
Old Spanish


The native inherited form of Latin versus (verse). Later replaced by the latinism verso.


  • IPA(key): /ˈβjeso/


viesso m (plural viessos)

  1. verse
    • c. 1275, Alfonso X, General Estoria 1.14, (ed. by Pedro Sánchez Prieto-Borja, 2002, Alcalá de Henares: Universidad Alcalá de Henares):
      Pues dize ende assí Ovidio d'esta razón estos viessos por latín, e la razón por que los él dixo assí estos viessos es ésta. Los gigantes se levantaron contra los sos dioses, []
      And so Ovid says these verses in Latin due to a reason, and the reason why he said this is this. The giants revolted against their gods, []
    • 1335, Don Juan Manuel, El libro de los enxiemplos del conde Lucanor et de Patronio, Exemplo IIº
      Et cuando don Johan falló este exiemplo, mandólo escrivir en este libro, et fizo estos viessos en que está avreviadamente toda la sentençia deste exiemplo.
      And when don Juan found this exemplary story, he ordered to have it written in this book, and made these verses in which the whole intention of this story is expressed briefly.
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