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1500 questions
3 answers
Can clamps be too tight?
When gluing pieces together, I've always used an abundance of clamps and tightened them with all my might. Is it possible to tighten them too much? At some point, could I squeeze out so much glue that the joint becomes weaker?
I can see how…

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2 answers
How to identify a wood drill bit from a metal drill bit - and does it matter?
I have a drawer of tons of drill bits from all over the place - many donated.
Almost all of these bits are dull black or gold-ish colored and don't have much else in the way distinguishing them (that I know to look for). They just look like generic…

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2 answers
Is it better to store wood vertically or horizontally?
Is it better to store wood vertically or horizontally? What are the pros and cons associated with both methods?

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4 answers
Can 160-year-old wood still have sap?
I bought a dining table and it was claimed that the table top was made from reclaimed wood from a 160-year-old Douglas Fir log. The table top is still seeping out sap. Is this even possible from something that is 160 years old? I think I'm being…

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4 answers
How do I clamp box joints?
When making box joints, per a number of articles I've read, I've left the fingers a touch longer than the thickness of the board. So if I'm making joints on 1/4" plywood, my fingers might be 5/16" long, and then I just sand them down at the end. …

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2 answers
Is sanding along the grain important?
I've heard from various sources that you must always sand in the direction of the grain. Is this always true? Does it depends on the sanding paper's grit, tool used or the wood being sanded? What are the advantages of sanding along the grain?

Maxime Morin
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9 answers
How do you straighten/bend wood planks without removing any material?
I have some 6' long 2"x12" planks of douglas fir that dried into a twist, I need to straighten it out but I don't want to plane this any thinner. So basically I'm trying to bend the board back into shape.
I was thinking of doing something like…

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3 answers
Why a zero clearance insert?
I sometimes see woodworkers talking about a zero-clearance insert for their table- or band-saws.
What is it? And why/when should I use one?

ratchet freak
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5 answers
How can you stabilize green wood after turning it on a lathe?
I've turned a few things green on a lathe and I expected them to to do odd things, and they warped and/or cracked.
But what useful techniques are out there that this could be minimized or even controlled? I don't know if it is possible, other…

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8 answers
How do I ensure my drill is perfectly vertical before cutting a hole in my desk?
I want to cut a hole in my desk (3/4" furniture grade plywood with an oak veneer) to run cables through. I'll be using a hole saw and my cordless drill. Since this is going to be very visible, I want to be sure that the hole is perfectly vertical,…

Niall C.
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5 answers
How do experts make dovetails by hand that fit so well?
I keep coming across various YouTube videos of experts making dovetail joinery by hand, and they get tolerances of the 1/16" of an inch or less.
What I don't understand is how they get such accuracy in the templates of each piece of wood. After…

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6 answers
How do I make a drill hole the same depth every time?
My drill press doesn't have a "stop".
How do I make a drill hole the same depth every time?

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4 answers
Methods of jointing without a jointer
I can't afford a jointer right now, and I am wondering, what are the tricks to getting a good joint(on the edges, not on the surface)?
What I have tried in the past is simply nailing a straight board to the board I want to cut, and running the…

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6 answers
Does it matter what kind of diamond stone I get?
I am looking into getting a set of diamond stones so I can start some serious sharpening. I am doing some now with sandpaper but I am starting to find aspects tedious and am looking at other options.
The thing that gets me is that I have been…

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7 answers
What are some safe finishes for indoor projects likely to be chewed on by a young child or infant?
I'm going to be putting together a crib for over the next few months for our first child. I found a blog that mentions shellac. Only, it doesn't exactly say that shellac is safe, only that it is safer than polyurethane.
My question is whether…

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