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Endless bookshelves lined with tomes have sat in the darkness beneath Eyevea for centuries. Knowledge, magic, and arcane artistry long lost to Tamriel, now reclaimed.
The Scholarium is a great library enshrined deep beneath Eyevea. It is home to the Scribing Altar. You will enter through the Scholarium Outer Ruins, which is accessed via the ancient library of Sunnamere.
The Wing of the Crow can only be accessed during the aptly named quest, which is granted after completing all of the other quests affiliated with the Scholarium.
Related QuestsEdit
- The Second Era of Scribing: Investigate unstable magic with Votary Nahlia.
- The Wing of the Dragon: Find the Dragon Luminary and earn her sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
- The Wing of the Gryphon: Find the Gryphon Luminary and earn his sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
- The Wing of the Indrik: Find the Indrik Luminary and earn his sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
- The Wing of the Netch: Find the Netch Luminary and earn his sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
- The Wing of the Crow: Enter the sealed door and take on the Scholarium's final trial.
Guild Portal HubEdit
The Scholarium is initially entered through the south door from the Scholarium Ruins. This door is later inaccessible. A short hallway leads to wall that has been blasted through to reveal a short drop to an octagonal room with The Scholarium Wayshrine in the center. Several portals to other locations in Tamriel will appear around the perimeter of the room at various points in the Scribing questline. Looking up, there is a tall ceiling with railings visible for two more floors ringing the room, although the upper floors are inaccessible. Across the room on the north wall is a door to the Scholarium Main Hall.
Scholarium East WingEdit
The Scholarium East Wing is the larger of the two side wings. The hallways form a loop with two large open room to the southeast and southwest. The southwest room is lined with books, as is most of the wing. There is a fireplace on the south wall and a counter for the merchants Chronicler Firandil and Caal near the northeast wall. Once the appropriate place in the questline is reached, Ulfsild's Echo of the Lens can be found here. The southeast room is a storage space with crates and barrels stacked along the walls. Once the appropriate place in the questline is reached, Ulfsild's Echo of Regret can be found here. In the northeast crook of the hallway, there is a statue of an armor-clad elf with his hands on his sword. To the west and south of the statue is a counter where Julian Catous often does research. Once the appropriate place in the questline is reached, Ulfsild's Echo of the Dragon can be found nearby. In the northwest corner of the hallway is a door to the bottom floor of the Scholarium Main Hall. South of the door is a staircase up to the Scribing Altar platform.
Scholarium Main HallEdit
The main hall is entered through the door from the Guild Portal Hub in the south. A staircase leads up to a short hallway and then down again onto a platform overlooking the lower floor. At the north end of the platform is the Scribing Altar with a large focusing crystal in the center. There are open doorways with descending stairs to both the east and the west. Bookshelves line the walls. Beyond the platform, the room is expansive with a high ceiling and intricate carvings. There are seven doors on the lower floor. The leftmost door leads to the Scholarium West Wing, and the rightmost door leads to the Scholarium East Wing. The center door is up two staircases and set into a niche in the back wall. It is initially unmarked and locked, but it will be accessible near the end of the Scribing questline. Next to the West Wing door is door to the Wing of the Indrik, followed by the door to the Wing of the Netch. After the center door is the door to the Wing of the Gryphon and lastly the door to the Wing of the Dragon nearest the East Wing door. These four double doors are large with unique designs carved into them and enormous statues of their eponymous creatures above each door. They each have a short staircase leading up to them and columns on each side. These four doors, along with the central door, have channels for transporting magical energy running from them along the floor to the Scribing Altar. Once the appropriate place in the questline is reached, Ulfsild's Echo of Introduction can be found on the lower floor near the Scribing Altar.
Scholarium West WingEdit
The Scholarium East Wing is the smaller of the two side wings. From the Scribing Altar platform, a staircase leads down to an L-shaped hallway. At the northeast end is a door to the bottom floor of the Scholarium Main Hall. At the south end of the hallway is an open doorway to a small room where Votary Llaren often spends his time. On the other side of this room is a closed door leading to the Training Room. The hallway is lined with bookshelves.
Training RoomEdit
The Training Room lies through a door at the southern end of the Scholarium West Wing hallway. The walls are lined with books and tapestries and overgrown with vines. In one corner, a hole near the ceiling lets in light from the outside and the ruins give way to boulders. The floor on this side of the room is covered in dirt and grass. Ringing the room are three Inanimate Armor target dummies. This room is only accessible after completing the Indrik's quest.
Wing of the CrowEdit
This wing is also called The Archmage's Wing. It is only accessible during the quest The Wing of the Crow.
Wing of the DragonEdit
This is pocket realm of the Dragon Luminary. It appears like a cavern in Elsweyr with an opening in the back wall through which light streams. Cages hang from the ceiling far above, and the cliffs fade into mist far below. Birds and bugs can sometimes be seen here. The Dragon crouches on an old Khajiiti structure at the end of a rocky promontory. The exit door is through an ancient Khajiit ruin to the west. There is a podium for a tome near the exit.
Wing of the GryphonEdit
This is pocket realm of the Gryphon Luminary. It appears like an icy courtyard surrounded by the walls of a tall and grand castle with many narrow spires and mountaintops visible beyond the castle. Wintry creatures roam the snow-covered area. The Gryphon lies at the top of a rocky outcrop in the center. The Fox stands on the rocks below him. The exit door is through a high arch to the southwest. There is a podium for a tome near the exit.
Wing of the IndrikEdit
This is pocket realm of the Indrik Luminary. It appears like a clearing in Summerset surrounded by woods, cliffs, and a small pond. Woodland creatures roam the area. The Indrik stands on a dais in the center. Once the appropriate place in the questline is reached, the Indrik Fawn can be found here as well. The exit door is through an elven ruin to the east. There is a podium for a tome near the exit.
Wing of the NetchEdit
This is pocket realm of the Netch Luminary. It appears like a small island in Morrowind surrounded by shallow water, cliffs, and mushrooms. The wreckage of a ship lies to the northwest. Morrowind critters roam the area. The Netch floats above the island in the center. The exit door is through a stone arch to the southeast. There is a podium for a tome near the exit.
The Scholarium Wayshrine is located in the Guild Portal Hub room inside the Scholarium.
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The texts listed below may not be immediately available as many of them appear scattered around the Scholarium as progress is made in the Scribing questline and some have quest-specific appearances.
In The Archmage's Wing:
- Fable of the Crow — A fable about Ulfsild and Shalidor's life
In the Guild Portal Hub:
- Fable of the Dragon (Annotated) — A fable about a Khajiit and Dragon with annotations
- The Ship of Ice A tale told by the sailors of Winterhold and transcribed by Kjalsdottir — A possible explanation for the freezing of Atmora
In the Scholarium East Wing:
- The Ashes of Red Mountain by Unknown — Words of a recently changed Dunmer after the Battle of Red Mountain
- Caal: Assistant Chronicler by Firaldil
- The Chronicler's Travelogue, Volume 4 by Chronicler Firandil of the Mages Guild
- The Chronicler's Travelogue Volume 8 by Chronicler Firandil
- The Class Script Conundrum by Chronicler Firandil
- The Conquests of Hubalajad — How Abah's Landing gained its name
- Cries from Empty Mouths Translated by Varederil, Psijic Order — Translation of prose from the Sinestral Elves
- Gryphon Fable (Annotated) Page 1
- The History of Yawning and Proper Technique
- Julian Notes by Julian Catous — Julian Catous' contribution to the works in the Scholarium
- The Largesse of the Archmagister Comments by Chronicler Firandil — Announcement of free Scripts to all Mage Guild members
- Nahlia's Journal 2 by Votary Nahlia — The conclusion of a Votary's first assignment
- Nahlia's Journal 3 by Votary Nahlia — Votary Nahlia's first meeting with a caustic mage
- Nahlia's Journal 4 by Votary Nahlia — Votary Nahlia's first meeting with a caustic mage
- Our Story, Part III by Ulfsild
- Our Story, Part IV by Ulfsild
- Sigil of the Dragon Analysis
- Sigil of the Gryphon Analysis by Chronicler Firandil
- Sigil of the Indrik Analysis
- Sigil of the Netch Analysis
In the Scholarium Main Hall, downstairs:
- Captain's Log of the Intrepid Guar by Captain Turseth Garil — A log of an ill-fated journey
- Fable of the Dragon (Annotated) — A fable about a Khajiit and Dragon with annotations
- Fable of the Gryphon
- Fable of the Indrik — A story of a hunter and an Indrik
- Fable of the Indrik (Annotated) — A fable with annotations relating to the locations it mentions
- Fable of the Netch (Annotated) — Priest Lucilan searches for the mysterious source of blessings
- Our Story, Part I by Ulfsild
- Our Story, Part II by Ulfsild
- The Secret of the Netch by The Netch — The Netch makes some claims about the nature of their mundane kin
- Thulgeg's March by Kraltha the Rememberer — An account of the life of Warlord Thulgeg, who led the Orc exodus from Hammerfell to Wrothgar
- Ulfsild's Log: The Dragon by Ulfsild
- Ulfsild's Log: The Gryphon and the Fox by Ulfsild — Ulfsild account of meeting the Gryphon and the Fox
- Ulfsild's Log: The Indrik by Ulfsild — Ulfsild's account of meeting the Luminary Indrik
- Ulfsild's Log: The Netch by Ulfsild — Ulfsild's account of meeting the Luminary Netch
In the Scholarium Main Hall, upstairs:
- The Atmoran Cult Writings by Archivist Oriane Pamarc — Fragmentary translations of esoteric Atmoran religious texts
- Firandil's Scholarium Experience by Chronicler Firandil
- First Letter to the Mages Guild, Draft Copy by Adept Irnard Rirnil
- How to Scribe by Ulfsild — A guide to scribing
- Second Letter to the Mages Guild, Draft Copy by Adept Irnard Rirnil
- Third Letter to the Mages Guild, Draft Copy by Adept Irnard Rirnil
- Ulfsild's Log: Your Discovery, My Farewell by Ulfsild — A greeting from the past for someone in the future
- Ulfsild's Note by Ulfsild — A fragment of a bitter farewell
In the Scholarium West Wing:
- An Argument For Common Sense by Uruld, preserved by Gollred — A record arguing against the veracity of certain Beastfolk
- Ancient Hunter's Journal by Here-Seen — An ancient journal of a faun hunter
- Votary Llaren's Addition to the Scholarium by Votary Llaren, Knight of the Lamp — Votary Llaren thoughts on recent events
In the Wing of the Dragon:
- Fable of the Dragon (Annotated) — A fable about a Khajiit and Dragon with annotations
- Riddles of the Dragon by The Dragon
In the Wing of the Gryphon:
- Fable of the Gryphon — The story of Gray the fox and Zariah
- Safeguards of the Gryphon by The Gryphon
In the Wing of the Indrik:
- Challenges of the Indrik by The Indrik
- Fable of the Indrik (Annotated) — A fable with annotations relating to the locations it mentions
In the Wing of the Netch:
- Fable of the Netch (Annotated) — Priest Lucilan searches for the mysterious source of blessings
- Games of the Netch by The Netch