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Ebonheart Pact
Zone Story Quests 7
Wayshrines 10
Delves 6
Points of Interest 17
Striking Locales 8
Set Stations 3
Public Dungeons 1
Group Dungeons 3
World Bosses 6
World Events 3
Skyshards 16
Player Hub
Notable Treasure
Shadowfen Antiquities
Reticulated Spine, Leafwater, Venomous Fens
Northwestern Black Marsh
Loading Screen
Loading screen
On the border with Morrowind, the Shadowfen region has had more contact with Tamrielic civilization than most of Black Marsh—due primarily to the activities of the Dunmeri slavers who once operated out of the city of Stormhold. Now the Argonians are back in charge.

Shadowfen is the northwestern region of Black Marsh.

It is a fetid mire, often fought over by the Imperial Legion and Dunmer slavers. The ancient city of Stormhold is located here, the source of the devastating (to non-Argonians) Knahaten Flu.

Though the practice of Argonian slavery was abandoned when Black Marsh joined the Ebonheart Pact, rogue Dunmeri slave traders can still be found roaming the marshes. Hist trees and ruined temples can also be found along the winding channels and dank foliage.

The region borders Morrowind to the north, and Cyrodiil to the west. It is also home to the Shadowscales, those Argonians born under the sign of the Shadow, and thus destined for a life in the Dark Brotherhood.

Local creatures include giant snakes, fleshflies and wamasu, and diseases such as blood rot, the droops, and swamp fever are quite common.



Points of InterestEdit

Striking LocalesEdit

Set StationsEdit

Mundus StonesEdit

Public DungeonsEdit

Group DungeonsEdit

World BossesEdit

World EventsEdit

Player HousesEdit


Unmarked LocationsEdit

Unnamed CampsEdit


Quest MapEdit

Hushed Whispers
Three Tender Souls
Getting to the Truth
Scouring the Mire
Eyes of the Enemy
Trail of the Skin-Stealer
The Skin-Stealer's Lair
Cracking the Egg
Children of the Hist
Keepers of the Shell
The Mnemic Egg
Outside Interference
The Dominion's Alchemist
The Dream of the Hist


Paths always enter a quest from the top or left, and leave a quest from the bottom or right.
Denotes a requisite path or quest. You must complete this before starting the subsequent quest.
Denotes an optional path or quest. The subsequent story quest can be started without this being completed.
Denotes an exclusive path or quest. Only one of the connected quests is required, and only one can be completed.
Denotes a quest which is part of the main story chain.
Denotes a story quest which is required for Cadwell's Almanac.
Denotes a missable pointer quest which is part of the main chain.
Denotes a missable pointer quest which is on an alternate path.
Denotes a side quest which is required for Cadwell's Almanac.
Denotes a quest which rewards a Skill Point.

Ebonheart Pact Story QuestsEdit

Reticulated Spine
Venomous Fens
Alternate Story Pointers

Reticulated Spine Side QuestsEdit

Leafwater Side QuestsEdit

Venomous Fens Side QuestsEdit

Dungeon QuestsEdit


Clue Location Notes
Above the Mages' eye between the falls. Above the Stormhold Mages Guild (map)
Still shrouded by spray past a western rise. North of Stillrise Village, beside waterfall (map)
Sneak behind the relic-thieves' camp. Southeast of Camp Silken Snare (map)
Beside a bowsprit among pirates. Top deck of Alten Corimont ship, in a crate (map)
Ritual flames brew trouble in the mire. East of Percolating Mire, on top of rocks (map)
Where wisps waylay wanderers. Deep Graves, on the south side of the pyramid (map)
Like the sound of steam or snakes. Hissmir, atop temple (map)
Overlooking the murk of Xal Ithix. West of Xal Ithix, Atop temple & rocks (map)
Imprisoned in a crumbling tower. White Rose Prison, top of tower (map)
Peek behind pillars in Atanaz. Square room with tent in Atanaz Ruins (map)
Skittering, slithering, a tusk once whole. Broken Tusk, big room with Harvester (map)
Unearthed by an outlaw excavation. Chid-Moska Ruins, right corner bend, hidden (map)
Crown in hand, leave and look right. Gandranen Ruins, on left in first side room (map)
Climb, little kwama, to reach your goal. Onkobra Kwama Mine, top of walkway in big room (map)
Digesting in the belly of the Black Maw. Shrine of the Black Maw, big room in a niche (map)
Deep in the den of debauchery. Sanguine's Demesne, natural cave area (map)


A map of Shadowfen
