se ut

See also: seut



se ut (present ser ut, preterite såg ut, supine sett ut, imperative se ut)

  1. (intransitive) to look
    Du ser ledsen ut. Går det bra?
    You look sad. Are you alright?
    Du ser ut som Michael Jackson
    You look like Michael Jackson
    Han ser ut att inte gilla det
    He looks like he doesn't like it
    Det ser ut att regna imorgon
    It looks like (it will) rain tomorrow
    1. to appear, to seem
      Det ser ut att fungera
      It seems to be working ("It looks to work")
  2. (transitive) to pick, to choose for future acquiring; to decide upon an item to buy later
    Vi har sett ut ett hus som vi vill köpa, om vi har råd.
    We have decided on a house that we'd like to buy, if we can afford it.


Derived terms

See also



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