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The Indrik
Location The Scholarium, Wing of the Indrik
Species Indrik
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
The Indrik

The Indrik is a Luminary of Magic associated with the Scholarium.

Related QuestsEdit


After the completion of the Wing of the Indrik you may talk to the Indrik in his wing at any time:

"I have enjoyed the peace, the solitude. But it warms my heart to hear footsteps echo through the Scholarium once again.
Ulfsild learned many lessons about power and its application here. I hope you, and your cohorts, do the same."

If spoken to while on the quest for the Dragon:

"The Dragon and I have spoken the most since Ulfsild took her leave. She thinks me pompous, talks in riddles, but it is time well spent, I think.
You have the strength to find the worth in her whorls of logic and thought, adventurer."

If spoken to while on the quest for the Netch:

"To live a mortal life is to carry a burdensome weight. The Netch understands that better than any of us, I think.
Its methods in making things lighter for your kind are whimsical, to be sure. But its calling is admirable."

If spoken to while on the quest for the Gryphon:

"The Gryphon sees power as a weapon, to be pointed at those that might harm the weak. I believe you will offer him insights, new avenues of thought. Especially with the aide of his little friend."

If spoken to after completing the Scribing questline:

"You have restored the altar. May you stride forward with an understanding of the power you wield.
Your magic will leave marks on this world. Whether they be scars or fingerprints remains to be seen."

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Second Era of ScribingEdit

As you are closing the Door of the Wing of the Indrik:

The Indrik: "Do you have the strength to seek me out?"

The Wing of the IndrikEdit

As you arrive at the Wing of the Indrik:

The Indrik: "It has been many long years since a mortal entered my domain. And now here you are, following in Ulfsild's footsteps."
The Indrik: "Welcome to my domain, adventurer. Bearer of my fable."

You can talk with him:

"I sense the power of the Scholarium within you. Your ink-stained hands have touched the altar's magic.
I sensed, too, when Ulfsild's essence faded from this realm. After all these years, do you hope to be her inheritor?"
I might be. I'm still new to this.
"I sense potential. You hunger for power. Much as Ulfsild did when she sought me out all those years ago. I will ask you the same question I asked her.
Do you deserve this power? The power to edit grimoires, to rewrite magic?"
Yes, absolutely.
"What confidence. You believe you have the wisdom to use my power? The power to maim or mend? To blast with flame or freeze with ice?
We shall see. First, my door must open once again. Place the fable you carry with you upon the dais."
I'm not sure.
"An honest answer, and wise. I offer the power to maim or mend. To blast with flame or freeze with ice. Such a gift is not taken lightly.
But first, my door must open once again. Place the fable you carry with you upon the dais."
"How curious. I offer you the power to maim or to mend. To blast with flame or freeze with ice. You would turn down such a gift?
We shall see. First, my door must open once again. Place the fable you carry with you upon the dais."

All answers lead to the following:

How will that open your door?
"A story is never just a story. It has the power to change, from within and without. The Fable of the Indrik acts as a symbolic connection, a commitment from me to you.
Place the book, and open the path."
I'll place the fable on the dais, then.

If you speak to him immediately after:

"You have many questions, I am sure. Place the fable on the dais to open the Scholarium door.
We will speak more, on power. Its meaning. And the art of Scribing."

After you put Ulfsild's tale on the dais:

The Indrik: "Ahh. It's good to taste the ink of the Scholarium upon the air again."

You can then speak with the Indrik who will explain what he wants you to do:

"Power can mean many things. Its meaning may change with each new day, each turn of the season. Ulfsild learned this hard lesson when the Scholarium slipped away.
If I am to teach you as I taught her, I must learn what power means to you."
How do you want to do that?
"A scroll nearby details a series of challenges. Expressions of power both subtle, and not.
Choose two to complete, that I might know what power means to you."
Does it matter which tasks I complete?
"You do not know me, yet, but I am no taskmaster. Power expressed against ones will is no power at all. Attempt only the challenges that appeal to you.
When you are done, return. And we will take your next step together."
I'll return when the challenges are done.

After you agree to undertake the challenges, you have the option of asking the Indrik many questons:

"Rest easy, I would not set you to task without cause. There is method to my mindset.
In the meantime, you have many questions. Mortals always do."
That's true, I do have questions for you. / I have a few basic questions for you.
"I would be disappointed if you did not. Scribing is an art esoteric, translating the very stuff of magic into mortal hands by Luminary liaison.
There's much you do not understand. Yet."
Why are you having me do these particular challenges?
"To consider the meaning of power. Every being alive thinks they understand it. But how to gain power or what power to gain is not the crucial question.
How should power be used? That is what drives me."
And these challenges all relate to power?
"Gladiators in a ring. The unquiet dead, a Daedric incursion. Overlords reigning in the depths. They all possess the means to destroy, to control.
I encourage you to see that power firsthand. And consider how you, yourself, would use it."
Can you tell me more about Scribing? What it means to you?
"The act of Scribing is really quite simple. You focus your will, put ink to parchment, and scrawl your soul upon the page. You change the magic, and the magic changes you.
Focus your intent and fire becomes frost, venom becomes shock."
If it's so simple why is Scribing a lost art?
"That was Ulfsild's choice. She spoke to other scholars of her time. Her husband, her friends. But Scribing was a path she walked alone.
It was a choice I believe she came to regret, in the end."
What are you, exactly? What are the Luminaries?
"If magic is a river, we are eddies in the current. We are not masters of the river, but we are a part of it. The river is us, we are the river.
Each of us awakened in a different manner, time, and place. I am the oldest to choose my form, I believe."
You chose your form. Why are you an Indrik?
If Elf/Human:
If Argonian:
If Khajiit:
"Why are you the way that you are? Why do you have smooth skin, two eyes, and walk upon two legs? You are what you were born to be, and I am the same.
I was able to choose my shape, but there was no other shape I could have been."
"Why are you the way that you are? Why do you have scales, a forked tongue, and a tail? You are what you were born to be, and I am the same.
I was able to choose my shape, but there was no other shape I could have been."
"Why are you the way that you are? Why do you have fur, claws, and a tail? You are what you were born to be, and I am the same.
I was able to choose my shape, but there was no other shape I could have been."
Where are we?
"My pocket domain, shaped and hewn into being in the same way I chose my form.
I find it a pleasant respite from the larger world. Other Luminary domains may have been formed with … different goals."
Every Luminary has their own domain, their own wing like this?
"Indeed. Each of us formed a pocket realm as we were born. None of us could answer the question of why, if that has risen to the top of your mind.
Each of us has an opinion, of course. But that's also in our very nature, it would seem."
What's your opinion?
"I think we are very … alone, each of us. And Aetherius, in its wisdom, did not wish us to be both alone and wandering.
This sense of isolation is something we each grapple with in our own way. As did Ulfsild, of course. Of course."
Why does it look like the Summerset isles?
"The noble beast whose shape I chose felt right at home among these falling petals and verdant greens.
When I need a moment's peace, or to rid my mind of stray thoughts, I'm grateful that this was the space that formed around me."
Is this place part of the Scholarium?
"Only partially. Scribing, even in its earliest incarnations, seemed destined to use a Luminary's power.
It was Ulfsild's idea to bind my domain to the Scholarium. Which in turn led to great achievements and those beautiful doors."
Your power runs into the Scholarium through the door?
"In Ulfsild's time, yes. It did. The strength of the Luminaries, channeled into the very heart of the Scribing Altar, allowed for incredible feats.
And may do so again, depending on how you fare."
I have a few basic questions for you. (this dialogue option lets you ask previous set of questions again)

After reading the Challenges of the Indrik you may talk to him again:

"Other Luminaries see themselves as shields, or thieves. I am a blade. No more, no less. To wield power you must have this clarity of purpose.
But as you seek that clarity, you will have questions. Mortals always do."

As you return to the Indrik after completing his challenge, he will congratulate you:

"Well done, mortal. You have risen to the challenge. One task remains.
If I am to lend you my strength, you must lend me yours. Power for power. A wrong righted, and another step on the path."
What wrong do you want righted?
"My own. One day, as I enjoyed the sun upon my pelt, I beheld a hunter tracking an indrik and her fawn. The hunter moved in to claim their prize, and the hind perished.
The fawn leapt for freedom, and the hunter gave chase."
What did you do?
"I stepped in. I imbued the fawn with a wisp of my power. But in acting with haste, I acted unwisely.
My power protected the fawn, true enough, but it gathered the hunter in its wake. Now predator and prey are trapped in a chase unending."
Saving the fawn was a mistake?
"I granted my power to a being that did not ask for it and did not know how to use it. The height of arrogance. A vice I have been accused of on occasion.
Use the lens, find their trail. And release these poor souls from my power without focus."
Where should I start?
"Seek the fawn and the hunter in a southern Auridon cavern. Del's Claim, I believe it is called today.
Restore this ill-used power, and I will lend my strength to yours. A signpost on your path to master Scribing."

After you have agreed to his task you can ask some more questions:

I have questions before I go. / I have a few other questions before I go.
"Of course. This chase has been running for some time now.
Another moment to clarify your mind, improve your focus, will not hurt."
Why did you lend your power to the fawn?
"I was already old when Ulfsild and I first spoke, centuries ago. I have lived the length of many mortal lives.
To see such a young, beautiful creature on the verge of oblivion … I acted without thinking. A mistake, in the end."
You regret it that much?
"Truth is a form of power, mortal. And the truth is that I have made poor decisions, just as you have. One of the things that binds us together, I suppose.
The gods want us to learn by doing. And failure is a very instructive teacher."
Can you tell me more about Scribing? What it means to you? (this question was answered previously)
You mentioned the other Luminaries. What can you tell me about them?
"The term itself was chosen by Ulfsild, you understand. None of us thought of ourselves as particularly … radiant before our work with the Archmage brought us together.
Aside from myself, the Luminaries are the Netch, the Gryphon, and the Dragon."
Can you tell me something about the Dragon?
"She craves mysteries, mind puzzles, and riddles. Hoards them as a real dragon might, there in her mind.
Always on the lookout for a new prize to add to her collection."
What is the Netch like?
"What can I say that encapsulates the experience that is the Netch? It follows its own currents as it floats through life.
Means well, truly. And attempts to see joyful things done in the world. Just insists on doing them in its own … netchy way."
How would you describe the Gryphon?
"Obstinate to a fault. He's convinced he's the shield behind which we might all find safety. And look where that got him.
His little friend is far more intriguing, strange little beast that he is."
Where are we?(this question was answered previously)

When you find Indrik Fawn in Direnni Acropolis:

The Indrik: "Just as I said, my power overwhelms the fawn."
The Indrik: "A ward of that power now binds it. Dispel the ward."

After you dispel the ward:

The Indrik: "You are free, little one. Free to … what? Ah, of course. You may return with us if you wish."
The Indrik: "I will see both of you in my domain, then. I will grant my promised power to the one that sought it. And offer safe harbor to the one that did not."

He will open the portal to his wing, you can talk to him there:

"The fawn is safe. My strength returned. And you have had a moment, I hope, to reflect on power and its wise application."
What happens now?
"Now, as with Ulfsild before you, I offer you the Sigil of the Indrik. You will take it to the altar, and imbue my strength within.
The power I pass to you will infuse every drop of ink, every sheet of parchment. Each whorl and dot upon the page."
What does that mean for my Scribing?
"Until now, your mastery of the art was limited. With my support, your horizon expands.
So too, the vision of your allies. I will ensure their efforts to explore and chronicle the contents of the Scholarium meet with success."
Nahlia has returned from the Mages Guild?
"Your knight has returned, with allies at her side. But that can wait.
Mortal, fable-bearer, friend. Accept my gift to you. The power of a Luminary of Magic."
I accept this gift, Indrik.

At this, the Indrik will present his Sigil to you:

The Indrik: "You have completed my trials. You have shown wisdom in the use of your power."
The Indrik: "Take my sigil. Join its essence with the altar. And let the ink flow once again."

If you talk to him before claiming the sigil:

"My power is yours to wield, mortal. Merely take the sigil and bring it to the altar. It will remember what to do."

After claiming the sigil:

"With the sigil in hand, you need merely return to the altar. You will see, you will feel its power unfold. And know that you have taken another step on the path of Scribing."

After amplifying the altar, you can return to his wing:

"You are welcome in my glade any time adventurer.
Use this calm and thoughtful place as a chance to consider the power you wield. And how it might be applied wisely."

After speaking to Chronicler Firandil:

"The power of my domain flows into the altar once more. My old friend would be at peace with what has come to pass.
Go, continue to walk the path. Seek the other Luminaries and learn what you can from them as well."

The Wing of the CrowEdit

If spoken to while on the quest:

"Remarkable feats of magic wait for you beyond that final door. All of it designed with you in mind, to allow you to prove your worth.
All you have learned in our many wings converges there. Make haste, fable-bearer. Reclaim what passes to you."

In the Crow's test you can hear the Indrik as you interact with the corresponding brazier:

Flame of the Indrik: "Use your power responsibly."

The Indrik appears at the Dragon Wall in the Crow's Labyrinthian after you defeat Aut'arioth.

The Crow: "I am the Crow, a piece of Ulfsild left behind to see Scribing passed to you. To the world."
Votary Nahlia "The Luminaries. Look!"
The Indrik: "She wisely used her power to ensure her legacy."
The Dragon: "Ulfsild's keen mind ensured you could follow in her footsteps."
The Gryphon: "She was a fierce protector, defiant for what she cared about most."
The Netch: "Her compassion lifted everyone around her. Just as it lifted you!"
The Crow: "I am the shadow of a singular person. A being born in sorrow but filled with hope."
The Crow: "I have soared on the winds of magic for centuries to be here with you today, Inheritor."


  • The Indrik is voiced by Sean Chiplock [1]


  1. ^ [1]
