Jair Bolsonaro in 2018
Jair Messias Bolsonaro (born March 21, 1955) is a Brazilian politician and former military officer. He was elected President of Brazil in 2018 and took office on January 1, 2019. After the October 2022 elections, he was defeated by Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (known as Lula) who became president-elect.
- I support a dictatorship.
- At the Chamber of Deputies on 24 June 1993. Conversations/Jair Bolsonaro; A Soldier Turned Politician Wants To Give Brazil Back to Army Rule. The News York Times (25 July 1993).
- I sympathize with Fujimori. Fujimorization is the way out for Brazil.
- Conversations/Jair Bolsonaro; A Soldier Turned Politician Wants To Give Brazil Back to Army Rule. The News York Times (25 July 1993).
- The Military Police should have killed 1,000 rather than 111 prisoners in the Carandiru massacre.
- Coronel Ubiratan deve perder a imunidade. Folha de S.Paulo (3 October 1997).
- I want to show my revolt with the mainstream media, somewhat servile, which strongly criticized the Military School of Porto Alegre just because nine out of 84 students decided to choose between Count Dracula, Hercules, Nostradamus, Queen Catherine, Attila - only FHC was missing -, Hitler as the most admired historical personality. If they had elected FHC, they would logically be electing the father of the most corrupt government in the history of Brazil, because he does not admit that any denunciation of corruption is cleared by this House. He is not an example for youth. A serious school, with the Military School of Porto Alegre, in order to have quality, must have freedom of expression. It should be reiterated that the students - most of them are minors - pay for this magazine, so they are free to write whatever they want. We must respect this youth that begins, from these debates and this matter in the press, to prepare to be, in the future. At the same time, I would like to criticize the Army's Social Communication Center, which announced that it will be aware of the magazine. These boys, among many others, are the children of the military and are really lacking in order and discipline in this country. While our President of the Republic does not give an example of this, they have to elect those who knew, in one way or another, to impose order and discipline, although, as the young student of the Military School who has not been to the Preparatory School of Army Cadets, named Roberto Dias Torres Júnior, we also disagree with the atrocities committed by Adolf Hitler.
- At the Chamber of Deputies on 21 January 1998. Bolsonaro já defendeu estudantes que admiravam Hitler. Confira. Congresso em Foco (20 January 2020).
- I'm in favor of torture. You know that. And the people are too.
- At the program Câmera Aberta at Band on 23 May 1999. O dia que Bolsonaro quis matar FHC, sonegar impostos e declarar guerra civil. Gazeta do Povo (10 October 2017).
- Through the vote, you'll change nothing in this country. Nothing, absolutely nothing. We'll only get change, unfortunately, when we go into a civil war here someday and do a work the military regime didn't do, killing as much as thirty thousand people, starting with FHC. It's all right if some innocent people die. Innocent people die in many wars.
- Referring to the then-president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) at the program Câmera Aberta at Band on 23 May 1999. O dia que Bolsonaro quis matar FHC, sonegar impostos e declarar guerra civil. Gazeta do Povo (10 October 2017).
- There is no doubt. I would launch a coup on the same day. [Congress] doesn't work and I'm sure that at least 90% of the population would applaud. Congress nowadays does nothing; it votes only for what the president wants. If he's who rules, who decides and who gloats above the Congress, then let the coup be launched, let it be a dictatorship.
- At the program Câmera Aberta at Band on 23 May 1999 about what he would do on the first day as president of Brazil. O dia que Bolsonaro quis matar FHC, sonegar impostos e declarar guerra civil. Gazeta do Povo (10 October 2017).
- It's my advice and I do it: I evade all the taxes I can.
- At the program Câmera Aberta at Band on 23 May 1999. O dia que Bolsonaro quis matar FHC, sonegar impostos e declarar guerra civil. Gazeta do Povo (10 October 2017).
- I can't even go to Paraguay with my salary.
- At the program Câmera Aberta at Band on 23 May 1999. O dia que Bolsonaro quis matar FHC, sonegar impostos e declarar guerra civil. Gazeta do Povo (10 October 2017).
- He's a hope to Latin America and I would like if that philosophy came to Brazil. I think he's unique. I intend to go to Venezuela and to try to meet him. I want to pass a week there and to try to schedule an audience. I think he'll do what the militaries did in Brazil in 1964, with much more strength. I just hope the opposition doesn't go into a guerrilla warfare like they did here.
- About Hugo Chávez. "É uma esperança para a AL". O Estado de S. Paulo (4 September 1999).
- I never hit my ex-wife. But many times I wanted to shoot her.
- "Eu defendo a tortura". IstoÉ Gente (14 February 2000).

Simulation of torture by pau-de-arara.
- I defend torture. A drug dealer who acts on the streets against our children must to be immediately put on a pau-de-arara. There would be no human rights in this case. There would be pau-de-arara, beating. The same thing for kidnappers. The guy must be broken to open his mouth.
- "Eu defendo a tortura". IstoÉ Gente (14 February 2000).
- I think execution by firing squad is even an honorable thing to certain people.
- Referring to the then-president Fernando Henrique Cardoso. "Eu defendo a tortura". IstoÉ Gente (14 February 2000).
- I will not fight against it nor discriminate, but if I see two men kissing on the street, I'll beat them up.
- Apoio de FHC à união gay causa protestos. Folha de S.Paulo (19 May 2002).
- I would never rape you, because you don't deserve it.
- To federal deputy Maria do Rosário at the Chamber of Deputies in November 2003. Brazil’s Trump?. US News (19 January 2017).
- Competence? It's a problem for each deputy. If I want to hire a prostitute for my office, I'll hire her. If I want to hire my mother, I'll hire her. It'll be my problem.
- About the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution that would ban nepotism in public sectors. Câmara discute nesta terça projeto que proíbe nepotismo nos três Poderes. Gazeta do Povo (5 March 2007).
- The only mistake of the dictatorship was torturing and not killing.
- Militares protestam no Rio contra possibilidade de revisão da Lei de Anistia. Agência Brasil (7 August 2008).
- Those that look for bones are dogs.
- Poster against relatives of people forcibly disappeared during the military dictatorship. Cartaz contra desaparecidos do Araguaia irrita deputados. Estadão (28 May 2009).
- If one's son begins acting kind of gay, then when he is spanked he'll change his behavior.
- At the program Participação Popular on TV Câmara on 17 November 2010. Deputado federal defende na TV agressões físicas para mudar "filho gayzinho". Folha de S.Paulo (25 November 2010).
- Preta, I’m not going to discuss promiscuity with anyone. I don't run that risk because my children are well educated and they don't live in a promiscuous environment such as is, unfortunately, yours.
- Responding to the singer Preta Gil after asked about what he would do if his son fell in love with a black woman on 28 March 2011 in an interview to the program CQC on Band. Brazil presidential candidate Bolsonaro's most controversial quotes. Yahoo!, 29 September 2018.
- I wouldn't enter an airplane flown by a quota pilot or accept to be operated by a quota doctor.
- Referring to the recent adoption of racial and socioeconomic affirmative action in universities. Interview to the program CQC on Band. Bolsonaro diz na TV que seus filhos não 'correm risco' de namorar negras ou virar gays porque foram 'muito bem educados'; O Globo (29 March 2011).
- I would beat him. You can be sure of that. If acting with energy is torturing, he'll be tortured.
- About if one of his sons used drugs, in an interview to the program CQC on Band. Bolsonaro diz na TV que seus filhos não 'correm risco' de namorar negras ou virar gays porque foram 'muito bem educados'; O Globo (29 March 2011).
- I'm a victim of prejudice against heterosexuals.
- Na Câmara, Bolsonaro se diz vítima de preconceito por ser heterossexual. G1 (27 April 2011).
- It's a mess. The next steps are the adoption of children and the legalization of pedophilia.
- After same-sex marriage being legalized by the Supreme Federal Court. Bolsonaro: "Próximo passo é legalizar pedofilia", diz sobre decisão do STF. Jornal do Brasil (5 May 2011).
- Not right, [but] far-right.
- About his political ideology. "A minoria tem que se curvar". O Tempo (22 May 2011).
- PSOL is party of dicks and faggots. I will respond to the senator with toilet paper.
- After senator Marinor Brito (Socialism and Liberty Party — PSOL) asked for an investigation into Bolsonaro in 2011. The Most Misogynistic, Hateful Elected Official in the Democacratic World: Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. The Intercept (11 December 2014).
- I would be incapable of loving a gay son. I will not be a hypocrite. I would prefer a son of mine dying in an accident than being seen around with some moustached guy.
- Inverview to Playboy magazine in 2011. Conservative’s Star Rises in Brazil as Polarizing Views Tap Into Discontent. The New York Times (7 May 2016).
- Admit your love for homosexuals.
- To president Dilma Rousseff, about the School without Homophobia project, at the Chamber of Deputies on 24 November 2011. The Most Misogynistic, Hateful Elected Official in the Democacratic World: Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. The Intercept (11 December 2014).
- Yes, I’m homophobic – and very proud of it.
- Interview in 2013. Brazil’s fearful LGBT community prepares for a ‘proud homophobe’. The Guardian (27 October 2018).
- Congressmen should not take the bus.
- 'Parlamentar não deve andar de ônibus', diz deputado Jair Bolsonaro. O Dia (12 August 2013).
- This case is all about creating a public sob story. There is no homophobic behaviour in Brazil. Those who die, 90% of homosexual deaths, they die in drug related situations, in prostitution, or even killed by their own partners. I went into battle with the gays because the government proposed anti-homophobia classes for the junior grades, but that would actively stimulate homosexuality in children from 6 years old. This is not normal.
- About the kidnapping and murder of the teenager Alexandre Ivo by skinheads in 2010, in an interview to Stephen Fry in October 2013. Jair Bolsonaro provoca polêmica em documentário do ator Stephen Fry sobre homofobia. Veja SP (23 October 2013).
- Your culture is different to ours. We're not ready for all this in Brazil because no father would ever take pride in having a gay son. Pride? Happiness? Celebrating if his son turns out gay? No way. Look, you have to have some sort of moral compass bearing in your life. They want to reach our children in order to turn the children into gay adults to satisfy their sexuality in the future. So these are the fundamentalist homosexual groups that are trying to take over society.
- Interview to Stephen Fry in October 2013. Jair Bolsonaro provoca polêmica em documentário do ator Stephen Fry sobre homofobia. Veja SP (23 October 2013).
- To not like is not the same as to hate. You don't like the Taliban, do you? We Brazilian people don't like homosexuals, but we don't persecute and hunt homosexuals.
- Interview to Stephen Fry in October 2013. Jair Bolsonaro provoca polêmica em documentário do ator Stephen Fry sobre homofobia. Veja SP (23 October 2013).
- We even have a gay pride march and we're thinking of having a heterosexual pride also. You'll not be invited.
- Interview to Stephen Fry in October 2013. Jair Bolsonaro provoca polêmica em documentário do ator Stephen Fry sobre homofobia. Veja SP (23 October 2013).
- Brazilian prisons are wonderful places ... they’re places for people to pay for their sins, not live the life of Reilly in a spa. Those who rape, kidnap and kill are going there to suffer, not attend a holiday camp.
- In February 2014. Who is Jair Bolsonaro? Brazil's far-right president in his own words. The Guardian (29 October 2018).
- Are we obliged to give these bastards [criminals] a good life? They spend their whole lives fucking us and those of us who work have to give them a good life in prison. They should fuck themselves, full stop. That’s it, dammit!
- On 11 February 2014. A única coisa boa do Maranhão é o presídio de Pedrinhas, diz Bolsonaro. UOL (11 February 2014); Who is Jair Bolsonaro? Brazil's far-right president in his own words. The Guardian (29 October 2018).
- Are [gays] demigods? ... Just because someone has sex with his excretory organ, it doesn’t make him better than anyone else.
- On 11 February 2014. A única coisa boa do Maranhão é o presídio de Pedrinhas, diz Bolsonaro. UOL (11 February 2014).
- You're an idiot. [...] You are an illiterate. [...] You're censored. [...] You're an ignorant. [...] I don't give a shit about you.
- Responding to the reporter Manuela Borges after asked about the 1964 coup d'état denial on 1 April 2014. Câmara suspende sessão sobre golpe militar após tumulto no plenário. G1 (1 April 2014); Jair Bolsonaro se irrita e chama jornalista de “analfabeta” e “idiota”; assista. Veja SP (4 April 2014)
- I would not rape you. You don’t merit that. Stay here to hear this!
- To federal deputy Maria do Rosário at the Chamber of Deputies on 9 December 2014. The Most Misogynistic, Hateful Elected Official in the Democacratic World: Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. The Intercept (11 December 2014).
- She doesn't deserve it [to be raped] because she's very bad, because she's very ugly. She's not my type, I'd never rape her. I'm not a rapist, but if I was, I wouldn't rape her because she doesn't deserve it.
- In an interview with Zero Hora newspaper on 10 December 2014, about federal deputy Maria do Rosário. Brazil presidential candidate Bolsonaro's most controversial quotes. Yahoo!, 29 September 2018.
- It saddens me to see the entrepreneurial world in Brazil, because it's a misfortune to be a boss in our country, with so many labor laws. [...] Between a man and a young woman, what will the entrepreneur think? 'Damn, this woman's got a ring on her finger, she'll be pregnant soon, she'll be on maternity leave for six months...' [...] Who's going to pay the bill? The employer. In the end it's deducted from social security but he says "the work rhythm is broken. And when she returns, she'll take a month-long vacation. In the end, she works five months in one year." [...] I'm a liberal. If I want to hire you at my company paying you R$ 2,000.00 a month and Ms. Mary paying her R$ 1,500.00, and if Ms. Mary doesn't want to earn that amount, she must look for another job! If you think you also are not earning so much, look for another job. It is I who am paying you; I am the boss.
- In an interview with Zero Hora newspaper on 10 December 2014. Brazil presidential candidate Bolsonaro's most controversial quotes. Yahoo!, 29 September 2018.
- The day of losers.
- About the United Nation’s International Human Rights Day. The Most Misogynistic, Hateful Elected Official in the Democacratic World: Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. The Intercept (11 December 2014).
- If you want a baby so badly, why don’t you go and rent a woman’s belly? Don’t worry, soon homosexuals will be able to have a uterus implanted in them and then you can have a baby.
- The Most Misogynistic, Hateful Elected Official in the Democacratic World: Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. The Intercept (11 December 2014).
- The scum of the world is arriving in Brazil, as if we didn’t have enough problems to solve.
- About Senegalese, Haitians, Iranians, Bolivians and Syrians in an interview to Jornal Opção on 17 September 2015. Conservative’s Star Rises in Brazil as Polarizing Views Tap Into Discontent. The New York Times (7 May 2016).
- I wouldn't hire them [women] with the same salary. But there are many women who are competent.
- About equal pay for women. Bolsonaro diz que não pagaria a mulheres o mesmo salário dos homens. RedeTV! (15 February 2016).
- If I were a cadet in the Agulhas Negras Military Academy and saw you on the street I would whistle at you.
- Interview to Ellen Page in March 2016. "Você foge a normalidade", diz Jair Bolsonaro a Ellen Page. O Povo (11 March 2016).
- Over time, due to liberal habit, drugs, women also working, the number of homosexuals has really increased. I also tend to say if your son starts hanging out with certain people with a certain behavior, he'll adopt that sort of behavior. He'll think it's normal.
- Interview to Ellen Page in March 2016. "Você foge a normalidade", diz Jair Bolsonaro a Ellen Page. O Povo (11 March 2016).
- I think you're, pardon me, escaping normality. We have to have a north here. You're close to, with all due respect, the absurd theory. Even you with your partner, right?, won't make children. If you'll have one it will depend on something donated by us, heteros, us, men.
- Interview to Ellen Page in March 2016. "Você foge a normalidade", diz Jair Bolsonaro a Ellen Page. O Povo (11 March 2016).
- They lost in 1964, and now they have lost in 2016. [...] To the memory of Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, the dread of Dilma Rousseff.
- Referring to Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, accused of torture and killing during the military dictatorship, while voting for Rousseff's impeachment on 17 April 2016. Rousseff taunt opens old wounds of dictatorship era's torture in Brazil. The Guardian (19 April 2016).
- This idea of oh poor little black person, oh poor little poor person, oh poor little woman, oh poor little indigenous person, everybody's a poor little something!
- Interview to Vice. Meet Brazil's Donald Trump: He's Deliberately Outrageous and He Wants to Be President. Vice (27 April 2016).
- I don't regret anything.
- About insulting Maria do Rosário in an interview to Vice. Meet Brazil's Donald Trump: He's Deliberately Outrageous and He Wants to Be President. Vice (27 April 2016).
- Since we are a Christian country, God above all. This history of a secular state doesn't exist, no. The state is Christian and the minority that is against it can leave. Let's make a country for majority! The minority must bow to the majority. Law must exist to defend the majority! The minority suits itself [to the law] or just disappears.
- At Campina Grande Airport on 8 February 2018. Brazil presidential candidate Bolsonaro's most controversial quotes. Yahoo!, 29 September 2018.
- I was at a quilombo. The slightest afrodescendant weighed 7 arrobas [230 pounds]. They don't do anything. I don't think they even serve for procreation anymore.
- Talk at Clube Hebraica in Rio de Janeiro, on 3 April 2017. Bolsonaro: “Quilombola não serve nem para procriar”. Congresso em Foco (5 April 2017).
- There will not be a centimeter demarcated for indigenous or quilombo reservations.
- Talk at Clube Hebraica in Rio de Janeiro, on 3 April 2017. Bolsonaro: “Quilombola não serve nem para procriar”. Congresso em Foco (5 April 2017).
- Has anyone ever seen any Japanese begging? It's a race that has self-respect.
- Talk at Clube Hebraica in Rio de Janeiro, on 3 April 2017. Bolsonaro: “Quilombola não serve nem para procriar”. Congresso em Foco (5 April 2017).
- I have five children. There were four men, on the fifth I got weak and a woman came out.
- Talk at Clube Hebraica in Rio de Janeiro, on 3 April 2017. Bolsonaro: “Quilombola não serve nem para procriar”. Congresso em Foco (5 April 2017).
- No father wants to come home and find his son playing with a doll because of the influence of his school.
- Inteview to the program Canal Livre on Band on 19 November 2017. A Trump-like politician in Brazil could snag the support of a powerful religious group: evangelicals. The Washington Post (28 November 2017).
- A policeman who doesn’t kill isn’t a policeman.
- Event hosted by Veja on 27 November 2017. 'Policial que não mata não é policial', diz Bolsonaro. Estadão (27 November 2017).
- I used that housing allowance money to fuck people. Are you satisfied? Because that's the answer you deserve.
- 'Tem que pegar o meu patrimônio. Esquece meus filhos', diz Bolsonaro. Folha de S.Paulo (11 January 2018).
- What debt [of slavery]? I never enslaved anyone in my life. Look, if you really look at history, the Portuguese didn’t even step foot in Africa. The blacks themselves turned over the slaves.
- In an interview on TV Cultura on 30 July 2018. Bolsonaro Says Black Brazilians Aren’t Owed Anything Over Slavery. Bloomberg (31 July 2018).
- With distance education, you help to combat Marxism.
- Bolsonaro propõe ensino a distância para combater marxismo e reduzir custos. Folha de S.Paulo (7 August 2018).
- Brazil above all, God above everyone.
- In the presidential debate held by TV Bandeirantes on 9 August 2018. Primeiro debate da eleição 2018 reúne 8 presidenciáveis por mais de 3 horas na TV. G1 (10 August 2018).
- If I'm president, I'll leave UN. That institution is of no use. It's an organization of communists, of people that don't have any commitment at least to South America.
- Bolsonaro diz que vai tirar Brasil da ONU se for eleito presidente. G1 (18 August 2018).
- Paul says: "Sell your cloak and buy a sword". This is in the Bible. The Bible is our tool box. When she [Marina Silva] says I was wrong while talking about armament, there is this passage in the Bible. That's because in that time there was no firearms, otherwise it certainly would be a .50 machine gun or a rifle.
- Misattributing to Paul a saying of Jesus (Luke 22:36). Bolsonaro diz que Bíblia prega armamento. O Globo (18 August 2018).
- Jesus Christ was not totally passive. He drove the money changers from the temple. If he had a firearm, he'd have used it.
- About the misattribution of the saying of Jesus to Paul. Bolsonaro diz que Bíblia prega armamento. O Globo (18 August 2018).
- With us [in office], there will be no such human rights politicking. These bandits will die, because we will not send resources from the government to them. Instead of peace, these NGOs do a disservice to our Brazil.
- At an event in Araçatuba on 23 August 2018. Bolsonaro diz que se eleito 'bandidagem vai morrer' porque União não repassará recursos para direitos humanos. G1 (23 August 2018).
- The Statute of the Child and Adolescent must to be ripped and thrown into a latrine. It is a stimulus to child vagabondage and rascality.
- About the law for protection of children and adolescents at an event in Araçatuba on 23 August 2018. Bolsonaro diz que ECA deve ser 'rasgado e jogado na latrina'. O Globo (23 August 2018).
- We will merge the [Ministry of] Agriculture and the [Ministry of] Environment so that no international NGO will continue to do activism with the Ministry of Environment.
- At a rally in São José do Rio Preto on 24 August 2018. Bolsonaro defende uso de força para impedir ocupações. O Globo (24 August 2018).
- So let’s respect the pedophile’s right to have sex with a 2-year-old?
- About the gay rights, in an interview to Time. Jair Bolsonaro Loves Trump, Hates Gay People and Admires Autocrats. He Could Be Brazil's Next President. Time (23 August 2018).
- We're going to shoot all the PT supporters in Acre.
- About the Workers' Party (PT) supporters, during a electoral meeting in the state of Acre on 1 September 2018. Brazil presidential candidate Bolsonaro's most controversial quotes. Yahoo! (29 September 2018).
- I cannot speak for the Armed Forces commanders, but from the support I see in the streets, I will not accept an election result that is not my own victory.
- In an interview with Band TV at a hospital on 28 September 2018. Brazil's Bolsonaro says he will not accept election result if he loses. Reuters (28 September 2018).
- We're going to put an end to all the activisms of Brazil.
- On 7 October 2018. Organizações repudiam fala de Bolsonaro contra ativismos. Valor (12 October 2018).
- I refuse any kind of support coming from supremacist groups. I recommend that, for coherence, they support the leftist candidate, who loves segregating society. Exploring that to influence an election in Brazil is a big silliness. That's ignorance about the Brazilian people, which is mixed.
- On 16 October 2018, about the support by the American white supremacist David Duke. 'Ele soa como nós': David Duke, ex-líder da Ku Klux Klan, elogia Bolsonaro, mas critica proximidade com Israel. BBC Brasil (16 October 2018).
- These red outlaws will be banished from our homeland. It will be a cleanup the likes of which has never been seen in Brazilian history.
- On 21 October 2018, about the political opponents. Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro threatens purge of leftwing 'outlaws'. The Guardian (22 October 2018).
- Hungary is a country that has suffered a lot with communism in the past, a people that knows what dictatorship is. The Brazilian people still do not know what dictatorship is, do not know what it is to suffer at the hands of these people.
- After phone talks with Hungary's prime minister, Viktor Orbán, on 19 November 2018. Jair Bolsonaro says Brazilians 'still don't know what dictatorship is'. The Guardian (20 November 2018).
- I was against our last immigration law [in 2017] which made Brazil a country without borders. We cannot allow the indiscriminate entry of all those who come here, only because they wanted to come.
- On 19 November 2018. Jair Bolsonaro says Brazilians 'still don't know what dictatorship is'. The Guardian (20 November 2018).
- If it doesn’t change, we quit. Why do we have to stay? It’s possibly dangerous for our sovereignty. Many are out, they didn’t sign it. Why would Brazil have to stay? To be politically correct? [...] We won’t be able to reforest an area the size of Rio de Janeiro.
- About the Paris Agreement, during a broadcast on social media on 12 December 2018. Bolsonaro says Brazil may “quit” Paris Agreement. Agência Brasil (13 December 2019).
- We’re all migrants in Brazil, but we can’t fling our doors open wide for [everybody] to just come. [...] To come here and marry 11-year-old children... […] We can’t tolerate certain types of people coming to Brazil and disrespecting our culture and our religion,
- During a broadcast on social media on 12 December 2018. Bolsonaro says Brazil may “quit” Paris Agreement. Agência Brasil (13 December 2019).
- We have a problem with a former adviser, who used to work for Flávio, atypical activities. [The adviser] will be heard next week. […] If there is something wrong with me or my son, let us pay the bill, but we’re not under investigation. It hurts our feelings, because we advocate the fiercest fight against corruption. And we’ll turn to COAF itself to fight it.
- About Fabrício Queiroz, former adviser of Flávio Bolsonaro, then state deputy and son of the president-elect, during a broadcast on social media on 12 December 2018. Bolsonaro says Brazil may “quit” Paris Agreement. Agência Brasil (13 December 2019).
- Less than a million people live in these places, isolated from true Brazil, exploited and manipulated by NGOs. Together we will integrate these citizens.
- On Twitter on 2 January 2019, about indigenous people. Brazil's Bolsonaro says he 'loves' the Amazon. But his policies are designed to wreak havoc on it. CNN (27 August 2019).
- Depending on what happens in the world, who knows if we would not need to discuss that question in the future.
- On 3 January 2019, about hosting a U.S. military base in Brazil. Brazil's Bolsonaro says he is open to hosting a U.S. military base. Reuters (3 January 2019)
- There’s an awareness in Brazil that the reforms are vital for the federal entities to continue operating. Brazil has to work out. If not, the Left will return and we won’t know Brazil’s destiny, maybe it’ll become more like the regime that we have in Venezuela.
- In Davos, in an interview published on 23 January 2019. Bolsonaro Says Brazil Must Reform or Become Next Venezuela. Bloomberg (23 January 2019).
- A country the size of Brazil can’t be held back by Mercosur to do trade with the rest of the world.
- In Davos, in an interview published on 23 January 2019. Bolsonaro Says Brazil Must Reform or Become Next Venezuela. Bloomberg (23 January 2019).
- If by chance he erred and it were proven, I regret it as a father, but he’ll have to pay the price for those actions we can’t accept.
- About allegations of financial irregularities involving his son and Senator-elect Flávio Bolsonaro, in Davos, in an interview published on 23 January 2019. Bolsonaro Says Brazil Must Reform or Become Next Venezuela. Bloomberg (23 January 2019).
- I don't feel comfortable showing it, but we have to expose the truth so the population can be aware and always set their priorities. This is what many street carnival groups have become in Brazil. Comment and draw your conclusions.
- On 5 March 2019, posting a tweet with an video which depicts a man urinating on another. Brazil's Bolsonaro tweets obscene video, draws fire. Al-Jazeera (6 March 2019).
- What is a golden shower?
- On Twitter, on 6 March 2019. Brazil's Bolsonaro tweets obscene video, draws fire. Al-Jazeera (6 March 2019).
- Democracy and liberty only exist when your armed forces want them to.
- At a naval event in Rio de Janeiro, on 7 March 2019. Brazil's Bolsonaro says democracy, liberty depend on military. Reuters (7 March 2019).
- I see stupid people saying: "Look at France, what a beautiful thing, a multiracial [soccer] team". Let's put here [in Brazil] 10 million people from Venezuela or from North Africa to be champions, maybe in 2022 or 2026. Cool, huh? Let's put 20 million in here, like they fiiled with Haitians here in São Paulo. In the plenary, a Workers' Party supporter shouted: 'If they were from Sweden, you wouldn't be criticizing'. Hey, stupid, do you think people from Sweden would want [to come to] this garbage?
- About immigrants. Bolsonaro levou aos Estados Unidos uma agenda de traição à Pátria, não de soberania. Por Joaquim de Carvalho. Diário do Centro do Mundo (17 March 2019).
- For the first time in a while, a pro-America Brazilian president arrives in DC. It’s the beginning of a partnership focused on liberty and prosperity, something that all of us Brazilians have long wished for. You have a president who is a friend of the United States who admires this beautiful country.
- On Twitter, on 17 March 2019. Bolsonaro chega a Washington e comemora proximidade com os EUA. Reuters, 17 March 2019.
- We do agree with President Trump’s decision or proposal on the wall. The vast majority of potential immigrants do not have good intentions. They do not intend to do the best or do good to the US people. I would very much like the US to uphold the current immigration policy, because to a large extent we owe our democracy in the southern hemisphere to the United States."
- In a Fox News interview on 18 March 2019. Bolsonaro backs Trump's border wall ahead of White House meeting. The Guardian (19 March 2019).
- I’m willing to open my heart up to him [Donald Trump] and do whatever is good, to the benefit of both the Brazilian and the American people.
- In a Fox News interview on 18 March 2019. Bolsonaro backs Trump's border wall ahead of White House meeting. The Guardian (19 March 2019).
- We want to have a great Brazil just like Trump wants to have a great America.
- In a speech to the Chamber of Commerce on 18 March 2019. Trump greets Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, says ‘strongly’ considering NATO privileges for Brazil. Fox News (19 March 2019).
- We can't do a deal in which some off the goals are unattainable. Brazil does not owe the world anything when it comes to environmental protection.
- In Chile, on 23 March 2019. Bolsonaro says Brazil owes world nothing on environment. France 24 (23 March 2019).
- There is no doubt. Socialist party, how is it? Germany’s National Socialist Party.
- Claiming that Nazism was a leftist movement, after visiting Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Israel, on 2 April 2019. Brazil’s president resurrects the zombie claim that Nazism was a leftist movement. The Washington Post (7 May 2019).
- We cannot allow Venezuela to become a new Cuba or North Korea.
- In an interview with Jovem Pan radio on 8 April 2019. Brazil's Bolsonaro says working with U.S. to sow 'dissent' in Venezuela army. Reuters (8 April 2019).
- We can forgive, but we cannot forget. That quote is mine. Those that forget their past are sentenced not to have a future.
- About the Holocaust, at a meeting with evangelical pastors in Rio de Janeiro, on 11 April 2019. Bolsonaro: Brazil will vote ‘in line’ with Israel, US at UN Human Rights Council. The Times of Israel (14 April 2019).
- [Brazil will no longer vote with] Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba, countries that have no appreciation for freedom.
- During a social media broadcast on 11 April 2019, about voting on the UN Human Rights Council. Brazils "Rigged" UN Vote Has Ended, Says Bolsonaro. Folha de S.Paulo (12 April 2019).
- Let’s talk about Renca. Renca is ours. Let’s use the riches that God gave us for the wellbeing of our population. You won’t get any trouble from the Environment Ministry, nor the Mines and Energy Ministry nor any other.
- In Amapá state, on 12 April 2019 saying that the National Reserve of Copper and Associates (Renca), in the Amazon rainforest, could be opened to mining. Bolsonaro says Brazil rainforest reserve may be opened to mining. Reuters (12 April 2019).
- The recent declarations of Olavo de Carvalho against members of the government of the Republic do not contribute to the unity of its forces and the proposed objectives of our government,
- Note read by the spokesperson, general Otávio Rêgo Barros, on 21 April 2019, about the writer Olavo de Carvalho. Bolsonaro Says that Olavos Criticism of Military Does "Not Contribute" to Government. Folha (23 April 2019).
- In Brazil, we have 1,000 penis amputations a year due to a lack of water and soap. We have to find a way to get out of the bottom of this hole.
- On 25 April 2019. Brazil's Bolsonaro shocked by high number of penis amputations. Reuters (25 April 2019).
- Anyone who wants to come here to have sex with a woman, feel free. But we can’t let this place become known as a gay tourism paradise. Brazil can’t be a country of the gay world, of gay tourism. We have families.
- In Brasília, on 25 April 2019. Fury as far-right president Bolsonaro says Brazil should not become ‘gay tourism paradise’. The Independent (26 April 2019).
- With such a CV I should not have even been elected as a municipal councilor. The people understood that an innocent was being shot at.
- In an interview to Luciana Gimenez broadcasted on 7 May 2019. Racism 'rare' in Brazil, says far right Bolsonaro. France 24 (8 May 2019).
- Racism is rare in Brazil. I'm fed up with this mania of always pitting blacks against whites, gays against heterosexuals. People say I'm homophobic, racist, fascist, xenophobic, but I won the election. [...] If I was racist, what would I have done on seeing a black fall into the water? I'd have folded my arms.
- In an interview to Luciana Gimenez broadcasted on 7 May 2019. Racism 'rare' in Brazil, says far right Bolsonaro. France 24 (8 May 2019).
- I promised this to him because he abandoned a 22-year career as a judge. I said: ‘The first opening on the Supreme Court is yours’. I promised to nominate Moro to the first opening seat of the Supreme Court, and if God wants, we will fulfill this agreement. I think that the entire country will be happy to have a man of this caliber on the Supreme Court. Obviously he will have to go before the Senate. I know that he does not lack the competence to be approved there, but a hearing is a technical part of the political process.
- In an interview with Milton Neves on Rádio Bandeirantes, on 12 May 2019, about nominating Sérgio Moro, Minister of Justice, to the Supreme Federal Court. Bolsonaro Says He Will Nominate Sergio Moro to the Supreme Court. Folha de S.Paulo (13 May 2019).
- Is it short there?
- To an Asian man at the Manaus International Airport on 15 May 2019. Bolsonaro faz piada com oriental: 'Tudo pequenininho aí?'; veja vídeo. Extra (15 May 2019).
- Doing justice? Who wants to get me? Come on top of me. They want to lift my bank secrecy; I know that they have to have a fact, but I will open my own bank records. They won't get me.
- About investigation into his son and senator Flávio Bolsonaro, in Dallas, on 16 May 2019. "They Can Come after Me, They Won't Find Anything", Bolsonaro Says about Investigation into Son Flávio. Folha (17 May 2019).
- Every time I touch a wound, an army of influential people turns against me.
- In a speech to businessmen in Rio de Janeiro, on 20 May 2019. Brazil's Bolsonaro says political class is an impediment. Reuters (20 May 2019).
- My pen is mightier than yours.
- To lower house Speaker Rodrigo Maia, on 28 May 2019. Democracy Bedevils Brazil’s President Bolsonaro. Bloomberg (1 July 2019).
- The state is secular, but we are Christians. We respect the majority and minority, but Brazil is a Christian country. With all due respect, the Federal Supreme Court typified homophobia as if it were racism. Is it not time for an evangelical Christian in the Supreme Court?
- On 13 June 2019. Bolsonaro Renews Call for Evangelical Christian on Brazilian Supreme Court. The Rio Times (14 June 2019).
- They’re turning me into the Queen of England.
- On 22 June 2019, about the Congress. Democracy Bedevils Brazil’s President Bolsonaro. Bloomberg (1 July 2019).
- Brazil can be an example for Germany even in the environment. Their industry continues to be fossil, largely coal, and ours no, so they have a lot to learn from us. We don't accept being treated like in the past.
- In Osaka, on 27 June 2019, on the eve of the G20 summit. Bolsonaro says Germany can learn 'a lot' from Brazil on environment. France 24 (27 June 2019).
- Look, working nine, ten years old at the farm, I was not harmed at all. When a nine-year-old, ten-year-old goes to work somewhere, it's full of people there. Now, when I'm smoking a crack pipe, nobody says anything. [...] But I want to say that I, my older brother, a sister of mine, a little younger, at that age, eight, nine, ten, twelve years, worked on the farm."
- In a live social media broadcast on 4 July 2019, defending child labor. Bolsonaro Defends Child Labor. Folha de S.Paulo (5 July 2019).
- How many attempt to leave us aside saying the state should be secular. The state is secular but we are Christians. Or, in the words of my dear Damares [minister of Family and Human Rights], we are terribly Christians. You know how families have suffered in previous administrations. You were decisive in the search for the tireless restoration of family values. [...] Of the two seats I can appoint a justice for, one will be terribly evangelical.
- While participating in a service with evangelical lawmakers in the lower house on 10 July 2019. Bolsonaro vows to appoint evangelical for top court. Agência Brasil (10 July 2019).
- [Such a nomination] is something on my radar. [...] My son Eduardo speaks English, he speaks Spanish. He’s travelled all over the world. He’s friends with Donald Trump’s children. My understanding is that he could be a qualified person and would be the perfect message to Washington.
- On 11 July 2019, about nominating his son Eduardo to be ambassador to the United States. Brazil’s Bolsonaro says he may nominate son as US ambassador. AP News (12 July 2019).
- Some people say that it is nepotism, but that’s for the Supreme Court to decide. It is not nepotism, I would never do that. It’s not up to me, it’s up to my son to accept and then he will be subject to Senate approval. Who do you want me to put in? Celso Amorim?
- On 12 July 2019, about nominating his son Eduardo to be ambassador to the United States. Brazil's Bolsonaro says nominating son as ambassador to U.S. is not nepotism. Reuters (12 July 2019).
- To say that hunger happens in Brazil is a big lie. People don't eat well and get sick. That I agree. Now go hungry, no. You do not see poor people on the streets with a skeletal physique, as we see in some other countries around the world. To say that there is hunger in Brazil is a populist discourse to try to win popular sympathy, nothing more than that.
- To foreign journalists on 19 July 2019. Bolsonaro Says Hunger in Brazil Is a Lie. Folha (22 July 2019); Bolsonaro says claims of hunger in Brazil 'a big lie'. France 24 (19 July 2019).
- What I’m trying to offer the worker is this: fewer rights and jobs, or all their rights and unemployment.
- On 21 July 2019. Brazil's Bolsonaro says government may cut worker protections to boost job creation. Reuters (21 July 2019).
- I was informed by the Federal Police and the Justice Ministry that my cell phones were invaded by the gang arrested on Tuesday, 23. A serious attempt against Brazil and its institutions. May they be harshly punished! Brazil is no longer land without law.
- On Twitter on 25 July 2019. Brazil: Bolsonaro says his phones were hacked amid fallout over leaked chats. The Guardian (25 July 2019).
- Trickster, trickster, to avoid such a problem, he marries another trickster and adopts a child in Brazil. That is the problem we have. He will not leave [...]. Maybe he will do jail time in Brazil, but he won't be kicked out.
- On 27 July 2019, about journalist Glenn Greenwald, co-founder of The Intercept investigative website which has published leaked chats showing Justice Minister Sérgio Moro conspired to keep former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva out of the 2018 presidential election. Brazil's Bolsonaro says Greenwald could 'do jail time'. France 24 (27 July 2019).
- These guys [criminals] are going to die in the streets like cockroaches – and that’s how it should be.
- On 2 August 2019, about proposed new laws which would shield from prosecution security forces and citizens who shoot alleged offenders. Jair Bolsonaro says criminals will 'die like cockroaches' under proposed new laws. The Guardian (6 August 2019).
- It’s enough to eat a little less. You talk about environmental pollution. It's enough to poop every other day. That will be better for the whole world.
- On 9 August 2019, about how to harmonize development with environmental protection. Brazil's Bolsonaro Says ‘Poop Every Other Day’ for Environment. teleSUR English (11 August 2019).
- We are going to put an end to poo in Brazil.
- About corrupt politicians and communists, on 14 August 2019. 'A second Trump': Bolsonaro's offensive rhetoric adds to Brazil's discomfort. The Guardian (19 August 2019).
- These people are buying Brazil in installments. This purchase in the past was also done by demarcating land. Brazil would only make deals overseas in exchange for forgoing its sovereignty, demarcating indigenous territories, expanding parks. It can’t go on like this. You can’t do anything in 61 percent of Brazil. In some places, if you want to produce, you can’t, because you can’t go on a straight line to export, or sell, you have to go on a huge curve to go around a quilombola community, an indigenous territory, an environmental reserve. They’re ruining the country. As long as I am president, no indigenous land will be demarcated. They own 14 percent of the national territory. Imagine the Southeast—an area larger than that is indigenous. Isn’t that enough? Yesterday, I was once again with a group of indigenous people, and they want freedom to work in their area; they don’t want to live in confinement, like prehistoric beings.
- On 16 August 2019. Bolsonaro says he will do no indigenous land demarcation. Agência Brasil (16 August 2019).
- I used to be called Captain Chainsaw, now I am Nero, setting the Amazon aflame.
- On 20 August 2019, joking about the Amazon rainforest wildfires. Bolsonaro says Brazil lacks resources to fight Amazon fires. Financial Times (22 August 2019).
- Maybe -- I am not affirming it -- these (NGO people) are carrying out some criminal actions to draw attention against me, against the government of Brazil. There is a war going on in the world against Brazil, an information war.
- On 21 August 2019, claiming that NGOs were starting the fires in the Amazon rainforest. Bolsonaro says Brazil lacks means to fight Amazon fires, backtracks on NGO accusations. France 24 (22 August 2019).
- It could be ranchers. Everyone is suspicious, but the biggest suspicion comes from NGOs. [I have] ho proof. NGOs have lost money... they are unemployed. What are they trying to do? Bring me down.
- On 22 August 2019, suggesting that NGOs were behind the fires in the Amazon rainforest. Bolsonaro says Brazil lacks resources to fight Amazon fires. Financial Times (22 August 2019).
- The Indians, do you want me to blame the Indians? Do you want me to blame the Martians?... Everyone is a suspect, but the biggest suspects are NGOs. Did I accuse NGOs directly? I just said I suspect them.
- On 22 August 2019, suggesting that NGOs were behind the fires in the Amazon rainforest. Amazon fires: Bolsonaro says Brazil cannot fight them. BBC News (22 August 2019).
- W e cannot accept that a President, Macron, issues inappropriate and gratuitous attacks against the Amazon, nor that he disguises his intentions behind an ‘alliance’ of the G-7 countries to ‘save’ the Amazon, as if it were a colony or no man’s land.
- On Twitter on 26 August 2019, about the G-7 donation of $22.2 million to help fight the fires in the Amazon. Brazil rejects G-7 Amazon aid citing its lack of involvement in decision to grant it. Washington Post (27 August 2019).
- A Compactor pen, instead of Bic, will do the job,
- About using a Brazilian brand of low-cost pens when signing official documents instead of using a French one, on 30 August 2019. Bolsonaro says he will stop using 'French' Bic pens after Macron criticism. Euronews (31 August 2019).
- My country has been on the verge of socialism, which has put us in a state of widespread corruption, serious economic recession, high criminality rates and unending attacks on the family and religious values that underpin our traditions.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- In 2013, an agreement between the Workers Party government and the Cuban dictatorship brought to Brazil 10 thousand physicians with no professional registration. They were prevented from bringing their spouses and children, had 75% of their wages confiscated by the regime and were denied basic freedoms, such as that of coming and going. True slave work, believe it... With the support of human rights agencies from both Brazil and the UN! Even before I took over, almost 90% of these physicians left Brazil due to unilateral action by the Cuban regime. Those that stayed on will undergo medical qualification in order to able to practice their profession. This is how our country stopped supporting the Cuban dictatorship, no longer sending Havana 300 million dollars every year. History shows that as early as the 1960s, Cuban agents were sent to several countries to help establish dictatorships.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- A few decades ago they tried to change the Brazilian regime and that of other Latin American countries. They have been defeated! Brazilian civilians and military were killed and many others had their reputation destroyed, but we won that war and safeguarded our liberty.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- These agents from the Cuban regime were also taken to Venezuela by Hugo Chávez. Today around 60 thousand of them control and interfere with every area of local society, especially in intelligence and defense. Venezuela, once a thriving and democratic country, undergoes today the cruelty of socialism. Socialism is working in Venezuela! Everyone is poor and has no freedom! Brazil also feels the impact from the Venezuelan dictatorship. A part of the 4 million people that escaped the country, fleeing hunger and violence, migrated to Brazil. We have done our part to help them through Operation Welcome, an operation conducted by the Brazilian Army that has gained world-wide acclaim. We have been working with other countries, including the United States, with a view to reestablishing democracy in Venezuela. We are also making a serious effort to ensure that no other South American country has to experience this nefarious regime. The Forum of São Paulo, a criminal organization established in 1990 by Fidel Castro, Lula and Hugo Chávez in order to spread and implement socialism in Latin America, remains alive and must be fought.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- Our Amazon rainforest is larger than Western Europe and it remains virtually untouched. This shows that we are one of the countries that protects the most its environment. This time of the year, dry weather and winds favor both spontaneous and criminal fires. It is also important to mention that indigenous and local populations also use fire as part of their culture and means of survival. All countries have their issues. However, the sensationalist attacks we have suffered from much of the international media due to the Amazon fires have aroused our patriotic sentiment. It is a misconception to state that the Amazon is a world heritage; and it is a misconception, as scientists attest, to say that our forest is the lung of the world. Resorting to these fallacies, some countries, instead of helping, have followed the lies of the media and behaved disrespectfully, with a colonialist spirit. They have questioned what is most sacred to us: our sovereignty! One of them, at the last G7 meeting, dared to suggest imposing sanctions against Brazil without even listening to us.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- Today, 14% of the Brazilian territory is demarcated as indigenous land, but we must understand that our natives are human beings, just like any of us. They want and deserve to enjoy the same rights as all of us. I want to make it clear: Brazil will not increase its already demarcated indigenous lands to 20%, as some Heads of State would like it to happen.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- The views of an indigenous leader does not represent that of all the Brazilian indigenous population. Often some of these leaders, such as Cacique Raoni, are used as a ploy by foreign governments in their information warfare to advance their interests in the Amazon.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- Unfortunately, some people, both inside and outside Brazil, with the support of NGOs, insist on treating and keeping our natives as cavemen. Brazil now has a President who cares about those who were there before the Portuguese arrived. Indigenous people do not want to be poor landowners on richlands – especially on the richest lands in the world. This is the case of the Ianomâmi and Raposa Serra do Sol reserves. In these reserves, there is plenty of gold, diamond, uranium, niobium and rare earths, among others. And these territories are huge! The Ianomâmi Reserve alone has approximately 95,000 km², the size of Portugal or Hungary, although only 15,000 indigenous live in the area.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- Mr Raoni’s monopoly has been brought to an end.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Bolsonaro highlights richness of Amazon forest in UN address. Agência Brasil (29 September 2019).
- This shows that those who attack us are not concerned with the indigenous human being, but with the mineral wealth and biodiversity in these areas. The United Nations has played a key role in overcoming colonialism and cannot accept this mentality to return to these halls and corridors under any pretext.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- We must not forget that the world needs to be fed. France and Germany, for example, use more than 50% of their territories for agriculture, while Brazil only uses 8% of its land for food production. 61% of our territory is preserved! Our policy is zero tolerance for crime, including environmental crimes. I reiterate that any initiative to help or support the preservation of the Amazon rainforest, or other biomes, must be treated in full respect of Brazilian sovereignty. We also reject attempts to instrumentalize environmental issues or indigenous policy in favor of foreign political and economic interests, especially those disguised as good intentions. We are ready to harness our full potential sustainably through partnerships and added value.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- Recently, socialist presidents that came before me embezzled hundreds of billions of dollars, corrupting part of our media and our Parliament, all for a project to attain absolute power. They were judged and punished thanks to the patriotism, perseverance and bravery of a judge who is an icon in my country: Dr. Sérgio Moro, our current Minister ofJustice and Public Security. These presidents also transferred a considerable amount of resources to other countries, aiming at promoting and implementing similar projects throughout our region. This funding source has dried up. The same authorities came here every year and made uncommitted statements about issues that never addressed the real interests of Brazil nor contributed to world stability. Despite that, they were praised.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- In my country, we had to do something about the nearly 70 thousand killings and countless violent crimes that annually tore apart the Brazilian population. Life is the most basic human right. Our policemen were the preferred target of crime. Only in 2017, around 400 policemen were brutally murdered. This is changing. Measures were implemented and we managed to cut murder rates in more than 20% in the first six months of my government. The seizure of cocaine and other drugs has reached a record high.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- Brazil is safer and more welcoming today. We have just extended visa exemptions to countries such as the United States, Japan, Australia and Canada, and we are currently considering the adoption of similar measures for China and India, among others. With more safety and convenience, we want everyone to be able to visit Brazil, and particularly our Amazon rainforest, with all its vastness and natural beauty. The Amazon is not being destroyed nor consumed by fire, as the media is falsely portraying. Each one of you may check what I am saying. Do not hesitate to visit Brazil. It is way different than the country portrayed in many newspapers and television shows.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- We also visited one of our great partners in the Southern Cone: Argentina. With President Mauricio Macri and our partners from Uruguay and Paraguay, we pushed ideology away from Mercosur. We also have been able to achieve important victories in terms of international trade, by successfully finalizing negotiations that had been going on for decades without a conclusion.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- Over the past few decades, we let ourselves be seduced by ideologies that sought not the truth, but absolute power. Ideology has settled in the domains of culture, education and communications, dominating the media, universities and schools. Ideology has invaded our homes and tried to dismantle what is the celula mater of any healthy society: the family. It has also tried to destroy the innocence of our children in an attempt to corrupt even their most basic and elementary identity: the biological one. “Political correctness” came to dominate the public debate, expelling rationality and replacing it with manipulation, recurring clichés and slogans. Ideology has invaded the human soul itself to reap it apart from God and from the dignity He has bestowed upon us. And with these methods, ideology has always left a trail of death, ignorance, and misery wherever it went. I am a living proof of this. I was cowardly knife-stabbed by a leftist militant and only survived by a miracle. Once again I thank God for my life. The United Nations can help us fight the materialistic and ideological environment that undermines some basic principles of human dignity. This Organization was created to promote peace between sovereign nations, as well as social progress with freedom, in accordance with the preamble of the UN Charter.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- When it comes to matters related to climate, democracy, human rights, to the equality of rights and duties between men and women, and many others, all we need to do is contemplate the truth, following John 8:32: - "An ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- We are not here to erase nationalities and overrule sovereignty in the name of an abstract “global interest”. This is not the Global Interest Organization! This is the United Nations Organization. And so it must remain!
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- With humility and confidence in the liberating power of truth, let me reassure you that you will be able to count on this new Brazil that I represent. Thank you all for the grace and glory of God! Thank you very much.
- Speech at the 74th UN General Assembly. Statement by Mr. Jair Messias Bolsonaro, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil. United Nations PaperSmart (24 September 2019).
- You teacher is a leftist? Tell her to read the book The Suffocated Truth. Just read it. There are facts, not the blah blah blah of the left.
- Telling students to read a book by Colonel Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, dictatorship-era torturer, in Brasília, on 30 September 2019. Bolsonaro tells students to read book by dictatorship-era torturer. The Guardian (30 September 2019).
- The interest in the Amazon isn't in the Indian or the fucking tree, it's in the mining. Raoni speaks for his village, speaks as a citizen, [but] doesn't speak for all the Indians, no. He's another one who lives drinking champagne in other countries out there. The world often criticizes the prospector. The cowardice that they do with the environment, as companies from various countries of the world do here in Brazil, no one touches the subject because the bribe, it seems, runs wild.
- To a group of mining prospectors in Brasília, 1 October 2019. Bolsonaro Says Foreign Interest in The Amazon Is Tied to Mining. Folha de S.Paulo (2 October 2019).
- I regret that the Brazilian press acts that way. All the time lying, distorting, defaming. Do you want to bring me down? I have hard leather; it's going to be hard. Keep lying.
- In Brasília, on 7 October 2019. Bolsonaro Says that News Coverage of His Administration Is Coward and Crooked. Folha de S.Paulo (8 October 2019).
- I am not going to allow the little flu to knock me down.
- Said about the Covid-19 pandemic, as quoted in "Bolsonaro Denies that He Called Covid-19 A "Little Flu", Folha de S.Paulo (March 2020)
- That's life. We're all going to die someday.
- Said about the Covid-19 pandemic, as quoted in "'A little flu': Brazil's Bolsonaro playing down coronavirus crisis", euronews (10 April 2020)
- So what? I'm sorry. What do you want me to do? My name's Messiah, but I can't work miracles.
- In Brasília, on 28 April 2020, after being told by reporters that Brazil had achieved a record 474 COVID-19-related deaths in a day. 'So what?': Bolsonaro shrugs off Brazil's rising coronavirus death toll. The Guardian (29 April 2020).
- For my track record as an athlete, if I was infected with the virus, I wouldn't have to worry.
- On national television about the request of health authorities asking people to isolate themselves at home to prevent the spread of the virus. As quoted in Bolsonaro: "For my track record as an athlete, if I was infected with the virus, I wouldn't have to worry" by Inês Pinto Miguel, 25 March 2020, Jornal Económico
- There is a lot of people in soccer that are favorable to a return because unemployment is knocking on clubs’ doors too. Footballers, if infected with the virus, have a small chance of dying. That's because of their physical state, because they are athletes. [...] The decision to restart soccer is not mine, but we can help.
- On restart the Brazilian football leagues, during an interview with Rádio Guaíba, 3 May 2020. As quoted Brazil’s president wants soccer to return amid pandemic (April 30, 2020) by Mauricio Savarese, Associated Press, and in Brazil's President Is Out With Another Super-Bad Coronavirus Take: Soccer Players Can't Die From It by Tim Hume, 3 May 2020, Vice
- I trust in hydroxychloroquine.
- I feel like punching you in your mouth, okay?
- In Brasília, on 23 August 2020, after being asked by a reporter from O Globo about alleged deposits made by a former aide of his son Flavio Bolsonaro (a senator), into a bank account supposedly belonging to his wife, first lady Michelle Bolsonaro. 'So what?': Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro threatens to punch reporter in the face. CNN (24 August 2020).
- In the Pfizer contract it's very clear: 'we're not responsible for any side effects.' If you turn into a crocodile, it's your problem.
- If you become superhuman, if a woman starts to grow a beard or if a man starts to speak with an effeminate voice, they will not have anything to do with it.
- "Brazil's Bolsonaro warns virus vaccine can turn people into 'crocodiles'", France24, 18 December 2020
- I had the best vaccine, it was the virus. No side effects.
- As quoted in "Bolsonaro Says the Best Vaccine for Covid-19 Is the Virus, which Has Killed More than 188,000 in The Country", Folha de S.Paulo (23 December 2020)
- Enough fussing and whining. How much longer will the crying go on?
- Said about the Covid-19 pandemic, as quoted in "Stop 'whining,' Bolsonaro tells Brazilians after record Covid deaths", NBSC News (5 March 2021)
- It is a new virus, nobody knows if it was born in the laboratory or by some human being [who] ingested an inappropriate animal. But it is there. The military knows that it is chemical, bacteriological, and radiological warfare. Are we not facing a new war? Which country has grown its GDP the most? I will not tell you.
- On 6 May 2021, suggesting that China benefited economically from the pandemic and that Covid might have been created in a laboratory. Folha (6 May 2021).
About Jair Bolsonaro
- That must rank amongst the strangest and most chilling encounters I've ever experienced. Bolsonaro is typical of homophobes I've met all over the world with their mantras that gays are out to take over society, recruit children or abuse them. Even in a progressive country like Brazil their lies create hysteria amongst the uneducated from which violence can grow that can end in brutal attacks like the one that killed Alexandre Ivo.
- Stephen Fry in October 2013. Jair Bolsonaro provoca polêmica em documentário do ator Stephen Fry sobre homofobia. Veja SP (23 October 2013).
- [...] Bolsonaro is a unique national disgrace. He has a long history of revolting racism, homophobia and other assorted forms of bigotry to be expected of an admirer of military dictatorship.
- The Most Misogynistic, Hateful Elected Official in the Democacratic World: Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. The Intercept (11 December 2014).
- A hateful man who perhaps more than any other person exemplifies the backward side of Brazil that is still a huge and tragically worrying presence in this great nation.
- Journalist Andrew Downie. The Most Misogynistic, Hateful Elected Official in the Democacratic World: Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro. The Intercept (11 December 2014).
- Lula defeated the racist, far right-wing incumbent President Jair Bolsonaro, an autocrat who made unrestrained Amazon deforestation and the elimination of protected indigenous zones a central pillar of his single-term in office...Bolsonaro has been called the “Tropical Trump,” and, like Donald Trump, refused to concede his election loss, claiming that “only God” could remove him from office.
- Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan "Brazil Has a New President, and a Renewed Chance to Save the Amazon" (January 5, 2023)
- these children are ready to deliver their moral verdict on the people and institutions who knew all about the dangerous, depleted world they would inherit and yet chose not to act. They know what they think of Donald Trump in the United States and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Scott Morrison in Australia and all the other leaders who torch the planet with defiant glee while denying science so basic that these kids could grasp it easily at age eight...
- Naomi Klein On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal (2019)
- A South American country, a cult leader, a drug and the deaths of thousands of fanatic followers may sound like the tragic story of the Jonestown Massacre. But these details could just as well serve as the introduction to another devastating chapter in Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro's administration, as he leads Brazil into chaos amid the coronavirus pandemic. The eerie parallels between the Rev. Jim Jones and Bolsonaro recall the old adage that history repeats itself — first as tragedy, then as farce.
- The mass suicide at Jonestown was the final episode of this tragic story — the end result of a personality cult around Jones, a paranoid narcissist. Jim Jones was enthralling, persuasive and power-hungry. He thrived on attention, adoration and adulation. He was equal parts bully and charmer. Such a description could be equally applicable to Jair Bolsonaro, who maintains the devotion of his base by engaging in inflammatory rhetoric, reactionary policies, and racist dog-whistles — a behavior that echoes a cult mentality.
- The similarities between Jones and Bolsonaro reside in their use of outlets to belittle, mock and bully their opponents. Bolsonaro constantly points new enemies to his fervent followers as a way to keep them united and motivated to fight for him. Anyone that criticizes or disagrees with Bolsonaro is considered an enemy, and every effort to shut them down is justified.
- Just before Jones decreed mass suicide, he told his followers to "stop these hysterics," using the same terminology that Bolsonaro invokes to assail preventive coronavirus measures. But instead of drinking cyanide-laced Flavor-Aid to stop the hysteria, Bolsonaro has been urging people to take hydroxychloroquine, a drug that hasn't been fully tested in treating COVID-19, and giving people a false impression of being contagion-safe so they can go back to work. As Brazil's COVID-19 death toll surpasses 600, Bolsonaro is doubling down on his manipulation tactics and motivates his followers to go out in the streets to protest against isolation measures. This brings his own "necropolitics" to a whole new level — in which his political actions are also centralized on the large scale production of the death of his own base — thus setting the stage for a tragedy greater than Jonestown.
- [...] it's devastating to know that someone with so much influence has such a disdain for the queer community.
- Ellen Page in March 2016. "Você foge a normalidade", diz Jair Bolsonaro a Ellen Page. O Povo (11 March 2016).
- Is this the world’s most repulsive politician?
- Jair Bolsonaro: Brazilian presidential pre-candidate is racist, sexist and homophobic. news.com.au (2 May 2016)
- Should democracy really have to coexist with someone who threatens it [...]? He uses his immunity to explicitly threaten ending democracy in the country while defending heinous crimes.
- Journalist Míriam Leitão on 18 April 2016. Conservative’s Star Rises in Brazil as Polarizing Views Tap Into Discontent. The New York Times (7 May 2016).
- It was in many ways a political marriage between the most radical evangelical and the most controversial militarist, who together hope to conceive a new generation of ultra-right governments. Bolsonaro brings backing from a wealthy Catholic elite to Feliciano’s grassroots campaign network of evangelical churches.
- The Guardian's editor Jonathan Watts. With Rousseff on the ropes, Brazil's far right sees an opening. The Guardian (5 May 2016).
- Such venomous statements might signal the end of a politician’s career in some places. But not in Brazil, where Mr. Bolsonaro’s rising national prominence reflects a veering to the right and growing vitriol as disillusionment with the political establishment grows.
- Correspondent for The New York Times Simon Romero. Conservative’s Star Rises in Brazil as Polarizing Views Tap Into Discontent. The New York Times (7 May 2016).
- There was a strange aftertaste to many of the calls for grand social reform in 2020. As the coronavirus crisis overtook us, the left wing on both sides of the Atlantic, at least that part that had been fired up Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders, was going down to defeat. The promise of a radicalized and reenergized left, organized around the idea of the Green New Deal, seemed to dissipate amidst the pandemic. It fell to governments mainly of the center and the right to meet the crisis. They were a strange assortment. Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Donald Trump in the United States experimented with denial. For them climate skepticism and virus skepticism went hand in hand. In Mexico, the notionally left-wing government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador also pursued a maverick path, refusing to take drastic action. Nationalist strongmen like Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines, Narendra Modi in India, Vladimir Putin in Russia, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey did not deny the virus, but relied on their patriotic appeal and bullying tactics to see them through. It was the managerial centrist types who were under most pressure. Figures like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer in the United States, or Sebastián Piñera in Chile, or Cyril Ramaphosa in South Africa, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Ursula von der Leyen, and their ilk in Europe. They accepted the science. Denial was not an option. They were desperate to demonstrate that they were better than the 'populists.' To meet the crisis, very middle-of-the-road politicians ended up doing very radical things. Most of it was improvisation and compromise, but insofar as they managed to put a programmatic gloss on their responses—whether in the form of the EU's Next Generation program or Biden's Build Back Better program in 2020—it came from the repertoire of green modernization, sustainable development, and the Green New Deal.
- Adam Tooze, Shutdown: How Covid Shook the World Economy (2021)
- His racist, misogynist and anti-gay statements have been so violently over-the-top that the comparison to Trump – whom Bolsonaro sees as a role model – is almost unfair to Trump. [...] Like Trump, his rise has had help from much of the Brazilian media; and like Trump, this is paradoxical because most of the big media outlets that have helped him don't like him at all.
- Mark Weisbrot, US News' Contributor. Brazil's Donald Trump?. US News (20 October 2017).
- Our common flag, as Muslims and Jews, is to bar any form of violence, prejudice and any other element that supports the fascist project of that man and his followers.
- Statement signed by Muslim and Jew communities from Brazil. Grupos de muçulmanos e judeus se unem em nota de repúdio a Bolsonaro. Época (5 October 2018).
- They also talked about the civil war, Columbus Day, and the awesome Jair Bolsonaro, the soon-to-be-elected Generalisimo of Brazil.
- American white supremacist David Duke on 9 October 2018, during his radio show. Dr Duke & Tom Kawczynski Celebrate the Exit of Ambassad(whore) Nikki Haley and Brazil’s Bolsonaro Brewing of Pro-White Revolution!. DavidDuke.com (9 October 2018).
- President Donald Trump has led a worldwide phenomenon that has emboldened other countries to elect bold populists as their national leaders. The most hardcore of them all may be Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, nicknamed “Trump of the Tropics,” renowned for his tough stances against cultural Marxism and societal degeneracy.
- Meeting of Titans: Trump and Bolsonaro to Hold Summit at White House, Big League Politics, March 9 2019
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