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1500 questions
1 answer
Carved kuksa of ash wood has split and oozed water, what has gone wrong?
I hand-carved my first Kuksa a month ago from half an ash log. I worked with semi-dry wood (definitely not green, but still wet). I used axe, Japanese gouge and knife and all went well. The bowl is not too thick either.
So I let it dry in a plastic…

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2 answers
What can you use instead of PVC pipe for your dust collector?
I need to know which kind of piping to use for my dust collector system, before I buy anything now.

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2 answers
Choosing wood type for child's rocking horse chair
I have purchased this plan to make a friend's child a rocking horse chair.
The photo appears to show the project made from pine. Although I do like the appearance in the photo, I'm worried that pine is too soft for this type of project. In your…

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5 answers
Supporting a level box on an uneven surface
I am building some 6' x 2' x 1.5' (depth) cedar planter boxes for specific locations on concrete outdoors. The boxes need to sit as close to the ground as possible, a few inches max.
I am building three of them.
The concrete is neither level nor…

Jason C
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2 answers
How does this leg vise parallel chain guide work?
I am planning a new workbench with a leg vise and came across this chain assembly for the parallel guide in a couple pictures.
I cannot find any other information on it, but it looks like it pulls the guide out as the chop is pulled out. The…

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3 answers
Painting dark MDF Cabinet White
I'm trying to decide if my wife and I should buy some furniture new or buy an old piece and repaint it.
It's basically a large dresser + hutch (made of MDF) and is currently dark brown (we want to paint it white). From my understanding, we really…

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2 answers
Good wood for beer pong table
I'm looking for the best wood recommendations to build a large quantity of beer pong tables in the cheapest way possible.
For those who don't know, beer pong is a party game in which a ping pong ball is thrown from one side of the table to the…

Emilio Basualdo Cibils
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1 answer
What are more specific names for these two types of bench-top belt sanders?
The two pictures below tend to be referenced as belt sanders. When I search the web for "bench-top belt sander", images of bth types appear. The two tools look different enough to have distinguishing names. Friends and I have colloquially taken to…

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2 answers
What is aircraft plywood? What is it used for?
I was looking at boomerangs and ran across the term "aircraft plywood". Going further they just seem to be talking about spruce as in "spruce goose".
Does the term "aircraft plywood" have any special significance, use, or connotation for…

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1 answer
How do I cut a 45 degree bevel on a table saw with consistent dimensions?
I tried making consistent 45 degree bevels to create a cube. Cutting all edges of 6 perfect squares on the table saw with blade tilted. I also used a guide. But, regardless, there were slight variations in each piece making for an imperfect cube.…

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2 answers
Does burning wood increase any mechanical proprieties?
I've seen wood being burned for spears in movies. I've also seen people burn wood for Sho Sugi Ban finishing technique. But....
Does burning wood increase any mechanical proprieties?
Are there any other advantages to burning wood?

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2 answers
Are ratchet straps suitable for clamping glued boards together for a table?
I'm thinking of making a very large slab for a table. But I don't have enough pole clamps or long enough poles.
Are ratchet straps suitable for clamping glued boards together for a table?
Is this a noted practice?
Has anyone tried this with success?…

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2 answers
Cleaning old hard wood
I am building a computer desk out of some old oak boards that had been on the side of an old tobacco barn for around 60 years. I tore the building down and thought, hey I wonder what this would look like cleaned up. After running the boards through…

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1 answer
How do you use "v-nails" on picture frames?
I have tried using v-nails when making picture frames, but didn't have much luck. I tried using a hammer, a hammer+punch, and finger pushing.
There must be a trick to this.
What are the tricks to getting v-nails to work on picture frames like the…

- 1,875
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1 answer
How do you prevent screws or other metal from falling in the hole on your router table?
Our community workshop router table also ends up being a work bench much of the time. A router has been broken in the past by someone accidentally knocking a screw in the hole which landed in the router motor housing, then later turning on the…

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