


Borrowed from Old Church Slavonic трѣбовати (trěbovati).


  • IPA(key): /tre.bu.ˈi/
  • (file)
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -i
  • Hyphenation: tre‧bu‧i


a trebui (third-person singular present trebuie or (colloquial) trebe or tre' or (rare) trebuiește, past participle trebuit) 4th conj.

  1. (auxiliary) to be necessary, to need to, to have to
    Va trebui să fac ceva.
    I will have to do something.
    Sunt multe lucruri care trebuie făcute.
    There are many things that need to be done.
    Aceste puncte trebuie fi luate în considerare.
    These points have to be taken into consideration.
  2. (transitive) to need, to be in need of
    Synonym: avea nevoie de
    Îmi trebuie o vacanță.
    I need a vacation.

Usage notes

  • In the auxiliary sense, it is followed by either the subjunctive (in the active voice) or the past participle with an optional uninflected intermediate fi (in the passive voice).


  • The conjugations are sorted by frequency in descending order. Note that the second and third are proscribed.[1][2][3][4][5]

Derived terms


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