlawful acts of discrimination and harassment. In response to his statement asserting antisemitism had been overstated for political reasons, Labour suspended Corbyn from its parliamentary whip and he became an independent MP, eventually being barred as a candidate for the party in future. On 24 May 2024, he announced he was standing as an independent at the July general election which, under party rules, formally terminated his Labour Party membership.
- 1982 is the year when we want to see a lot of left-wing Labour-controlled authorities. The people that have been selected now as candidates tend to be politically experienced in community politics or the Labour movement. In no way are they people coming off the streets and becoming Labour councillors, which is what has happened in the past.
- The Times (12 March 1982), p. 3.
- The Americans have sought consistently to undermine and destabilise the Governments of Grenada since 1979. They have sought consistently to undermine and destabilise the Government of Jamaica. They did so until Mr. Seaga was elected Prime Minister. They have consistently sought to undermine and destabilise any Government in the region who have sought to develop the interests of the people rather than the interests of the multinational companies that are busy exploiting those people. At the centre of the debate and of the activities of the United States lies its belief that its role is to defend the people who pay the Government — the multinational companies. The British Government are doing exactly the same. In every conference chamber around the world, the British Government support American foreign policy. They do not have a foreign policy in the Caribbean or central America. All they know is to follow the United States—except that when the issue of Grenada came up they did not know what to do. So, for three days running, we have had a pathetic appearance by the Foreign Secretary, who has been wondering what to do next. He comes to the House, wringing his hands, wondering what on earth to say next. He knows that he has been made to look an absolute idiot because he was incapable of standing up to the Americans for once. The one thing that the Americans do not respect is the Uriah Heep diplomacy that the British Government operate towards them. The Pavlovian response of agreeing to everything that the United States demands and wants has got them nowhere and has made them look incredibly stupid and shortsighted.
- Speech in the House of Commons (26 October 1983).
- The Government's policies of controlling local authority spending, cutting National Health spending and promoting private medicine and care for the elderly are a return to the workhouse. The only difference is that it is a capitalist workhouse rather than a discreet workhouse stuck away in the hills outside the town...Care for the elderly is an important issue. It cannot be left to volunteers, charities or to people going out with collecting boxes to see that old people are looked after properly. The issue is central to our demands for a caring society. That means an end to the cuts and an end to the policy of attacking those authorities that try to care for the elderly. Instead, there should be support for and recognition of those demands. Elderly people deserve a little more than pats on the head from Conservative Members. They deserve more than the platitudinous nonsense talked about handing the meals on wheels service over to the WRVS or any other volunteer who cares to run it. Instead, there should be a recognition that those who have worked all their lives to create and provide the wealth that the rest of us enjoy deserve some dignity in retirement. They do not deserve poverty, or to be ignored in their retirement, having to live worrying whether to put on the gas fire, or boil the kettle for a cup of tea, or whether they can afford a television licence or a trip out. They should not have to wonder whether the home help who has looked after them so long will be able to continue. The issue is crucial. The motion says clearly that care for the elderly comes before the promotion of policies that merely increase the wealth of those who are already the wealthiest in our society.
- Speech in the House of Commons (22 February 1984).
- Earlier, the hon. Member for Halesowen and Stourbridge (Mr. Stokes) spoke. He probably represents the more honest and truer face of the Tory party when he spoke the usual racist pap about immigration causing problems and pretending that the unemployment figures in the west midlands were caused by immigration. He was in effect saying that the cultural changes that have taken place because of immigration are unacceptable. I find his remarks offensive and unacceptable, as do people in many parts of the country, who live happily in a multicultural, multiracial environment and who are not prepared to put up with that kind of bigotry.
- Speech in the House of Commons (5 March 1984).
- The overwhelming and overriding demand is for greater democracy, and some form of public accountability and control of the police force in London. It is nonsense that 25,000 people should be employed at public expense and yet the only recourse that a member of the public has who complains about the police is to go to the police who will then investigate the complaint themselves and come up with some kind of answer, or to take the complaint to their Member of Parliament who may have the opportunity of being called in a debate to speak about it. That is unsatisfactory, but the most important matter is to have democratic control of the police forces in this country.
- Speech in the House of Commons (11 May 1984).
- Will the Leader of the House consider making proposals to improve public access and facilities for lobbyists in this building? Is he aware that in the past few weeks elderly lobbyists have been forced to wait outside in the cold and rain before being allowed in? Is he further aware that there are no refreshment facilities for people who are not in the company of a Member of Parliament, and that the facilities for disabled people are poor?
- Question in the House of Commons (29 November 1984).
- With glee, Tory Members ritually attack the inner city authorities, the Greater London council, the metropolitan counties and all the others, and have voted through the Rates Act and with it rate capping. They will rue the day that they did that, because the Government are fundamentally attempting to destroy democracy for local government. They have been doing so since 1979. The political principle on which they have operated is sheer selective vindictiveness against the poorest people in the country. Every inner city area has been penalised by the Government because the Government's notion of overspending is that, if a council tries to provide services that go some way towards meeting some of the needs and aspirations of the poorest people, they kick the council in the teeth. If a council continues to do that, despite the Government's blandishments, it does not get kicked in the teeth, but has its head cut off and suffers an unprecedented media barrage inspired by the Government. If one looks at any inner city area, one finds that disgraceful pattern.
- Speech in the House of Commons (16 January 1985).
- We are now in the midst of a severe winter during which many pensioners are not eating properly, are going to bed early and are suffering badly from hypothermia because they cannot afford to pay heating bills and therefore keep themselves warm and in health...The House should be aware that pensioners are treated badly. I should be happy if the Government presented proposals for a serious and real increase in the old-age pension. The real problem for pensioners is poverty. Although my Bill would help to alleviate that poverty, the real problem is the low level of the state pension...I propose the abolition of standing charges for gas and electricity for pensioners, and that there should not be an immediate increase in the unit cost of gas and electricity. The cost of abolition, which was estimated at £300 million in a recent parliamentary answer to me from the Department of Energy, should be borne by the Government only, so that the real cost of gas and electricity will be lower for pensioners than for other people.
- Speech in the House of Commons (30 January 1985).
- Is the Minister aware that many people regard the present system of juryless trials at the Crumlin road court as outrageous? It would be appropriate for him to pay a visit to see the way in which trials take place, with no jury, where the decision is made solely on the word of a supergrass witness who stands to benefit from giving evidence, and where only the judge makes the decision. How much money has been paid in the last four years to supergrass witnesses for their evidence in such circumstances?
- Question in the House of Commons (13 June 1985).
- Does the hon. Gentleman accept that some of us oppose the agreement for reasons other than those that he has given? We believe that the agreement strengthens rather than weakens the border between the six and the 26 counties, and those of us who wish to see a United Ireland oppose the agreement for that reason.
- Question in the House of Commons (27 November 1985) on the Anglo-Irish Agreement.
- Pensioners in this country receive almost the lowest pension paid in any country in Europe. They live in the coldest homes with the highest rate of death through hypothermia, and have the worst possible conditions of all pensioners. Is that because the country is so poor that it cannot afford the pension, as Conservative Members seem to be saying, or is it because the Government prefer to spend money on other things, such as Trident submarines and the nuclear missile programme? It is question of choice. If we wish to end the monstrous death rate of pensioners every winter, something else has to go. I suggest that it is the arms programme, and I suggest the nuclear arms programme at that.
- Speech in the House of Commons (6 March 1986).
- Is the Home Secretary aware that I was one of those Members there on Saturday and I was able to observe police officers spraying members of the crowd with red paint in order to identify them for later arrest, that the police were using agents provocateurs in the crowd and that at 9.10 during the evening, when there was complete quiet throughout the crowd, a completely unprovoked dragoon-like charge was mounted by the police straight into that crowd, seriously injuring a number of people? Does not the right hon. Gentleman believe that he should go and witness the scale and ferocity of police violence against innocent, peaceful people protesting against the theft of their jobs by the Murdoch empire?
- Question in the House of Commons (26 January 1987).
- The Social Security Act 1986 was one of the most aggressive pieces of legislation in the past seven years. It has helped to destroy the foundations of the welfare state, which was envisaged to provide decency and security through birth, life and death for all people, irrespective of their ability to pay. Now we see means testing writ large throughout the welfare state.
- Speech in the House of Commons (5 February 1987).
- In my constituency there were a large number of privately rented flats and rooms occupied mostly by low-paid single people or by low-paid or unemployed families. Now those people are being persuaded—I use the word advisedly—to leave those places so that they can be converted into up-market flats or second or city homes for the wealthy. Those tenants are literally forced on to the street and come under the care of the local authority, if the local authority can provide anything. There is a great increase in homelessness, but there is no increase in the number of homes available at cheap rents. Decontrol has forced those people on to the streets and caused homelessness. It is the enemy of good housing and working-class people. We need much more money spent on local authority and social ownership schemes to provide cheap rented houses for the people who need them, not for the yuppies that the Conservative party wants to bring into central London.
- Speech in the House of Commons (3 March 1987).
- As my right hon. Friend the Member for Manchester, Gorton (Mr. Kaufman) pointed out, many Jewish refugees fled from Russia in 1905 and from Nazi Germany in the 1930s. If the Bill had been law at that time, they could not have come here. There are also the victims of the Iran-Iraq war, the Fascist junta in Chile, and so on. The list is endless. The Minister should come clean about it. He should be honest enough to say that he is turning his back on all the asylum problems in the world. The racist connotations of not having anything to do with the problems of the Third world show that the Minister is working in concert with other European Governments to turn their backs on problems which in many cases were created by west European Governments in the first place...All that the Minister is trying to do is to appeal to the basic sense of xenophobia in the media, in the country and throughout Europe. They want to turn their backs on the problems of the rest of the world. I hope that there will be a greater sense of civilised values on this side of the House when we come to vote against the Bill than has ever been shown by the Tory party.
- Speech in the House of Commons (16 March 1987).
- I object strongly to the Visiting Forces Act. I see no reason why forces from a foreign power stationed in this country should be exempt from British law. I find it even more offensive that we do not even know what offences they have committed and that all we have is the information collected by Duncan Campbell and others, which has been printed in the New Statesman.
- Speech in the House of Commons (8 April 1987).
- The speeches by the Minister and the former Minister were an absolute disgrace in complacency, especially the assumption that market forces will solve the housing problem. If that is so, why is it that there are record numbers of homeless people? Why is it that tonight, as on every night of the year, people will be sleeping under the national theatre, in Covent Garden, around the tube stations in London and alongside the main roads? The Government, in their obsession with market forces and the triumph of the rich over the poor, are creating a hobo society. That is all they are trying to do with their housing policies...They are proposing a return to Rachmanism. They are proposing all the horrors of the Rent Act 1957: nothing but homelessness and exploitation for the unemployed, the poor and the homeless.
- Speech in the House of Commons (28 April 1987).
- Does the hon. Lady agree that private medicine is a drain on the NHS and takes resources away from those who cannot afford to buy their way past the hospital queues? Does she further agree that it would be logical to remove pay beds and privatised services from NHS hospitals and bring back direct labour? Would that be alliance policy?
- Question in the House of Commons (11 May 1987).
- What redress is now open to Mr. Bennett to clear his name, which has been smeared over every newspaper and on television and radio? He has been effectively prevented from carrying out his work in this building. What redress is open to me, if I employ someone to work with me in my duties representing the people of Islington, North and I am frustrated in doing that by an opinion offered in secret by the secret service? Is that not a negation of the democracy for which the House stands, which is meant to allow a constituency to elect a Member of Parliament to carry out his duties to the best of his ability? On this occasion, I have deliberately been frustrated by secret evidence that is not made available to me or, publicly, to anyone.
- Speech in the House of Commons (21 October 1987).
- In eight simple ways, my Bill seeks to provide a framework for giving pensioners a decent living standard. First, it would fix old-age pensions for couples at half average industrial earnings, and for single people it would be a third...Secondly, my Bill would require central Government to appoint a Minister responsible for the co-ordination of policy on pensioners. Thirdly, it would require local authorities to produce a comprehensive annual report about their policies on pensioners and on the conditions of pensioners in their communities. Fourthly, every health authority would also be asked to do that. Fifthly, the present anomalous system means that in some parts of the country where there are foresighted Labour local authorities there are concessionary transport schemes — free bus passes. They do not exist in some parts of Britain and the Bill would make them a national responsibility and they would be paid for nationally...My sixth point is one of the most important. It is about the introduction of a flat-rate winter heating allowance instead of the nonsensical system of waiting for the cold to run from Monday to Sunday, and then if it is sufficiently cold a rebate is paid in arrears. Last winter that resulted in many old people living in homes that were too cold because they could not afford to heat them. If they did get any aid, it was far too late. My seventh point concerns the abolition of standing charges on gas, electricity and telephones for elderly people. They are paying about £250 million a year towards the profits of the gas industry and those profits will be about £1.5 billion. Standing charges should be cancelled, unit prices maintained and the cost of the standing charge should be taken from the profits of the gas board or the electricity board — if it ends up being privatised. They could well afford to pay for that rather than forcing old people to live in cold and misery throughout the winter. Finally, the Bill would prohibit the cutting off of gas and electricity in any pensioner household.
- Speech in the House of Commons (1 December 1987).
- Is the Minister aware that the recent publication "Over Here", produced by the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, lists 157 such bases, not 66 that the hon. Gentleman mentioned? Will the hon. Gentleman assure us that this army of occupation of 30,000 personnel is not spying on any British citizens or political activities in this country? ... Will the Minister further assure the House that the British Government have complete control over all activities in United States bases and that they will not allow those forces to deny civil liberties to people demonstrating outside them or to those who observe cruise missiles while they are touring around this country? Will the hon. Gentleman tell the House that it is time for the United States forces to leave this country and stop harassing British citizens and making Britain a nuclear aircraft carrier for the Pentagon?
- Question in the House of Commons (26 April 1988).
- There is a correlation between crude yuppies buying Porsches in the City and the number of people sleeping on the street. The tax rip-offs that are used to buy second homes, swimming pools and extended holidays mean an increase in the number of people sleeping on the street because there is insufficient public expenditure to provide housing for them. The Tories have always supported the creed which blames poverty on the poor. We believe that the poor are the victims of the society created by the Conservatives and the Government whom they so avidly support...There would indeed be no need for anyone to be homeless if a large number of previously privately rented houses were not deliberately kept empty by property speculators as a result of Government policies. It is sheer hypocrisy for Tory Members to blame the poor unfortunate people who have to sleep in cardboard boxes when they themselves put those people on the street, splash them every night as they drive past in their Porsches and kick dirt in the faces of the poor. They are the people to blame for the situation faced by so many people in London, and it is a matter of grave concern.
- Speech in the House of Commons (24 June 1988).
- Many of us are gravely suspicious about the influence of freemasonry. I am utterly opposed to it and to the influence of other secret organisations because I believe them to be a deeply corrupting influence on society. That influence has been highlighted by the case of Chief Inspector Woollard who investigated allegations of incompetence and misconduct by a building contractor working for the London borough of Islington. During his investigation, he discerned considerable masonic influence among officials in the company and in the local authority. As he came closer to concluding that the influence of freemasonry in the administration of the contract had been great, he was removed from the case and sent to the Metropolitan police's equivalent of running a power station in Siberia. Masonic influence is serious...We need a clear statement from the Home Secretary an which he makes it clear that he opposes masonic influences of any sort and that police officers should be asked to sign a declaration of interests and membership of organisations such as many local authority officers and councillors are asked to sign, Freemasonry is incompatible with being a police officer.
- Speech in the House of Commons (24 June 1988).
- Exactly what useful work did those stockbrokers do to gain their enormous wealth, other than to exploit the people who work in industry, to take their money away and to make no useful contribution to society? Does the hon. Gentleman think that the working people of London are so stupid as not to realise that stockbrokers are parasites?
- Question in the House of Commons (12 July 1988).
- While one welcomes aid that gets through to help the poorest people in the poorest parts of the world, does my hon. Friend share my concern that some policies, particularly those adopted by the World Bank in its advice to poor countries in receipt of loans it organises, force on those countries economic models that often involve cuts in public expenditure which make the living conditions of people dependent on public services, health, education or housing worse because those countries are pursuing some economic Valhalla similar to that pursued by the present Government? Does he believe that the Government should consider their role in multinational agencies such as the World Bank as well as my hon. Friend's obvious and quite correct concern about the lack of spending on overseas aid in general?
- Question in the House of Commons (28 July 1988).
- One point that cannot be answered by the United States Administration or anybody else is that made by Father Metcalfe, the priest to the Bluefields region on the Atlantic coast, which is not an area in which the Sandinistas initially had a great deal of support, although they now have much more. I am sure that Father Metcalfe will not mind me repeating that he has wondered what he can say to the people in his parish and region, to the mothers of the young men who have been killed by the Contras, to the relatives of those who have been murdered by the Contras, to the people who have lost their homes because of the Contras, and to the people who have had their crops destroyed by the Contras, about the obsession of a man a few thousand miles away in the White House who is so frightened of the process of liberation in Nicaragua that he finances terrorists to murder, kill and destroy.
- Speech in the House of Commons (28 July 1988).
- This is my sixth attempt to introduce the Bill with the support of hon. Members and pensioner organisations all over Britain...Many statistics show the condition of elderly people. When the Social Security Act 1988 abolished supplementary benefit and what went with it, 30 per cent. of Britain's retired population were living on or below supplementary benefit levels. Despite the Government's claim that many elderly people are quite wealthy, at that time only 39 per cent. lived more than 140 per cent. above the level of supplementary benefit. In other words, at least 60 per cent. of Britain's elderly people live at a poor level, and 30 per cent. of them live below the poverty line. That is a scandal and the House should draw attention to it and enact my Bill to improve that situation...The Bill is a seven-point plan which, if carried into law, would change the face of Britain and eliminate poverty among the elderly... Britain is the seventh richest country in the world. It is a disgrace that so many elderly people die alone and in misery through hypothermia, not for lack of resources to provide for them, but for the lack of political will to distribute those resources to ensure that pensioners are well cared for and can live in decency in their retirement.
- Speech in the House of Commons (18 January 1989).
- Is the Minister aware that he is getting a reputation for being a parsimonious philistine, and that he ought to give an undertaking that any income that library services choose to get from the lending of tapes or whatever else will not be taken away by loss of income support for the local authority from the Exchequer? Would it not be better if all library services of all sorts were declared free, for the benefit of everybody? That would be better than this creeping privatisation and creeping charging in the library service that the Minister seems to be encouraging.
- Question in the House of Commons (8 February 1989).
- In calling for the dismantling of Soviet stocks of chemical weapons, what action will the Minister take towards countries such as Iraq which have used chemical weapons in the recent past? Will he ensure that the maximum possible sanctions are taken against them to show our abhorrence of all chemical weapons wherever they are and by whomsoever they are used?
- Question in the House of Commons (7 March 1989).
- My hon. Friend must be aware of the words used by the Chancellor on Tuesday, when he said that, this year, the Government expect to make a surplus of £14 billion—part of which will be used to pay off the national debt. In those circumstances, would it not be more appropriate and beneficial to the rest of the world if more money were given for overseas aid and to assist the very poor countries in the usary levels of debt repayments that they are forced into at present?
- Question in the House of Commons (17 March 1989).
- I want to mention the British Government's attitude to poorer countries in relation to 1992 and the EEC. There was a delegation here recently led by Mr. Julian Hunte from St. Lucia concerning the implications of the Single European Act for the survival of the Windward Islands. There is a problem because of the likelihood of the closure of markets for bananas and some of the smaller eastern Caribbean countries and the low price that the producers receive for them. It is necessary for the British Government to do something to protect the markets that those islands have traditionally enjoyed. If not, they will become seriously impoverished and further indebted. They will lose out because of Britain's obsession with moving deeper into the Common Market and accepting the Common Market's single economy rather than protecting those who have traditionally supplied goods to this country.
- Speech in the House of Commons (17 March 1989).
- The order owes nothing to the housing needs of the British people. It is not designed to do so. It is just another example of the Tory Government slaughtering the housing needs and hopes of millions of people on the altar of the market economy, with all its gobbledegook about market forces and who will set and pay rents. I shall not say that this is a landlord's charter; it is worse than that. It is a profiteering landlord's charter. The rent officer will no longer be an independent objective person who ensures that a fair rent once fixed is adhered to and to whom one can appeal if a landlord tries to increase such a rent. People, particularly in London, will be harassed out of protected tenancies by con merchants and thrown on to the streets so that the private rented sector, the free market, can allow the level of rent to rise to its natural level—the highest that can be obtained...The effect of their deregulation has been to force up private sector rents, to have people thrown out on the streets, and there will be greater homelessness and profiteering by landlords...Most of those people who tonight are sleeping on the streets around Waterloo station, the National Theatre and along the South Bank, who are begging at the main stations of this city, who are sleeping over the grilles of tube stations on Charing Cross road, not long ago had somewhere to live. Those people are the victims of market forces, the victims of what this Government are doing and believe should be done to poor people, who cannot afford the landlords' rent.
- Speech in the House of Commons (21 March 1989).
- I am shocked that we should be debating a Bill such as this which basically shows the Tory party's deep concern for its future. It has to scrabble round the world looking for tax dodgers, crooks, thieves and wastrels, anywhere that it can, in order to get a Tory Government re-elected in two years' time. That is what the Bill is about. It has nothing to do with democracy.
- Speech in the House of Commons (29 June 1989) on the Representation of the People Act 1989.
- I am glad that my hon. Friend has raised the problems of the Kurdish people in Iraq, and I am sure that they will be grateful for that. Although the Government may not allow the export of military hardware to Iraq, is it not just as beneficial to the Iraqi Government to be given banking facilities, credits and increased trade? They have exactly the same effect of propping up the Iraqi economy, which is used to finance the war machine that is practising genocide against the Kurdish people.
- Question in the House of Commons (14 July 1989).
- The right hon. Gentleman should be aware that, two weeks ago, I had an interesting meeting with an environmental campaigning group from the Soviet Union who openly admitted that the industrial policies followed in the past by the Soviet Union and many countries in central and eastern Europe had done a great deal of environmental damage. The difference is that those people felt that they had the power to change the policies to stop the destruction of their own environment. The policies of free-market economies which the right hon. Gentleman propounds have led to the pollution of the North sea and the Irish sea, the destruction of the rain forests in Brazil and Malaysia and long-term serious environmental damage by multinational companies all over the southern countries of this planet.
- Speech in the House of Commons (15 December 1989).
- Does the Minister accept that the attitude of the EEC and of North American countries towards commodity prices has been a major contributory factor in the debt crisis in much of the world? Does she agree that the latest round of Lomé convention prices on exports from ACP countries has resulted in virtually the lowest real terms prices ever achieved by those countries? They are worried about the way in which they have been treated by the EEC. Is the right hon. Lady aware that exports from ACP countries to the European Community are at their lowest level for 25 years? Those countries and many of us are worried about the growing crisis faced by the poorer countries because the richer industrial countries are closing their markets to them and forcing them into debt and low commodity prices.
- Question in the House of Commons (8 January 1990).
- The free enterprise policies that produce solely for waste and for profit and that promote a consumerist mentality rather than one of need are damaging to the environment. I am in no sense defending the centralised economies of eastern Europe. They have polluted the north sea and rivers just as industries in Britain and North America have destroyed rivers, wasted natural resources and ruined people's lives by their form of pollution. It is not good enough to promote an economic system that produces for waste and to promote environmental controls in western Europe and North America to look after our environment if at the same time we transfer that destruction of the environment to poorer Third-world countries, either by exporting toxic waste and letting those countries get rid of it by whatever means they can, because they are desperate for foreign currency, or by promoting the destruction of the rain forests, through raping those countries to collect debt payments, when they can make them only by destroying all their natural resources. We live in an age when we have an opportunity to improve our environment and save ourselves from mass destruction through climatic change and environmental disasters.
- Speech in the House of Commons (15 January 1990).
- I believe honestly and deeply that the treatment of whales is an example of the evil intelligence of humankind in relation to the rest of the natural world. We have seen greed of the most impossible kind descending on the Arctic and the Antarctic to destroy the most intelligent and beautiful creatures that the planet can produce...We are in the process of destroying much of the planet through destruction of the ozone layer, leading to the greenhouse effect, and the destruction of life. The whale is an example of how such destruction happens. As the ozone layer is destroyed the plankton in the Southern ocean will die and the whales will lose much of their food. Last year we opposed the Antarctic Minerals Bill because we feared that it would lead to pollution of the Southern ocean and damage the whales' food supply. The Government must oppose any extension of whaling of any type, scientific or otherwise, and I hope and trust that they will do so. But we must go further. Countries which engage in the barbarity of so-called scientific whaling, which in reality is crude commercialism of the nastiest kind, deserve retribution from us all and we must bring every possible sanction to bear against them. If we do not take care of our planet and our environment, and of animals such as the whale, mankind will suffer and our planet will die because we have not cared for the natural environment that we all share.
- Speech in the House of Commons (2 March 1990).
- I also remind the House that the use of confessional evidence, which is the basis of the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act, has led to the imprisonment of the Birmingham Six, who have now served almost 16 years in British prisons. I have visited them in prison several times...My experience of the Prevention of Terrorism (Temporary Provisions) Act is that it has nothing to do with the prevention of terrorism and everything to do with policing and patrolling the Irish community in this country. I have lost count of the number of occasions that I have had telephone calls late at night from Irish people who live in my constituency, who were expecting a son, a daughter, an uncle, an aunt or a father to come across to visit them from Dublin or from Belfast, but who find that they have not arrived. They ask me, "Do you know where they are?" I have no idea where they are. We then start an amazing series of telephone calls to find out whether someone is being held under the Act. A Kafka-like mystery surrounds it and it is not clear whether that person is being held until lawyers make contact and eventually application is made for a writ of habeas corpus.
- Speech in the House of Commons (6 March 1990).
- The purpose of my Bill is simply to remove the legal nicety which, at the moment, allows the hunting and killing of deer with dogs, which I believe to be a wanton cruelty. The Bill would not prohibit the culling of deer to restrict the deer population and so to protect the deer's habitat, and it would not prohibit the shooting of deer, but it would prohibit the extremely cruel practice of hunting deer with dogs...This Bill is yet another step forward in making this country's legislation on animals slightly more humane and slightly more civilised. I believe that it has overwhelming support throughout the country. Hunting with dogs and the vile killing for bloodlust in the name of sport should not be allowed in this country. The House must represent the views of the vast majority of people throughout the country and pass this legislation to remove this so-called sport, which I believe to be an obscenity, from legal sanction in this country and to abolish it so that we may have fair legislation that guarantees the safety of animals and prohibits and outlaws the cruelty to animals that is part of so-called sport.
- Speech in the House of Commons (19 June 1990).
- If we are to ban CFC production completely, as I believe that we should, we must also accept that considerable support must be given to other countries which wish to continue to produce refrigerators and similar products. The technology to produce those goods without CFCs must be transferred to China, India and other countries which need it. If that does not happen, we cannot lecture those countries about producing CFCs while we hold that technology to ourselves and use it as an economic lever against poorer countries and poorer people throughout the world. The economic imbalance between countries is at the root of the world's problems...If we are to sort out the problems of poverty and of the environment, we require a real restructuring of the world's economy. That will not be achieved by imposing a model of market forces on the poorest people in the poorest countries but by paying those people for the products that they produce, not hoarding technological advances for ourselves but sharing and spreading them around the world, and not persuading and pushing countries to revert to monoculture production, which is dangerous and damaging to the environment.
- Speech in the House of Commons (26 June 1990).
- Politics in this country are dominated by debates about our relationship with Europe and the Eurocentralism that goes with that. I am firmly an internationalist, so I am not necessarily opposed to Europe. However, I am opposed to a fortress Europe that basically creates wealth for itself at the expense of the world, creates an undemocratic control of government for the whole of Europe, and, in truth, works only for the good of multinational corporations and banking systems. It will cause further imbalances in world poverty and world trade arrangements. I view the free market of 1992 not as an opportunity, but as a disaster for very many people throughout the world. I believe that Europe will contribute to the economic problems of the world. I do not agree with the sort of racist nonsense that has been published in the Sun and other newspapers during the past few weeks. It is a disgusting way to report matters. However, I believe that the drive towards a market economy in Europe will create poverty on the rims of Europe and an inner-colonialism in which western Europe will act as a sort of colonial master for eastern Europe and much of the rest of the world. It is about time that we began to take an international and global view rather than shut ourselves into a Europe that does not act in a socially just and reasonable manner. I hope that the debate will now begin to turn on those matters.
- Speech in the House of Commons (7 November 1990).
- I have never been a supporter of or an apologist for Saddam Hussein. Indeed, I recall many lonely occasions in the House when I spoke against Saddam Hussein, his genocide against the Kurdish people and the way that the British Government were financing the re-arming of Iraq. Indeed, the chemical weapons being manufactured in Iraq largely comprise chemicals made in western Europe and north America. Some £1 billion was loaned to Saddam Hussein by British banks, with the agreement of the British Government. His power is largely the creation of western Europe and north America. I do not support him and I do not think that he was right to invade Kuwait...The only purpose of sending troops to the region is to defend and guarantee oil supplies. I find it difficult to accept that the United States is merely defending a small country against a larger country. If that were true, why were Grenada and Panama invaded? What was the Vietnam war about, other than a powerful United States wishing to extend its control and influence throughout the world? ...If the shooting starts and there is war in the Gulf, the retaking of Kuwait will not be a clean, clinical operation—it will be a filthy and long war with hundreds of thousands of dead, and at the end of that war there will still have to be negotiations on the future order and the future government of that area and those countries.
- Speech in the House of Commons (7 November 1990).
- There will have to be three objects for farming and farm products. First, we must end over-production. The over-production that is taking place in Europe and the United States is damaging and obscenely wasteful. It is damaging to the environment, and it is obviously obscenely wasteful when products that are the result of over-production are being burnt in an attempt to maintain prices...Secondly, we must end export dumping. Instead, we must promote aid and trade policies that encourage self-reliant production, which is more protective of the local economy and less dependent on the economies of western Europe and of the United States...Thirdly, what happens to the political sovereignty of poor countries that do not have the infrastructure that is available in Europe and north America when they are told that, because of the debt crisis, they must open up their economies to multinational capital to do whatever it will, and when the IMF and the World bank tell them that they must cut social expenditure? They are now told that they must pursue free trade policies for farm products. Those policies add up to disaster for poor countries.
- Speech in the House of Commons (23 November 1990).
- Far from there being a constant flow of resources and aid from northern countries to southern countries, the opposite is the case, and has been for most of the past 200 years. Colonialism was not about exporting civilisations; it was not about improving the lot of people in the poorest countries—it was driven by greed and avarice and a determination to control other people's lives. It was about ensuring that the work, the raw materials and the food of the poorer countries flowed out to the richest parts of the world. That is the legacy of colonialism and imperialism that we have to deal with today. I honestly believe that the role of the world's twin financial institutions, the International Monetary Fund and the World bank, is essentially to reassert that old-world order so that once more a minority of northern, predominantly rich countries dominate the majority of southern, predominantly poor countries.
- Speech in the House of Commons (14 December 1990).
- Unless we address those problems from the point of view of a world where development is genuinely sustainable, where protection of the environment is vital, where the earth's wealth is redistributed in favour of the poorest people in the poorest countries, in the next few years we shall face a growing imbalance between north and south. Ever-increasing numbers of people will flee from environmental destruction—from rain forest destruction, increased desertification and the increased flooding linked to that. Millions of people will have to flee from the places where they grew up and live and there will be growing imbalances in the world, and growing poverty. There has to be a change in the relationship. That means that higher prices must be paid for commodities. It means that there must be an increased aid programme, and an understanding that we are all in this together.
- Speech in the House of Commons (14 December 1990).
- The idea that nuclear weapons deter anyone is laughable and horrific. We have the greatest chance ever to rid the world of nuclear weapons now, yet the consensus in this country is apparently that we need to maintain three Trident systems and possibly build a fourth at a total cost of more than £23 billion.
- Speech in the House of Commons (1 November 1991).
- Does he concede that the whole basis of the Maastricht treaty is the establishment of a European central bank which is staffed by bankers, independent of national Governments and national economic policies, and whose sole policy is the maintenance of price stability? That will undermine any social objective that any Labour Government in the United Kingdom—or any other Government—would wish to carry out. Does my hon. Friend recognise that the imposition of a bankers' Europe on the people of this continent will endanger the cause of socialism in the United Kingdom and in any other country?
- Question in the House of Commons (13 January 1993).
- My hon. Friend is right in saying that the Bank of England has often operated against the interests of Labour Governments. That is due to the mandarins who run it. If the hon. Gentleman has such doubts about the running of a bank which theoretically is state-owned and state-controlled, what influence does he think will be possible in the case of an independent central bank dedicated to a course of Euro-monetarism?
- Question in the House of Commons (14 January 1993).
- Does the Secretary of State not think that there is a case for ensuring that there are permanent representatives of at least Latin America and Africa on the Security Council? Does he not think that consideration should be given of the removal of the power of veto of the permanent members of the Security Council in order to make the organisation more democratic and more reflective of the world's population as a whole?
- Question in the House of Commons (23 February 1993).
- Does the Secretary of State agree that it is time for a serious review of Britain's defence expenditure, which now totals more than £23 billion a year? Should not we cancel the nuclear missile programme and consign all nuclear missiles back to base as part of a programme of worldwide disarmament? Should not we try to cut conventional expenditure to at least the European average, which would save £6 billion a year? Should not we also ensure that skilled workers who are at present manufacturing weapons of mass destruction and other forms of armaments are put to making socially useful products, including materials for the health service and housing industry—and recognise that world peace is best achieved by people working for peace rather than by arming themselves for war?
- Question in the House of Commons (9 March 1993).
- If my hon. Friend is now envisaging the establishment of a federal Europe, will he not reflect that the Maastricht treaty does not take us in the direction of the checks and balances contained in the American federal constitution? It takes us in the opposite direction of an unelected legislative body—the Commission—and, in the case of foreign policy, a policy Commission that will be, in effect, imposing foreign policy on nation states that have fought for their own democratic accountability.
- Speech in the House of Commons (30 March 1993).
- It seems that we are revisiting the whole argument about a European central bank. Many of us have the deepest misgivings about the establishment of such a bank, with no accountability to member states and an office life of eight years, in which it can do what it likes, provided that it supports the market economy throughout Europe, despite the social consequences. There is no time limit on the period of office of the political directors, and there is nothing about who they would be or where they would come from. But I ask the quite serious question: what on earth are these political directors to do, where do they come from, to whom are they answerable and how do we get rid of them if we do not like what they do?
- Speech in the House of Commons (30 March 1993).
- I thank the Foreign Secretary for giving way. I assure him that at least 60 Labour Members voted against the Bill on Second Reading and I am sure that they will vote against the Maastricht treaty again tonight, primarily because it takes away from national Parliaments the power to set economic policy and hands it over to an unelected set of bankers who will impose the economic policies of price stability, deflation and high unemployment throughout the European Community.
- Speech in the House of Commons (20 May 1993).
- The world is a troubled and divided place. I will conclude with this thought. As we speak, the poorest of the poor countries in the world are getting poorer. There is more unemployment, poverty, homelessness and hunger. Resources are being transferred rapidly from the poor to the rich. Most conflicts stem from poverty and from arguments about resources and power. If one tenth of the money that this country is putting into the defence estimates had gone to the people of Somalia and the other countries that were facing terrible economic strife in the 1970s and 1980s, perhaps there would not be the awful conflicts in that region now. We should be dedicating ourselves to a peaceful world, rather than arming ourselves for war upon war upon war. We should deal with the basic problems of the planet. I hoped at least that there would be a defence review. The review could look at what is, I believe, the unanswerable case for a large reduction in Britain's military spending to make an example to the rest of the world.
- Speech in the House of Commons (18 October 1993).
- Does the Minister agree that now is the time to repeal the emergency legislation and give the right to a jury trial to everyone in Northern Ireland—a right that has been denied to them for nearly 15 years or more? Does he agree that it is a fundamental right of all citizens that they should have an opportunity, if they are indicted on a serious charge, to appear before a jury, not before the fundamentally unfair system of a judge sitting with no jury and making decisions?
- Question in the House of Commons (16 February 1995).
- Tomorrow evening it will be my pleasure and my honour to host an event in parliament where our friends from Hezbollah will be speaking. I have also invited friends from Hamas to come and speak as well. Unfortunately, the Israelis would not allow them to travel here, so it is going to be only friends from Hezbollah. So far as I am concerned, that is absolutely the right function of using parliamentary facilities, to invite people from other parts of the world so that we can promote that peace, that understanding and that dialogue. And the idea that an organisation that is dedicated towards the good of the Palestinian people and bringing about long-term peace and social justice and political justice in the whole region should be labelled as a terrorist organisation by the British government is really a big, big historical mistake.
- Speech (2009) cited by The Guardian (2 June 2017).
- Of his 2009 speech, Corbyn said while Labour leader: "No. It was inclusive language I used which with hindsight I would rather not have used. I regret using those words, of course", as cited in a report of his comments at the Home Affairs Select Committee in The Guardian (4 July 2016). Asked if Hamas are a "terror group" or terrorists in an interview on 13 November 2023 he was unable to say "yes" on multiple occasions, but admitted they are in a magazine article later in the week (see under 2023 below)
- [About the BBC] I think there is a bias towards saying that Israel is a democracy in the Middle East, Israel has a right to exist, Israel has its security concerns.
- Interviewed on Press TV in May 2011, cited in "New footage shows Corbyn saying BBC has 'bias towards saying Israel has a right to exist'" The Jewish Chronicle (7 August 2018)
- I'm very concerned about it [the massacre] and you have to look at the big picture: in whose interests is it to destabilise the new government in Egypt? In whose interest is it to kill Egyptians, other than Israel, concerned at the growing closeness of relationship between Palestine and the new Egyptian government?
- [When asked by presenter Lauren Booth: "Would a Muslim go against his Egyptian brother and open fire?"] It seems a bit unlikely that would happen during Ramadan, to put it mildly, and I suspect the hand of Israel in this whole process of destabilisation.
- Interviewed on Press TV in 2012, as cited in "Second MP investigated in row over Labour's antisemitism code" The Guardian (28 July 2018)
- Well, you have to ask the question why they're in prison in the first place and since the releases that took place after the hunger strike I met many of the brothers including the brother who has been speaking here when they came out of prison when I was in Doha earlier this year, and you just realise that this mass imprisonment of Palestinians is actually part of a much bigger political game.
- Corporal Shalit apparently equals the lives of a very, very large number of Palestinian people. Well I'm glad that those that were released, were released, and I hope they're now in safe places.
- Comments on Remember Palestine (Press TV, August 2012), as cited in "Jeremy Corbyn raised Nazi crimes to describe Israel in Gaza", The Times (2 August 2018).
- Around 1,000 Hamas prisoners had been released in exchange for the captured hostage Gilad Shalit, who was a soldier in the IDF. The "brother" Corbyn mentioned was Abdul Aziz Umar (another participant in the programme) who had been convicted in 2003 for his role in placing a suicide belt on the bomber and providing a safe house for the terrorists to prepare for the Café Hillel bombing which killed seven people.
- The other evening we had a meeting in parliament in which Manuel [Hassassian], the Palestinian ambassador] made an incredibly powerful and passionate and effective speech about the history of Palestine and the rights of the Palestinian people. This was dutifully recorded by the – the thankfully silent Zionists who were in the audience on that occasion, and then came up and berated him afterwards for what he had said. They clearly have two problems: one is they don’t want to study history and secondly having lived in this country for a very long time, probably all their lives, they don’t understand English irony either. They needed two lessons, which we could perhaps help them with.
- From a speech at Britain’s Legacy in Palestine Conference (January 2013) cited in "The context of the latest Jeremy Corbyn anti-Semitism row makes it worse, not better" New Statesman (24 August 2018)
- [Palestinians in the West Bank live] under occupation of the very sort that would be recognised by many people in Europe who suffered occupation during the Second World War.
- From a speech reportedly at the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), cited in "Labour anti-Semitism row: Jeremy Corbyn faces new claims he compared Israel to Nazis" Sky News (10 August 2018)
- I am vegetarian. … I became one at 20 when I was working in a pig farm. I got attached to the pigs and I couldn’t stand the thought that they would have to go off to be slaughtered.
- "A welcome in the hillside", interview with John Gulliver, in Camden New Journal (13 August 2015).
- I say thank you in advance to us all working together to achieve great victories, not just electorally for Labour but emotionally for the whole of our society to show we don't have to be unequal, it doesn't have to be unfair, poverty isn't inevitable, things can and they will change. Thank you very much.
- Speech Jeremy Corbyn’s victory speech as Labour leader (12 September 2015).
- [I promise to tackle] grotesque levels of inequality in our society
- Jeremy Corbyn wins Labour leadership contest and vows 'fightback', BBC News (12 September 2015).
- So I thought my first Prime Ministers Question time I'd do in a slightly different way and I'm sure the Prime Minister's going to absolutely welcome this as he welcomed this idea in 2005 but something has seemed to have happened to his memory during that period. So I sent out an email to thousands of people and asked them what questions they would like to put to the Prime Minister, and I received forty thousand replies.
- Speech Jeremy Corbyn makes his debut as leader of the opposition (16 September 2015).
- I am opposed to the use of nuclear weapons. I am opposed to the holding of nuclear weapons. I want to see a nuclear-free world. I believe it is possible. I do not think we should be renewing Trident... I think we should be promoting an international nuclear weapons convention which would lead to a nuclear-free world.
- Jeremy Corbyn row after 'I'd not fire nuclear weapons' comment, BBC News (30 September 2015).
- at the moment we're campaigning because we want this sense of unity across Europe
- Jeremy Corbyn defends Labour's EU campaign BBC News (8 March 2016).
- [It is] perfectly possible to be critical [of EU shortcomings] and still be convinced we need to remain a member
- In quotes: Jeremy Corbyn and the EU referendum, BBC News (14 April 2016).
- [The Maastricht Treaty] takes away from national parliaments the power to set economic policy and hands it over to an unelected set of bankers who will impose the economic policies of price stability, deflation and high unemployment throughout the European Community
- In quotes: Jeremy Corbyn and the EU referendum, BBC News (14 April 2016).
- Labour is clear that we should remain in the EU. But we too want to see reform,
- In quotes: Jeremy Corbyn and the EU referendum, BBC News (14 April 2016).
- We welcome them [foreign doctors], we work with them and we're proud of what they do
- Labour's Tom Watson: EU free movement rules must change BBC News (14 June 2016).
- We want to defend the very many gains made by trade unions across Europe that have brought us better working conditions - longer holidays, less discrimination and maternity and paternity leave
- Labour's Tom Watson: EU free movement rules must change BBC News (14 June 2016).
- We believe a leave vote will put many of those things seriously and immediately at risk. We also want to extend those rights and we best extend those rights by working with trade unions, labour parties and socialist parties all across Europe in the interest of the working people all across the continent.
- Labour's Tom Watson: EU free movement rules must change BBC News (14 June 2016).
- The British people have made their decision. We must respect that result and Article 50 has to be invoked now so that we negotiate an exit from European Union. Obviously there has to be strategy but the whole point of the referendum was that the public would be asked their opinion. They've given their opinion. It is up for parliament to now act on that opinion.
- Corbyn: "Article 50 has to be invoked now" LabourList (24 June 2016).
- The 2016 United Kingdom European Union membership referendum was held on 23 June 2016 with a vote to leave the European Union by 52% to 48%.
- I was democratically elected leader of our party for a new kind of politics by 60% of Labour members and supporters, and I will not betray them by resigning. Today's vote by MPs has no constitutional legitimacy. We are a democratic party, with a clear constitution. Our people need Labour Party members, trade unionists and MPs to unite behind my leadership at a critical time for our country.
- "Labour MPs pass no-confidence motion in Jeremy Corbyn", BBC News (28 June 2016).
- Corbyn lost a vote of confidence in the Parliamentary Labour Party by 172 to 40 MPs.
- Our economy is fragile so we must begin to rebuild it. Our duty now is to move forward in a calm and conciliatory manner to build a new relationship with Europe and build a Britain that works for everyone in every part of this country.
- David Cameron to Jeremy Corbyn: For heaven's sake, go BBC News (29 June 2016).
- There’s a lot of debate about what’s happening in the Labour party at the present time. And I am inundated with questions, questions, questions all the time. And I have patience that is infinite to answer questions, questions, questions. But one I got today really did puzzle me. They said: are you coping with the pressure that’s on you? I said: 'There’s no pressure on me. None whatsoever.' The real pressure, the real pressure – real pressure – is when you don’t have enough money to feed your kids, when you don’t have a roof over your head, when you are wondering if you are going to be cared for. ... [The rise in homeless under the Conservative government] People tell me that Labour will be more appealing when it starts talking about these sorts of things and starts talking about something else. Let me just say this one moral point: if you are well housed and have a reasonable job and are kind of doing ok, is anyone actually comfortable stepping over a homeless person in the street in the doorstep outside your home?”
- Speech at the Durham Miner's Gala during the Labour Party (UK) leadership election, 2016 (9 July 2016).
- I talk to people in the Muslim community, I talk to people in mosques, I talk to people in churches, I talk to people that go to synagogues, all kinds of different faiths and different groups. I think what Prevent has often done is seen to target the Muslim community, not anybody else, looks to say there is a kind of suspicion over the whole community and it's actually often counter-productive.
- Prevent anti-terror scheme must change, says Jeremy Corbyn, BBC News (26 March 2017).
- It's 2017. This sexism must be consigned to history. Shame on the Daily Mail.
- Daily Mail's 'Who won Legs-it!' headline draws scorn BBC News (28 March 2017).
- If you do what you believe in, you’re strong. It’s when you don’t do what you believe in that you’re weak. And we are strong.
- I'll never forget what Jeremy Corbyn whispered in my ear at a campaign event last week, article by Harriet Williamson, in The Independent (16 May 2017).
- The manifesto makes it very clear that the Labour Party has come to a decision and is committed to Trident. We're also going to look at the real security needs of this country on other areas such as cyber security, which I think the attack on our NHS last week proved there needs to be some serious re-examination of our defences against those kind of attacks.
- Corbyn: Labour is committed to renewing Trident BBC News (20 May 2017).
- If we didn't have migrant workers either from outside Europe or within Europe working in our National Health Service... it would be in an even worse state than it is at the present time.
- Election 2017: Corbyn says 'no false promises' on immigration BBC News (31 May 2017).
- Rent controls exist in many cities across the world. And I want our cities to have those powers too and tenants to have those protections.
- Jeremy Corbyn: We are the political mainstream now, BBC News (27 September 2017).
- The technology of the digital age should empower us both as workers and consumers, allowing us to co-operate on a scale in a way that wasn't possible in the past
- Jeremy Corbyn: Let workers control robots, BBC News (14 October 2017).
- Some were extremely irresponsible in what they did and said, but we have to recognise it was the largest participation of people in an electoral process ever in Britain and they chose to leave.
- Jeremy Corbyn: We'll probably gain power next year BBC News (19 December 2017).
- We have had a referendum which came to a decision. The negotiations are still ongoing, albeit well behind schedule, and we've set out the kind of relationship we want to have with Europe in the future.
- Brexit: SNP calls on Labour to keep UK in single market BBC News (28 December 2017).
- [Labour is] not supporting or calling for a second referendum
- Jeremy Corbyn: I'm not calling for second EU referendum, BBC News (14 January 2018).
- [Labour will be] looking for a Brexit that puts the working people first
- Jeremy Corbyn backs permanent customs union after Brexit, BBC News (26 February 2018).
- Labour would seek a final deal that gives full access to European markets and maintains the benefits of the single market and the customs union
- Jeremy Corbyn backs permanent customs union after Brexit, BBC News (26 February 2018).
- We have long argued that a customs union is a viable option for the final deal. So Labour would seek to negotiate a new comprehensive UK-EU customs union to ensure that there are no tariffs with Europe and to help avoid any need for a hard border in Northern Ireland.
- Jeremy Corbyn backs permanent customs union after Brexit, BBC News (26 February 2018).
- If the government believes it is still a possibility that Russia negligently lost control of a military-grade nerve agent, what action is being taken through the OPCW (Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons) with our allies?
- How has she responded to the Russian Government's request for a sample of the agent used in Salisbury attack to run its own tests?
Has high-resolution trace analysis been run on a sample of the nerve agent and has that revealed any evidence as to the location of its production or the identity of its perpetrators?
And can the Prime Minister update the House on what conversations, if any, she has had with the Russian Government?- "Russia statement: Jeremy Corbyn questions why nerve agent samples haven't been sent to Moscow?" The Independent (14 March 2018)
- Speaking after prime minister Theresa May announced in the House of Commons the expulsion of 30 Russian diplomats following the poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal in Salisbury.
- A worker, a carpenter from Nazareth, Jesus spent his life challenging the status quo, reaching out to the most vulnerable in society and bringing a message of hope. These values, Christian values, were integral to the founding of the Labour Party. Jesus was a radical who taught us how to live when some of us have so much and others have so little. Nothing sums up his radical beliefs better than when he said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” In the Labour Party, we want to transform society so there are no longer some people who have obscene incomes and privilege while others go hungry and without a home to call their own.
- 'Jesus was a radical': Read and watch Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May's 2018 Easter messages in full, Daily Mirror (1 April 2018).
- The best defence for Britain is a government actively engaged in seeking political solutions to the world's problems
- Has Jeremy Corbyn ever supported a war?, BBC News (17 April 2018).
- [The civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo has] probably claimed more lives than any other conflict since the Second World War
- Has Jeremy Corbyn ever supported a war?, BBC News (17 April 2018).
- Let me be clear, Labour will not support any Brexit deal that includes the return of a hard border to this island.
- Labour would be neutral in any border poll - Jeremy Corbyn, BBC News (24 May 2018).
- An open border is a symbol of peace, two communities living and working together after years of conflict, communities who no longer feel that their traditions are under threat,
- Labour would be neutral in any border poll - Jeremy Corbyn, BBC News (24 May 2018).
- When it comes to Brexit, this government has delivered more delays and more cancellations than Northern Rail.
- Jeremy Corbyn: Brexit 'shambles like Northern Rail', BBC News (6 June 2018).
- We are asserting our right to demonstrate, our right to free speech.
- Jeremy Corbyn: It's not Trump's business who's PM, BBC News (13 July 2018).
- For the last 40 years... we've been told that it's good - advanced even - for our country to manufacture less and less and rely instead on cheap labour abroad to produce imports, while we focus on the City of London and the finance sector. A lack of support for manufacturing industry is sucking the dynamism out of our economy, pay from the pockets of our workers and any hope of secure, well-paid jobs from a generation of young people.
- Jeremy Corbyn: Bring manufacturing 'back to Britain', BBC News (24 July 2018).
- people who dish out anti-Semitic poison need to understand: you do not do it in my name
- Anti-Semites don't speak for me, says Jeremy Corbyn, BBC News (4 August 2018).
- I was present when it was laid. I don't think I was actually involved in it. I was there because I wanted to see a fitting memorial to everyone who has died in every terrorist incident everywhere because we have to end it. You cannot pursue peace by a cycle of violence. The only way you pursue peace is a cycle of dialogue.
- Jeremy Corbyn 'wreath laying' attacked by Israeli PM, BBC News (14 August 2018).
- He did withdraw it later on, he has been suspended from membership, there will be an independent investigation - independent of me that is - so I can't comment any further. There's no place whatsoever for anti-Semitisim in our party or anywhere in our society and our whole process is to ensure it doesn't happen.
- Jeremy Corbyn condemns ex-Labour MP's comments in anti-Semitism row, BBC News (20 August 2018) – a reference to comments made by former Labour MP Jim Sheridan
- I are very concerned, however, to make sure there can be open and proper debate about Israel and its foreign policy, and about the future for Palestinian people. Hence there has to be that space for debate, you cannot shut that down. But it can never, ever be conducted in an anti-Semitic way.
- Jeremy Corbyn condemns ex-Labour MP's comments in anti-Semitism row, BBC News (20 August 2018).
- I described those pro-Israel activists as Zionists, in the accurate political sense and not as a euphemism for Jewish people - and that is made clear in the rest of my speech that day. I am now more careful with how I might use the term 'Zionist' because a once self-identifying political term has been increasingly hijacked by anti-Semites as code for Jews.
- Jeremy Corbyn defends 'British Zionist' comments, BBC News (25 August 2018).
- Crashing out of Europe with no deal risks being a national disaster.
- Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn meets Michel Barnier for 'useful' talks, BBC News (27 September 2018).
- The government is trying to run down the clock in an attempt to blackmail this House and the country into supporting a botched deal
- Brexit: PM 'working to get further EU assurances' BBC News (7 January 2019).
- The government must remove clearly, once and for all, the prospect of the catastrophe of a no-deal exit from the EU and all the chaos that would come as a result of that
- May's government survives no-confidence vote BBC News (16 January 2019).
- Take no-deal off the table now please prime minister.
- Brexit: Rule out no-deal, Jeremy Corbyn tells Theresa May BBC News (17 January 2019).
- [I will] work with MPs across the Commons to prevent no deal, break the deadlock and build support for our alternative plan
- Brexit: MPs to have vote by 12 March, says May BBC News (24 February 2019).
- One way or another, we will do everything in our power to prevent no deal and oppose a damaging Tory Brexit based on Theresa May's overwhelmingly rejected deal. That's why, in line with our conference policy, we are committed to also putting forward or supporting an amendment in favour of a public vote to prevent a damaging Tory Brexit being forced on the country.
- Labour prepared to back new Brexit referendum BBC News (25 February 2019).
- This government's shambolic handling of Brexit is compounding years of damaging austerity.
- Prime Minister's Questions: The key bits and the verdict BBC News (27 February 2019).
- I am reaching out to all groups in Parliament to try and prevent a no-deal Brexit which I think would be very damaging
- Brexit: Jeremy Corbyn 'reaches out' to Tory MPs over Norway plan, BBC News (6 March 2019).
- Theresa May should not be rolling out the red carpet for a state visit to honour a president who rips up vital international treaties, backs climate change denial and uses racist and misogynist rhetoric. Maintaining an important relationship with the United States does not require the pomp and ceremony of a state visit. It is disappointing that the prime minister has again opted to kowtow to this US administration. I would welcome a meeting with President Trump to discuss all matters of interest.
- Trump state visit: Corbyn boycotts Buckingham Palace banquet, BBC News (26 April 2019).
- Equal pay for equal work is hardly a controversial idea, so why are we discriminating against young people? You don't get a discount at the shops for being under 18. But if the person serving you on the other side of the counter is young, they could be on half the wage of their colleagues. It's time to end this discrimination. Young people's work should be properly valued, not exploited by employers to cut their wage bill. If they're doing the job, pay them the wage - the real living wage.
- Labour pledges £10 minimum wage for under-18s, BBC News (11 May 2019).
- Racism divides, exploitation of minorities divides, exploitation of minorities brings about hatred
- Trump state visit: US president turns down meeting with 'negative' Corbyn, BBC News (4 June 2019).
- I have already made the case... that it is now right to demand that any deal is put to a public vote
- Brexit: Labour MPs urge Corbyn not to go 'full Remain' BBC News (19 June 2019).
- [I will campaign for Remain to stop] no deal or a damaging Tory Brexit
- Jeremy Corbyn: Labour is 'party of choice' on Brexit BBC News (9 July 2019).
- What we need is a government that is prepared to negotiate with the European Union so we don't have a crash-out on the 31st
- Brexit: Tory MP Oliver Letwin rejects Corbyn as caretaker PM BBC News (17 August 2019).
- [the leaked report made it] crystal clear how bad things will get [if the UK leaves without a deal on 31 October].
- Boris Johnson: UK 'will be ready' for no-deal Brexit BBC News (19 August 2019).
- What we've said is, if it's no deal or Remain, we'll campaign for Remain.
- Jeremy Corbyn refuses to echo allies' Brexit position BBC News (20 August 2019).
- [No-deal Brexit] won't return sovereignty, it will put us at the mercy of Trump and the big US corporations dying to get their teeth into our NHS, sound the death knell for our steel industry and strip back our food standards and animal welfare protections.
- Brexit: Corbyn meets opposition MPs to discuss plan to stop no deal BBC News (27 August 2019).
- Suspending Parliament is not acceptable, it is not on. What the prime minister is doing is a smash and grab on our democracy to force through a no deal,
- Parliament suspension: Queen approves PM's plan BBC News (28 August 2019).
- Boris Johnson's pursuit of a no-deal Brexit will be a disaster for the whole country. He is putting at risk Scottish jobs in manufacturing, food processing and service industries. His intention to suspend Parliament shows he is also a threat to our democracy. The best way to defeat Johnson is sticking together, electing a Labour government and allowing it to get on with sorting the Tory Brexit nightmare and introducing policies that will see transformative investment in Scotland's people, communities and public services. Scottish independence is not the answer to Johnson. Independence will only further prolong and intensify austerity and create more instability and chaos.
- Labour leader would delay not block Indyref2 BBC News (29 August 2019).
- No way do you take us out without a deal.
- Parliament suspension: Thousands protest across the UK BBC News (31 August 2019).
- [My first priority is to] bring the country back from the brink [and do everything possible to prevent no deal]
- Corbyn wants an election despite warning from Tony Blair BBC News (2 September 2019).
- I think the important thing is to stop a no-deal exit and let the people of this country decide their own future.
- Brexit: Boris Johnson faces showdown in Parliament BBC News (3 September 2019).
- There is no majority to leave without a deal within the country
- Brexit: Boris Johnson defeated as MPs take control BBC News (4 September 2019).
- The British people must have a chance to decide the end of this process. We've had a referendum in 2016, we've had all the debate and we now have a PM trying to take us over a cliff-edge in a few weeks' time. That's entirely wrong. That's why I did all I could to work with opposition parties to legislate to ensure that he had to negotiate an extension.
- Jeremy Corbyn 'daunted' by prospect of becoming prime minister BBC News (19 September 2019).
- [Andrew Neil]: Let me ask you this. Is it antisemitic to say Rothschild’s Zionists run Israel and world governments?
JC: In the Chakrabarti report we asked that people did not use comparisons about conspiracies, not use ...
AN: Is that antisemitic?
JC: ... because in the belief of Shami, and I support her on this in that report, that can be constructed as being an antisemitic statement and therefore – and therefore should not be –
AN: Right, but let’s just get it clear. I asked you – I gave you a specific quote. Are the words "Rothschild’s Zionists run Israel and world government’. Is that antisemitic?
JC: It should not be used and it is.
AN: But you can’t say it’s antisemitic?
JC: Look, I just said that it should not be used.- Interview during the 2019 United Kingdom general election campaign, as cited in David Aaronovitch "No apology? This was worse" The Jewish Chronicle (27 November 2019)
- Shami Chakrabarti chaired the Chakrabarti Inquiry into Antisemitism in the UK Labour Party published at the end of June 2016.
- I recently had dinner at a friend’s house where the number of guests eventually exceeded five. I understand that remaining at the dinner was a breach of the rule of six. I apologise for my mistake
- Jeremy Corbyn and Stanley Johnson apologise for Covid breaches The Guardian (1 October 2020).
- One antisemite is one too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media.
That combination hurt Jewish people and must never be repeated. My sincere hope is that relations with Jewish communities can be rebuilt and those fears overcome. While I do not accept all of its findings, I trust its recommendations will be swiftly implemented to help move on from this period.- Statement on Facebook following the report of the Equality and Human Rights Commission into antisemitism in the Lanour Party, cited in "Jeremy Corbyn rejects overall findings of EHRC report on antisemitism in Labour" The Guardian (29 October 2020). Corbyn was suspended from the Labour Party "for a failure to retract" his words, see report from BBC News (29 October 2020).
- Julian Assange has paid a very, very, very high price for his lifelong determination to expose the truth. Why? Is it because he has... the belief that by exposing the truth, you can save lives, you can stop wars, and you can make sure that democracies function properly by holding all public officials, elected or unelected, to public account?... His information exposed the dishonesty surrounding the claims on Iraq. His information exposed the dishonesty of the continuing reporting of Iraq after 2003 with hidden information about the numbers of people that had died from "friendly fire" in Iraq, but also the dangers to all journalists, to everyone who believes in free speech, of the concept of the embedded journalist, embedded on an aircraft carrier, sent into a barracks or whatever else, to produce reports... to the liking of the military... Those of us who want to live in a peaceful world,... are here because we want to support Julian Assange in the bravery that he’s shown and the price that he’s already paid for that bravery of ensuring that the whole world knows the truth about it.
- [Linking criticism over antisemitism to his stance on the Middle East] I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that my clearly stated support for the right of Palestinian people to be able to live in peace free from occupation, free from being under siege as in Gaza, and for those living in refugee camps … played a factor in all this. Benjamin Netanyahu couldn't wait to condemn me for my support for the Palestinian people.
- Interviewed by Al Mayadeen (Beirut), quoted in Heather Stewart "Jeremy Corbyn urges west to stop arming Ukraine" The Guardian (2 August 2022)
- Netanyahu in 2018 said Corbyn deserved "unequivocal condemnation" for a wreath laying in Tunisia four years earlier; the precise details of what had occurred were in dispute.
- I don't support any attacks, therefore I criticise them all.
- On the October 2023 Gaza−Israel conflict which Hamas directly initiated on 7 October, as cited in "Jeremy Corbyn refuses to condemn Hamas after militant group carries out deadly attack on Israel", The Independent (9 October 2023)
- If we understand terrorism to describe the indiscriminate killing of civilians, in breach of international law, then of course Hamas is a terrorist group.
The targeting of hospitals, refugee camps and so-called safe zones by the Israeli army are acts of terror too; and the killing of more than 11,000 people, half of whom are children, cannot possibly be understood as acts of self-defence.
We should not entertain questions from those who have no interest in applying this basic consistency.- From an article in Tribune, as cited in "Jeremy Corbyn calls Hamas ‘terrorist group’ after previous demurral", The Guardian website (18 November 2023)
About Corbyn
- Quotes in this section are in chronological order.
- There was a strange aftertaste to many of the calls for grand social reform in 2020. As the coronavirus crisis overtook us, the left wing on both sides of the Atlantic, at least that part that had been fired up Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders, was going down to defeat. The promise of a radicalized and reenergized left, organized around the idea of the Green New Deal, seemed to dissipate amidst the pandemic. It fell to governments mainly of the center and the right to meet the crisis. They were a strange assortment. Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Donald Trump in the United States experimented with denial. For them climate skepticism and virus skepticism went hand in hand. In Mexico, the notionally left-wing government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador also pursued a maverick path, refusing to take drastic action. Nationalist strongmen like Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, Narendra Modi in India, Vladimir Putin in Russia, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey did not deny the virus, but relied on their patriotic appeal and bullying tactics to see them through. It was the managerial centrist types who were under most pressure. Figures like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the United States, or Sebastián Piñera in Chile, or Cyril Ramaphosa in South Africa, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, and their ilk in Europe. They accepted the science. Denial was not an option. They were desperate to demonstrate that they were better than the 'populists.' To meet the crisis, very middle-of-the-road politicians ended up doing very radical things. Most of it was improvisation and compromise, but insofar as they managed to put a programmatic gloss on their responses—whether in the form of the EU's Next Generation program or Biden's Build Back Better program in 2020—it came from the repertoire of green modernization, sustainable development, and the Green New Deal.
- Adam Tooze, Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World Economy (2021)
Antisemitism crisis
- In a 2005 essay, Mr [Paul] Eisen detailed his support for a jailed German Holocaust denier; "rehumanised" Adolf Hitler; and insisted being a Holocaust denier was an "entirely honourable thing".
His claims prompted a number of DYR [Deir Yassin Remembered] directors to withdraw from the group. In 2007, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) cut its links with DYR over its anti-Semitism although Mr Corbyn, himself a patron of PSC, attended at least one further event in 2013 organised by Mr Eisen and Mrs Kaffash.
They had been publicly exposed as – or else admitted to being – Holocaust deniers prior to Mr Corbyn's decision to denounce DYR. Tracked down by The Telegraph, Mrs Kaffash, 78, a co-organiser of its annual event commemorating an alleged massacre of Arabs at Deir Yassin in 1948, said: "Jeremy was a stalwart of DYR... a very important supporter. You can rely on Jeremy. He came to this house and sat in that chair."
She claimed to The Telegraph that in her view: "He could not not know what Paul's views were. Or mine."
Asked about her views of the Holocaust, Mrs Kaffash, who denies being anti-Semitic, said: “I don’t think there is evidence gas chambers were used to exterminate Jews. I don’t think there is evidence of a policy of extermination."- Robert Mendick "Jeremy Corbyn's 10-year association with group which denies the Holocaust", The Telegraph (20 May 2017)
- Corbyn was interviewed by Channel 4 News in August 2015: "I have no contact now whatsoever with Paul Eisen and Deir Yassin Remembered. I did attend a number of events concerning Deir Yassin Remembered some years ago, I think two or three of them." He also said: "Fifteen years ago [Eisen] was not a Holocaust denier [...] Had he been a Holocaust denier, I would have had absolutely nothing to do with him. I was moved by the plight of people who had lost their village in Deir Yassin. [...] Holocaust denial is vile and wrong. The Holocaust was the most vile part of our history. The Jewish people killed by the Nazi Holocaust were the people who suffered the most in the 20th century." The Jewish Chronicle had queried his association with Eisen and others.
- Hizbollah commits terrorist atrocities against Jews, but Corbyn calls them his friends and attends pro-Hizbollah rallies in London. Exactly the same goes for Hamas. Raed Salah says Jews kill Christian children to drink their blood. Corbyn opposes his extradition and invites him for tea at the House of Commons. These are not the only cases. He is repeatedly found alongside people with blatantly antisemitic views, but claims never to hear or read them.
- "Open Letter to Jeremy Corbyn", Jewish Leadership Council and the Board of Deputies of British Jews (no date)
- According to the Community Security Trust, the letter was dated 26 March 2018.
- I'm furious with people who respond to these points by huffing that criticism of Israel, by Corbyn or anyone on the left, does not make one antisemitic, even though Israel had nothing to do with any of Corbyn's antisemitic encounters; and I'm furious with people who imply a little antisemitism is a price worth paying to achieve Corbyn’s socialist society. I'm furious with people who spent all of last week reading Russian runes into an image of Corbyn's hat on Newsnight, and this week insist they can't see anything antisemitic about a blatantly antisemitic mural. Most of all, I am furious with people for insisting there is nothing to see here, when we all know that if a Tory or Ukip politician had done half of the things Corbyn has done, these same people would be insisting they be put in the stocks. The hypocrisy takes the breath away.
- Hadley Freeman "Why did I protest against Corbyn? Look at his long list of evasions", The Guardian (27 March 2018)
- The stain and shame of antisemitism has coursed through her majesty’s opposition since Jeremy Corbyn became leader in 2015.
- [Our joint editorial results from] the existential threat to Jewish life in this country that would be posed by a Jeremy Corbyn-led government.
- Editorial carried by The Jewish Chronicle, Jewish News and Jewish Telegraph, as cited by Kevin Rawlinson and Pippa Crerar in "Jewish newspapers claim Corbyn poses 'existential threat'" The Guardian (26 July 2018)
- Jewish organisations know full well that vilifying Corbyn as an antisemite would drastically reduce his appeal, as antisemitism resonates only among assorted antediluvians, troglodytes, and fruitcakes. In other words, the irrefutable proof that Corbyn’s pursuers don't believe a word they're saying is that by labelling him an antisemite they hope and expect to isolate him. However, as the accusation is manifestly a red herring, it's also possible that the current hysteria will pass most people by entirely, not because they are unconcerned by antisemitism but because it hardly occurs to them as an issue at all. If the controversy has an effect it will be restricted to exacerbating divisions in the Labour leadership and perhaps also adding to a more general perception that the stories promoted by mainstream media are fake news.
- Norman G. Finkelstein in a Verso blog entry dated 21 August 2018, reprinted in "The Chimera of British Antisemitism (And How Not to Fight It If It Were Real)" in Anti-Semitism and the Labour Party (ed: Jamie Stern-Weiner) London: Verso, 2019, p. 47
- Jeremy Corbyn is leading the Labour Party into a dark place of ugly conspiracy theories and it has become a home for overt antisemites and antisemitism.
In 2018, Labour is not only a party with extravagant levels of tolerance for antisemitism but one which deliberately obstructs measures to counter hatred and punishes those who speak out against it.
Jeremy Corbyn needs to lead Labour out of this deep abyss and urgently demonstrate to the world Labour can return to being an anti-racist Party.- Marie van der Zyl, President of the Board of Deputies, as quoted in "Board: Corbyn 'leading Labour into a dark place of ugly conspiracy theories'" The Jewish Chronicle (30 July 2018)
- Corbyn had appeared on Press TV in 2012 (see above) indicating his suspicion "the hand of Israel" was involved in terrorists murdering 16 Egyptian policemen.
- They wouldn't set up camps or anything like that. But the tenor of public life would be unbearable because the very people who are the enemy of Jews, as it were, the anti-Semites, will be empowered by having their allies in government. There is a fear, a real fear of that.
- Stephen Pollard, then editor of The Jewish Chronicle, explains the joint editorial published by British Jewish newspapers on July 25 2018, as quoted in "Jeremy Corbyn’s Anti-Semitism Crisis" The New Yorker (12 August 2018)
- Corbyn is not antisemitic. Not a fibre, not an atom, not a molecule of his mind or body could be so described. That is the Goebellian lie.
- George Galloway on Sky News, cited in "George Galloway says news outlets discussing Labour antisemitism use Nazi tactics" The Jewish Chronicle (20 February 2019)
- Word of advice to #JeremyCorbyn - if #BorisJohnson delivers #Brexit, Labour will be crushed anyway. If the Tories flunk it, you'll be in power anyway. So just expel all these pro-Zionist traitors and at least have a clean, radical party.
- Nick Griffin tweet (27 June 2019), as cited in "Far-right Griffin encourages Corbyn to 'expel all these pro-Zionist traitors'", The Jewish Chronicle (28 June 2019).
- Griffin was responding to a Daily Mail article on the MP Chris Williamson who was (briefly) readmitted to the Labour party after being suspended from membership. Griffin is the former chairman and president of the British National Party, a far-right organisation.
- The way in which the leadership has dealt with anti-Jewish racism is incompatible with the British values of which we are so proud — of dignity and respect for all people. It has left many decent Labour members both Jewish and non-Jewish, ashamed of what has transpired.
The claims that the party is "doing everything" it reasonably can to tackle anti-Jewish racism and that it has "investigated every single case", are a mendacious fiction.- Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis "What will become of Jews in Britain if Labour forms the next government?", The Times (25 November 2019).
- [O]n he goes, glibly, hearing nothing he does not want to hear, and seeing nothing he does not want to see: a god in tiny rooms.
- Tanya Gold "Wish a final farewell to Jeremy Corbyn, the god of tiny rooms" The Jewish Chronicle (4 April 2023)
- Corbyn had been formally barred by the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party from standing as a Labour candidate at the next general election.
- At this moment of grave danger, we simply cannot allow the party to flounder, become utterly irrelevant to the political debate and disintegrate into a second-rate pressure group. Make no mistake — unless we listen to our voters, our party faces political oblivion.
- Margaret Hodge as quoted in "Inside account of Labour MPs’ attacks on Jeremy Corbyn", Politico (27 June 2016)
- The vote of confidence in Corbyn (which he lost by a large margin, see above), was in progress.
- Mr Corbyn and his supporters treat as a triumph the fact that he lost a general election by less than was expected by us pundits.
- Oliver Kamm "Labour’s Stalinist behaviour taints a once-great party" The Times (13 September 2017)
Foreign policies
- I like Corbyn’s foreign policy, above all. I know he’s elected for some other reasons, for like giving free bingo games or what – I don’t know, in England, you’re crazy – but talking about foreign policy, he understands more than any other western politician what it takes now to save the world, including the changes in the world.
- Oliver Stone "Oliver Stone on Vladimir Putin: 'The Russian people have never been better off'" The Guardian (13 June 2017)
- [P]ressed in a BBC interview to condemn IRA terrorism, Mr Corbyn five times evaded the question.
- Oliver Kamm "Corbyn's deplorable allies", The Jewish Chronicle (20 August 2015)
- He has long lived in a milieu where it is de rigueur to acclaim the Irish Republican Army as freedom fighters (not a popular view in much of working-class England and Scotland, where many families have sons and cousins who served in the army in Northern Ireland).
- Geoffrey Wheatcroft "Bad Company", The New York Review of Books (28 June 2018)
Skripal poisonings (March 2018)
- Corbyn's Labour Party did not lose the 2019 general election because of the Salisbury poisonings alone—but they were a critical moment that embedded the image of Corbyn as weak and foolish.
This was driven almost entirely by Corbyn and his team, not by the Labour Party as a whole. Throughout the affair, Corbyn seemed more determined to protect Putin's reputation than British citizens. The most humiliating moment for the Labour Party would come at Corbyn’s hands, as he stood in Parliament and demanded the prime minister explain whether she had complied with Moscow’s ludicrous request to be sent a sample of the Novichok nerve agent used to poison the Skripals, so that, as he later clarified, "they can say categorically one way or the other" whether the Russian state-manufactured nerve agent used in the attempted assassination of a Russian ex-spy belonged to them.
The response from Labour’s own backbenchers to this staggering naiveté was so brutal that the deputy speaker was forced to intervene to ask them to stop shouting at their own leader.- Oz Katerji "How to Lose an Election on Foreign Policy" Foreign Policy (31 August 2020)
- We can't have both sides of the House shouting at the leader of the opposition!
- Eleanor Laing, deputy speaker of the House of Commons, in a debate (26 March 2018), cited in "Jeremy Corbyn's stance on Skripals was political poison at the polls" The Times (25 August 2020).
- From an extract of Gabriel Pogrund and Patrick Maguire Left Out: The Inside Story of Labour Under Corbyn (Vintage, 2020)
- The Salisbury attack is something we got wrong. When it happened, I thought, "Well, probably there’s Russians behind this, because of the use of novichok." I just thought it was Russian gangsters — some business interests, and so forth. I didn't think the Russian state was behind it. And we were wrong. The evidence that's emerged since is overwhelming. We misread that. I still think that the line Jeremy was trying to follow, which is, "Get the evidence first and then state sanctions, and so on, rather than the other way around," is a defensible position. You don't run into saying "This is Putin’s responsibility" when you haven't produced the evidence of it. In fact, this evidence has now been produced. Had we known then what we know now, we'd have taken a different view, I think. We just didn't think the Russian state would be so stupid and brazen as to do something like that — to carry out a poisoning attack on British soil. I know, given the Litvinenko precedent perhaps we should have done but that never really got sorted out so clearly . . . Up until then we'd still ha[d] a quiescent PLP. We were doing all right in the polls. That started bringing all the doubts about Jeremy and the leader’s office to the surface again.
- Andrew Murray, cited in "Jeremy Corbyn's stance on Skripals was political poison at the polls" The Times (25 August 2020).
- From an extract of Gabriel Pogrund and Patrick Maguire Left Out: The Inside Story of Labour Under Corbyn (Vintage, 2020)