With the last release in 2013, the SliM project appears to be abandoned. Please consider a different display manager.
SLiM (Simple Login Manager) is [[Article description::a desktop-independent graphical display manager.]] Being fast and having only a few dependencies, it is a popular choice among users of lightweight window managers such as Openbox.
USE flags
USE flags for x11-misc/slim Simple Login Manager
Install x11-misc/slim:
root #
emerge --ask x11-misc/slim
Enable the
USE flag for x11-misc/slim if the slimlock command is needed for locking the screen.Configuration
Boot service
Set SLiM as the default display manager:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">DISPLAYMANAGER="slim"</syntaxhighlight>
To start SLiM on boot, add xdm to the default runlevel:
root #
rc-update add xdm default
To start SLiM now:
root #
/etc/init.d/xdm start
To start SLiM on boot:
root #
systemctl enable slim
To start SLiM now:
root #
systemctl start slim
Upstream-style configuration
Make this section look like this:
Modifying slim.conf# login_cmd exec /bin/sh - ~/.xinitrc %session login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session # login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /usr/share/slim/Xsession %session
Proceed to setup a window manager of choice that will be used as the default session.
Default configuration (no default session)
Most global configuration is done in the /etc/slim.conf file.
In the following paragraphs Awesome window manager is used as an example window manager.
By default, SLiM is configured to make all sessions in /etc/X11/Sessions/ accessible โ they can be cycled through by pressing the F1 key. This behavior is acquired by setting the options below:
Editing session behaviorlogin_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /usr/share/slim/Xsession %session ... sessiondir /etc/X11/Sessions
If no changes are made to /etc/X11/Sessions/ then users will need to press F1 while logging-in to select the desired session.
In following sections several methods of setting one session as the default are described.
Some window managers do not provide session file and therefore cannot be seen in /etc/X11/Sessions/ by SLiM. In that case use the second method of setting a default session for one user (using a custom ~/.xsession file), because neither global nor "per-user bundled session files" methods will work. You may also want to file a bug, asking a developer to add a session file to the ebuild.
Setting a global default session
Set a default session for all users of the computer by modifying the XSESSION variable. To do this, create and edit file /etc/env.d/90xsession file. The example below sets the Awesome window manager as the default session.
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">XSESSION="awesome"</syntaxhighlight>
After saving the file run env-update:
root #
Setting a default session for one user
Besides (or instead of) setting global default sessions, it is possible to let each user choose a default session.
There are three approaches to accomplishing the task:
- Use the SLiM session script (/usr/share/slim/Xsession) to trigger session script from /etc/X11/Sessions/
- Use the SLiM session script to trigger user-created session script
- Force users to set everything by themselves
The first and second possibilities are generally preferred. However, if for any reason you do not want to set any defaults, you may choose the third approach.
Per-user default session using bundled session files
The simplest way to set a default session for one user is to make a symbolic link from the session file to ~/.xsession
user $
ln -s /etc/X11/Sessions/awesome ~/.xsession
An alternative is to put session command in the ~/.xsession file:
You will only need to make sure the file is executable:
user $
chmod u+x ~/.xsession
Per-user default session using the customized ~/.xsession file
Sometimes you need to customize the launcher script, e.g. to run other programs before starting the window manager or to start a window manager with a customized command. The method above does not allow such modifications, but it can be achieved by using default session script (instead of the one provided by window manager) and launching WM through the ~/.xsession file.
To run your sessions this way, make sure you have no global default session set (or set it to XSESSION="custom"
in /etc/env.d/90xsession like described above). Then edit the ~/.xsession file located in the user's home directory, putting the window manager launcher at the end.
The file may look like this:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">#!/bin/sh # Run urxvt daemon urxvtd -q -o -f # Set xserver parameters xset s 0 xset dpms 0 0 1800 # Launch awesome exec /usr/bin/awesome</syntaxhighlight>
It might be helpful to look at the window manager session files in /etc/X11/Sessions/ to find how things are done.
By default SLiM evaluates /usr/share/slim/Xsession first, then /etc/X11/Sessions/Xsession, and ~/.xsession is called last, so there is no need to duplicate entries from that two previous files.
Finally, remember to make sure the file is executable:
user $
chmod u+x ~/.xsession
Per-user default session without using any default session files
If you do not like any defaults from /usr/share/slim/Xsession and /etc/X11/Sessions/Xsession, you can let your users set everything by themselves. It is generally not a good idea, but sometimes you may need it.
You must be sure that every user will know what he is expected to do and that he/she will have enough knowledge to create ~/.xinitrc by himself. For example, when configuring SLiM in this way, neither .Xresources nor .Xkbmap files are read by default and no errorfiles are created.
Start by editing /etc/slim.conf in the following way:
#login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login /usr/share/slim/Xsession %session login_cmd exec /bin/bash -login ~/.xinitrc %session ... #sessiondir /etc/X11/Sessions sessions awesome,i3
In the sessions line you may put the names of window managers you are planning to use.
Then create and edit ~/.xinitrc file, which may look as below:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">#!/bin/sh # # Custom xinitrc file for Gentoo DEFAULT_SESSION="awesome" # Redirect errors to a file in user's home directory if we can for errfile in "$HOME/.wm-errors" "${TMPDIR-/tmp}/wm-$USER" "/tmp/wm-$USER" do if ( cp /dev/null "$errfile" 2> /dev/null ) then chmod 600 "$errfile" exec > "$errfile" 2>&1 break fi done # Define Xresources userresources=$HOME/.Xresources # Merge what is available if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then xrdb -merge "$userresources" fi # Run urxvt daemon urxvtd -q -o -f # Set xserver parameters xset s 0 xset dpms 0 0 1800 # Start WM case $1 in awesome|i3) exec $1 ;; *) exec $DEFAULT_SESSION ;; esac</syntaxhighlight>
Finally make sure the file is executable:
user $
chmod u+x ~/.xinitrc
More tweaks
Theme selection
You can install the package x11-themes/slim-themes for having various nice-looking themes you can choose from.
Theme selection is done by changing the following line:
current_theme slim-gentoo-simple
You can easily find what themes are available on your system:
user $
ls /usr/share/slim/themes/
You can preview a theme by running the following command while Xorg is running:
user $
slim -p /usr/share/slim/themes/<theme name>
NumLock state on login
The NumLock key can be turned on or off by default:
numlock on
Change <USER>
in the example below to an appropriate user name:
default_user <USER> auto_login yes
Unlock keyrings
The following section will describe how to make SLiM automatically unlock different keychains automatically when you log in.
GNOME Keyring
First make sure you have gnome-base/gnome-keyring (include app-crypt/seahorse if you want a GUI). To configure SLiM to unlock your GNOME Keyring automatically you have to edit its PAM configuration file. To do so open /etc/pam.d/slim and modify it to look similar to the text below. Lines ending with comment #keyring
should be added.
auth include system-local-login auth optional #keyring account include system-local-login session include system-local-login session optional auto_start #keyring
Once this change has been made your keyring should be automatically unlocked next time you log in.
Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket
This error is caused when D-Bus hasn't been started. It is possible that it wasn't added to the default run level. To fix this type the following:
root #
rc-update add dbus default
This will ensure that D-Bus is running when you boot up your computer. It may be that this has already been added by other window manager, but I had to do this when using awesome WM.
SLiM starts but leaves a blank screen after login
This error is caused when SLiM is built with the consolekit
USE flag, and required alongside
root #
rc-update add xdm default
the use of
root #
rc-update add consolekit default
On fresh installs, slim starts but fails to load any sessions
In this error, slim will start and be responsive (you can type the username for example) but after the login no sessions will be loaded and you will get a blank screen. Pressing F1 to change the session will result in nothing. This can occur when dbus is not being loaded when the system starts. To add dbus to the default runlevel, use:
root #
rc-update add dbus default
See also
- SDDM โ a modern display manager that supports both the X11 server and the Wayland protocol.
- LightDM โ a cross-desktop display manager whose aim is to be the standard display manager for the X server.