ta ut

See also: taut and taut-



ta ut (present tar ut, preterite tog ut, supine tagit ut, imperative ta ut)

  1. to bring something outside
    Han tog ut soporna
    He took out the trash
  2. to withdraw (money, etc.)
    Antonym: sätta in
    Han tog ut 500 kr
    He withdrew 500 SEK
  3. to select (some items or people from a set), to draft
    Han togs ut till laget
    He was drafted to the team
  4. to take out (anger, frustration, etc.)
    Ta inte ut din ilska på mig
    Don't take your anger out on me
  5. to produce something through analysis
    ta ut en riktning med karta och kompass
    find ("produce") a direction with a map and compass
    1. to derive the notes of a melody by ear
      ta ut en melodi på pianot
      figure out the notes of a melody on the piano
  6. to give (a motion, curve, or the like) great extent
    ta ut stegen
    take long strides
    ta ut svängarna
    make wide turns


See also



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